Rate me - pic taken in natural light no flash



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Aug 16, 2018
20190202 103848
  • +1
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
4 PSL. Without the acne you would be a 5. What's your height?
You gl, skinmaxx hard and finish up painting your Wall boyo
  • +1
Reactions: VST
Great facial features but I swear to God yall motherfuckers give off the school shooter vibe
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Reactions: Deleted member 39
Great facial features but I swear to God yall motherfuckers give off the school shooter vibe
Yeah, i get that a lot. People always say I look creepy. What is it exactly about my face which gives off that vibe?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 611
Yeah, i get that a lot. People always say I look creepy. What is it exactly about my face which gives off that vibe?
Because your face is low trust in general, it's not single feature that makes it low trust.
  • +1
Reactions: dogtown and Coping
Yeah, i get that a lot. People always say I look creepy. What is it exactly about my face which gives off that vibe?
It’s the aggressive looking eye area plus mouth area, still look good tho clear the acne
Yeah, i get that a lot. People always say I look creepy. What is it exactly about my face which gives off that vibe?
I honestly can't put my finger on it, but clothes aren't helping
Even with acne I can see him as 4.5

Friendly reminder I have you on ignore anyway so whatever retardness you type is not seen by me
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Reactions: Sean O'Aspie, Deleted member 611 and qwep
Are you a drug addict?
  • +1
Reactions: qwep and androidcel
Also, do you guys think JBW will work with someone like me? I'm honestly seriously considering saving up funds and visiting a non-white country so I can finally be a slayer like that guy who visited Peru.
Also, do you guys think JBW will work with someone like me? I'm honestly seriously considering saving up funds and visiting a non-white country so I can finally be a slayer like that guy who visited Peru.
Run tinder experiment with your pics in non white country so you can see if you can slay there.
Also, do you guys think JBW will work with someone like me? I'm honestly seriously considering saving up funds and visiting a non-white country so I can finally be a slayer like that guy who visited Peru.
if you wanna slay girls half ur rating then by all means go ahead
anyway you bone mog the entire forum and your eye area is also good, your frame seems to be pretty good as well but not sure with that hoodie

clear up your skin and put on some muscle and you can hit psl6 imo
You're one of those guys who have great features when taken individually. But when put together there's no harmony.

20190203 060429
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39
7/10 without acne
  • +1
Reactions: Sean O'Aspie
How the hell is this guy 4 psl?? 6 psl without acne, he has ideal eyes and great zygos
7/10 pal
clean skin
How the hell is this guy 4 psl?? 6 psl without acne, he has ideal eyes and great zygos
Acne kills him.
And you can't really tell how much acne can help someone until they get rid of it.
But he could potentially gain 0.5-1 PSL point by clearing his skin.

He is a 5 PSL rn IMO, he definitely mogs the average person, but isn't top 20% material.
He has a masc facial structure so he could benefit a lot from gymcelling.
  • +1
Reactions: RedPilledStemcel
Acne kills him.
And you can't really tell how much acne can help someone until they get rid of it.
But he could potentially gain 0.5-1 PSL point by clearing his skin.

He is a 5 PSL rn IMO, he definitely mogs the average person, but isn't top 20% material.
He has a masc facial structure so he could benefit a lot from gymcelling.
Alright, as most people have said it by now I will officially see a dermatologist about my skin to see if I it will raise me by 1 point PSL. I'm also gonna start gymcelling so I'll report back in 6 months exactly and then you can judge me to see improvements.
  • +1
Reactions: VST and androidcel
Alright, as most people have said it by now I will officially see a dermatologist about my skin to see if I it will raise me by 1 point PSL. I'm also gonna start gymcelling so I'll report back in 6 months exactly and then you can judge me to see improvements.
That would def help, don't bulk too much because that will kill your facial aesthetics.
That would def help, don't bulk too much because that will kill your facial aesthetics.
Unless he takes roids, he won't get massive in 6 months lol.
Unless he takes roids, he won't get massive in 6 months lol.
I know but i was talking about too high calorie intake resulting his face becoming fatter.
lol dudes, be serious.
Just yesterday i saw a girl being completely catched by a guy with more acne than the OP, and not gl like him.
Acne is not such a death sentence. Sure, it's a little bit disgusting, but it's not you are a trashbag now lol
I know but i was talking about too high calorie intake resulting his face becoming fatter.
How can I avoid gaining face fat? Should I just keep a relatively normal calorie intake but just consume loads of protein?
How can I avoid gaining face fat? Should I just keep a relatively normal calorie intake but just consume loads of protein?
Eat 250 cals over your maintaince and don't bulk over 15%. You can freely stop bulking when you notice that your face will start looking fatter.
Acne removed. Moles removed.
Smoothened skin.
Pale lips not helping the long philtrum. So got that colored in.
20190203 080843
  • +1
Reactions: androidcel
>tfw no matter how hard i looksmax i will always have the suffix -cel applied to me

Maybe I should just wear fucking lipstick, maybe I should just become a girl and trannymax
Or you could use tinted lipbalm for dry lips when you're taking the much needed Accutane
You have the opportunity to be VERY good looking. Your main issues are hygiene-related. This is what you can do off the top of my head:
1. Wash your hair more often.
2. Get rid of acne
3. Tan a litte
4. Gymcel
5. Do your eyebrows

After all these, you will be at least a 7.5 psl imho.
You should get lip fillers tbh, I think it would improve you a lot
  • +1
Reactions: Coping
Stop your looks theory, you have good eye area according to looks theory, good lower tird according to looks theory, but you still look ugly. You have a serial killer vibe or rapist don’t know and you don’t have harmony
You have great features. Fix your skin and sort your hair out
Take care of the acne and you'll be between 6-6.5.
You look like Sean Opry. Clear up that acne and slay.
tired of people squinting to get hunter eyes makes them look like giga mega retards

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