Reddit's first steroid cycle guide

The hair loss thing is a valid concern but gyno can be easily prevented or even reversed with ralox. At the end of the day, everyone has to decide for themselves. I am curious enough to try it. I am definitely going to write a log here.
I’ve looked into raloxifene. The thing is I have no idea where to get it or actual information about it. Does it have side effects? This might be the move for me.
These are the same dudes who will tell you to just shave it off bro
I’ve looked into raloxifene. The thing is I have no idea where to get it or actual information about it. Does it have side effects? This might be the move for me.
I think its not very effective for puberty gyno or gyno that is older than a few months. Its more of a reverse for steroid gyno when you mismanaged your test/estrogen ratio. AFAIK, side effects are very minimal or not at all.
These are the same dudes who will tell you to just shave it off bro
I am not saying that hair loss isnt a very important concern but if you got the right genetics, your life quality will improve dramatically when injecting testosterone. Watch the podcast of Prof. Hubermann on Testosterone. Its not just for aesthetic or energy, It can literally change you as a person.
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Dont buy roids online
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Ok, so do where do you buy them then? Legit sources can be found online that ships internationally as well.
I dont use / used roids
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I am not saying that hair loss isnt a very important concern but if you got the right genetics, your life quality will improve dramatically when injecting testosterone. Watch the podcast of Prof. Hubermann on Testosterone. Its not just for aesthetic or energy, It can literally change you as a person.
You do you bruh, if I didn’t have hair loss I’d pin too
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I am not saying that hair loss isnt a very important concern but if you got the right genetics, your life quality will improve dramatically when injecting testosterone. Watch the podcast of Prof. Hubermann on Testosterone. Its not just for aesthetic or energy, It can literally change you as a person.
For me personally I’ve thought about and IN THE LONG RUN it’s just not worth it. All I’ll be doing is getting worse acne, accelerated hairloss, probably more gyno, just for temporary gains that will go away when I hop off. And this is all because I don’t want to cruise for the rest of my life. I don’t want to have to inject and make a life long decision to be injecting if I don’t have to.
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For me personally I’ve thought about and IN THE LONG RUN it’s just not worth it. All I’ll be doing is getting worse acne, accelerated hairloss, probably more gyno, just for temporary gains that will go away when I hop off. And this is all because I don’t want to cruise for the rest of my life. I don’t want to have to inject and make a life long decision to be injecting if I don’t have to.
I understand your concern, its 100% valid and something u should think about beforehand. But its a wrong assumption that u lose all your gains, you can basically run 1-2 cycles until you reach your natty limit and then hop off and u will keep anything thats not over your limit. Thats what I want to do, unless TRT improves my life quality so much more. At the end of the day, with todays competition and society demands for success, I want to have every weapon possibly in my arsenal. I am not born into a rich family, I dont have the greatest hormone profile, so why would I want to cuck myself just because of some hairloss or acne (which can be prevented btw)?
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I understand your concern, its 100% valid and something u should think about beforehand. But its a wrong assumption that u lose all your gains, you can basically run 1-2 cycles until you reach your natty limit and then hop off and u will keep anything thats not over your limit. Thats what I want to do, unless TRT improves my life quality so much more. At the end of the day, with todays competition and society demands for success, I want to have every weapon possibly in my arsenal. I am not born into a rich family, I dont have the greatest hormone profile, so why would I want to cuck myself just because of some hairloss or acne (which can be prevented btw)?
Yes you want to give yourself every benefit you can but what I’ve begun to realize is that with drugs there are no shortcuts, every time you go against what your body wants to naturally do, there always some sort of negative side effect. The greater effect a drug has on your body the larger the side effects. There’s truly no way to win. I’m starting to want to just do everything the right way because it’s literally impossible to fight against what your body wants to do (live healthy, workout, eat the right foods, good sleep, non destructive habits) and actually live a good life without your body coming back around and cucking you.

Me personally I’m going to do it naturally. You can’t really prevent hairloss and the acne isn’t possible to prevent either. You can use even more drugs to fix acne and hairloss and then end up with even more side effects from accutane and finasteride. Look at me my hair is still falling out today from accutane.
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Yes you want to give yourself every benefit you can but what I’ve begun to realize is that with drugs there are no shortcuts, every time you go against what your body wants to naturally do, there always some sort of negative side effect. The greater effect a drug has on your body the larger the side effects. There’s truly no way to win. I’m starting to want to just do everything the right way because it’s literally impossible to fight against what your body wants to do (live healthy, workout, eat the right foods, good sleep, non destructive habits) and actually live a good life without your body coming back around and cucking you.

Me personally I’m going to do it naturally. You can’t really prevent hairloss and the acne isn’t possible to prevent either. You can use even more drugs to fix acne and hairloss and then end up with even more side effects from accutane and finasteride. Look at me my hair is still falling out today from accutane.
If you are prone to hair loss or hair is already falling out then I definitely wouldn't recommend roiding for you.
If you are prone to hair loss or hair is already falling out then I definitely wouldn't recommend roiding for you.
I will bald at age 30 and my hair is falling out from vitamin A poisoning at the moment not DHT related but yes I already know increasing T would cuck the fuck out of me so I’d rather remain natural. Believe me I wish I could feel high T but it is what it is
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Its dumb and I am gonna explain why. Having higher androgenlevles is gonna produce negative health effects, thats 100% factual. Yes, 500mg for 16 weeks isnt gonna kill anyone but in general, we want as little testosterone exposure as possible while making the biggest progress.
Once you cycle your 500mg and then PCT, you gonna lose a big part of your gains. Reddits guide says, in the best case you are left with 5-7kg of muscles, which is a lot but only when you are 1. responding good to gear and 2. are sleeping, eating and training like its your fucking job. For the average Joe, you gonna gain 2-3kg of muscle. Is it worth it to shut yourself down and accelerate hair loss and harm your body for 2-3kg of muscle?

The better idea: You cycle but only with 300mg for 16 weeks, then you drop down to TRT dose at around 120mg/week. You let your body recover for 8-12 weeks and then cycle again for 16 weeks, this time with either 400mg or you take 300mg+ Primo.
Soosh did exactly this and ate well and he fucking blew up and made more gains than when he blasted more gear. if yo want to PCT, you can still do it 1 year later when you actually reached your dream physique. Shutting down is shutting down, it doesnt matter if you are on TRT/Test for 3 months or 1 year. Maybe you will need more recovery time but you will recover. There are guys who blasted for years even with 19-nors and they recovered to accetable test levels (500-600ng/dl)
finally someone who isnt retarded, although i would advocate for adding of low dose orals (7.5mgs dianabol, 20mgs anavar, etc) for the last 4-6 weeks of a "blast" (in this case upperment from the trt dose) to squeeze out additional gains before going on trt dose. 500mgs standard should be left in the past there are so many better alternatives that are less harmfull in the longrun and more beneficial. (NAC + tudca should also always be used with orals)
I’ve looked into raloxifene. The thing is I have no idea where to get it or actual information about it. Does it have side effects? This might be the move for me.
expresspct sells it, you could look for other sources on reddit
if your using it for gyno and cant find any your best other bet is tamoxifen + letrozole or an AI. the tamoxifen will prevent any current flowing estrogen from enlarging the gland and the letrozole will prevent more estrogen production. but ralox is king for reducing gyno.
finally someone who isnt retarded, although i would advocate for adding of low dose orals (7.5mgs dianabol, 20mgs anavar, etc) for the last 4-6 weeks of a "blast" (in this case upperment from the trt dose) to squeeze out additional gains before going on trt dose. 500mgs standard should be left in the past there are so many better alternatives that are less harmfull in the longrun and more beneficial. (NAC + tudca should also always be used with orals)
I wouldn't take DBol because its highly estrogenic. Anavar and other dry orals are better.
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@gaymidget Doing 4-6 months T cycle would be similar in muscle gains to 1-year natty lifting? Assuming I haven't reached my natural limit. Of course, this isn't an exact science; people are different, but is this the general ballpark?
I wouldn't take DBol because its highly estrogenic. Anavar and other dry orals are better.
for me personally im interested in trying 7.5mgs of dbol a day as im taller so its fine for me to hold more bloat. but winstrol/anavar would probably be better because i dont want increased est
@gaymidget Doing 4-6 months T cycle would be similar in muscle gains to 1-year natty lifting? Assuming I haven't reached my natural limit. Of course, this isn't an exact science; people are different, but is this the general ballpark?
If you do everything right, you can gain as a newbie around 0.5-1kg of muscle per month. So for a year you can gain a maximum of 12kg while its for most guys more in the 4-6kg range because of training, nutrition or genetic deficit.

4-6 Months of test would, depending on dose and genetics, yield about 7-9kg of muscle. You can get away with more doing wrong because you need less recovery and you are hyper responsive to gear, especially when you are a beginner. Even just the stimulation of walking around in day to day life combined with the test would produce hypertrophy.

So in conclusion, if you do TRT after a cycle or somehow manage a to do a PCT without losing much muscle, you will make more gains from a cycle of test than a natty in a year with perfect training and nutrition.
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If you do everything right, you can gain as a newbie around 0.5-1kg of muscle per month. So for a year you can gain a maximum of 12kg while its for most guys more in the 4-6kg range because of training, nutrition or genetic deficit.

4-6 Months of test would, depending on dose and genetics, yield about 7-9kg of muscle. You can get away with more doing wrong because you need less recovery and you are hyper responsive to gear, especially when you are a beginner. Even just the stimulation of walking around in day to day life combined with the test would produce hypertrophy.

So in conclusion, if you do TRT after a cycle or somehow manage a to do a PCT without losing much muscle, you will make more gains from a cycle of test than a natty in a year with perfect training and nutrition.
What if I just jump on TRT for and stay on it forever? Or average TRT dose won't be enough to get that body?

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