Rating people in motion



Slay or be slayed
Sep 18, 2018
Rating people in motion is a lot more accurate than rating selfies.
Selfies are usually frauded. Best angle, good lighting, camera tilting to make jawline more defined and so on.

So, if you want someone to actually true rate you, just take a short video of you moving your head around a bit. It’s a lot easier to rate and it allows the raters to actually have a better understanding of how you actually look while moving around instead of a still picture.
Because at the end of the day, what matters is how you look in motion, not in a photo, because your future girlfriend won’t sleep with a photograph of yourself.
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I actually agree with you on this one.
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This is pretty legit. Also destroys most angle frauders except you still have to deal with lens distortion
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This is pretty legit. Also destroys most angle frauders except you still have to deal with lens distortion
lens distorsion in my phone is ridiculous, got a 1.54 fwthr long gay horse face of death with them
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Reminder to not use front facing camera

Use the back camera for less lens distortion
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lens distorsion in my phone is ridiculous, got a 1.54 fwthr long gay horse face of death with them
Depends on the phone tbh. Iphones have pretty much the same lens distortion when it comes to both front and rear camera.
Samsungs are really fucked up when it comes to selfies tho.
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High IQ post. If a picture says more than a thousand words, a video says more than a thousand words multiplied by the amount of frames in the video.
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High IQ post. If a picture says more than a thousand words, a video says more than a thousand words multiplied by the amount of frames in the video.

I can't comprehend this IQ while I am at 360 tbh
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High IQ post. If a picture says more than a thousand words, a video says more than a thousand words multiplied by the amount of frames in the video.
This nigga be mathmaxxing
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k but u are still angle frauding your side profile. Tbh that light stubble looks good on you dont remove it

No wonder you can "personality max" you are gl ngl
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IMO: Chris is a 10/10 based on appearance alone.
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Normie scale? How many scales are there?
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Normie scale? How many scales are there?
Oh son.... There is the face and lms scale, the classic normie where the average is 5 and you are rated retardedly, The psl which is just a harsh normie scale average is 3 and you add based off good things and subtract for bad
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k but u are still angle frauding your side profile. Tbh that light stubble looks good on you dont remove it

No wonder you can "personality max" you are gl ngl
That was just an example, too lazy to record 10 videos to get a good side profile angle
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Oh son.... There is the face and lms scale, the classic normie where the average is 5 and you are rated retardedly, The psl which is just a harsh normie scale average is 3 and you add based off good things and subtract for bad
That sounds ridiculous. Rating is already completely subjective based off the persons opinion. Thus Pamala Anderson can be rated anywhere between a 1 or 10 based on what you are personally into. I don’t like blondes. I think they would always look better as brunette. If I looked like Chris I would think I won the genetic lottery.
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That sounds ridiculous. Rating is already completely subjective based off the persons opinion. Thus Pamala Anderson can be rated anywhere between a 1 or 10 based on what you are personally into. I don’t like blondes. I think they would always look better as brunette. If I looked like Chris I would think I won the genetic lottery.
beauty is subjective!


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That sounds ridiculous. Rating is already completely subjective based off the persons opinion. Thus Pamala Anderson can be rated anywhere between a 1 or 10 based on what you are personally into. I don’t like blondes. I think they would always look better as brunette. If I looked like Chris I would think I won the genetic lottery.

There is a certain scale we use so it isn't subjective.
Beauty can be confirmed by science and not by your current beliefs and hormonal profile.
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There is a certain scale we use so it isn't subjective.
Beauty can be confirmed by science and not by your current beliefs and hormonal profile.
The thing is that in reality beauty is actually subjective.
Scientists managed to find certain patterns that are present in people who are considered beautiful. However, a perfectly symmetric face does not look human, and everyone will tell you so, except scientists believe that being perfectly symmetrical equals to being gorgeous/handsome.

Women are driven by sex appeal and certain traits. However there are things like hooded eyes, nose shape, zygos, browridge etc, who are commonly used in PSL ratings, but in reality, women do not give a fuck about all that when rating a man.

They want someone whose image screams handsome on the streets and fucking dirty in the sheets.
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Beauty can be confirmed by science? My best friend loves girls with bigger noses. Another friend only dates girls with glasses. My point is that beauty is 100% subjective. Yes, most girls prefer men with nice hair and a good jawline, and smooth skin. But I’m willing to bet there are a whole lot who prefer other things.


I don't want to submit too black-pilled studies because your blue-pill view of the world can't handle that.

You are right that beauty can't be 100% confirmed by science. People don't want perfect either because they will feel lower than their partner.
Your friends are selecting those certain facial traits because they are more obtainable that way.
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Rating people in motion is a lot more accurate than rating selfies.
Selfies are usually frauded. Best angle, good lighting, camera tilting to make jawline more defined and so on.

So, if you want someone to actually true rate you, just take a short video of you moving your head around a bit. It’s a lot easier to rate and it allows the raters to actually have a better understanding of how you actually look while moving around instead of a still picture.
Because at the end of the day, what matters is how you look in motion, not in a photo, because your future girlfriend won’t sleep with a photograph of yourself.

You got really far apart eyebrows
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Just have a good jaw theory proven again.
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Why LARP lmao
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Lmao its ogre. I'm quite sure this dude isn't real unless he posts verification
there's no way he's real, what kind of Chad seeks validation from lonely autists on the internet, obvious LARP
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there's no way he's real, what kind of Chad seeks validation from lonely autists on the internet, obvious LARP

Yeah tbh that's what I thought but there's a chance. Tbh ngl what chad seeks validation from some random dudes on the internet while he could just take a stroll outside and get validation from bitches eye fucking him and wanting sex
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I actually have the opposite problem, I look better in motion than I do in a still image. Anyone else have the same issue?
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Just because you reversed imaged and stumbled upon my photos doesn’t mean I’m larping.
It's just suspicious cause that photo you uploaded with your username on it looked like a font and photoshop as opposed to handwriting. The two s's are different but some fonts kern letters or have different letter variations depending on the following character so that doesn't mean much.
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It's just suspicious cause that photo you uploaded with your username on it looked like a font and photoshop as opposed to handwriting. The two s's are different but some fonts kern letters or have different letter variations depending on the following character so that doesn't mean much.

Don’t worry, I’ll post a video in motion with the website opened on my macbook in front of me. This way there won’t be any larping problems.
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It's coming up to 3 years and people are still waiting on that in-motion video @crisick you LARPer

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