Raty my eye area



Mar 11, 2019
How bad is my eye area? Do i need surgery? Today i colored my brows, because the were almost invisible.
Fillers now boyo
Main flaw: Negative canthal tilt

Other flaws:
Mediocre eyebrows
Upper Eyelid expose
Too close-set
Main flaw: Negative canthal tilt

Other flaws:
Mediocre eyebrows
Upper Eyelid expose
Too close-set

His main flaw would be his high set browridge and eye brows
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You almost have my eye area boyo

Its over...

How can i improve with fillers? What should i tell the surgeon? Need to go for filler injections asap
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Here some more

getting better...
His main flaw would be his high set browridge and eye brows
NCT cope.

Its over if you don't have neutral or positive tilt.
NCT cope.

Its over if you don't have neutral or positive tilt.

Cope and my eyes a neutral.

Don’t fall for this NCT meme, give him hooded eyes and he looks a lot better, give him a neutral tilt it still looks like shit
Cope and my eyes a neutral.

Don’t fall for this NCT meme, give him hooded eyes and he looks a lot better, give him a neutral tilt it still looks like shit
Cope and my eyes a neutral.

Don’t fall for this NCT meme, give him hooded eyes and he looks a lot better, give him a neutral tilt it still looks like shit
You can't have hooded eyes with negative canthal tilt dumbass. The whole point of canthal tilt is that the orbital ribs are pointed down away from the browridge...
You can't have hooded eyes with negative canthal tilt dumbass. The whole point of canthal tilt is that the orbital ribs are pointed down away from the browridge...

Yes you can retard it’s to do with fat pads and a low set browridge, the rims don’t effect that

Lmao this guy in the Youtube video is watching has NCT hooded eyes JFL @ your iq
Yes you can retard it’s to do with fat pads and a low set browridge, the rims don’t effect that

Lmao this guy in the Youtube video is watching has NCT hooded eyes JFL @ your iq
Well you're still absolutely fucking retarded if you think NCT isnt the worst trait someone can have
You can't have hooded eyes with negative canthal tilt dumbass. The whole point of canthal tilt is that the orbital ribs are pointed down away from the browridge...

Well you're still absolutely fucking retarded if you think NCT isnt the worst trait someone can have
where did my chin and jaw go? well, at least I have my positive canthal tilt bruh
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Well you're still absolutely fucking retarded if you think NCT isnt the worst trait someone can have
It’s not unless severe stop the cope other areas in eye area are much more important slight nct doesn’t affect shit
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It’s not unless severe stop the cope other areas in eye area are much more important slight nct doesn’t affect shit

honestly I dont think there's any one feature that drags down someone's appearance more than NCT - unless the eyes are perfectly hooded and mostly cover it up. You can't be above normie tier with NCT, and you definitely can't be striking or model tier with it. Perfectly neutral or slightly positive is the way to go everytime.
@Lifeisgood72 if your so high iq go cure your scoliosis
So much fucking cope here holy shit once again slight NCT BARELY affects ur eye area, when it’s severe yea it fucks it up, learn the diff between the two faggots
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Nobody failo mogs my eyes on this forum tbh.
Bulgy eyes, nct, shitty color, some scleral show, bad undereye support, mediocre hooding.
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wtf. How does it look retarded jfl. His other features are all bad, recessed chin etc. yet he managed to get over 30 matches in a western country just because of his extremely good eye area. Posted him on lookism, truerateme etc and everybody pointed out his extremely good eye area and agreed with me that his looks are carried by his eyebrows

Would look better with straight eye brows and less aggressive tilt.
I am sorry but the reason why I don't like your signature guy is because his eyebrows are extremely beta. . Haloed by extremely wide jaw. When I was younger I thought that brad pitt was the ideal male but after learning about psl stuff, I just realized that he isn't even that gl.

View attachment 37061

And yet women love him ?

JFL PSL is bs, my sports teacher would be considered a normie here but yet girls at my school crave him.
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No his eye area looks retarded, I agree with what your saying but bad example
JFL, he has tyson ballou tier eyebrows which is close to ideal. And his eye are is GL tier.
reminder that girls also like this guy because of his muuuh looks

View attachment 37064

JFL. Girls are just in love with their roles in movies and the status they have. Ryan is a basic 5 psl guy.

Brad Pitt is good looking though...

Gosling is not wouldn’t even rate him 5 psl tbh ngl
JFL, he has tyson ballou tier eyebrows which is close to ideal. And his eye are is GL tier.

I disagree but whatever
tfw the only few examples of a potentially attractive NCT you can find get called retarded and "no wait, that wasn't a good example trust me!!"

Its over for you nct copers.

-neutral-postive canthal tilter, out
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View attachment 37056
Look at this guy, he has NCT yet his eye area looks dope asf because of his eyebrows

Prominent glabella and positive tilted eyebrows= automatically 6+ eye area.

yep again. Positive tilted eyebrows and relatively good glabella.

You really picked a bad example. That guy's entire eye area is completely halo'd by the color. Turn those eyes into dark brown and that eye area looks like shit. Not to mention one outlier doesn't disprove the rule. NCT is a horrible trait. People can still look alright despite it - but it doesn't look good. It's basically fact by this point.
yea now you wanna tell me that he got 30+ matches just because of his eye color ? Yea boyo. If you think so, you're bluepilled.


accept it

Did you read what what I wrote? He got 30+ matches because his mongoloid eye area is saved by the great color his eyes have. PCT is fucking dank, and NCT is a universally undesirable trait. "accept it.".
So much fucking cope here holy shit once again slight NCT BARELY affects ur eye area, when it’s severe yea it fucks it up, learn the diff between the two faggots
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If it's minor, of course it doesn't matter, just like any other 'minor' flaw.

Why is it that when everyone tries to play off NCT like its not inherently unattractive, the only good examples of NCT are ones where they have literally pristine light colored eyes that halo their entire eye area??

You can certainly be a chad despite some flaws, but keep in mind that a handful of exceptions does not disprove the rule that NCT is never preferable to neutral and PCT (not to mention all the examples of "good" NCT would all look better with PCT and/or neutral tilt LOL).
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