Rate This Girl NOW



Only Cucks Split 50/50
Mar 29, 2024
22 years old racist Eastern Euro girl

Imagine what she looked like at 17-19

  • Ugh..
  • WTF
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capped at HTN
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22 years old racist Eastern Euro girl

Imagine what she looked like at 17-19

U know the dude isnt literally describing the picture? Like that girl’s not 22. She's 30 actually.
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MTB, alien skull + pig nose

outer space GIF by partyonmarz
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  • JFL
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U know the dude isnt literally describing the picture? Like that girl’s not 22. She's 30 actually.
Wait really? holy shit and I thought I was oldcel at 18
islamniggers are low iq they get beat as children i see it everyday
are you reddit athiest or christ cuck
or worst of all a stinky hindu jeet
are you reddit athiest or christ cuck
or worst of all a stinky hindu jeet
This nigga actually said christcuck while worshipping a pedophile who can talk to ants and snakes and split the moon :lul:
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: rg1235, LevantinePsycho and shia.jihadist
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This nigga actually said christcuck while worshipping a pedophile who can talk to ants and snakes and split the moon :lul:
so you're a christcuck?
@the BULL like you said mtn is ideal, is mtb ideal for girls too?
There is not a world where a fucking 5/10 is ideal in any way.
Jesus wasn't a pedophile brother
JFL at Sunni hadith

paedophile | ˈpiːdəfʌɪl | (pedophile US English) noun, person who is sexually attracted to children:
if a child is someone prepubescent
then Aisha wasn't a child even if that hadith was right
JFL at Sunni hadith

paedophile | ˈpiːdəfʌɪl | (pedophile US English) noun, person who is sexually attracted to children:
if a child is someone prepubescent
then Aisha wasn't a child even if that hadith was right
aisha was prepubescent
aisha was prepubescent
no she wasnt JFL
not even according to the sunni hadith
christcuck making up bullshit because his own religion is retarded like always
no she wasnt JFL
not even according to the sunni hadith
christcuck making up bullshit because his own religion is retarded like always
lol im an atheist but islam and christianity are both equally retarded

most imams agree she was under 18, here come the excuses remember muhammad was 50 something and she was max 16 and NOONE says she was 16 so IF EVEN THAT
most imams agree she was under 18, here come the excuses remember muhammad was 50 something and she was max 16 and NOONE says she was 16 so IF EVEN THAT
no many scholars say she was above 16
also JFL if you classify being a pedo by under 18 rather than prepubescent
no many scholars say she was above 16
also JFL if you classify being a pedo by under 18 rather than prepubescent
there is just no chance she was even 16, she was prepubescent meaning she was 13 max

6 years old when married, i doubt he waited more than 7 years for her to hit 14 and then fucked her, but even a 50+ year old man fucking a 14 year old is wrong and ur justifying it

no one says she was over 13 give me one person
there is just no chance she was even 16, she was prepubescent meaning she was 13 max

6 years old when married, i doubt he waited more than 7 years for her to hit 14 and then fucked her, but even a 50+ year old man fucking a 14 year old is wrong and ur justifying it

no one says she was over 13 give me one person
the hadith where you got 6 from says the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) married her when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9

there would be no other reason to wait other than to wait until she wasn't pre-pubescent

JFL even sunnis say she was 13+

"According to a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim, Aisha is said to have joined Muhammad (PBUH) on the raid that culminated in the Battle of Badr, in 624 CE. However, because no one below the age of fifteen was allowed to accompany raiding parties, Aisha should have been at least fifteen in 624 CE and thus at least thirteen when she was married following the Hijra in 622 CE."
the hadith where you got 6 from says the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) married her when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9

there would be no other reason to wait other than to wait until she wasn't pre-pubescent

JFL even sunnis say she was 13+

"According to a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim, Aisha is said to have joined Muhammad (PBUH) on the raid that culminated in the Battle of Badr, in 624 CE. However, because no one below the age of fifteen was allowed to accompany raiding parties, Aisha should have been at least fifteen in 624 CE and thus at least thirteen when she was married following the Hijra in 622 CE."
the muh was a pedo
keep bumping this thread you fucking dumb nigger :lul:
i dont give a fuck faggot
your ratio is beyond saving
retarded ass kafir
i dont give a fuck faggot
your ratio is beyond saving
retarded ass kafir
why do i give a shit about my rep if dumb niggers like you here exist?
  • Ugh..
Reactions: shia.jihadist
ugly asf no way ur incel brain is so autistic to think she’s anything more than mtb u dog
im not even saying shes stacy i mean at her peak like before 21 at some age she may have been really attractive (shes 30 now)
im not even saying shes stacy i mean at her peak like before 21 at some age she may have been really attractive (shes 30 now)
Probably looks the same

Men get better with age while women look worse

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