Genes matter more they are more afghani than pakistani period.
no theyre not retard. most of them live in pakistan (35 million) versus 9 million in afghanistan.
no theyre not retard. most of them live in pakistan (35 million) versus 9 million in afghanistan.

Genetically they are closer to afghans and balouch people they share no genetic resemblance to the typical pakistani
Genetically they are closer to afghans and balouch people they share no genetic resemblance to the typical pakistani
there is no typical pakistani, everyone is different.
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there is no typical pakistani, everyone is different.

Any group that is not north western pakstani shares not genetic similarities to the pashtuns i wouldn't even consider the Kyber region paki it should be considered central asian
Any group that is not north western pakstani shares not genetic similarities to the pashtuns i wouldn't even consider the Kyber region paki it should be considered central asian
jfl geographically its located in south asia where most of them live. only the more mongoloid ethnic groups live in central asia.
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jfl geographically its located in south asia where most of them live. only the more mongoloid ethnic groups live in central asia.

They dont count though they are truly foriegn also geography and borders come down to imaganary lines really all that matters is genes
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Yeah you don't look like your typical pajeet the pheno i'm talking about is prestonynot kind of pheno yours would fit easily in most places in pakistan
Yeah I think it’s mostly southern Indians that resemble the classic Pajeet pheno
Looks morphed
All of India needs eugenics we need steppe genes
Majority of Indians do obviously, but there are still a good chunk of above average looking Indians.
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Majority of Indians do obviously, but there are still a good chunk of above average looking Indians.

True but with 100 percent steppe genes we would look nordic bhai also hitler was right the aryans were nordics

wtf nigga

this guy mogs whole forum
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No there not not genetically they are way more central Asian
pakistan is a multi ethnic country , there is no central pakistani ethnicity, largest ethnicity Punjabi is at 38% at its still minority , pashtuns are at no 2 at rougly 20 percent , than their are sindhis balochs other groups. No Pakistani group is central asian , central asians have lots of east asian genes. Pakistani groups have genetic differences but lots of similarities as well since they are neighbours (you should see genetics). Punjabis are very diverse they have both dark and light people in large numbers , thats why they look more different to pashtuns and northern pakistani groups.
first of all stop frauding

secondly, good chin, jawline + cheekbones, thick hair and eyebrows, honestly just need a nosejob to fix your crooked nose because you'll be better as a prettyboy than a rugged fighter looking dude tbh
pakistan is a multi ethnic country , there is no central pakistani ethnicity, largest ethnicity Punjabi is at 38% at its still minority , pashtuns are at no 2 at rougly 20 percent , than their are sindhis balochs other groups. No Pakistani group is central asian , central asians have lots of east asian genes. Pakistani groups have genetic differences but lots of similarities as well since they are neighbours (you should see genetics). Punjabis are very diverse they have both dark and light people in large numbers , thats why they look more different to pashtuns and northern pakistani groups.

I've seen the genetics pashtuns are closer to tajiks and balouch people sinhis are only even considered there level cause of 40 percent balouch number within the sinhis.
zyzz pheno tbh
I've seen the genetics pashtuns are closer to tajiks and balouch people sinhis are only even considered there level cause of 40 percent balouch number within the sinhis.
jatts from pakistan are also close to pashtuns , genetics is not simple, baloch are closer to pashtuns since they simply have less abbo but balochs have less steppe , but jatts are closer because they have high steppe genes.
jatts from pakistan are also close to pashtuns , genetics is not simple, baloch are closer to pashtuns since they simply have less abbo but balochs have less steppe , but jatts are closer because they have high steppe genes.

Depends on the PCA actually if you don't include east Asian into the model then most curries are actually very west eurasian shifted but if you include asians into the model due to even small amounts of that shitty dna the drift is to far for most curries
Depends on the PCA actually if you don't include east Asian into the model then most curries are actually very west eurasian shifted but if you include asians into the model due to even small amounts of that shitty dna the drift is to far for most curries
well I like our abbo if its uptill certain degree , it makes as unique and exotic ,abbo admix beyond certain degree is subhuman.
well I like our abbo if its uptill certain degree , it makes as unique and exotic ,abbo admix beyond certain degree is subhuman.

I don't without abo and sand nigger we would look nordic cause the only thing left would be aryan
well I like our abbo if its uptill certain degree , it makes as unique and exotic ,abbo admix beyond certain degree is subhuman.


You might be interested in this thread also i will also add this curries aren't related to ABO here is a genetic distance between abo and modern curries.


In terms of genetic distance abo's aren't realted to any ethnic group today
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You might be interested in this thread also i will also add this curries aren't related to ABO here is a genetic distance between abo and modern curries.

View attachment 599998

In terms of genetic distance abo's aren't realted to any ethnic group today
curries wouldnt have looked nordics even if not for abbo , south asians have lots of gedrosia dna , from indus valley times , it is woggy component

south asians without visible austoloid admix will start looking closer to north pakis , only a small minority will look nordic

curries wouldnt have looked nordics even if not for abbo , south asians have lots of gedrosia dna , from indus valley times , it is woggy component

south asians without visible austoloid admix will start looking closer to north pakis , only a small minority will look nordic


Read what i said if you got rid of sand nigger and ABO You would only have Aryan left if we were 100 percent aryan we would be nordic.

Imagine nordic curries that would be insane
Read what i said if you got rid of sand nigger and ABO You would only have Aryan left if we were 100 percent aryan we would be nordic.
View attachment 600096

Imagine nordic curries that would be insane

there are small number of pakistanis he look completely european , they mostly live in remote villages






a german vlogger visited pakistan and mentioned it

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there are small number of pakistanis he look completely european , they mostly live in remote villages






a german vlogger visited pakistan and mentioned it

there are small number of pakistanis he look completely european , they mostly live in remote villages






a german vlogger visited pakistan and mentioned it

Also what ethnic group is this doesn't seem like your average afghan let alone your average south asian these guys would stick out like a sore thumb in a pashtun group let alone pakistani or curry crowd
there are from chitral district , they are kho , they tend to be lighter than average pashtun
there are from chitral district , they are kho , they tend to be lighter than average pashtun

Fucking hell they look a lot whiter than average pashtun wtf.
They dont count though they are truly foriegn also geography and borders come down to imaganary lines really all that matters is genes
dont be retarded, pashtuns are pakistani and same with baloch and kashmiris
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dont be retarded, pashtuns are pakistani and same with baloch and kashmiris

They don't count though maybe in the future if they breed out punjabis then you will have a point
They don't count though maybe in the future if they breed out punjabis then you will have a point
keep coping for pakistan, pashtuns are a part of us. bengali cucks btfo'd
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keep coping for pakistan, pashtuns are a part of us. bengali cucks btfo'd

There not lmao there genetically very different just cause they are part of the kyber region does not mean there your average shit skin your kashmir copers are curry the kyber people not so much they are more realted to other tajiks
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There not lmao there genetically very different just cause they are part of the kyber region does not mean there your average shit skin your kashmir copers are curry the kyber people not so much they are more realted to other tajiks
jfl at this bengali subhuman whos mad that pashtuns and kashmiris are pakistanis. tfu on your retarded shitskin hindu dindu face
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jfl at this bengali subhuman whos mad that pashtuns and kashmiris are pakistanis. tfu on your retarded shitskin hindu dindu face

Bro i don't give a shit if you wanna claim kashmir is fucking paki i'm mad your using foreign people who have no genetic relation to the rest of south Asia and claiming them as your own just to shit on curries that's what i hate
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Bro i don't give a shit if you wanna claim kashmir is fucking paki i'm mad your using foreign people who have no genetic relation to the rest of south Asia and claiming them as your own just to shit on curries that's what i hate
lmao stay mad retard, pashtuns are proud pakistanis. they would spit on your bengali faggot face
lmao stay mad retard, pashtuns are proud pakistanis. they would spit on your bengali faggot face

Sure bro that's why a pashtun literally said he didn't wanna be a paki ? keep coping in claiming people who wan't nothing to do with you but go you cause there in a war currently
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Sure bro that's why a pashtun literally said he didn't wanna be a paki ? keep coping in claiming people who wan't nothing to do with you but go you cause there in a war currently
thats because he was an anti pakistani afghan, jfl at your bengali retarded ass. go to ask real pashtuns in pakistan, not some afghan refugee.
thats because he was an anti pakistani afghan, jfl at your bengali retarded ass. go to ask real pashtuns in pakistan, not some afghan refugee.

I will perfer to ask native afghanis i mean seriously i have never seen this much amount of we wuzzery
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I will perfer to ask native afghanis i mean seriously i have never seen this much amount of we wuzzery
lmfao at this bengali brainlet, might as well ask indians about pakistan. tfu on your retarded ass
Also what ethnic group is this doesn't seem like your average afghan let alone your average south asian these guys would stick out like a sore thumb in a pashtun group let alone pakistani or curry crowd
lol these are likely chitrali or kalash, very similar to nuristanis who are known as the aryans of the east
legend has it these tribes are directly related to alexander the great and remained isolated over hundreds of years hence why they have a distinctly “aryan” phenotype
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lmfao at this bengali brainlet, might as well ask indians about pakistan. tfu on your retarded ass

Hmmmm well i mean understand why they hate pakistan they try and claim them 24/7 Know they may poltically belong to you but there is no historcal connection or cultural connection maybe you could use some reilgious argument you share the same faith but even then it doesn't work as we know from the kalash cultures they followed a faith more akin to the greeks and other indo european groups.
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Hmmmm well i mean understand why they hate pakistan they try and claim them 24/7 Know they may poltically belong to you but there is no historcal connection or cultural connection maybe you could use some reilgious argument you share the same faith but even then it doesn't work as we know from the kalash cultures they followed a faith more akin to the greeks and other indo european groups.
pashtuns are pretty much the backbone of pakistan, retard. i know your bengali brainlet ass wouldnt know that so keep crying for us. ps. i have pashtuns in my family as well, they all love pakistan even more than i do jfl at you.
pashtuns are pretty much the backbone of pakistan, retard. i know your bengali brainlet ass wouldnt know that so keep crying for us. ps. i have pashtuns in my family as well, they all love pakistan even more than i do jfl at you.

1. There less than 30 percent of your population so that's bullshit pashtuns are more related to tajiks like i said before and other central asian groups.

2 Like I said before ask what the afghans back home think i mean seriously you literally got lucky afghanistan is poor currently
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1. There less than 30 percent of your population so that's bullshit pashtuns are more related to tajiks like i said before and other central asian groups.

2 Like I said before ask what the afghans back home think i mean seriously you literally got lucky afghanistan is poor currently
35 million pashtuns in pakistan versus 9 million pashtuns in afghanistan, jfl at this bengali brainlet
35 million pashtuns in pakistan versus 9 million pashtuns in afghanistan, jfl at this bengali brainlet

Literally read what i said before afghanistan is in a bad state currently after they will move back I don't think you can count them as south asian let alone Paki
Literally read what i said before afghanistan is in a bad state currently after they will move back I don't think you can count them as south asian let alone Paki
doesnt matter, pashtuns are mostly pakistani and not afghan, keep barking for us india's little bitch. thats all bangladesh is jfl
doesnt matter, pashtuns are mostly pakistani and not afghan, keep barking for us india's little bitch. thats all bangladesh is jfl

Politically no culturally no at least not historically genetically no Sanskrit is not even related to pashto which was the most common language for south asian ancestry I'll give you this a large amount do live in your country however to think they are pajeets instead of iranics is a giga cope know i don't hate pakis hell i think they are the better curries but i hate how they claim other groups which don't even belong to them.
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