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Oatmeal has like only 60% bioavailability because of starch, you dont get all of the protein nigga, its not the same as actual animal protein. Also you dont need 200g of protein nigga, a large portion of it may not even get absorbed if specially if you already have low protein synthesis. Just replace the oatmeal for fruits and meats, the meats will give you enough protein
What about the rice switch that out too if i Cut the oats?
So mby switch the rice out with 10 eggs?
Yes, if you dont want to eat 10 eggs because you are scared of the fat (which is not high anyway) then eat like 5 eggs with some lean meat.
if not then eat liver nigga, I buy liver for like 1.50$ for 600 grams, it has little fat and much protein and minerals/vitamins
Yes, if you dont want to eat 10 eggs because you are scared of the fat (which is not high anyway) then eat like 5 eggs with some lean meat.
if not then eat liver nigga, I buy liver for like 1.50$ for 600 grams, it has little fat and much protein and minerals/vitamins
il eat it with 400 gram chicken i Think is that too much protein in One go or
Or to go cuz its a work im a brick laying so i need sum energy
yeah maybe dropping all carbs is not a great idea since you still go to the gym and you are going to utilize the carbs there, but still try to reduce your overall carb intake, but if you want dont stop eating rice entirely
How do i improve and rate brutal thx
yes i bite my cheek yes im insecure
Old pics are a little over a year ago
ngl, just stop frauding eyes, not in this forum bro, you need honest rating, outside of that top 1% height is insane value, thank your dad.
You look good from the front, shouldn’t care that much about side, with good front you can fraud flawed side with 3/4 (a tip).
Hope it helped.
We’re all going to make it.
Good potential, mogs me, but BRUTAL frame ngl bro. rope tier
ngl, just stop frauding eyes, not in this forum bro, you need honest rating, outside of that top 1% height is insane value, thank your dad.
You look good from the front, shouldn’t care that much about side, with good front you can fraud flawed side with 3/4 (a tip).
Hope it helped.
We’re all going to make it.
yeah maybe dropping all carbs is not a great idea since you still go to the gym and you are going to utilize the carbs there, but still try to reduce your overall carb intake, but if you want dont stop eating rice entirely
Okaaay but Rather rice than oats?
Oatmeal has like only 60% bioavailability because of starch, you dont get all of the protein nigga, its not the same as actual animal protein.

there should be a special mod team on the forum locating retards by IP and twisting their nutsacks clockwise for spreading scientific misinformation

there should be a special mod team on the forum locating retards by IP and twisting their nutsacks clockwise for spreading scientific misinformation
"scientific misinformation" :soy: the mod team is already special retard go join 'em
if you fall for the "FAT MELTING1!!!! 10 MINUTES:OOOOOO" slop then your IQ is in the low double digits nigga
It will debloat you and you will lose fat if you doing it everyday and in deficit
read the bold parts, skip the non-bold parts

you get it now?
I know that's why I rather lie down and rot and fast all day by eating nothing almost
classic response from someone who just realized they were wrong but are too pussy to admit to it
Screenshot 2024 07 13 144745

alright nigga I was 9% wrong oh boo hoo
View attachment 3028900
alright nigga I was 9% wrong oh boo hoo
you were 100% wrong, but you seem genuinely confused, so here's how it actually works:

yes, bioavailability and amino acids matter in a vacuum, but you're not in a fucking vacuum

for example, if you eat something low in lysine but high in leucine and then something high in lysine and low in leucine it cancels out and you have a full profile. This is simplified, there are actually 9 eaa, but you get the point.

The amino acidic profile of, say, rice, only matters if you eat ONLY rice, but of course you don't, so no sensible human being will have problems with this and hence it doesn't matter at all in practice. Protein is protein unless you're a total retard who eats like shit in which case you got bigger problems to worry about than bioavailability.
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yes, bioavailability and amino acids matter in a vacuum, but you're not in a fucking vacuum
you were 100% wrong, but you seem genuinely confused, so here's how it actually works:

yes, bioavailability and amino acids matter in a vacuum, but you're not in a fucking vacuum

for example, if you eat something low in lysine but high in leucine and then something high in lysine and low in leucine it cancels out and you have a full profile. This is simplified, there are actually 9 eaa, but you get the point.

The amino acidic profile of, say, rice, only matters if you eat ONLY rice, but of course you don't, so no sensible human being will have problems with this and hence it doesn't matter at all in practice. Protein is protein unless you're a total retard who eats like shit in which case you got bigger problems to worry about than bioavailability.
OP was having a majority carb diet and oatmeal still contains phytic acids which does have some reduction in nutrient absorption, rice dosent which is why I prefer rice over oatmeal anyway I value it as a better source of carbs. Also I miswrote, oatmeal has 60% STARCH not bioavailability.
Screenshot 2024 07 13 150122
how do I know what? do you understand what a vacuum means here? are you trolling?

some reduction in nutrient absorption
any legitimate reduction would be negligible, literally nobody worries about that and if there was a reduction it would be accounted for in the macro/kcal list lmao

if somethign had 100 kcal but you only absorbed 90% the package would just say 90 kcal, you realize that, yes?
how do I know what? do you understand what a vacuum means here? are you trolling?
Sorry bhai :owo:
how do I know what? do you understand what a vacuum means here? are you trolling?

any legitimate reduction would be negligible, literally nobody worries about that and if there was a reduction it would be accounted for in the macro/kcal list lmao

if somethign had 100 kcal but you only absorbed 90% the package would just say 90 kcal, you realize that, yes?
I get what you are saying nigga but you still cant discredit bioavailibility as a whole.
Oatmeal is low lysine and so is rice, the only other food that OP mentioned he eats is lean chicken which is indeed higher in lysine and can complement. He probably eats chicken with the rice, but nobody eats chicken with oatmeal, because his
his diet was majority carb based so I dont think that the ratio was equal enough for insignificant bioavailiability. so yes I agree with what you said but the bioavailiability factor must still present, but what do you think?
Sorry bhai :owo:
will you answer the question?

Sorry bhai :owo:

I get what you are saying nigga but you still cant discredit bioavailibility as a whole.
you literally don't and I literally can

there's no simpler way I can explain this to you than the one I used

Sorry bhai :owo:

Oatmeal is low lysine and so is rice, the only other food that OP mentioned he eats is lean chicken
I sincerely doubt OP is eating only 3 food items 24/7

and even if he is, he still probably gets "enough" of all of the amino acids, not in good amounts and ratios, but enough to live

in any case, the problem is OP's eating habits, not bioavailability
will you answer the question?
Yes I was joking about the vaccum scneario
I sincerely doubt OP is eating only 3 food items 24/7

and even if he is, he still probably gets "enough" of all of the amino acids, not in good amounts and ratios, but enough to live

in any case, the problem is OP's eating habits, not bioavailability
Yes I agree, bioavailability factor most of the times is insignficant but it may have more of an effect in OP depending on his diet, but at the end bioavailability shouldnt be the main concern but the diet as a whole
How do i improve and rate brutal thx
yes i bite my cheek yes im insecure
Old pics are a little over a year ago
Thought you were ltn until I saw clear skin front profile

Front profil HTN/chadlite(due to colouring not bones)

With acne and fat then LTN
U are not mtn its htn and higher my ratings different its competition a lot people look like u but they are not mtn even if u look like htn there is same as u but little better its impossible to tell wccurate with mtn ltn or chadlite words
U are not mtn its htn and higher my ratings different its competition a lot people look like u but they are not mtn even if u look like htn there is same as u but little better its impossible to tell wccurate with mtn ltn or chadlite words
Can i dm u?

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