Rate my sleepytime stack (supplementcels gtfih)



May 23, 2024

GABA 1000mg
Magnesium glycinate 300mg
Valerian root 500mg
L-theanine 200mg
10 mins meditation

Is there anything I should drop from the stack or up/lower the doses if not good to go together any highiqcels lmk because sometimes I wake up groggy with hella brain fog and mild headache that makes me not even want to leave my bed JFL also I yawn throughout the day very excessively
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I also take taurine 2000mg in the AM
I’m thinking it could either be the L-theanine or the magnesium glycinate causing daily drowsiness
Did watch,

interesting about glycine as I’ve been taking collegen peptides bovine collagen 20g everyday would that be enough? Also a very highiqcel @Bread&Butter dropped some info about only consuming glycine before 6pm could I just take my daily dose in the AM and it’ll carry on into the PM hours or what?

I was taking glycine for dietary collagen purposes to begin with but glad to know that it works well with sleep.

Also jfl at melatonin and the wiki article for the drugs but I don’t really have trouble falling asleep I mainly just wake up feeling not well rested and go the entirety of the day yawing my ass off and people say I look tired at work
dude just lay ur head down type shit:forcedsmile:
45ml of Zzzzquil works for me.
Did watch,

interesting about glycine as I’ve been taking collegen peptides bovine collagen 20g everyday would that be enough? Also a very highiqcel @Bread&Butter dropped some info about only consuming glycine before 6pm could I just take my daily dose in the AM and it’ll carry on into the PM hours or what?

I was taking glycine for dietary collagen purposes to begin with but glad to know that it works well with sleep.

Also jfl at melatonin and the wiki article for the drugs but I don’t really have trouble falling asleep I mainly just wake up feeling not well rested and go the entirety of the day yawing my ass off and people say I look tired at work
Glycine probably makes you tired during the day if you take in the morning.
Trazadone and z-drugs are pharma treatments for non-obese people with sleep apnea https://www.mdpi.com/1648-9144/58/2/225

6. Low Respiratory Arousal Threshold​

These findings show that the prior belief to avoid sedatives in all OSA patients, due to the risk of upper airway muscle activity impairment, is more accurate for OSA patients who have higher arousal thresholds and impaired upper airways muscle responses. OSA patients who express a phenotype of low arousal threshold and who have proper functioning upper airway muscles could benefit from sedatives. Z-drugs and tricyclic antidepressant trazodone have shown to be effective in increasing respiratory arousal threshold and reducing AHI, whereas benzodiazepines have shown little benefit in reducing OSA severity. Overall, these studies show that the use of sedatives in certain OSA patients is not harmful and, in some cases, may even be beneficial.

Do you have allergies?

Melatonin is pointless and harmful
melatonin lowers inflammation/brain inflammation and brain inflammation causes brain fog/fatigue

find a single negative study on melatonin xD? you cant
No allergies unless like seasonal but my blood work came back saying I have an 8 Eos which is A high number of eosinophils in the blood, also known as eosinophilia, can be caused by a number of conditions, including:

Seasonal allergies, asthma, allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis can all increase eosinophil levels
45ml of Zzzzquil works for me.
I don’t need some toxic syrup to fall asleep or any joo chemical drug, I just want to wake up feeling well rested and not a zombiecel during the day

Falling and staying asleep is no issue
I don’t need some toxic syrup to fall asleep or any joo chemical drug, I just want to wake up feeling well rested and not a zombiecel during the day

Falling and staying asleep is no issue
Your meditation isn't helping with your anger you furry liberal.

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