Rate my ugly ass and give me tips

eh average 4 psl
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Screenshot 2020 12 25 at 181039
  • JFL
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I have thick hair, cant style it that good, thats why i cut them short.
My hair is very thick too but the trick is to get a fringe hairstyle and never style it, that's the trend right now anyways.

Grow out your hair and aim for the style of the guy on my profile picture, that's the hair length that I have right now and it looks way better than when my hair is short.

I used to see my thick hair as a curse but it's a great gift because it means that you most likely will never go bald and the thickness makes the hair look way better, especially when it's long.
  • +1
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You should focus on Gymmaxxing

Here is my Ultimate Gymmaxxing Guide:

Strength Standards (when you will be gymmaxxed without steroids):
31 hanging leg raises
150 lb barbell curl
150 lb skullcrusher
200 lb neck curl
200 lb overhead press
235 lb wrist curl
250 lb Bent-Over Row
300 lb bench press
400 lb squat
450-500 lb deadlift

You should do it without bulking, if you're skinny fat, eat just enough to maintain your weight but eat 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight 160-200g per day. Then you will gain muscle and lose fat and while staying at your current weight, your body will completely change. To make sure you stay at the same weight, weigh yourself with a scale every week (don't do it every day and always weigh yourself right when you wake up to get a more accurate result).

You only need to bulk if you become too skinny, for example, if you recomp from 18 to 10% body fat, then you will stop progressing in the gym because recomping at 10% body fat is impossible when you're a natural, so by that point you'll need to lean bulk by gaining only 0.5 lbs per week (a slight caloric surplus of 20%). By doing this you'll never look fat and you'll keep making progress if you train on a good program.

The best exercises you can do to train most of your body is compound movements, and you need only 2 arm exercises (one for biceps, one for triceps).

My current program right now is this:

Monday (Upper):

Overhead Press 4x4-8
Bench Press 4x4-8
Barbell Rows 4x4-8
Barbell Curl 4x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 4x8-12

Tuesday (Lower):

Squat 4x4-8
Deadlift 4x4-8
Calf Raises 4x8-12

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday (Upper):

Overhead Press 4x4-8
Bench Press 4x4-8
Barbell Rows 4x4-8
Barbell Curls 4x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 4x8-12

Friday (Lower):

Squat 4x4-8
Deadlift 4x4-8
Calf Raises 4x8-12

Saturday (Arms):

Overhead Press 4x4-8
Bench Press 4x4-8
Barbell Rows 4x4-8
Barbell Curls 4x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 4x8-12

Sunday: Rest day


The bench press trains the entire chest (yes even flat bench), the overhad press trains the shoulders and upper chest (if done with a pause), the bent-over row trains the lats, the Squat trains the quads, the deadlift trains the hamstrings, glutes, lower back and forearms (and grip). The bicep curls train the entire biceps, the skullcrushers train the entire triceps. The calf raises train the calves. If you want to train neck, you can add 4 sets of 25 neck curls and neck extensions at the end of each workout, don't do them at the beginning or in the middle of the workout because they would hurt the progression for some of the other exercises. You can also train the abs but do them right after your neck exercises, I didn't add neck or ab exercises because that would make the program longer and when you start, you need shorter workouts to motivate you to stay consistent. Consistency is key.

High frequency is important because protein synthesis for natural lifters lasts only for 48 hours, this means that the effect of your workouts last only 48 hours, so if you train your legs only once per week, they are only growing during 48 hours, if you train them twice a week with lots of rest in between, they'll grow during twice that, so 96 hours. If you train your upper body 3 times per week on non consecutive days, it will grow for 144 hours which is almost the entire week (which would be 168 hours). This is why bro splits and other low frequency programs are the worst.

The reason why we need to focus mostly on compound movements is because they provide the highest muscle activation so they are more effective, they save time and once you are able to do them properly, they become an easy way to add strength consistently and get muscular. And, as a natural, the stronger you are, the more muscular you will be, that is a fact. It's not the high reps that make you gain more muscle, it's the strength, but the higher reps and higher sets give you a lot of volume.

High volume is important because the higher the volume is, the higher the muscle damage will be so you'll be able to train your muscles to the highest point without overtraining them which means you will get the most growth. The problem with many people is that they train using the same techniques as steroid users and this doesn't work because steroid users can gain muscle without gaining strength because it is the drugs that make them bigger, so it is possible to see a big steroid user who is really weak. The best way to tell whether or not someone is on steroids is to compare their strength to their level of muscle mass, usually they will have a big chest without even benching 225 lbs, while a natural with the same genetics will look smaller even if he can bench 225 lbs. This is why it is very important that you don't take advice from steroid users because 99% of the time they will give bad advice that only works for steroid users.

Those who say that gaining muscle is simple are either on drugs or have good genetics, because they neglect to mention that muscle growth requires many variables to be on point including: training programming, effort, diet, sleep, form, and consistency. If just one of these variables is off, your progress will suffer greatly, even if you train for 10 years. Those who claim that it's 80% diet and 20% training are wrong, it is actually 80% training and 20% diet, because with even a bad diet, if you train well you'll still get stronger and gain muscle but with bad training, if you eat well, you'll still go nowhere and if you are bulking, you may just get fat. Diet is extremely simple to understand but training is much more complicated. It took me a few months to understand diet but years to perfect my training methods.

You don't need a bunch of exercises per muscle group, that would be junk volume (waste of time and energy), you only need 1 good exercise per muscle group and you need to get as strong as possible with them, so the best program is high in frequency, high in volume and low in exercise selection to allow for faster and more efficient progress, which is what we all want when lifting weights.

Rest for 4-5 minutes per set. Use 3 sets if 4 sets is too much, use 5 sets if 4 sets is not enough. Add 5 lbs when you reach the maximum rep for the rep range so for 4-8, if you do 8 reps on the second set, add weight. Buy 1.25 lb microplates on Amazon and use them to add 2.5 lbs to your bench press, overhead press and barbell row, add 5 lbs to your squat and deadlift.

If you can do more reps than the rep range, either add weight or do more reps and add weight next time. It can take some time to find the right weight at first but never hold back too much, however, you need to keep 1 rep in the tank to avoid going too close to failure.

Always use perfect form and only add weight when you have surpassed the rep range with good form. To know if your form is good, don't ask random people in the gym, most of them are morons, instead, film yourself while you do the exercises,
then go on this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/strength_training
and post your videos there and ask for a form check, they will give you tips on what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong.

If you do this consistently in the beginning, you'll have perfect form very early on which will speed up your results so much. The biggest mistakes that beginners make is using the wrong form, and it's because they don't have a good teacher, the community on that subreddit teaches good form, better than any personal trainer, don't waste your money on personal trainers unless you go to a powerlifting gym.

Here are the best youtube videos to learn proper form on all exercises:

Bench Press:

Barbell Bent-Over Row:

Overhead Press:




Bicep Curls:

Skullcrushers (dumbbell or ez curl bar):

Hanging Leg/Knee Raises:

Wrist Curls:

Calf Raises:

Neck training:
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  • JFL
Reactions: .👽., court monarch777, Copeful and 9 others
You should focus on Gymmaxxing

Here is my Ultimate Gymmaxxing Guide:

Strength Standards (when you will be gymmaxxed without steroids):
31 hanging leg raises
150 lb barbell curl
150 lb skullcrusher
200 lb neck curl
200 lb overhead press
235 lb wrist curl
250 lb Bent-Over Row
300 lb bench press
400 lb squat
450-500 lb deadlift

You should do it without bulking, if you're skinny fat, eat just enough to maintain your weight but eat 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight 160-200g per day. Then you will gain muscle and lose fat and while staying at your current weight, your body will completely change. To make sure you stay at the same weight, weigh yourself with a scale every week (don't do it every day and always weigh yourself right when you wake up to get a more accurate result).

You only need to bulk if you become too skinny, for example, if you recomp from 18 to 10% body fat, then you will stop progressing in the gym because recomping at 10% body fat is impossible when you're a natural, so by that point you'll need to lean bulk by gaining only 0.5 lbs per week (a slight caloric surplus of 20%). By doing this you'll never look fat and you'll keep making progress if you train on a good program.

The best exercises you can do to train most of your body is compound movements, and you need only 2 arm exercises (one for biceps, one for triceps).

My current program right now is this:

Monday (Upper):

Overhead Press 4x4-8
Bench Press 4x4-8
Barbell Rows 4x4-8
Barbell Curl 4x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 4x8-12

Tuesday (Lower):

Squat 4x4-8
Deadlift 4x4-8
Calf Raises 4x8-12

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday (Upper):

Overhead Press 4x4-8
Bench Press 4x4-8
Barbell Rows 4x4-8
Barbell Curls 4x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 4x8-12

Friday (Lower):

Squat 4x4-8
Deadlift 4x4-8
Calf Raises 4x8-12

Saturday (Arms):

Overhead Press 4x4-8
Bench Press 4x4-8
Barbell Rows 4x4-8
Barbell Curls 4x8-12
Tricep Skullcrushers 4x8-12

Sunday: Rest day


The bench press trains the entire chest (yes even flat bench), the overhad press trains the shoulders and upper chest (if done with a pause), the bent-over row trains the lats, the Squat trains the quads, the deadlift trains the hamstrings, glutes, lower back and forearms (and grip). The bicep curls train the entire biceps, the skullcrushers train the entire triceps. The calf raises train the calves. If you want to train neck, you can add 4 sets of 25 neck curls and neck extensions at the end of each workout, don't do them at the beginning or in the middle of the workout because they would hurt the progression for some of the other exercises. You can also train the abs but do them right after your neck exercises, I didn't add neck or ab exercises because that would make the program longer and when you start, you need shorter workouts to motivate you to stay consistent. Consistency is key.

High frequency is important because protein synthesis for natural lifters lasts only for 48 hours, this means that the effect of your workouts last only 48 hours, so if you train your legs only once per week, they are only growing during 48 hours, if you train them twice a week with lots of rest in between, they'll grow during twice that, so 96 hours. If you train your upper body 3 times per week on non consecutive days, it will grow for 144 hours which is almost the entire week (which would be 168 hours). This is why bro splits and other low frequency programs are the worst.

The reason why we need to focus mostly on compound movements is because they provide the highest muscle activation so they are more effective, they save time and once you are able to do them properly, they become an easy way to add strength consistently and get muscular. And, as a natural, the stronger you are, the more muscular you will be, that is a fact. It's not the high reps that make you gain more muscle, it's the strength, but the higher reps and higher sets give you a lot of volume.

High volume is important because the higher the volume is, the higher the muscle damage will be so you'll be able to train your muscles to the highest point without overtraining them which means you will get the most growth. The problem with many people is that they train using the same techniques as steroid users and this doesn't work because steroid users can gain muscle without gaining strength because it is the drugs that make them bigger, so it is possible to see a big steroid user who is really weak. The best way to tell whether or not someone is on steroids is to compare their strength to their level of muscle mass, usually they will have a big chest without even benching 225 lbs, while a natural with the same genetics will look smaller even if he can bench 225 lbs. This is why it is very important that you don't take advice from steroid users because 99% of the time they will give bad advice that only works for steroid users.

Those who say that gaining muscle is simple are either on drugs or have good genetics, because they neglect to mention that muscle growth requires many variables to be on point including: training programming, effort, diet, sleep, form, and consistency. If just one of these variables is off, your progress will suffer greatly, even if you train for 10 years. Those who claim that it's 80% diet and 20% training are wrong, it is actually 80% training and 20% diet, because with even a bad diet, if you train well you'll still get stronger and gain muscle but with bad training, if you eat well, you'll still go nowhere and if you are bulking, you may just get fat. Diet is extremely simple to understand but training is much more complicated. It took me a few months to understand diet but years to perfect my training methods.

You don't need a bunch of exercises per muscle group, that would be junk volume (waste of time and energy), you only need 1 good exercise per muscle group and you need to get as strong as possible with them, so the best program is high in frequency, high in volume and low in exercise selection to allow for faster and more efficient progress, which is what we all want when lifting weights.

Rest for 4-5 minutes per set. Use 3 sets if 4 sets is too much, use 5 sets if 4 sets is not enough. Add 5 lbs when you reach the maximum rep for the rep range so for 4-8, if you do 8 reps on the second set, add weight. Buy 1.25 lb microplates on Amazon and use them to add 2.5 lbs to your bench press, overhead press and barbell row, add 5 lbs to your squat and deadlift.

If you can do more reps than the rep range, either add weight or do more reps and add weight next time. It can take some time to find the right weight at first but never hold back too much, however, you need to keep 1 rep in the tank to avoid going too close to failure.

Always use perfect form and only add weight when you have surpassed the rep range with good form. To know if your form is good, don't ask random people in the gym, most of them are morons, instead, film yourself while you do the exercises,
then go on this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/strength_training
and post your videos there and ask for a form check, they will give you tips on what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong.

If you do this consistently in the beginning, you'll have perfect form very early on which will speed up your results so much. The biggest mistakes that beginners make is using the wrong form, and it's because they don't have a good teacher, the community on that subreddit teaches good form, better than any personal trainer, don't waste your money on personal trainers unless you go to a powerlifting gym.

Here are the best youtube videos to learn proper form on all exercises:

Bench Press:

Barbell Bent-Over Row:

Overhead Press:




Bicep Curls:

Skullcrushers (dumbbell or ez curl bar):

Hanging Leg/Knee Raises:

Wrist Curls:

Calf Raises:

Neck training:

Wow man thats very helpfull. Ty for that
  • +1
Reactions: randomuser2407
Wow man thats very helpfull. Ty for that
What's your slay count? how do you do with women on dating apps? Tbh you look decent so you shouldn't have many problems. If you're having problems now then surgery wont fix it. You need to learn redpill and pick up to improve your game.
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
What's your slay count? how do you do with women on dating apps? Tbh you look decent so you shouldn't have many problems. If you're having problems now then surgery wont fix it. You need to learn redpill and pick up to improve your game.
Slay count is 0 without escorts.
I get matches and dates. I use tinder since 3 weeks and had 5-6 dates but i didnt make moves.

How can i improve in your opinion and rate?
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 3043
Your upper third is too short compared to other 2 thirds, it makes ur face off. can you try cut ur hair higher?
Your upper third is too short compared to other 2 thirds, it makes ur face off. can you try cut ur hair higher?
Hmm yea i could cut it higher. But others said i should grow it out...
How you managed to pull that off????

Race pill.
The white guy, doesn't look better than you. It's just race pill
I pushed my lower jaw back when they measured everything lol. Got an extra 2mm of overbite.

For real racepill? Whats the white guys psl and mine?
I pushed my lower jaw back when they measured everything lol. Got an extra 2mm of overbite.

For real racepill? Whats the white guys psl and mine?
You are 90+ percentile in your own race.
White man, is 80+ percentile in his own race.
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
just get a better haircut unironically.

grows ur hair out and try ones that you think would suit you better :)
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
Ugly? lol you mog half this server. You have a good base in face and height. Grow your hair out, gymmax, go out and actually approach (day,night,bars,clubs) when shit opens up. You can't be successful with just using tinder
  • +1
Reactions: .👽., Deleted member 6531 and imnotgay
Ugly? lol you mog half this server. You have a good base in face and height. Grow your hair out, gymmax, go out and actually approach (day,night,bars,clubs) when shit opens up. You can't be successful with just using tinder
To pussy to approach irl. Thats why i need to improve face for tinder. How would you rate me?
1 selfie and 1 from far away.

My stats

Face: see pics. Im not indian.
I will get a bimax and maybe a genio on february (surgeon is already planning everything), insurance is paying

What do you Think about my vertical chin height, do i need a genio?

And my eyes are ugly af, dont know how to fix

Body/Height: 6,3 / 190cm. Skinny, maybe 18% bodyfat

Life: im still single af, have decent luck on tinder. Maybe 20 Matches on first day. The blond guy gets 100 matches in the first day, how much does he look better than me?

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Now I know why you are having more succes on tinder than me😂
Slay count is 0 without escorts.
I get matches and dates. I use tinder since 3 weeks and had 5-6 dates but i didnt make moves.

How can i improve in your opinion and rate?
Stop being pussy and learn about the redpill. I recommend youtube channels like fitxfearless, stephiscold, taysocial. With your face and height, if you're getting dates, but are not getting any slays, then it is the redpill you need. The brutal truth is you'll never have a chad enough face to slay effortlessly (you need model tier face for that), so you need to put some effort into learning game. No matter the surgery you get, you'll still have to put in effort to slay women so learn game now and still improve your looks on the side.
  • +1
Reactions: .👽., tyronelite and imnotgay
Wdym you mog me bro
Nah your‘e 4 cm taller and looking more masculine
And ur philtrum looks normal instead of mine
You would be chadlite if you were gymmaxxed and loose more bodyfat. Also different haircut
  • +1
Reactions: .👽. and imnotgay
Stop being pussy and learn about the redpill. I recommend youtube channels like fitxfearless, stephiscold, taysocial. With your face and height, if you're getting dates, but are not getting any slays, then it is the redpill you need. The brutal truth is you'll never have a chad enough face to slay effortlessly (you need model tier face for that), so you need to put some effort into learning game. No matter the surgery you get, you'll still have to put in effort to slay women so learn game now and still improve your looks on the side.
Isnt redpill cope?
Nah your‘e 4 cm taller and looking more masculine
And ur philtrum looks normal instead of mine
You would be chadlite if you were gymmaxxed and loose more bodyfat. Also different haircut
Yea you can cover your philtrum with beard or stubble.

Yea thanks, i hope so. Im losing fat right now. Lets see in 3 months how it works
Yea you can cover your philtrum with beard or stubble.

Yea thanks, i hope so. Im losing fat right now. Lets see in 3 months how it works
I know but my beard growth is too bad for this, and I‘m already 21 though

nice, fucking gyms have to open again😡😡😡
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
I know but my beard growth is too bad for this, and I‘m already 21 though

nice, fucking gyms have to open again😡😡😡
Yes man itd annoying af. But i have ordered a pullup bar, at least something
To pussy to approach irl. Thats why i need to improve face for tinder. How would you rate me?
I'm gonna be brutal with ya. You will not be successful using just tinder dude. You need to source women through all aspects. If you're too pussy to approach or even go out to bars, clubs, parties, social events, you're fucked.
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
I'm gonna be brutal with ya. You will not be successful using just tinder dude. You need to source women through all aspects. If you're too pussy to approach or even go out to bars, clubs, parties, social events, you're fucked.
Do you have better success in bars than on tinder? Personally speaking
Isnt redpill cope?
Redpill is only cope if you're subhuman (sub 5/10), which you're clearly not - you have an above average face with top 2% height. do you know how good you have it? read this thread of a 5'6" guy with an above average face and more than 30 slays

Same guy
  • Woah
Reactions: imnotgay
A living interpretation of a brainlet wojak. Forehead implant ASAP
  • JFL
Reactions: .👽., imnotgay and goat2x
Do you have better success in bars than on tinder? Personally speaking
Definitely bars. Unfortunately when covid started that's when I was at my peak, taking home like one girl a week. There's too many things against us using online, plus hotter women are always at bars
  • Woah
Reactions: imnotgay
Definitely bars. Unfortunately when covid started that's when I was at my peak, taking home like one girl a week. There's too many things against us using online, plus hotter women are always at bars
Wow what every week a slay? Can you explain what you did exactly? Sry im a retard when it comes to women
Redpill is only cope if you're subhuman (sub 5/10), which you're clearly not - you have an above average face with top 2% height. do you know how good you have it? read this thread of a 5'6" guy with an above average face and more than 30 slays

Same guy
Holy shit wtf is this??
His tinder profile is top tier tho, mirin
Wow what every week a slay? Can you explain what you did exactly? Sry im a retard when it comes to women
I approach the ones who show interest, sometimes they approach me (rare), other times I'll sit on the balcony and wait till women come outside. Usually they'll sit either side of me and I'll start a convo then make it known you're attracted to them and weed out the ones wasting your time. I only look for chicks who want to smash the same night or next day
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
I approach the ones who show interest, sometimes they approach me (rare), other times I'll sit on the balcony and wait till women come outside. Usually they'll sit either side of me and I'll start a convo then make it known you're attracted to them and weed out the ones wasting your time. I only look for chicks who want to smash the same night or next day
How you know who wants to smash and who not? And what r you talking about? Just random shit? Or do you say "you are sexy" and stuff?
How you know who wants to smash and who not? And what r you talking about? Just random shit? Or do you say "you are sexy" and stuff?
I've been in the game for a while lol you know when they're attracted to you. It's too much to explain. I'd suggest you start looking at Red Pill content like Mr.Locario, Alan Roger Currie, StephisCold. You got a lot to learn
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
1 selfie and 1 from far away.

My stats

Face: see pics. Im not indian.
I will get a bimax and maybe a genio on february (surgeon is already planning everything), insurance is paying

What do you Think about my vertical chin height, do i need a genio?

And my eyes are ugly af, dont know how to fix

Body/Height: 6,3 / 190cm. Skinny, maybe 18% bodyfat

Life: im still single af, have decent luck on tinder. Maybe 20 Matches on first day. The blond guy gets 100 matches in the first day, how much does he look better than me?

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u didn't get a million jfl reacts so that means you're at least average. honestly I think you look good but perhaps get a more trendy haircut the one you have now looks very barebones and boring
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
u didn't get a million jfl reacts so that means you're at least average. honestly I think you look good but perhaps get a more trendy haircut the one you have now looks very barebones and boring

Yea i will grow my hair, lets see. Ty
Looks aren't your problem bro, if you wanna believ eother autistic people do so but trust me looks aren't, focus on NT thing, low inhib shit & watch sublime concious videos about hoes (he gives good advice)
  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
1 selfie and 1 from far away.

My stats

Face: see pics. Im not indian.
I will get a bimax and maybe a genio on february (surgeon is already planning everything), insurance is paying

What do you Think about my vertical chin height, do i need a genio?

And my eyes are ugly af, dont know how to fix

Body/Height: 6,3 / 190cm. Skinny, maybe 18% bodyfat

Life: im still single af, have decent luck on tinder. Maybe 20 Matches on first day. The blond guy gets 100 matches in the first day, how much does he look better than me?

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  • +1
Reactions: imnotgay
Reminds me of gigachad
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6531 and imnotgay
mirin ngl, masc appeal

tall lower third, good midfacial projection, decent eye area w/ thick eyebrows, very tall
my only suggestion would be to train neck, looks somewhat long and lanky rn

still, saw your other thread and you're an autist when it comes to being with women so it's over, brutal
  • JFL
Reactions: imnotgay
mirin ngl, masc appeal

tall lower third, good midfacial projection, decent eye area w/ thick eyebrows, very tall
my only suggestion would be to train neck, looks somewhat long and lanky rn

still, saw your other thread and you're an autist when it comes to being with women so it's over, brutal
Yes its over with women :lul: :lul:
  • So Sad
Reactions: Ocelot
Stop being pussy and learn about the redpill. I recommend youtube channels like fitxfearless, stephiscold, taysocial. With your face and height, if you're getting dates, but are not getting any slays, then it is the redpill you need. The brutal truth is you'll never have a chad enough face to slay effortlessly (you need model tier face for that), so you need to put some effort into learning game. No matter the surgery you get, you'll still have to put in effort to slay women so learn game now and still improve your looks on the side.
What so if you look like a model you literally have to put in 0 effort?

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