Rate my stack for dimphorism

surpassing genetic possibilities

didnt get limb lengthening

imagine your htn 5'7 but oh no, there is another htn thats 6'2 in your class, your already fucked
I'd rather do it and fail than live to regret not doing it

If ur young it's worth trying hgh and ai in case it will work for u
Hairloss is possible from High dose aromasin, regardless it speeds up the process
it's easy to manage ur dose to avoid legit hair loss, if i noticed anything truly worrying I would lower the dosage. I think only some are prone to genuine hairloss from using an AI without blasting it.
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I'd rather do it and fail than live to regret not doing it

If ur young it's worth trying hgh and ai in case it will work for u
i'm willing to bet anyone with open plates can benefit an 1-2 inches if they take legit HGH and a legit AI for a year. Fixing posture is another half inch usually, and once plates are closed glucosamine can help maintain morning height. Partner this with 2 inch lifts and that's quite the improvement.
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if they take legit HGH and a legit AI for a year
the biggest issue is this, what kind of 12-15 year old is getting legitimate growth hormone (or a shit ton of peptides at least) and an effective AI that actually works? Barely any, and I think this is why there are not many successful heightmaxing stories out there, people either don't get legit stuff, don't run it for long enough, expect too much of an increase in height (anything more than 2 inches is highly unlikely), or the success just gets chalked up to "oh you were (insert teenage age) you would have grown anyway." But that's fine, the low inhib rich teenagers will reap the modest rewards (given there's barely any of them anyway jfl)
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9 subjects, all ages 14-16 none grew, heighmaxxing on top bro!!

you will someday learn that its just the placebo of growing naturally

the only case of real heightmaxxing is a rice that had a hgh deficiency and had it blasted at 1 years old
where’s ur source???
the only true heightmaxxing cases ive seen are blasting hgh before 7 and even then some dont get it
@Osie we have a newgen retard
75 mg proviron ed ( highest dose you can do without needing a pct )
Butea superba
Tongkat ali
Fadogia arestis
Injectable l caritine

Once I am finished heightmaxxing I will probalay run a few test cycles but yeah that’s it’s
should run test e cycle with aromasin imo. Whats your age and height rn?
  • Hmm...
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fulfilling genetics is not the same as hmg

only 30-35% of people dont fulfill genetics

also wow!! youtube comments.. all real!
This guy does actually make a point. A lot of people on this forum dont understand the difference. Heightmaxing only actually works if you INCREASE your PREDICTED ADULT HEIGHT. If you take heightmaxing drugs and also grow in height it doesnt mean you grew in height because of the heightmaxing drugs. You could have grown regardless of them. Only way to know with some fair certainty that its working is if you jump beyond your predicted growth chart established by your primary care physician. You can ask them to look at the chart and see where you are and then gauge if your following your predicted path or having gone beyond that to see whether or not your heightmaxing actually worked.

Also this guy is wildly off about LL. its way more expensive than hes making it out to be.
imagine your htn 5'7 but oh no, there is another htn thats 6'2 in your class, your already fucked
Hes right about this as well. Hypergamy is very real.
Yeah depends where you go. 30k LL in turkey is not viable tho.


great post. 100% agree with you bro. You know your shit.

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