Rate the most thirsted person in Australia's new girlfriend



Jan 2, 2022

Bailey Smith is an AFL player (chad sport). Literally every JB has a crush on him.
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Reactions: AlexanderTheGreat11, Lygodactylus and Xangsane
Ugly af
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Medium ugly theory
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she's normal looking
looks like gay theo von:feelsgood:
joe dirt maxxed giga chad
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  • JFL
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Retarded, he’s a gigachad.

the mental gymnastics these guys have to go through to convince themselves that he isn’t a chad is incredible
That haircut makes him incel in america
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  • JFL
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Zyzz mogs this guy is Aussie land mate if he was still here

But lets talk about the bloke... mullet maxing is so legit. Every dumb Aussie whore falls for it.

There are white subhumans and normies who rock a long mullet and get above average looking girls because of it. Jfl at you if you're Australian if you aren't mullet maxing.

This guy isn't a even chad PSL wise, he's below 6 PSL.
However, he's a chad irl because of his blonde surfer phenotype and his mullet, along with his tall and muscular body ofc.

Grab a pair of scissors, cut his mullet down and watch him lose half of his sex appeal.
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Reactions: metagross, Deleted member 18320 and Dunkelheit
netflix mc face
He's a chad with a peso moustache
Invisible with that mop on his head
Best looking non immigrant aussie btw. This country is so fucking ugly that this is considered a giga chad here.
  • Woah
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Chad and High-Tier Becky
are you kidding rofl

zyzz was a clown who fucked intoxicated beckies at festivals and was dick ridden by incels

bailey smith is worshipped and lusted over by nearly every young girl in the country

they aren’t even the same species

but he’s not so you’re just outing yourself as a braindead rater :lul:

and no one cares about your garbage country’s trends when they don’t even apply to the person you’re rating

it looks like he’s the perfect way to filter through whose opinions to ignore on the forum :ROFLMAO:

Let it go incel. U seem really bothered rn. Is it bc you share the same ugly mophead hairstyle :feelswhy:
she kinda looks like olivia rodrigo
  • +1
Reactions: Xangsane
are you kidding rofl

zyzz was a clown who fucked intoxicated beckies at festivals and was dick ridden by incels

bailey smith is worshipped and lusted over by nearly every young girl in the country

they aren’t even the same species

but he’s not so you’re just outing yourself as a braindead rater :lul:

and no one cares about your garbage country’s trends when they don’t even apply to the person you’re rating

it looks like he’s the perfect way to filter through whose opinions to ignore on the forum :ROFLMAO:
The mullet is big is Aussie land right?

I disagree bro zyzz had jbs mirin hard in his prime man

Different eras to compare to tho bro
The mullet is big is Aussie land right?

I disagree bro zyzz had jbs mirin hard in his prime man

Different eras to compare to tho bro
No way bailey is much more lusted for you would only understand if you live in austrralia
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Reactions: Chadethnic101
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Reactions: AlexanderTheGreat11, Deleted member 16110 and SteveRogers
Narrow palate and rounded shoulders thus 2 PSL subhuman
Chads and stacies have lower standards.

When you can get any girl then you start to look for more intangible traits. Only beckies are chadsexuals.
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Reactions: Chadethnic101
@SteveRogers ^ average PSL rater

“above average” :lul:
View attachment 1676864
he’s easily chad and it’s true he is utterly worshipped by jailbaits here
I agree. Boring brutally mogging that incel on the left, no wonder JBs from AU want his dick so badly
yes, if you disagree then your right to rate is revoked

not true, matching with a stacy on tinder is much less common than matching with a becky. better looking = higher standards
I mean Stacy irl. Obviously on Tinder all girls are Chadsexual.
What do aussies think of this ex AFL love islander? He was the most popular among foids on the show despite being face mogged.
His eyes are really holding him back with that NCT and uee. Lucky he has good bones.
What do aussies think of this ex AFL love islander? He was the most popular among foids on the show despite being face mogged.
Reminds me of @badg96
What do aussies think of this ex AFL love islander? He was the most popular among foids on the show despite being face mogged.
  • JFL
Reactions: Lygodactylus, Xangsane and bwrauycnee
What do aussies think of this ex AFL love islander? He was the most popular among foids on the show despite being face mogged.

@8PSLcel @Ritalincel
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Born on the 7th of December, 2000. In his 4th year in the AFL.
Savingprivateryan ww2

Doesn't look good here but looks like @badg96
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Reactions: bwrauycnee
yes, if you disagree then your right to rate is revoked

not true, matching with a stacy on tinder is much less common than matching with a becky. better looking = higher standards
I think ur dick riding theres no way thats chad

How is that chad bro? chad is unbelievably good looking that right there isnt
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16371 and Broski
@SteveRogers ^ average PSL rater

“above average” :lul:
View attachment 1676864
he’s easily chad and it’s true he is utterly worshipped by jailbaits here
yes, if you disagree then your right to rate is revoked

not true, matching with a stacy on tinder is much less common than matching with a becky. better looking = higher standards
Look at how hard this faggot tries to stick up for his Aussie boyfriend. The average teenager at my gym mogs this guy, and I literally facemog 99% of them. Absolute pure autism. Straya is full of Chads, and this guy is not one of them. You can't even look at him objectively, you literally copied his ugly ass mullet :lul:.

I'm not surprised though, this is second man you've shown blind homoerotic obsession for. Can't wait to see the next subhuman you decide to wear on your sleeve.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 16371, ROTTING, AscendingHero and 1 other person
Ok, good ahead and @ mention your circle jerk to make you feel more at ease

I'm half Filipino and I literally make this guy look like dirt. The Tribe and select users have seen my face, and they will all tell you I mog this guy. Continue the faggotry though, it's funny to watch you rely on other men constantly.
Post face tough guy
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Reactions: ROTTING
Post face tough guy
Don't give me laugh reacts and then say this bro. You're not involved in this matter, be a good greycel and hush up.
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero
Don't give me laugh reacts and then say this bro. You're not involved in this matter, be a good greycel and hush up.
"muh i have a circle of people whove seen my face so im good looking, but I wont post my face for others to see" lol stfu
"muh i have a circle of people whove seen my face so im good looking, but I wont post my face for others to see" lol stfu
Yea, a circle of ppl aka the load of prime Stacylite JBs I've fucked

You're gonna call me out but not even post ur own face? lol You're fucking retarded
Yea, a circle of ppl aka the load of prime Stacylite JBs I've fucked

You're gonna call me out but not even post ur own face? lol You're fucking retarded
Dude if you believe you are good looking why not post your face then? Or you larping?
Best looking non immigrant aussie btw. This country is so fucking ugly that this is considered a giga chad here.
chadstralia :soy:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
Dude if you believe you are good looking why not post your face then? Or you larping?
That makes no sense. Why would I post my face on a site full of autists if I knew I was goodlooking and had a sex life that reflected that? Surely that would mean that anyone who thought they were attractive, and knew they were, would post there face here. But that doesn't happen because this site is meant for self-improvement.

The reason why ppl like @loox have over 10k posts here is because he forgot the main purpose of this site and this place is literally his life. That's not what this place is meant for. It's a stepping stone to the man you're suppose to become.

I just simply enjoy bullying him because he's an easy target.
he has a high pitched nasally cuck voice and he thinks it’s a good “NT” voice

he’s 5’8 and used to make posts crying about it saying he’s considering LL

he’s filipino and always used to ask people whether being ethnic is a failo

quite peculiar how he reveals all his subhuman traits but keeps his allegedly good traits hidden :think:

fill in the dots.. obviously he sees a repulsive mutt in the mirror and his new meds delude himself into seeing gandy in the reflection :ROFLMAO:

that’s when you know the schizophrenia is in full force. this ethnic manlet thinks he’s capable of bullying 😂
@Broski This is case in point what I'm trying to say. Don't be another autist who spends days on end doing research on another user here. The poor guy genuinely thinks he got me, but he's relying on posts I made 3 years ago as his undeniable evidence. He has had sex 3 times in his entire life for one, and was desperate enough to accept dating a girl who approached him. Does he sound like a normal person to you? He has yet to post a pic of his "hot" GF, hmmm I wonder why.

But anyway, watch me easily deduce every one of his points.

JFL at thinking anyone's voice is nasally cucked when you're a highinhib autist with no social life. An autist with 10k+ posts versus normies who tell me I have a good voice, I wonder who is more objective.

5'9" actually, only considering LL so I can fuck GigaStacies. But I'm pretty happy with my current sex life. Being NT makes up for any muh failos.

Yea I asked if being ethnic was a failo when I first joined, ofc I would ask that as a new user. I know even you are not that fucking naive.

Quite peculiar that I have made clear that I'm a slayer, yet you forgot to read those posts :unsure:.

Fill in the dots, you spend way too much time here and don't have friends IRL. Well, that was easy.

I'm not capable of bullying? Then why are you unable to respond to the points I make on a consistent basis and revert to making lol XD jokes that will get you reacts? lol You are too easy.

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