Reasons why ugly / average looking guys getting a pretty gf is nothing to be jealous of

Deleted member 616

Deleted member 616

Dec 4, 2018
1. It doesn't happen as often as you might believe.
People freak out at the sight of a non chad guy dating a Stacy because such mismatched couples are not the norm. To get a gl girlfriend as an average Joe, you need to be extremely lucky.

2. You don't know how he managed to get her.
Empirically speaking, a non chad guy has to, outliers excluded, put in huge amounts of extra works, including but not limited to simping, jestermaxxing, betabuxxing, being an emotional tampon etc, to get a hot gf. And that's humiliating to any male whose T level is above average.

3. You don't know what's happening behind closed doors.
Stories / anecdotes about non chad guys being cheated, used, having sexless relationships are never a rarity.

4. In modern days a gl female will always be aware of the power of her pussy.
Even if she somehow fell in love with a non chad guy due to him clownmaxxing or her having issues, social media and her friends will constantly remind her that "she can do better". And she will.

5. A non chad guy has little to no power in the relationship.
Because without the required looks level he has no leverage. If she leaves him one day, which is highly likely to happen, he'll be devastated.

6. As a non chad guy you can get into a relationship with pretty girls.
But never forget to looksmax since good looks will benefit you in all aspects of life, on top of dating.

7. You might not attain the level of Chad's aesthetics in the end.
But the more psl points you gain, the more your partner will respect you, the more options you'll have hence the less you'll be attached to her alone.

8. Get looks or die.
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Be Pitt or die trying
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Itsover 2
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The best way to keep a girl around is to let her know other girls want to fuck you

When a girl knows you have so many options she is more inclined to show you off and parade you around, also she knows she doesnt have total control of you
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So true actually. Also jfl at ltring a girl. I feel sorry for chads and non chads who ltr those unfunny boring dumbfuck creatures
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Reactions: Heguldus, Chadeep, Pietrosiek and 10 others
So true actually. Also jfl at ltring a girl. I feel sorry for chads and non chads who ltr those unfunny boring dumbfuck creatures
Bro normies must ltr because they don't slay at all
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legit thread.

incel = sub8 male who refuses to be a cuck
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The best way to keep a girl around is to let her know other girls want to fuck you

When a girl knows you have so many options she is more inclined to show you off and parade you around, also she knows she doesnt have total control of you
This is true.
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most of the time they're emotional tampons and rarely get sex from them and get cucked behind their back on "Girls Night Out" by Chad
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So the conclusion is to be jealous of chad and kill him?
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20% is chad(lite). Either slaying or in a healthy LTR.
40% is betabux cuckmaterial in a LTR that won't work out.
40% is incel. Combination of based people that refuse to be cucks and also people that never had a chance.
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1. It doesn't happen as often as you might believe.
People freak out at the sight of a non chad guy dating a Stacy because such mismatched couples are not the norm. To get a gl girlfriend as an average Joe, you need to be extremely lucky.

2. You don't know how he managed to get her.
Empirically speaking, a non chad guy has to, outliers excluded, put in huge amounts of extra works, including but not limited to simping, jestermaxxing, betabuxxing, being an emotional tampon etc, to get a hot gf. And that's humiliating to any male whose T level is above average.

3. You don't know what's happening behind closed doors.
Stories / anecdotes about non chad guys being cheated, used, having sexless relationships are never a rarity.

4. In modern days a gl female will always be aware of the power of her pussy.
Even if she somehow fell in love with a non chad guy due to him clownmaxxing or her having issues, social media and her friends will constantly remind her that "she can do better". And she will.

5. A non chad guy has little to no power in the relationship.
Because without the required looks level he has no leverage. If she leaves him one day, which is highly likely to happen, he'll be devastated.

6. As a non chad guy you can get into a relationship with pretty girls.
But never forget to looksmax since good looks will benefit you in all aspects of life, on top of dating.

7. You might not attain the level of Chad's aesthetics in the end.
But the more psl points you gain, the more your partner will respect you, the more options you'll have hence the less you'll be attached to her alone.

8. Get looks or die.
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The best way to keep a girl around is to let her know other girls want to fuck you

When a girl knows you have so many options she is more inclined to show you off and parade you around, also she knows she doesnt have total control of you
You cant fake this. A girl knows your worth to other girls exactly.
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Reactions: Norwooder, Usum, Chadeep and 2 others
What about pimping?
This is true but let's face it, many of us here ARE chadlites so this doesn't apply nearly to the extent your posts suggests it does. And tbh I don't like the PSL 6.5+ Stacies. I like the girls who look just good or only kinda hot. Too hot is unattractive because the mog is too much.
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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Be Cavill or die trying
94888537 2416750818569469 8406491440843345392 n
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Stories / anecdotes about non chad guys being cheated, used, having sexless relationships are never a rarity.
Stories of Chads also having sexless ltr's is common. Women just can't tame the whore within and crave constant new excitment and drama. They are like vampires.
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Reactions: ConspiracyTheory, SteveRogers, Chadeep and 5 others
This is true but let's face it, many of us here ARE chadlites so this doesn't apply nearly to the extent your posts suggests it does. And tbh I don't like the PSL 6.5+ Stacies. I like the girls who look just good or only kinda hot. Too hot is unattractive because the mog is too much.
Need you to rate me and tell how to become Chad asap
I doubt it
Lol, no matter how hot you are she's going to get bored after 2-3 years. Your focus would have to be constantly looksmaxxing and being interesting while for her having a vagina is all that's required out of life. It's just a losing game for males. If you are a chad smash and dash but if you fall in love you are royally fucked.
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Reactions: Deleted member 5634, Deleted member 7192, Ascendant and 1 other person
Lol, no matter how hot you are she's going to get bored after 2-3 years. Your focus would have to be constantly looksmaxxing and being interesting while for her having a vagina is all that's required out of life. It's just a losing game for males. If you are a chad smash and dash but if you fall in love you are royally fucked.

Yes exactly

Vagina = Easy Career, Easy money if no career by onlyfansmaxxing, Easy marry a rich guy if lazy, Easy social life and endless friends and validations

Penis = Work hard goyim and die young, unless top 5% Chad
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Stories of Chads also having sexless ltr's is common. Women just can't tame the whore within and crave constant new excitment and drama. They are like vampires.

You can keep 1 girl loyal but only if you behave like a complete pimp. You cant relax and be yourself around them, treat them like a friend or anything
I see so many PSL3-4 guys with bad frames dating attractive girls

maybe they are cucks but they still get to fuck the slut
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You can keep 1 girl loyal but only if you behave like a complete pimp. You cant relax and be yourself around them, treat them like a friend or anything

To keep a girl loyal:

1) mog her absolutely without shadow of doubt
2) outearn her 50K
3) Live in culture where divorce is frowned upon and whoring on onlyfans gets her excomunicado from the tribe
4) Never talk to her about your weaknesses

Then basically you are married to have access to one particular pussy and failure in any of the above means she will leave. Tbh MGTOW seems like a really viable option.
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20% is chad(lite). Either slaying or in a healthy LTR.
40% is betabux cuckmaterial in a LTR that won't work out.
40% is incel. Combination of based people that refuse to be cucks and also people that never had a chance.
Lol no 20% of guys are not chadlites or better what the hell am i reading

i saw maybe 100 white guys today and 0 were chadlites+. But i also rate frame and height.
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The best way to keep a girl around is to let her know other girls want to fuck you

When a girl knows you have so many options she is more inclined to show you off and parade you around, also she knows she doesnt have total control of you
whats the best way to do this, assuming youve already become goodlooking, how do u go about it
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whats the best way to do this, assuming youve already become goodlooking, how do u go about it
Hmm I just keep other girls on my Tinder, Bumble, Snapchat but dont open their messages

Also I get hit on by other girls when we are out together, so I mean if you are truly good looking then will notice other girls checking you out and stuff
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Reactions: Usum, Chadeep and Vidyacoper
To keep a girl loyal:

1) mog her absolutely without shadow of doubt
2) outearn her 50K
3) Live in culture where divorce is frowned upon and whoring on onlyfans gets her excomunicado from the tribe
4) Never talk to her about your weaknesses

Then basically you are married to have access to one particular pussy and failure in any of the above means she will leave. Tbh MGTOW seems like a really viable option.

Your tryna rise your own SMV above her to keep her acting right, this is impossible for most men.

If you can just pull her down to below your level it has the same effect you desire lol, this is how pimps make women who MOG them stay loyal and give their money to the pimp. This is what most successful guys do, keep their girls humble through disrespect.
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Hmm I just keep other girls on my Tinder, Bumble, Snapchat but dont open their messages

Also I get hit on by other girls when we are out together, so I mean if you are truly good looking then will notice other girls checking you out and stuff
wouldnt she rage/bitch if she sees u have tinder or bumble
That type of success is almost never replicated as well.
Its impossible to mog women, Angelina Jolie vs Brad Pitt in their prime, Angelina will still have way more options than Brad, even if they are both SMVmaxxed, because women will still have the upper hand.
Even the most handsome male models don't get paid as much as their female counterparts, its because women have and will always have way more options than men.
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wouldnt she rage/bitch if she sees u have tinder or bumble
Dont show her

Just use Tinder and Bumble to constantly get more girls Snapchats
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I see so many PSL3-4 guys with bad frames dating attractive girls

maybe they are cucks but they still get to fuck the slut
I don't believe they fuck the sluts
Well they do sadly
I really don't believe it. How can you prove they actually get to fuck the sluts? Dating is one thing, but probably they're just being used as free meal tickets.
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Good thread but also water
I really don't believe it. How can you prove they actually get to fuck the sluts? Dating is one thing, but probably they're just being used as free meal tickets.
obviously they fuck their boyfriends... women are sluts they need dick 24/7
what do u chat with the sluts on snapchat about? Do u send pics or just write?
I send video chats of me immediately to cash in on the Halo effect

I just ask them about their online dating bio, or hobbies, or school

I push to try to meet up IRL asap, if they are nervous then add them on Whats App to video chat

Chadfishing doesnt work for incels because video footage of yourself will help them invest in you more than just a text would
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I don't believe they fuck the sluts
Bro he rate legit Chads who can get 100 match in a day as a High tier normie, he is also 6'4" so his manlet idea is probably 5'11" .

He is more hypergamous than girls themselvs
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Reactions: 5'8manlet, Deleted member 7560, Usum and 9 others
The best way to keep a girl around is to let her know other girls want to fuck you

When a girl knows you have so many options she is more inclined to show you off and parade you around, also she knows she doesnt have total control of you
Dread game. Redpill af
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Reactions: Deleted member 6403
This is true but let's face it, many of us here ARE chadlites so this doesn't apply nearly to the extent your posts suggests it does. And tbh I don't like the PSL 6.5+ Stacies. I like the girls who look just good or only kinda hot. Too hot is unattractive because the mog is too much.
jfl at calling many of us chadlites when majority of this forum is incel
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Reactions: 5'8manlet, Chadeep, Deleted member 110 and 4 others
whats the best way to do this, assuming youve already become goodlooking, how do u go about it
caged at your signature
death note best anime ngl
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Reactions: Vidyacoper and Deleted member 5818
To keep a girl loyal:

1) mog her absolutely without shadow of doubt
2) outearn her 50K
3) Live in culture where divorce is frowned upon and whoring on onlyfans gets her excomunicado from the tribe
4) Never talk to her about your weaknesses

Then basically you are married to have access to one particular pussy and failure in any of the above means she will leave. Tbh MGTOW seems like a really viable option.

pretty accurate man...
that's why you get an average bitch who treats you like the greatest thing since sliced bread
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