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its insane how being ethnic can ruin your life automatically

I wish I was germanic
it doesn't. unless you have a trash tier pheno.
if you are above 5 legit PSL you will have a decent life and have gl whites girls into you.
experiment after experiment done.
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Honestly you look good enough to slay already. This site will only hold you back 😂
4.5 but body brings you up.
Clown tier rating
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looks like a faggot
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Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
  • JFL
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OP ur a handsome man

do some chewing and neck training, skinmax prevent norwood

then gtfo out of here and don't come back
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Reactions: EasternRightWinger15, Deleted member 3795 and MrGlutton
Looks like an off-brand Matthew Noszka.
bro that's crazy, maybe if I didn't mouthbreathe all my life, I could look similar wow (but it's probably cope and nosebrathing wouldn't change anything)
Hes Germanic and looks robust so he has high appeal
I'm slav tbh and have only slav ancestors, but maybe it's similar pheno
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Reactions: Deleted member 3043
5.5 psl. something about ur face is weird tho
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
bro that's crazy, maybe if I didn't mouthbreathe all my life, I could look similar wow (but it's probably cope and nosebrathing wouldn't change anything)

I'm slav tbh and have only slav ancestors, but maybe it's similar pheno
I think you can go up in looks if you get jaw fillers but I would need clearer pics to tell you what you need. Not that it matters anyway since you’re already high tier normie. Just wear shoe lifts, be NT, fuck whatever hole is attainable and call it a day.
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Surgery would be marginal gain in your case tbh. E
any other suggestions than losing bf? any surgeries that can help me and are worth the risk?

Surgery would be marginal gain, if that, for you. Not even worth researching in your case.
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
OP ur a handsome man

do some chewing and neck training, skinmax prevent norwood

then gtfo out of here and don't come back
thanks for advice
very false this site is at least 30% nonwhite my autistic son
yeah, that's not what I meant
where do you live bro ?
I think you can go up in looks if you get jaw fillers but I would need clearer pics to tell you what you need. Not that it matters anyway since you’re already high tier normie. Just wear shoe lifts, be NT, fuck whatever hole is attainable and call it a day.
I will probably take some when my bodyfat is low enough (and when I get rid of my incel phone with shitty camera), there's no point before that
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 3043
thanks for advice

yeah, that's not what I meant


I will probably take some when my bodyfat is low enough (and when I get rid of my incel phone with shitty camera), there's no point before that
what did you mean my quadriplegic son. non ethnic = not white my autistic nephew
  • Woah
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  • JFL
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It all started with gymcelling, then I also began with bluepill softmaxes (and mainly stopped fking looksmining with glasses), stopped rotting with PC games and then at uni I started going out really often, so my social skills got better.
What do you do when out to get your social skills up? I don't really have any social skills and I'm trying to build them from the ground up, have 1 friend
@EasternRightWinger15 r u from england?
What do you do when out to get your social skills up? I don't really have any social skills and I'm trying to build them from the ground up, have 1 friend
Try to talk and get to know people whenever possible in school, gym etc. (basically your social circle), make connections and hang out with these people, go out with them. But idk if I'm the right one to give you tips, altough during high school I was rotting most of the time, I still went out sometimes and had some friends, it's just that at uni (was 19 years old) I really started to forcing myself to socialize (and there's a good reason for it, I suddenly appeared in a new city where I didn't basically know anybody and had zero connections) and, as matter of fact, I figured out that I enjoy this. So I didn't really had to start with none social skills in general (social skills with women were abyssmal tho). Also aside from the fact, that you have 1 friend (maybe he has more friends and he can help you to get you know them?) I don't know anything about you, so it's hard to give advice. Also don't overdose on bluepill, if you are below normie tier in looks, it'll probably be really hard, it is what it is.
@EasternRightWinger15 r u from england?
no, I'm from Czechia
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Reactions: middayshowers and Subhuman Philtrum
Op is just beautiful idk what he is doing on here
no homo
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Don't be autistic you're really good looking and you're still looking for surgeries? gtfo lol.

The only problem you have is being introverted, shy and socially not good. If you can fix those things you will slay like no tomorrow.
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Fuck you
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Reactions: Deleted member 4430 and EasternRightWinger15
Get jaw implants and you're Chad
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
5.5 PSL safe to say youre above average
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
You have the perfect opportunity/base to be the generic dom chad-lite with broad appeal.

Muscles, strubble and a stronger jaw ought to do it
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Don't be autistic you're really good looking and you're still looking for surgeries? gtfo lol.

The only problem you have is being introverted, shy and socially not good. If you can fix those things you will slay like no tomorrow.
I just asked out of curiosity if they can make a noticeable difference and if are worth the risk, look at Amnesia for example, even though he was gl before, surgeries gave him the edge (but mainly losing bf, I know) and he's basically unmogable in irl situations rn. Sounds good to me.

Yeah, I started working on it quite some time before I discovered this site, but it's a marathon, teen years can really mess up with your head and it's really hard to change (especially when it comes to romantic matters, I consider my social skills to be ok aside from that and I'm thriving in party enviroment for example).

Anyways, thanks everyone for your inputs, my plan rn is to lose bf to 10 %, continue gymcelling, chew gum and mew (I know it's probably cope, but in the worst case I will have correct tongue posture) and I'll see.
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Reactions: Nisse
average but body brings u up
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and EasternRightWinger15
Yeah I see it chad-lite. Just about. Pretty boy with masculine touch. Lucky MOFO!

Masculine jaw following through to chin area. Full cheeks. Slightly feminine upper and middle tier, but still masculine and handsome anyway. It's all very pretty lol.

Pretty boy with a masculine touch. Jawline and forehead very good.

I would have you in at chad-lite. Without the gymmaxx you may just be a very high tier normie pretty-boy, but I can't really tell. Gymmaxxing probably meant you brought the best out in your fat distribution around your face right? Did you find your face improved a lot and maximised it?

You're from the UK like me, but give off jack-the-lad vibes too which increases your sex appeal. I think it is harder to get approached in the UK, because we're more of a reserved, private and introverted nation in comparison to the US and even Canada.

You were smart with your traps and shoulders. Be interested to know how you looked with slightly longer hair.

Good stuff anyway man. Keep squeezing out that every inch of PSL.
average but body brings u up

Dude is not average. Fuck outta here lol.
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Thicken neck+jaw fillers+eyebrow and eyelash maxxing+growing your hair out for the keanu reeves hairstyle= ultra dom slayer tbh ngl
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
View attachment 387450

I guess it's not an ideal picture for this purpose, but hopefully you will be able to give me rating or some looksmaxing tips until I take some better photos. Also I'm like 17-20 % bf right now, quarantine did me dirty and I fking binge ate all the time, but I´m dieting again.
I can already tell this is larp so gtfo
  • Hmm...
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Thicken neck+jaw fillers+eyebrow and eyelash maxxing+growing your hair out for the keanu reeves hairstyle= ultra dom slayer tbh ngl
This is shit picture taken by a potato tbh, so the eylashes are invisible. They are long as fuck, but I still need to dye them probably, same goes for my eyebrows.

Yeah, I'm letting my hair grow atm. I will be studying for atleast 3 years, so It's really hard for me to moneymax for surgery tbh, so I'll cope with mewing+chewing+thumbpulling for now (it's free so why not try that).
I can already tell this is larp so gtfo
Why do you think so?
Your style sucks
You need some jewelry and not all black
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
Post an example of girl you have sex with asap
yeah, you look like a slightly above average white guy
lol what he’s well above average, unless your only reference for the average person is looking at male models’ instagram
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
lol what he’s well above average, unless your only reference for the average person is looking at male models’ instagram
yeah tbh, people here are completely crazy here with only comparing everyone with fking Chicos, Barrets, O'Prys and so on.

The truth is that when I walk on the fucking street, I very rarely see someone that mogs me (at parties and in the gym getting mogged is more likely, but that's obvious).
  • +1
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lol what he’s well above average, unless your only reference for the average person is looking at male models’ instagram
i see many guys similar to him everyday
facially he's not that special lol
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I guess it also depends on the country.
in a majority of the US you’re in the top 10%, only in very wealthy model hub cities would you be “slightly above average”

this site doesn’t have a clue ngl
  • +1
Reactions: EasternRightWinger15
You look good but I can feel your lack of self confidence from here. It makes you appear less virile
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Reactions: Deleted member 4430 and EasternRightWinger15
You look good but I can feel your lack of self confidence from here. It makes you appear less virile
spot on, I'm working on it, but it is a slow process, my teen years were shit tbh
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