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Thanks for the advice, but what exactly do you mean with uncanny, how my face expression is?
Thanks for the advice, but what exactly do you mean with uncanny, how my face expression is?

Your huge lips, high set brow ridge and comically short hair makes you look a bit like a cartoon character.

Brow ridge and hair you can fix, and lips you can make BIGGER but I'm not sure if you can make them SMALLER.
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Your huge lips, high set brow ridge and comically short hair makes you look a bit like a cartoon character.

Brow ridge and hair you can fix, and lips you can make BIGGER but I'm not sure if you can make them SMALLER.
Ah ok, thank you for the explanation
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You really need longer hair imo.
I agree, your hair looks bad in every 3 pics. Try something like:

You cant do an undercut with your face shape, you need longer hair on the side to create a better face shape. This will also increase your harmony drastically and will remove your uncanny vibe.

Just focus on fixing your hair, gymmaxxing and getting a tan, everything else is a bonus and wont change your SMV.
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Reactions: Deleted member 22623
I agree, your hair looks bad in every 3 pics. Try something like:

You cant do an undercut with your face shape, you need longer hair on the side to create a better face shape. This will also increase your harmony drastically and will remove your uncanny vibe.

Just focus on fixing your hair, gymmaxxing and getting a tan, everything else is a bonus and wont change your SMV.
Thank you for your advice, this makes sense. Fortunately u already go to the gym👍🏻
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No he’s not a chad, userbase of this forum has gone to shit, u niggas need to go back to Reddit ngl
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ok. is the harmony very bad, what would you rate me then?
I would say HTN just because of the features but if you're 6'5+ the it doesn't really matter.
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Reactions: poopoohead
Second haircut curtain looking like kim jong un, bcoz of short length, like a moustache

Keep military cut like no1 Or curtain hairstyle,grow hair to mid length
Fitting your horse skull better

6.5/7 by 10 in West, 7.5 max in West
Strong htn bordering preetyboylite atleast in West to preetyboy bordering chadlite in West
Chadlite max in West
Second haircut curtain looking like kim jong un, bcoz of short length, like a moustache

Keep military cut like no1 Or curtain hairstyle,grow hair to mid length
Fitting your horse skull better

6.5/7 by 10 in West, 7.5 max in West
Strong htn bordering preetyboylite atleast in West to preetyboy bordering chadlite in West
Chadlite max in West
Thank you, for your answer
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Reactions: justinzayn
Second haircut curtain looking like kim jong un, bcoz of short length, like a moustache

Keep military cut like no1 Or curtain hairstyle,grow hair to mid length
Fitting your horse skull better

6.5/7 by 10 in West, 7.5 max in West
Strong htn bordering preetyboylite atleast in West to preetyboy bordering chadlite in West
Chadlite max in West
And in for example Asia or South America, what would my rating be there?
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Reactions: justinzayn
And in for example Asia or South America, what would my rating be there?

In asia you would be a certified gigaslayer
And in for example Asia or South America, what would my rating be there?
Preetyboy God outside North America/north europe esp in East Asia
Preetyboy God outside North America/north europe esp in East Asia
i think in Asia it is especially, because of the height, im a little bit over 6´1, people in asia are shorter than people in the west...
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Reactions: justinzayn
looking at your face is dopamine inducing

that means youre GL
looking at your face is dopamine inducing

that means youre GL
Haha some people look at my face and think, not this guy😂 but thank you
Haha some people look at my face and think, not this guy😂 but thank you
you will always be ugly to some people no matter how you look

but youre comfortably above average and i think you know that too
many people said so here, that im above average. but they dont think " not this guy" because of my looks, it was a joke haha
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Reactions: Deleted member 15468
you will always be ugly to some people no matter how you look

but youre comfortably above average and i think you know that too
you speak german?
stimmt das mit dem dopamin erhöhend, weil das wäre schon krass. habe mich mit der ganzen Thematik auch mal beschäftigt und es kommt mir so vor, dass gutaussehende Menschen nicht nur im Dating, sondern im ganzen Leben einen Vorteil haben. Finde das einfach schade.
stimmt das mit dem dopamin erhöhend, weil das wäre schon krass. habe mich mit der ganzen Thematik auch mal beschäftigt und es kommt mir so vor, dass gutaussehende Menschen nicht nur im Dating, sondern im ganzen Leben einen Vorteil haben. Finde das einfach schade.
soweit ich weiß schüttet das Gehirn irgendeinen Botenstoff raus wenn man gutaussehende Menschen anschaut. Kein Plan ob das jetzt Dopamin, Serotonin oder sonst was ist aber kennst du das nicht? Du schaust eine hübsche Frau oder einen objektiv gutaussehenden Mann an und es fühlt sich 'gut' an, im Gegensatz dazu wenn du einen Durchschnittsmensch anschaust passiert das nicht.

Ja man hat überall Vorteile, ist scheiße, aber das Leben ist unfair. Sei froh, dass du auf der richtigen 'Seite' bist und nutz es aus.
Es bleibt mir wohl nichts anderes übrig als das auszunutzen haha. Was ich aufjedenfall mitnehme ist, dass ich jeden nach seinen Taten beurteilen werden und ihn auch so behandeln werde. Weil ja hässlichere Menschen einen Nachteil haben und ich dazu nicht noch beisteuern will.
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Es bleibt mir wohl nichts anderes übrig als das auszunutzen haha. Was ich aufjedenfall mitnehme ist, dass ich jeden nach seinen Taten beurteilen werden und ihn auch so behandeln werde. Weil ja hässlichere Menschen einen Nachteil haben und ich dazu nicht noch beisteuern will.
ja so mach ich das auch, ich versuch den Halo-Effekt so gut wie möglich zu ignorieren.

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