Rate my 2 month looksmax transformation from virgin twink


Deleted member 19869

May 26, 2022
Before: 19M 130lbs 5'11

After 19M 175-178lbs 5'11

christian bale GIF
christian bale GIF

Vince Mcmahon Wrestling GIF by DARK SIDE OF THE RING

christian bale GIF

working out christian bale GIF

Christian Bale Face Mask GIF by PeacockTV
-Looksmax or die trying
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Frat boy pheno
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gay porn star vibe
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Fucking chads.org
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I might be tripping but i think u look better in the before facially
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Reactions: Foreverbrad, Kingcel32 and buflek
I might be tripping but i think u look better in the before facially
Yeah, lower body fat percentage and less water retention so my face was leaner.

In the after i’m holding more water in my face due to the drastic weight gain in a short period of time
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Reactions: Deprived, ShowerMaxxing and buflek
Get below 15% bf. And you ascend in face
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Just get ripped you retard you have face
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Reactions: ShowerMaxxing, Deleted member 18301 and Deleted member 17735
get ripped lose all that fat
There is no difference at all
You never were are a twink, from HTN to HTN
ur still about 20% bf so start cutting calories and lift every day
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Just get ripped you retard you have face
Yeah i will try to get ripped now.

Currently maintaining my weight at 165lbs, will do FB calisthenics 5 days a week together with cardio & abs and hope for the best.

Never really been extremely lean so it will be fun to see how my face will look like. On cycle i looked really bloated/water retention which was a failo/lost the angularity of my face.
this is why i avoid this category
just squinting men aspie stares everywhere
From virgin to virgin
invisble to foids when bloated. u looks good when u have hollow cheeks even though its probably fraud
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invisble to foids when bloated. u looks good when u have hollow cheeks even though its probably fraud
Yeah when i eat alot of sodium/salt i get really bloated and loose all my sex appeal. Don’t know how i can be so damn sensitive to it. On cycle i looked really bloated but i got alot of female attention for some reason, maybe i could have gotten even more if my face was leaner. Idk, i don't got a lot of experience.

Here are pics when i was at my leanest face wise. Only problem was that my body was incel tier.

Just need to fix my incel tier physique and leanmax
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Reactions: Xangsane and pneumocystosis
he has good base, face.
he just needs to shredd down now (aka, lose fat)
will try to, hopefully calisthenics, cardio, abs training will help together with eating clean and in a slight calorie deficit
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What was your old account?
will try to, hopefully calisthenics, cardio, abs training will help together with eating clean and in a slight calorie deficit
Get on Dandelion Root

It's a must have if you want to constantly maintain a lean face.
chad to slightly fatter chad
Obviously when you're bulking there will be times where your face is puffier and fuller. This is part of the process. Ultra lean bulk is cope, you will always gain some fat. You look good in the after pics as well and your face isn't fat from a normie's perspective. Don't listen to the aspies here trying to tell you that your face is busted at 15% BF because your features aren't as sharp. Do one more solid bulk, lean out and enjoy life as a chadlite - chad. For the beginning newbie gains get you far without putting much effort in, that is gonna change at some point. So you'll have to work harder, but the results will 100% be worth it.
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Is it that obvious of a change in face? It tried to look worse in the before pics so i picked out the worst pics of me.
u looked good son. kinda like chico
Get on Dandelion Root

It's a must have if you want to constantly maintain a lean face.
I have heard of it, does it really work? Can i take it everyday?

Days when my face is unbloated are the only days where i feel attractive. Idk, i think it’s the sodium that completely ruins my face. Add that with never doing any cardio whatsoever
u looked good son. kinda like chico
Yeah i have similar facial structure to him when i am very lean. But i am more horse faced.

But the problem is that my face get fucked up when i eat high sodium food, i bloat so easily, and loose all angularity of my face.
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Yeah when i eat alot of sodium/salt i get really bloated and loose all my sex appeal. Don’t know how i can be so damn sensitive to it. On cycle i looked really bloated but i got alot of female attention for some reason, maybe i could have gotten even more if my face was leaner. Idk, i don't got a lot of experience.

Here are pics when i was at my leanest face wise. Only problem was that my body was incel tier.

Just need to fix my incel tier physique and leanmax

You look chadlite here
You look chadlite here
yeah these are pics where i'm not bloated and trying to look good in, in these pics i just ate 1 meal a day but thats not really sustainable
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yeah these are pics where i'm not bloated and trying to look good in, in these pics i just ate 1 meal a day but thats not really sustainable
Yeah don't keep doing that.
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Yeah don't keep doing that.
my face gets really bloated if i eat many meals, prob due to the high sodium i eat, white bread, bacon. extremely sensitive to that, really hard for me to keep my face lean i have noticed. 1 meal with high sodium and the whole next day i'm bloated, and got water retention
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my face gets really bloated if i eat many meals, prob due to the high sodium i eat, white bread, bacon. extremely sensitive to that, really hard for me to keep my face lean i have noticed. 1 meal with high sodium and the whole next day i'm bloated, and got water retention
Apart from well seasoned food, I usually try to stay away from excessive salt.
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I have heard of it, does it really work? Can i take it everyday?

Days when my face is unbloated are the only days where i feel attractive. Idk, i think it’s the sodium that completely ruins my face. Add that with never doing any cardio whatsoever
Yeah it's a diuretic, makes you pee a lot. Removes a lot of the water retention in your face that makes you look bloated.

Taking a capsule everyday in the morning is fine, it's pretty harmless.
Some even take 3 pills in the morning, or drink it in tea 3x a day.
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What cycle did you run?
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Reactions: Deleted member 19869
you look dravidian
Before: 19M 130lbs 5'11

Dude put some fucking pants on please
i'm not a pants guy, i like having my 7 inch cock moving freely in my underwear

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