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lose weight/hit up gym

your best bet
I doubt he will take any action. Half of his life is already over. He can do righteous deeds and worship God in this world to achieve everything in the next. This is his only hope. Otherwise he will rot in both worlds.
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It's not even even funny at this point, and to think ur litteral twin born with xx chromosomes is probably doing well in life. Some people are just born with a huge disadvantage
I mean it's partially shit genes, both my parents are super-short, the face is just bad luck lol. The weight is my fault as I let myself go, although I was skinny until I had a heart attack a few years ago and after that I seems just to pile weight on, side-effects of tablets plus gorging myself tbh. Sods law is that my older brother is Chadlite with kids with different a few different women, married, taller etc.
I mean at this point if you rlly want a wife/girlfriend try betabuxing, gonna be hard to find someone but worth a try
I'd rather be Incel than Betabux tbh.
LTN for your age range, you wont be able to pull anything under 35 tbh.

What you need to do is lose the weight, any idea how much you weigh?
If you are 5ft 3 you should ideally be very light like 50kg.

Next thing is maybe practice hyroid raising techniques or something as your thyroid looks very low, or maybe thats your fat idk.

Also fix your hair dont wear a pony tail.
Shave that pedo stash trust me it looks shit.

Get some decent skin care maybe tret or smth just find a routine and do it.

Eveybrows look non existent maybe dye them.

Also if you are NWing check out some meds like minox/fin/dut or maybe hair transplant.

After all that you will be MTN.

After that come back and people can recommend surgery advice.
But tbh if your on benefits you should try get your money up, before getting surgery.
You look like an overweight Johnny depp
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I'd rather be Incel than Betabux tbh.
You're one tenacious cunt. I can tell that you've been through a lot of shit and despite that you're still kicking. Damn.
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LTN for your age range, you wont be able to pull anything under 35 tbh.

What you need to do is lose the weight, any idea how much you weigh?
If you are 5ft 3 you should ideally be very light like 50kg.

Next thing is maybe practice hyroid raising techniques or something as your thyroid looks very low, or maybe thats your fat idk.

Also fix your hair dont wear a pony tail.
Shave that pedo stash trust me it looks shit.

Get some decent skin care maybe tret or smth just find a routine and do it.

Eveybrows look non existent maybe dye them.

Also if you are NWing check out some meds like minox/fin/dut or maybe hair transplant.

After all that you will be MTN.

After that come back and people can recommend surgery advice.
But tbh if your on benefits you should try get your money up, before getting surgery.
I'm 13 and a half stone, which is obese for a man of my height (or lack of it lol). Believe it or not, I kept the moustache (used to have a beard which hid my double chin) because I used to be worried I looked TOO YOUNG and would get ID'd lol!! :feelskek: I guess I can shave it off now without worrying about that anymore haha.
Nigga you're 40 lol. Focus on something better than asking aspie Indian teens for rates
  • JFL
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Most men your age dont give a shit about how they look and do 0 grooming/self care so that can give you an edge.
Me all over lol, maybe minus the edge. I'm not averse to self-improvement, but if I undertook it I would be doing it strictly for meself and not under the illusion/fantasy that I would be getting any action with women just because I've lost weight or tided myself up lol. I've seen many, many copers fall into that trap and end up worse off than before when they realise that it's doesn't guarantee them sex like they thought it would :feelshaha:
I doubt he will take any action. Half of his life is already over. He can do righteous deeds and worship God in this world to achieve everything in the next. This is his only hope. Otherwise he will rot in both worlds.
You're probably right lol, I've lasted this long and am not terribly depressed or anything so I'll probably just meander on through life until the bitter end.
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  • JFL
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You're probably right lol, I've lasted this long and am not terribly depressed or anything so I'll probably just meander on through life until the bitter end.
I'm not 'probably' right but I'm 'absolutely' right. Have you ever wondered you drank so much alcohol, which is life threatening yet the Creator has kept you alive. Think, think buddy brother. Everyday millions die but you are being kept alive. Buddy boyo. This life is a test. Now go and start taking action friend before it's too late.
You're one tenacious cunt. I can tell that you've been through a lot of shit and despite that you're still kicking. Damn.
Well I'm hoping the next half of my life is a little easier than the first half lol. At least I've got a flat now, was homeless for 5 and a half years back along and I don't think I hack that shit again (y)
Cool, if I lose weight that means I'll look Johnny Depp, watch out ladies!! :feelskek:
737CEC2B 1C5C 4436 B314 8D3F5B81B61F
Nigga you're 40 lol. Focus on something better than asking aspie Indian teens for rates
Just curiosity is all lol. It's much better than Reddits soy R/rateme anyway, I was fed up with the blatent bluepill answers/ratings they were giving me tbh. One of them said I was 7/10, I was like, "Look, don't bullshit me :rolleyes:" :feelskek:
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Just curiosity is all lol. It's much better than Reddits soy R/rateme anyway, I was fed up with the blatent bluepill answers/ratings they were giving me tbh. One of them said I was 7/10, I was like, "Look, don't bullshit me :rolleyes:" :feelskek:
you look like a lot of 40 year old men with wives tbh. Have you ever tried going to SEA? You could probably fuck teenage SEA girls easily. Do you have a well-paying job?
  • +1
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Well I'm hoping the next half of my life is a little easier than the first half lol. At least I've got a flat now, was homeless for 5 and a half years back along and I don't think I hack that shit again (y)
  • JFL
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It never ever begun
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you look like a lot of 40 year old men with wives tbh. Have you ever tried going to SEA? You could probably fuck teenage SEA girls easily. Do you have a well-paying job?
Nah, I'm on disabilitybux. I can survive, but that's about it lol.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: latincell95, CEO of Sex and ascension
Damn I remember you from incels.is

Legendary user, welcome
Nah, I'm on disabilitybux. I can survive, but that's about it lol.
are u suicidal? How do u cope with that u never held a woman hand never fucked a desirable woman and was desired?
Fuck, I gotta clean up the thread.
  • JFL
Reactions: fruitgunpop
@Amnesia @Leo69 been real quiet since you posted this
Fuck, I gotta clean up the thread.
Did I miss something lol? Probably best I did then lol :feelskek:

Damn I remember you from incels.is

Legendary user, welcome
Cheers mate (y)

are u suicidal? How do u cope with that u never held a woman hand never fucked a desirable woman and was desired?
Nah not suicidal, to me, even the position I'm in now (LDARing alone in my flat) is still 100x better than it was a few years ago when I was street homeless for years. I long ago accepted I would never be any female's wet dream or get sex without paying (which I'll never do), and made peace with the fact that I'll die a virgin. It is what it is lol.
  • +1
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Did I miss something lol? Probably best I did then lol :feelskek:

Cheers mate (y)

Nah not suicidal, to me, even the position I'm in now (LDARing alone in my flat) is still 100x better than it was a few years ago when I was street homeless for years. I long ago accepted I would never be any female's wet dream or get sex without paying (which I'll never do), and made peace with the fact that I'll die a virgin. It is what it is lol.
Thread is not good for your self-image. Like sure, you're not chad or whatever but you can still improve and look better. Btw I am RREEEEEEEEE from .is
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22338
Me all over lol, maybe minus the edge. I'm not averse to self-improvement, but if I undertook it I would be doing it strictly for meself and not under the illusion/fantasy that I would be getting any action with women just because I've lost weight or tided myself up lol. I've seen many, many copers fall into that trap and end up worse off than before when they realise that it's doesn't guarantee them sex like they thought it would :feelshaha:

At your age women dont even care as much about looks. You have many paths to get laid tbh (moneymaxx, looksmax, charismamax)
Thread is not good for your self-image. Like sure, you're not chad or whatever but you can still improve and look better. Btw I am RREEEEEEEEE from .is
I'm honestly not worried at my age, oh sure I could lose weight, trim the ponytail get rid of the seedy moustache lol and I'd probably look a little better. Maybe it's a kind of, I dunno, self-masochistic thing at this stage, kinda like I know that I look really creepy and sleazy and I kind of like that because I know that it unsettles some people, particularly stuck-up women :feelskek: It's hard to explain or find the words lmao.

Oh and yeah, I remember you, I think you have a little pink Pokémon thing as your avatar??
  • JFL
Reactions: Gengar
Charismamaxx lol. I'm literally as charismatic as a glass of water, I don't think charisma is something you can fake, particular if you are as monotone and stilted as I am, it would look fake and laughable lol. I did try many years ago in my early 20's when I had a Oneitis and it makes me cringe thinking of it actually :feelsgah:
I'm honestly not worried at my age, oh sure I could lose weight, trim the ponytail get rid of the seedy moustache lol and I'd probably look a little better. Maybe it's a kind of, I dunno, self-masochistic thing at this stage, kinda like I know that I look really creepy and sleazy and I kind of like that because I know that it unsettles some people, particularly stuck-up women :feelskek: It's hard to explain or find the words lmao.

Oh and yeah, I remember you, I think you have a little pink Pokémon thing as your avatar??
No I get what you're saying, I feel the same way sometimes. I liked torturing myself as well. I think it was related to my depression. It's something psychological. And yes haha that's me! That was a Shiny Gengar.
You have hope. Here's what you can do, buddy boyo.

- Reduce weight.
- Keep a thick beard.
- Eat healthy.
- Proper grooming.
- Start working out and create a great physique.

You can join outlaw motorcycle club, you have high hope brother. Outlaw motor cycle gangs will welcome you. It has homies, bikes and so on.

View attachment 1871031

The above was the left hand path, the path of evil and ungratefulness. Let me show you the right hand path.

The straight path or the golden path, is the way of living in righteousness and being grateful to Allah. If you submit to him in this world, he well give you in both worlds.
With all that he will still have to geomaxxx
  • +1
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bruh are your parents siblings
Your only realistic option is loosing fat, gaining muscle, and most important: surgeries, which youre gonna have to earn a lot of money for, but they will be worth, they will change your life completely. Take my advice man, it will be a hard journey but if youre truly determined youre gonna make it.
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead and Deleted member 22338
No I get what you're saying, I feel the same way sometimes. I liked torturing myself as well. I think it was related to my depression. It's something psychological. And yes haha that's me! That was a Shiny Gengar.
Not just me then lol.

bruh are your parents siblings
Lol, I'll ask my mum next I talk to her :feelskek:

Your only realistic option is loosing fat, gaining muscle, and most important: surgeries, which youre gonna have to earn a lot of money for, but they will be worth, they will change your life completely. Take my advice man, it will be a hard journey but if youre truly determined youre gonna make it.
Could probably lose the weight if I really put effort in, the surgerymaxxing is not happening lol, my broke ass will never afford even the most basic of corrections and at nearly 40 no matter what skill I learn (probably be nearly 50 by the time I've mastered whatever it is that I've trained/studied in) in would likely be far too late then plus I can't see there being much demand for a 40 odd year old bloke who's been out work for over a decade and in ill health lol :feelshaha: But thanks anyway dude :feelsokman:
  • +1
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My condolences :feelsbadman: :feelsbadman:


  • It's ovER for you bro..mp4
    1.3 MB
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Not just me then lol.

Lol, I'll ask my mum next I talk to her :feelskek:

Could probably lose the weight if I really put effort in, the surgerymaxxing is not happening lol, my broke ass will never afford even the most basic of corrections and at nearly 40 no matter what skill I learn (probably be nearly 50 by the time I've mastered whatever it is that I've trained/studied in) in would likely be far too late then plus I can't see there being much demand for a 40 odd year old bloke who's been out work for over a decade and in ill health lol :feelshaha: But thanks anyway dude :feelsokman:
thats excuses. If you find a decent job you will afford them in like 1 year. Its about how much you want it.
Not just me then lol.

Lol, I'll ask my mum next I talk to her :feelskek:

Could probably lose the weight if I really put effort in, the surgerymaxxing is not happening lol, my broke ass will never afford even the most basic of corrections and at nearly 40 no matter what skill I learn (probably be nearly 50 by the time I've mastered whatever it is that I've trained/studied in) in would likely be far too late then plus I can't see there being much demand for a 40 odd year old bloke who's been out work for over a decade and in ill health lol :feelshaha: But thanks anyway dude :feelsokman:
thats excuses. If you find a decent job you will afford them in like 1 year. Its about how much you want it.
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Hit the gym hard. Its the church of looksmaxxing
  • +1
Reactions: TUSSELEIF and Constantin Denis
thats excuses. If you find a decent job you will afford them in like 1 year. Its about how much you want it.

thats excuses. If you find a decent job you will afford them in like 1 year. Its about how much you want it.
hes not gonna do it. Stop trying to save people who dont want to be saved.
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  • Hmm...
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In the eyes of most women you're a zero. You don't register on the dating scale.
He could bang college girls if he learned pickup and had game
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22338
Well that mainly is the case for Sub-7 men in general, though I accept I'm at the very bottom end of the 0-10 scale. Throw in that I'm 5 foot 3 and yeah, that's enough said really lol :kys:
Just tranny max at that point. It never began for you son.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22338
Just tranny max at that point. It never began for you son.
jfl how u gonna tranny max as an obese balding 30 years old

you wouldnt even pass as a lesbian foid
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22338
jfl how u gonna tranny max as an obese balding 30 years old

you wouldnt even pass as a lesbian foid
Niggas can look like fucking chris chan and get more matches on tinder than you.

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