rate me me pretending everything is ok despite im a 22 year old virgin


Deleted member 17345

Cryptocurrency Expert
Jan 21, 2022


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MTN face. What's your height?
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Are you severly non nt?
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cute bleachmaxxed curry
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you must be very mentalcel? Above average looking
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Reactions: itorroella9 and Deleted member 19905
looks good to me but truecel in UK cos not running roadman game
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Nice eyes. Stop taking goofy photos tho
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Reactions: itorroella9 and Deleted member 17345
your face alone is pushing almost HTN (from the pic only), and with 6ft2 you are good-looking enough, however, you are here, which means ur a mentalcel
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mentalcel good enough with height to do very well, i am curious did you hit puberty late and get a late start in life from that? that could possibly cause a lack of confidence i know it did for me:feelswhy:
You're in the limbo death zone of just blending in - not clear cut above average where you "stand out" but at 6'2 your pool of available options for women PURELY off of looks should be sufficient to end up having ONS/FWB/Relationships. Must be fucked logistics (no social circle, no clubs, no hobbies involving a solid stream of women, repulsive meek personality not dominating the world in the way you want) and Tinder won't be that successful since the swipe to match to talking to dating to not being flaked on for said date to converting to a lay through tension/attraction building in real life is absolutely barbaric DEATH tier if you're below the threshold for online dating so unless it's by pure luck, it won't happen that way
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Reactions: Deleted member 19948, rand anon, browncell and 2 others
you're 6'2 and look good. ultimate case of mentalcel
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Reactions: Sir Galachad, Deleted member 9670, Deleted member 19905 and 1 other person
Nigga you look goofy af :lul: Idk why niggas are coping with PSL shit here, just try to darktriadmax asap, you have nerd looks, women HATE nerds (even tho some of them may cope and say that they are into nerds).
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Just go on tinder and fuck whatever. That’s what I did at your age after losing patience
Nigga you look goofy af :lul: Idk why niggas are coping with PSL shit here, just try to darktriadmax asap, you have nerd looks, women HATE nerds (even tho some of them may cope and say that they are into nerds).
They are into nerds after they’ve fucked 30 chads
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17345, Deleted member 18244 and Deleted member 18301
Nigga you look goofy af :lul: Idk why niggas are coping with PSL shit here, just try to darktriadmax asap, you have nerd looks, women HATE nerds (even tho some of them may cope and say that they are into nerds).
Stop using the word cope like that you autist.

You really think he is ugly to be a virgin? If so, you are braindead. Clearly this is a case of fucked up logistics (not enough friends, no hobbies,no social circle etc) like it was mentioned above or he suffers from mental issues.

He doesn't need to darktriadmax, wtf does that even mean?! Pure nonsense
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Reactions: Deleted member 17345, rand anon, Kingcel32 and 2 others
and Tinder won't be that successful since the swipe to match to talking to dating to not being flaked on for said date to converting to a lay through tension/attraction building in real life is absolutely barbaric DEATH tier if you're below the threshold for online dating so unless it's by pure luck, it won't happen that way
This sentence deserves an award of something.
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You're in the limbo death zone of just blending in - not clear cut above average where you "stand out" but at 6'2 your pool of available options for women PURELY off of looks should be sufficient to end up having ONS/FWB/Relationships. Must be fucked logistics (no social circle, no clubs, no hobbies involving a solid stream of women, repulsive meek personality not dominating the world in the way you want) and Tinder won't be that successful since the swipe to match to talking to dating to not being flaked on for said date to converting to a lay through tension/attraction building in real life is absolutely barbaric DEATH tier if you're below the threshold for online dating so unless it's by pure luck, it won't happen that way
Yes, this guy needs friends ASAP. And to lower his standards to mtb-ltb. He needs to league his dorm or wherever he spends his days and do something that involves other people lmfao
Stop using the word cope like that you autist.

You really think he is ugly to be a virgin? If so, you are braindead. Clearly this is a case of fucked up logistics (not enough friends, no hobbies,no social circle etc) like it was mentioned above or he suffers from mental issues.

He doesn't need to darktriadmax, wtf does that even mean?! Pure nonsense
Are you dumb or what? I'm not saying that he's ugly, just that he looks like a nerd, he should fashionmax, get some tats and gymmax, to look more darktriad
Are you dumb or what? I'm not saying that he's ugly, just that he looks like a nerd, he should fashionmax, get some tats and gymmax, to look more darktriad
No he doesn't. Women don't give a shit if a guy has tattoos or is gymmaxxed. All you need to be is lean, slightly above average looking, at least average height and wear fitted clothes. And have friends, as many friends as you possibly can so you can meet people. Thats how most people meet each other.
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Reactions: Deleted member 17345, BoneDensity, Prettyboy and 3 others
This sentence deserves an award of something.

The best way to avoid it is to be very direct and go straight for escalating to real life as fast as possible

Voice notes (if good voice - good pitch, volume, tone, enunciation, low vocal fry, low variance in voice depth HZ) and conviction in ones words can help as it builds familiarity faster. Not many men have this combo but if you do, it's an edge in the online game to use as every little counts.

It's a pure logistics game

By the time you match say 100 girls they've had at least 10x your matches

If you don't escalate fast you'll just be escalationMOGGED by someone who looks just as good as you and then they're the one going on the Tinder date and not you. You're just another 70th percentile guy they'll find again in a few swipes and boom, you've been forgotten. You have to have some kind of pzazz to your appearance or vibe even if you're stuck in the mid tier zones of looks (niche appeal, it's why tattoos and contrasted coloring works so well - it stands out) - I hate the word looks because appearance includes everything, even down to the way you animate your body.
Are you dumb or what? I'm not saying that he's ugly, just that he looks like a nerd, he should fashionmax, get some tats and gymmax, to look more darktriad

Then his appearance will lack congruence with his animation/personality and that really creeps girls and people in general out. He needs to do both at once so that as the improvements happen, his logistics and behavioural patterns change for the better.
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Reactions: poopoohead, Kingcel32 and Bvnny.
you have mental illness bro. yeah you ain't chad but you are MTN-HTN (can't tell tbh) and 6'2. still enough to get girls
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Reactions: Kingcel32
Extremely pleasing looking face
I think you should get a public speaking job to get the hang of being NT because you are doing good on the looks front.
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Oh my fucking shit your neck is the thinest thing Iv'e ever seen. work out your neck immediately. also have better posture.
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Reactions: bwrauycnee and Deleted member 17345
i have a wide head and jaw so this further exacerbates the issue lol
I think if you gymmax, lean max, and put on some colored contacts or something you'll ascend hard
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Reactions: bwrauycnee
you're 6'2 and look good. ultimate case of mentalcel
Mentalcel is someone who's 6 PSL. I guess nowadays slavoid untermenschen with horse faces are considered as "mentalcel". God, I miss lookism.
You can larp as Gonzolo's Brother. @Xangsane
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rate me here being less apsie
you look good I would fuck if I was a girl ngl
Also seems LTR material too

7.5 irl with your height I grantee you this

You are an autistic guy dude
Fix you behavior know how to get women and you don’t have much room for softmaxxing

Already good looking:feelsokman:
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I like your face ngl if I was a girl
I would bang:feelsez:
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@NOTCHADRIP do you get zero IOIs or something? Surely, you have been approached. Where do you live in the UK? London?
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  • JFL
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@NOTCHADRIP do you get zero IOIs or something? Surely, you have been approached. Where do you live in the UK? London?
why are u constantly writting about getting IOIs by normiecels? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. I also have never gotten any IOIs
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Reactions: Deleted member 18244
why are u constantly writting about getting IOIs by normiecels? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. I also have never gotten any IOIs
Because uglier men here claim to get IOIs. or maybe it is just LARP idk.
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why are u constantly writting about getting IOIs by normiecels? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. I also have never gotten any IOIs
Also, including his height, he is above average. He should have had at least a fat or ugly girl approach him.
Because uglier men here claim to get IOIs. or maybe it is just LARP idk.
larp for sure. I'm strongly convinced ioi is only for 5+ PSL men
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@NOTCHADRIP do you get zero IOIs or something? Surely, you have been approached. Where do you live in the UK? London?
I do get alot of iois from giga stacies but from 3/4 cuz I got good 3/4.
You'd slay in Asia/Latam, but if you're not NT, it's over in the West. NT-Pill is so fucking brutal for us autists. :feelswah:
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I do get alot of iois from giga stacies but from 3/4 cuz I got good 3/4.
These are contradictory things. Your still normie level from those angles as well. You can't claim to be incel and get iois from gigastacies. It makes no sense.

Your perception is fucked due to BDD I guess. But I do believe you get IOIs from beckies. If you regularly approached them, you would def get laid.

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