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Deleted member 22338

Deleted member 22338

Sep 15, 2022
IMG 20220916 014012

IMG 20220916 014155 IMG 20220916 014138

I already know it's over lol.
  • JFL
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Reactions: redrum64389, SchizoAutism, klip11 and 14 others
then why are you asking for a rate
asking for rates over 15% bodyfat should not be allowed
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  • JFL
Reactions: Oberyn, PointOfNoReturn, adotsdot and 17 others
Are you a virgin?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 21700
U have a humiliation fetish
  • JFL
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Reactions: Cidre enjoyer, klip11, sergeant blackpill and 9 others
You're Catholic?
  • JFL
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Reactions: IIIlIIlllIllIIIll, SchizoAutism, Deleted member 15370 and 14 others
Yeah, but I haven't been to church many years, I like the imagery though. It's comforting to me.
Not going to church just because u don't want to is a sin just letting u know
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Reactions: Deleted member 17531, poopoohead and Deleted member 22338
Not going to church just because u don't want to is a sin just letting u know
It's more outta laziness, which is most likely worse lol. Sloth is a deadly sin after all :feelskek:
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Reactions: SchizoAutism, poopoohead and UglyGod360
In the eyes of most women you're a zero. You don't register on the dating scale.
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  • So Sad
Reactions: klip11, owlofathena, Constantin Denis and 8 others
You don't register on the dating scale.
Well that mainly is the case for Sub-7 men in general, though I accept I'm at the very bottom end of the 0-10 scale. Throw in that I'm 5 foot 3 and yeah, that's enough said really lol :kys:
  • So Sad
  • JFL
Reactions: OnlyWs, Deleted member 15370, owlofathena and 12 others

You're basically eggman grandpa tbh :Comfy:
  • JFL
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Reactions: Alvaro, sergeant blackpill and Deleted member 22338

You're basically eggman grandpa tbh :Comfy:
Even he agemogs me. Maybe I can try and become an 'incelebrity' like him lol.
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Reactions: sergeant blackpill
why are you still alive
from which reddit user you got these pics?
  • JFL
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Reactions: PointOfNoReturn, klip11, Deleted member 15370 and 7 others
U can try to jbw and see where it gets you but with that face even if u we're 7 feet tall it'd Still be over
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22338
You have hope. Here's what you can do, buddy boyo.

- Reduce weight.
- Keep a thick beard.
- Eat healthy.
- Proper grooming.
- Start working out and create a great physique.

You can join outlaw motorcycle club, you have high hope brother. Outlaw motor cycle gangs will welcome you. It has homies, bikes and so on.


The above was the left hand path, the path of evil and ungratefulness. Let me show you the right hand path.

The straight path or the golden path, is the way of living in righteousness and being grateful to Allah. If you submit to him in this world, he well give you in both worlds.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: CyprusGD, Mateusz74, poopoohead and 9 others
You have hope. Here's what you can do, buddy boyo.

- Reduce weight.
- Keep a thick beard.
- Eat healthy.
- Proper grooming.
- Start working out and create a great physique.

You can join outlaw motorcycle club, you have high hope brother. Outlaw motor cycle gangs will welcome you. It has homies, bikes and so on.

View attachment 1871031

The above was the left hand path, the path of evil and ungratefulness. Let me show you the right hand path.

The straight path or the golden path, is the way of living in righteousness and being grateful to Allah. If you submit to him in this world, he well give you in both worlds.
Ever seen a 5'3 motorcycle gang member?
  • +1
Reactions: klip11 and Deleted member 22338
You have good coloring but you need to loose weight and gain muscle
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Reactions: Deleted member 22338
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22338
why are you still alive
I dunno how I am tbh, was street homeless for 5 and a half years (July 2014-December 2019) and have been a raging alcoholic for 24 years and somehow survived through that without it killing me off or roping lol.
  • So Sad
Reactions: sergeant blackpill and Rift
The only thing that could save you is having money.
If you say you're broke then I'm sorry
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22338
U can try to jbw and see where it gets you but with that face even if u we're 7 feet tall it'd Still be over
I sort of used to harbour some hope when I was younger (like 21) but the extreme lack of height, plus I was stick thin back then (believe it or not lol) and the killer was babyface, all 3 combined meant I really didn't have a chance. Now realistically, I'm far too old and out of shape/ill in health to really get anywhere. JBW in some dirt poor SEA country maybe, but even the other Oldcels doing the same would be above me in the pecking order in terms of height, looks and most likely money lol.
The only thing that could save you is having money.
If you say you're broke then I'm sorry
I'm dirt poor and have been on the sick for 8 years, and have no skills as I dropped outta school without any qualifications, mainly because I kept coming into school drunk and teachers had enough of it lol :feelskek:
  • Woah
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15370, GetShrekt and khvirgin
I'm dirt poor and have been on the sick for 8 years, and have no skills as I dropped outta school without any qualifications, mainly because I kept coming into school drunk and teachers had enough of it lol :feelskek:
then I don't really know what to say
like moving to some sea shithole would help, but without money?
He can wear lifts, nothing wrong buddy boyo. I doubt he is 5'3, he must be 5'8+.
I am 5'3 lol, I thought I was 5'4 for years but I was in hospital in July and they measured me, turns out I was wrong. Like, even more deathfuel if that was possible.
  • JFL
Reactions: RoundHouse
How are you making money right now?
then I don't really know what to say
like moving to some sea shithole would help, but without money?
I mainly just wanted to see if it was as bad as I thought or knew deep down, I'm glad that it's confirmed what I always knew and I know you guy's aren't bullshitting and are being honest which is exactly what I wanted. Other sites like Reddit etc just try and Bluepill me with stupid answers that I know are obviously molly coddled bullshit lol :feelskek: I came here for honesty and you guy's haven't disappointed :feelsokman:
  • +1
Reactions: Alvaro, GetShrekt and Rift
You have good coloring but you need to loose weight and gain muscle
Losing weight is something I can probably do, and I need to for health reasons so I'm currently trying to diet. I'm doing it for myself obviously, I'm not under illusions about it benefiting me dating wise lol.
Losing weight is something I can probably do, and I need to for health reasons so I'm currently trying to diet. I'm doing it for myself obviously, I'm not under illusions about it benefiting me dating wise lol.
Women appreciate a man who takes care of his health
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Reactions: poopoohead and Deleted member 22338
You are a negative htn (-6/10). Impossible to ascend to a 2/10, i am sorry
  • JFL
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: OnlyWs, Deleted member 15370, owlofathena and 6 others
I am 5'3 lol, I thought I was 5'4 for years but I was in hospital in July and they measured me, turns out I was wrong. Like, even more deathfuel if that was possible.
It's not even even funny at this point, and to think ur litteral twin born with xx chromosomes is probably doing well in life. Some people are just born with a huge disadvantage
I mean at this point if you rlly want a wife/girlfriend try betabuxing, gonna be hard to find someone but worth a try

LTN for your age range, you wont be able to pull anything under 35 tbh.

What you need to do is lose the weight, any idea how much you weigh?
If you are 5ft 3 you should ideally be very light like 50kg.

Next thing is maybe practice hyroid raising techniques or something as your thyroid looks very low, or maybe thats your fat idk.

Also fix your hair dont wear a pony tail.
Shave that pedo stash trust me it looks shit.

Get some decent skin care maybe tret or smth just find a routine and do it.

Eveybrows look non existent maybe dye them.

Also if you are NWing check out some meds like minox/fin/dut or maybe hair transplant.

After all that you will be MTN.

After that come back and people can recommend surgery advice.
But tbh if your on benefits you should try get your money up, before getting surgery.
Last edited:
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  • JFL
Reactions: klip11, Deleted member 1851, poopoohead and 2 others
I mainly just wanted to see if it was as bad as I thought or knew deep down, I'm glad that it's confirmed what I always knew and I know you guy's aren't bullshitting and are being honest which is exactly what I wanted. Other sites like Reddit etc just try and Bluepill me with stupid answers that I know are obviously molly coddled bullshit lol :feelskek: I came here for honesty and you guy's haven't disappointed :feelsokman:
Based old fart
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Reactions: Deleted member 22338
I would rate you as a subhuman OP

You could ascend to a LTN potentially with leanmax
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Reactions: zharupodrugu, Deleted member 22338 and Nims
you can still ascend to average looks or slightly above average if you really commit to it. Most men your age dont give a shit about how they look and do 0 grooming/self care so that can give you an edge

Lose weight (most important)
Shave or look up what type of beards would fit your face
Start skincare routine
Start excersising/gymmaxxing
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Reactions: Deleted member 22338
lose weight/hit up gym

your best bet
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Reactions: owlofathena and Deleted member 22338

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