Reddit's first steroid cycle guide



Jan 9, 2021
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500mg is the standard dose.
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Interests me as well, I haven't found too much good information online regarding steroids,
the only thing I heard from people online who inject roids is that they can be safe if done right,
but they might be just coping.

you have any other good source of information?
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lmao I replied to the wrong post, nevermind me
  • JFL
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Only need 200mg Test e to make gains if it's your very first cycle.
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isnt thats whats said in our botb guide too?
500 mg yields more muscle mass with essentially no increased risk of side effects so for sure more optimal. You will put on enough mass with Test only cycle, but if you really want to blow up stack it with Dbol.
I only consider doing one simple test cycle to get faster to my natural limit.
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I only consider doing one simple test cycle to get faster to my natural limit.
Fair enough. You can cruise on TRT for the rest of your life tbh broe. Also when you start adding more compounds it becomes a shiite ton more complicated so your decision makes perfect sense.
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Fair enough. You can cruise on TRT for the rest of your life tbh broe. Also when you start adding more compounds it becomes a shiite ton more complicated so your decision makes perfect sense.
Basically, I only consider doing what that Reddit guide tells. So 500 mg of test and other stuff for 12-16 weeks.

But I'm not in a hurry. I will first cut to 10% while lifting. It might be that I decide that I don't need to be on roids.
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500 is a recipe for being a bloated mess with high blood pressure and high estrogen. Cut it to 300mg and add anavar
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500 mg yields more muscle mass with essentially no increased risk of side effects so for sure more optimal. You will put on enough mass with Test only cycle, but if you really want to blow up stack it with Dbol.
you will blow up with water weight primarily.
They seem to make it like 500 mg of testosterone for 12-16 weeks is pretty riskless. True?

Do 300mgs with anavar for a first cycle, you dont need 500mgs for a first cycle and its just added organ stress for marginally increased gains.
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Reactions: OOGABOOGA and Sigmamale
Basically, I only consider doing what that Reddit guide tells. So 500 mg of test and other stuff for 12-16 weeks.

But I'm not in a hurry. I will first cut to 10% while lifting. It might be that I decide that I don't need to be on roids.
Do 300mgs of test with some anavar, watch mpmd videos on how to do your first cycle and what mistakes not to make.
Interests me as well, I haven't found too much good information online regarding steroids,
the only thing I heard from people online who inject roids is that they can be safe if done right,
but they might be just coping.

you have any other good source of information?
watch more plates more dates and leo with longevity
They seem to make it like 500 mg of testosterone for 12-16 weeks is pretty riskless. True?

500mg test is a meme that low IQ people regurgitate from each other.

Its just dealers who first said that to sell you more gear and AI's.

You dont need much at all. It should also have another compound as thats more tissue selective if your goal is to build muscle.
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I only consider doing one simple test cycle to get faster to my natural limit.
Thats my Plan too but people say its hard to stop it cuz u feel like a god
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Thats my Plan too but people say its hard to stop it cuz u feel like a god
I have discipline to stop. Besides my dream body isn't some roided bodybuilding freak.
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I have discipline to stop. Besides my dream body isn't some roided bodybuilding freak.
Mine neither.1 cycle should be enough tbh. Lets see if i can pin myself, Sounds scary ngl. Maybe im a puss
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Mine neither.1 cycle should be enough tbh. Lets see if i can pin myself, Sounds scary ngl. Maybe im a puss
I guess one test cycle would just make it 1 year faster to reach the natty limit and nothing more.
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I guess one test cycle would just make it 1 year faster to reach the natty limit and nothing more.
Yea thats the goal. Ive heard things like hapta shutdown or smth idk much about that need more research
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Yeah its a good guide. I only experienced facial bloat and didnt use Ai. Didnt affect my mood or confidence at all. When I stopped I had this one instance where i got really anxious feeling in gym where couple of niggers were too close To my personal space when I was resting between sets.
  • JFL
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"Riskless" depends on context. At low dosages the main risk of injury/death come from dirty gear and poor injection technique. If you consider acne, hairloss and gyno to be lesser problems then there's quite a significant risk of one or more of those. Most people are fine and just experience a bit of bloating. Injectable steroids aren't really dangerous, the danger comes when people start messing around with strong oral steroids, HGH (diabetes), insulin, DNP/clen, and shit like that.

Yea thats the goal. Ive heard things like hapta shutdown or smth idk much about that need more research

A cycle of test will shut down your HPTA, no question. The main difference between a mild cycle and a heavy blast is the ability for your hormones to rebound.
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"Riskless" depends on context. At low dosages the main risk of injury/death come from dirty gear and poor injection technique. If you consider acne, hairloss and gyno to be lesser problems then there's quite a significant risk of one or more of those. Most people are fine and just experience a bit of bloating. Injectable steroids aren't really dangerous, the danger comes when people start messing around with strong oral steroids, HGH (diabetes), insulin, DNP/clen, and shit like that.

A cycle of test will shut down your HPTA, no question. The main difference between a mild cycle and a heavy blast is the ability for your hormones to rebound.
How bad is hpta shutdown? What does it do
How bad is hpta shutdown? What does it do
means there's no signaling for your balls to produce test b/c of the exogenous test you're injecting. You have to keep your balls stimulated while on cycle with HCG so that your leydig cells stay alive
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I have discipline to stop. Besides my dream body isn't some roided bodybuilding freak.
You could probably make bodybuilding your career, take any steroids you wanted to without fear of longevity issues and never even look close to any professional bodybuilders. The idea of being "too big" is shilled by DYELs and women who think if they do a push up they'll be the next Ronnie Coleman. You'd be surprised how many "average looking" guys at your gym are running blast and cruise.
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Its dumb and I am gonna explain why. Having higher androgenlevles is gonna produce negative health effects, thats 100% factual. Yes, 500mg for 16 weeks isnt gonna kill anyone but in general, we want as little testosterone exposure as possible while making the biggest progress.
Once you cycle your 500mg and then PCT, you gonna lose a big part of your gains. Reddits guide says, in the best case you are left with 5-7kg of muscles, which is a lot but only when you are 1. responding good to gear and 2. are sleeping, eating and training like its your fucking job. For the average Joe, you gonna gain 2-3kg of muscle. Is it worth it to shut yourself down and accelerate hair loss and harm your body for 2-3kg of muscle?

The better idea: You cycle but only with 300mg for 16 weeks, then you drop down to TRT dose at around 120mg/week. You let your body recover for 8-12 weeks and then cycle again for 16 weeks, this time with either 400mg or you take 300mg+ Primo.
Soosh did exactly this and ate well and he fucking blew up and made more gains than when he blasted more gear. if yo want to PCT, you can still do it 1 year later when you actually reached your dream physique. Shutting down is shutting down, it doesnt matter if you are on TRT/Test for 3 months or 1 year. Maybe you will need more recovery time but you will recover. There are guys who blasted for years even with 19-nors and they recovered to accetable test levels (500-600ng/dl)
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@gaymidget and others: How common side-effect hair loss is? It would definitely be a dealbreaker for me: I prefer to be a less muscular guy with hair than a muscular guy without hair. Besides as a natty, I still gain muscles, doing one testosterone cycle would just make the process of getting my ideal body faster.
@gaymidget and others: How common side-effect hair loss is? It would definitely be a dealbreaker for me: I prefer to be a less muscular guy with hair than a muscular guy without hair. Besides as a natty, I still gain muscles, doing one testosterone cycle would just make the process of getting my ideal body faster.
It really depends on your genetics, If you are in your 20s and already balding, you will lose your hair pretty fast. If you got good genetics, I will just slightly accelerate the process. But you can use finasteride or RU to minimize its effects. because of increased androgen levels, Finnasteride side effects will be less. Look at Derek from MPMD, he's prone to hair loss and blasted a lot and he still got a reasonable amount of hair. Also, the compounds are important. Tren or Nandrolone will rape your hair, DHT deviates like Masteron too. Hair safer compounds are Test, Anavar, Dbol, EQ and Primo.

Yeah u can just blast and cruise for a year and you will have your dream physique and just need to maintain.
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Reactions: Wallenberg
500 is a recipe for being a bloated mess with high blood pressure and high estrogen. Cut it to 300mg and add anavar
Dude why do I naturally have lots of acne, water retention, high blood pressure and gyno without any steroid use at all? What the fuck once I hit puberty all this shit hit me hard what does it mean?
It really depends on your genetics, If you are in your 20s and already balding, you will lose your hair pretty fast. If you got good genetics, I will just slightly accelerate the process. But you can use finasteride or RU to minimize its effects. because of increased androgen levels, Finnasteride side effects will be less. Look at Derek from MPMD, he's prone to hair loss and blasted a lot and he still got a reasonable amount of hair. Also, the compounds are important. Tren or Nandrolone will rape your hair, DHT deviates like Masteron too. Hair safer compounds are Test, Anavar, Dbol, EQ and Primo.

Yeah u can just blast and cruise for a year and you will have your dream physique and just need to maintain.
Hey man. What would you recommend for someone who had never touched roids but doesn’t want to blast for life? Is it worth it to take the shortcut and do one cycle of test and then go back to natural or is it just healthier to do it all natural and actually have patience?
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Dude why do I naturally have lots of acne, water retention, high blood pressure and gyno without any steroid use at all? What the fuck once I hit puberty all this shit hit me hard what does it mean?
have you checked your hormonal profile?
It really depends on your genetics, If you are in your 20s and already balding, you will lose your hair pretty fast. If you got good genetics, I will just slightly accelerate the process. But you can use finasteride or RU to minimize its effects. because of increased androgen levels, Finnasteride side effects will be less. Look at Derek from MPMD, he's prone to hair loss and blasted a lot and he still got a reasonable amount of hair. Also, the compounds are important. Tren or Nandrolone will rape your hair, DHT deviates like Masteron too. Hair safer compounds are Test, Anavar, Dbol, EQ and Primo.

Yeah u can just blast and cruise for a year and you will have your dream physique and just need to maintain.
It seems that testosterone is one of the safest steroids out there if used with a moderate and not too big steroid. If that's the case I only consider test.

Thank you for the information.
First I will check my testosterone levels. I'm curious and in the best case I would have low T and the doctor would give me legit testosterone. I don't have any symptoms of low testosterone levels though so I guess they are normal.
@gaymidget and others: How common side-effect hair loss is? It would definitely be a dealbreaker for me: I prefer to be a less muscular guy with hair than a muscular guy without hair. Besides as a natty, I still gain muscles, doing one testosterone cycle would just make the process of getting my ideal body faster.
If you're prone to male baldness, blasting T will make u a bald roided subhuman
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If you're prone to male baldness, blasting T will make u a bald roided subhuman
I have had a high hairline for 7 years, but it has been stable in the same position, not receding. I have full hair otherwise, no signs of balding.
It seems that testosterone is one of the safest steroids out there if used with a moderate and not too big steroid. If that's the case I only consider test.

Thank you for the information.
Not safe for hair though
Testosterone has a 100/100 anabolic/androgenic ratio (androgenic means side effects like hairloss and acne)

Anavar and sarms are more safe for hair
Not safe for hair though
Testosterone has a 100/100 anabolic/androgenic ratio (androgenic means side effects like hairloss and acne)

Anavar and sarms are more safe for hair
I will probably stay as a natty - especially if getting to 10% body fat makes my face more attractive.

SARMS are less effective?
Are the side effects so minimal that SARMs make sense?
There are less side effects but they're less effective though
Also sarms shut down natural production of T as well
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It seems that testosterone is one of the safest steroids out there if used with a moderate and not too big steroid. If that's the case I only consider test.

Thank you for the information.
Yeah u dont need anything else. Oral steroids are considered to cause tumors in your liver and are generally liver toxic. For the most attractive physique for women, you dont need anything else than test.
Hey man. What would you recommend for someone who had never touched roids but doesn’t want to blast for life? Is it worth it to take the shortcut and do one cycle of test and then go back to natural or is it just healthier to do it all natural and actually have patience?
I am in the same boat bro, I wanted to do my first cycle but the lockdown came and I am now patiently waiting. Tbh, in todays society with all the competition and all the estrogen in our environment, I just think that taking test, especially in your 20s Is a very reasonable decision. Look, why wouldn't I max out my masculinity, energy, mental toughness, body aesthetics, dopamine etc. when its dirty cheap and doable in a healthy manner? If you got great genetics in the first place, then you can think about it twice but otherwise, with all the blackpill knowledge, its the logical conlcusion

Also, the heightened libido, dopamine, toughness and energy is very enjoyable. Cycling is fun! Why shouldn't you try it at least?
Yeah u dont need anything else. Oral steroids are considered to cause tumors in your liver and are generally liver toxic. For the most attractive physique for women, you dont need anything else than test.

I am in the same boat bro, I wanted to do my first cycle but the lockdown came and I am now patiently waiting. Tbh, in todays society with all the competition and all the estrogen in our environment, I just think that taking test, especially in your 20s Is a very reasonable decision. Look, why wouldn't I max out my masculinity, energy, mental toughness, body aesthetics, dopamine etc. when its dirty cheap and doable in a healthy manner? If you got great genetics in the first place, then you can think about it twice but otherwise, with all the blackpill knowledge, its the logical conlcusion

Also, the heightened libido, dopamine, toughness and energy is very enjoyable. Cycling is fun! Why shouldn't you try it at least?
I don’t want to accelerate hair loss honestly and I already have gyno and acne so I would probably just be fucking myself over to be real.
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350g Test a week for 16 meeks is a good starting dose.
  • JFL
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I don’t want to accelerate hair loss honestly and I already have gyno and acne so I would probably just be fucking myself over to be real.
The hair loss thing is a valid concern but gyno can be easily prevented or even reversed with ralox. At the end of the day, everyone has to decide for themselves. I am curious enough to try it. I am definitely going to write a log here.
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