Reasons why ugly / average looking guys getting a pretty gf is nothing to be jealous of

Idk I saw the survery saying 60% of this forum is virgin like me
I mean incel level in looks. There are plenty of chadlites here and on lookism that are virgins
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honestly anyone who isn't PSL 5.5+ (myself included, im only psl 5) isn't someone you should take dating advice from.

i heard a psl 4 guy try to tell me that submitting to your girl's every whims and decisions is a great idea.

yeah okay sure bro

honestly either ascend or be prepared to make sacrifices against yourself, i already know my choice
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Bro normies must ltr because they don't slay at all

Exactly. That is the whole point. If you cannot slay (except every once in a blue moon when you luck out), then 1) you are more emotionally inclined to start a LTR with a girl in the first place in order to feel intimacy and emotional closeness, 2) and to be honest LTR and succumbing to a foid's whims is your only option to get sex anyway. So you HAVE to go with that. Or cope as a MGTOW.
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Exactly. That is the whole point. If you cannot slay (except every once in a blue moon when you luck out), then 1) you are more emotionally inclined to start a LTR with a girl in the first place in order to feel intimacy and emotional closeness, 2) and to be honest LTR and succumbing to a foid's whims is your only option to get sex anyway. So you HAVE to go with that. Or cope as a MGTOW.

what a sad dichotomy to be in at 4psl and even 5psl, sometimes i wonder if i had never found this forum what my life would be like. how would i frame the things we see in regards to hookups/relationships
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what a sad dichotomy to be in at 4psl and even 5psl, sometimes i wonder if i had never found this forum what my life would be like. how would i frame the things we see in regards to hookups/relationships
I am a huge proponent that truth sets you free and it is always best to know the truth even if harsh (barring except a few exceptions). It works out better in the long term.
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I mean incel level in looks. There are plenty of chadlites here and on lookism that are virgins
cope. if they're virgins they are volcel as fuck or are not a chadlite
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I am a huge proponent that truth sets you free and it is always best to know the truth even if harsh (barring except a few exceptions). It works out better in the long term.
Long story but I have a 5’3 Asian friend super recessed literal definition of subhuman although he’s a great guy character wise and super smart.
He asked out multiple girls over and over again believing his height and face wouldn’t be a limiting factor and racked up many rejects and I thought he took it all like a champ at the time.
He got hit with depression and stopped school for a while and apparently stress and mental factors contributed to him norwooding and balding in a very short period of time and he was really struggling internally.
It’s sad to see honestly it’s like hitting a dog and watching them howl in pain and it’s even worse because like the dog they don’t even know why it’s happening to them or why they have to suffer this way.
The blackpill/truth is liberating in that sense, if I could go back in time and blackpill him at least he would’ve stopped trying and ruining his mental I think.
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Long story but I have a 5’3 Asian friend super recessed literal definition of subhuman although he’s a great guy character wise and super smart.
He asked out multiple girls over and over again believing his height and face wouldn’t be a limiting factor and racked up many rejects and I thought he took it all like a champ at the time.
He got hit with depression and stopped school for a while and apparently stress and mental factors contributed to him norwooding and balding in a very short period of time and he was really struggling internally.
It’s sad to see honestly it’s like hitting a dog and watching them howl in pain and it’s even worse because like the dog they don’t even know why it’s happening to them or why they have to suffer this way.
The blackpill/truth is liberating in that sense, if I could go back in time and blackpill him at least he would’ve stopped trying and ruining his mental I think.
your story reminds me of someone i know irl who is pretty similar to this description
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Long story but I have a 5’3 Asian friend super recessed literal definition of subhuman although he’s a great guy character wise and super smart.
He asked out multiple girls over and over again believing his height and face wouldn’t be a limiting factor and racked up many rejects and I thought he took it all like a champ at the time.
He got hit with depression and stopped school for a while and apparently stress and mental factors contributed to him norwooding and balding in a very short period of time and he was really struggling internally.
It’s sad to see honestly it’s like hitting a dog and watching them howl in pain and it’s even worse because like the dog they don’t even know why it’s happening to them or why they have to suffer this way.
The blackpill/truth is liberating in that sense, if I could go back in time and blackpill him at least he would’ve stopped trying and ruining his mental I think.

Yes exactly it is liberating. So it is beneficial for long term mental health in either case. If you are on the losing end, it is still beneficial to know rather than not know. If you are on the winning end, it can make you narcissistic. Men either way are stoic and pragmatic, they want to analyze things and get to the truth, blackpill gives you a simple, yet harsh and cynical, explanation for why things are the way they are.
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Long story but I have a 5’3 Asian friend super recessed literal definition of subhuman although he’s a great guy character wise and super smart.
He asked out multiple girls over and over again believing his height and face wouldn’t be a limiting factor and racked up many rejects and I thought he took it all like a champ at the time.
He got hit with depression and stopped school for a while and apparently stress and mental factors contributed to him norwooding and balding in a very short period of time and he was really struggling internally.
It’s sad to see honestly it’s like hitting a dog and watching them howl in pain and it’s even worse because like the dog they don’t even know why it’s happening to them or why they have to suffer this way.
The blackpill/truth is liberating in that sense, if I could go back in time and blackpill him at least he would’ve stopped trying and ruining his mental I think.

Tbh I agree but I also disagree. I think in certain circumstances it's good to know, like your friend. But if you're normie? Then it's just better to be blissfully ignorant imo.
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Long story but I have a 5’3 Asian friend super recessed literal definition of subhuman although he’s a great guy character wise and super smart.
He asked out multiple girls over and over again believing his height and face wouldn’t be a limiting factor and racked up many rejects and I thought he took it all like a champ at the time.
He got hit with depression and stopped school for a while and apparently stress and mental factors contributed to him norwooding and balding in a very short period of time and he was really struggling internally.
It’s sad to see honestly it’s like hitting a dog and watching them howl in pain and it’s even worse because like the dog they don’t even know why it’s happening to them or why they have to suffer this way.
The blackpill/truth is liberating in that sense, if I could go back in time and blackpill him at least he would’ve stopped trying and ruining his mental I think.
What causes his height? Growth hormone deficiency? Poor diet? Mixture of both maybe?

I would think you cannot be shorter than 5'6" as a man if you are non-syndromic and have a perfect upbringing.
What causes his height? Growth hormone deficiency? Poor diet? Mixture of both maybe?

I would think you cannot be shorter than 5'6" as a man if you are non-syndromic and have a perfect upbringing.
What causes your pancake face bro ? Obviously bad genetics
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What causes your pancake face bro ? Obviously bad genetics
I can confirm that mouth breathing destroyed my maxilla good. I'm getting LF III anyway, so it doesn't matter.
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Good thread I agree with all points, esp. the point of the average looking guy having no power in the relationship.

I dont subscribe to mgtow ideas, but sometimes they will actually point out blackpilled stuff. Basically if the man doesnt have the "power of walking away" (which you only have if you are good looking and have other women in your rotation), his girlfriend will 100% know it and take advantage of it.

She wont be able to respect her man just for that thing alone, if he doesnt posess the "power of walking away" and she will in most cases give him sex like 1x a week if he was a good simp and did everything she told him to do.

Men who are way below in looks level than the woman are destined to be pathetic slaves and worship their girlfriend and destined to get cucked one day. Its only a matter of time, not if it happens or not.
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The best way to keep a girl around is to let her know other girls want to fuck you

When a girl knows you have so many options she is more inclined to show you off and parade you around, also she knows she doesnt have total control of you

Yeah some refer to this as "power of walking away", when you arent too dependent on the relationship with that one particular woman and have plenty of other options or alternatives. Basically being Chadlite or Chad. You are not the prisoner and slave of the woman you're together with.
I doubt it
Exactly, no sane Chad will put up with a fiend that doesnt open the shop whenever he wants. He has way too many options to put up with this kind of nonsense.
High iq psot will follow u
you forgot that :

maybe the girl is mentally crippled, has down syndrome, insanity etc
Yeah some refer to this as "power of walking away", when you arent too dependent on the relationship with that one particular woman and have plenty of other options or alternatives. Basically being Chadlite or Chad. You are not the prisoner and slave of the woman you're together with.

Yes and it needs to be stressed that having sexual options *CANNOT* be faked with "game". This is the most critical point. So we re back to square number one. Having options while in a relationship again is a byproduct of your looks/genetic value - factors beyond your control, (and perhaps distant second status/money)
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Yes and it needs to be stressed that having sexual options *CANNOT* be faked with "game". This is the most critical point. So we re back to square number one. Having options while in a relationship again is a byproduct of your looks/genetic value - factors beyond your control, (and perhaps distant second status/money)
Yes it's unfakable, but it is achievable for some men through hard work via softmaxing, hardmaxing and through gymmaxing. Therefore it is important to never lean back and relax even in a ltr, by that I mean that you can never quit looksmaxing, bodymaxing and money/statusmaxing. If you stop doing any of that, it is the beginning of the end.
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Yes it's unfakable, but it is achievable for some men through hard work via softmaxing, hardmaxing and through gymmaxing. Therefore it is important to never lean back and relax even in a ltr, by that I mean that you can never quit looksmaxing, bodymaxing and money/statusmaxing. If you stop doing any of that, it is the beginning of the end.

Correct. Perhaps also obvious but it needs to be stated and emphasized that a high value guy should avoid LTRs for as long as possible. This is because a high value man has more to sacrifice in an LTR (even if with a high value foid) than the woman. This may look like a double standard on the surface level, but it is not. It is just a matter of different biological imperatives between the genders. Men have the biological imperative to spread their seed as far wide as possible while women to secure the highest quality sperm. A good looking high value guy has many options and has to sacrifice his most important asset/biological instinct (easy availability to many other sexual options) while a woman faces no such predicament and would be perfectly content. Combine that with the Coolidge effect... and you ll probably understand why guys cheat often (often with pussy inferior in looks than their LTR), simply because any pussy after a point looks better than the boring LTR pussy.
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Correct. Perhaps also obvious but it needs to be stated and emphasized that a high value guy should avoid LTRs for as long as possible. This is because a high value man has more to sacrifice in an LTR (even if with a high value foid) than the woman. This may look like a double standard on the surface level, but it is not. It is just a matter of different biological imperatives between the genders. Men have the biological imperative to spread their seed as far wide as possible while women to secure the highest quality sperm. A good looking high value guy has many options and has to sacrifice his most important asset/biological instinct (easy availability to many other sexual options) while a woman faces no such predicament and would be perfectly content. Combine that with the Coolidge effect... and you ll probably understand why guys cheat often (often with pussy inferior in looks than their LTR), simply because any pussy after a point looks better than the boring LTR pussy.
Thats exactly the paradox with these women, who expect Chad to settle for them and ltr or marry them, when it is actually the exact opposite of what benefits Chad. This is also why Chads are blackpilled by nature. It doesn't benefit them to settle in a slightest way, because they have almost unlimited options.

Honestly as a Chad it is not even worth to settle for a Stacy, because as you said, it would only limit your full potential drastically, and at some point Chad will get bored of even the Gigastacy.

But that doesn't apply to normies, ironically their best interest is to get into ltr.
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100% correct @Ascendant

May I also add that women who do NOT understand this simple concept are doomed to get progressively jaded after getting passed around by Chads and repeated pump and dumps by high quality men, and all they will be left with is copes such as "all men are trash asshole and cheaters".
While completely deflecting ego-hurting truths like 1) perhaps me as a FEMALE I may not have as high SMV as I think and I may need to compromise by going after some men who actually desire me and would offer me the world. They should realize that just because they have a hundred DMs from undesirable men, does not mean she is good enough 2) and also understand and accept the fundamentally different biological imperatives with all their implications.
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I just want to know how they got them. I'd give anything to know. I'm dying here. I'm ugly with a 'good personality' - where's my fucking 6/10 GF? Never happened.
I just want to know how they got them. I'd give anything to know. I'm dying here. I'm ugly with a 'good personality' - where's my fucking 6/10 GF? Never happened.
They betabuxx
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I know women hate guys who arent goodlooking but they still date and fuck them for some reason (validation, loneliness, $$)
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Sounds like cope.
2. You don't know how he managed to get her.
Empirically speaking, a non chad guy has to, outliers excluded, put in huge amounts of extra works, including but not limited to simping, jestermaxxing, betabuxxing, being an emotional tampon etc, to get a hot gf. And that's humiliating to any male whose T level is above average.

3. You don't know what's happening behind closed doors.
Stories / anecdotes about non chad guys being cheated, used, having sexless relationships are never a rarity.

4. In modern days a gl female will always be aware of the power of her pussy.
Even if she somehow fell in love with a non chad guy due to him clownmaxxing or her having issues, social media and her friends will constantly remind her that "she can do better". And she will.

5. A non chad guy has little to no power in the relationship.
Because without the required looks level he has no leverage. If she leaves him one day, which is highly likely to happen, he'll be devastated.
This example, ticks all above boxes:

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Green card
Plus, he decided to marry without a prenup eventually.
Meaning, everything is 50%/50%.
With that dude his wealth/possesions at that moment; she instantly became millionaire on paper.
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so many of you misunderstand the purpose of looksmaxxing and the difference in quality of life between a GL person & a subhuman

Average dudes and even slightly less than average dudes can get GFs/ get laid etc. If you can't do this, your problems are most likely:

1) EXTREMELY fucked up face
2) Extreme manlet
3) Socially inept with no friend group

This doesn't mean GL people dont have it way better, they do. The amount of validation they receive on a daily basis from women and the world at large is unparalleled and incomparable to anything else. They literally don't have to try, everything comes to them effortlessly.
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so many of you misunderstand the purpose of looksmaxxing and the difference in quality of life between a GL person & a subhuman

Average dudes and even slightly less than average dudes can get GFs/ get laid etc. If you can't do this, your problems are most likely:

1) EXTREMELY fucked up face
2) Extreme manlet
3) Socially inept with no friend group

This doesn't mean GL people have it way better, they do. The amount of validation they receive on a daily basis from women and the world at large is unparalleled and incomparable to anything else. They literally don't have to try, everything comes to them effortlessly.
Unless you're like 7 or 8 PSL you need o be social from my experience tbh.
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OP said pretty gf
LOL. She's a model.
Actually ran legit fashion shows on the catwalk.
Like 2019 bridal fashion show in London

Found it.
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being in an ltr doesn't give validation for a long time. And that's what it's all bout tbh. I'm in an ltr and still desire female validation as much as before
looksmax and eventually fuck stacies on tinder
The best way to keep a girl around is to let her know other girls want to fuck you

When a girl knows you have so many options she is more inclined to show you off and parade you around, also she knows she doesnt have total control of you
When I got my wife, I was with 2 other stacies.
She knew I was a "bachelor" and it did not stop her to want to be a FWB for our 3 last weeks of school.
Until we decide to go on.
Honestly, some people will say real men slay because they can and don't get into LTRs, but I was fucking almost every night and getting exhausted (plus it messes on your college results)... and I felt empty "slaying".
So, I was happy to stop that shit and getting serious with a valuable one as I had had enough sex with stacies for years.
Finally, we are still together because she knows I can slay when I want.
I see so many PSL3-4 guys with bad frames dating attractive girls

maybe they are cucks but they still get to fuck the slut
Because it's a market where most males are below 4.5 PSL and females are higher on the curve (because of our libido).
Thus, there is one educated, smart (with earnings potential), masculine Chad(lite) for ten times the number of equivalent females in terms of attractiveness.
True, but still. He's balls deep in Stacey :feelswah:
Because it's a market where most males are below 4.5 PSL and females are higher on the curve (because of our libido).
Thus, there is one educated, smart (with earnings potential), masculine Chad(lite) for ten times the number of equivalent females in terms of attractiveness.
Women dont deserve goodlooking guys, i hope they all rot with their PSL3-4 skinnyfat boyfriends

fucking whores with 0 standards

ive lost count of the amount of giga subhumans ive seen with attractive girls
Also I get hit on by other girls when we are out together, so I mean if you are truly good looking then will notice other girls checking you out and stuff
Yes, even my daughters notice it.
Funny thing is that it infuriates my wife.

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