religion cels, please explain to me why i get the burden of life because some whore ate an apple gazillions of years ago. go ahead ill wait

future slavic chad

future slavic chad

Sep 8, 2023
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muh because original sin and muh its out fault :feelsuhh:
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read a theology book or something if you actually care. I know I wont
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Why are you asking some mentally ill low iq schizos who believe in a proto communist jew from the desert anything anyways ?
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Why are you asking some mentally ill low iq schizos who believe in a proto communist jew from the desert anything anyways ?
idk i cant contact jordan peterson unfortunately so this has to sufice
  • JFL
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idk i cant contact jordan peterson unfortunately so this has to sufice
Why would God need to test us humans if he is omnipotent and already knew the outcome ? Unless he isn’t all knowing and thus he isn’t God

Religion is just a massive fucking copefest, schizo ramblings
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Blasphemy sperm swim fast as possible just to get a chance and were here rotting
if you informed the sperm about future taxes they'd turn right back
Because Adam didn't hold frame during the apple incident.
  • JFL
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Religioncels, explain to me why I have to suffer? Obv it's because I inherited shit genes, but how do you religious morons cope, and what do you retards tell yourselves instead of the actual reason?
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Religioncels, explain to me why I have to suffer? Obv it's because I inherited shit genes, but how do you religious morons cope, and what do you retards tell yourselves instead of the actual reason?
Because your genes were tainted by God as a punishment for your forefathers' sins.

Accept God into your soul and turn into a Chad.
  • JFL
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If you want an answer from a religious point of view, I'll try my best.

Christianity tells us that in the beginning, man and woman lived under God's perfect harmony. This was interrupted when Adam and Eve committed the first sin. The reason the tree was called "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" is because Adam and Eve were now aware of what is right and wrong, but could not eat from the tree of life, reason being that they hadn't discovered the secret of salvation yet.

God has made it abundantly clear that he does NOT punish you solely for what happened that day, although everything started from that moment. It is rather the sins that we commit on a daily basis, from the simple lies we tell, to the men we hate within our hearts, that defile our names, which is why God will give us a new one.

God does not want you to suffer for your sins, which is why he sent His only Son to die for our sins, as a tax so that our blood will be spared. Fun symbolism here, is that Abraham was asked to offer his only son. I'm fully convinced that God asked Abraham this, because the fact that Jesus was going to be offered to humanity was already set, and God had to see whether Abraham's bloodline was fit to be the one that would eventually be saved.

We see this theme of bloodlines emerging as prosperous a lot in the Bible. It is said that God punishes a son for the sin of his father. Christianity is heavily entangled in the fact that, like rotten trees can not grow blessed fruit, a rotten family can hardly grow any children that strive to be like God. But that does not mean that it's impossible, for all things are possible through God.

Hope this helped.
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  • JFL
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If you want an answer from a religious point of view, I'll try my best.

Christianity tells us that in the beginning, man and woman lived under God's perfect harmony. This was interrupted when Adam and Eve committed the first sin. The reason the tree was called "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" is because Adam and Eve were now aware of what is right and wrong, but could not eat from the tree of life, reason being that they hadn't discovered the secret of salvation yet.

God has made it abundantly clear that he does NOT punish you solely for what happened that day, although everything started from that moment. It is rather the sins that we commit on a daily basis, from the simple lies we tell, to the men we hate within our hearts, that defile our names, which is why God will give us a new one.

God does not want you to suffer for your sins, which is why he sent His only Son to die for our sins, as a tax so that our blood will be spared. Fun symbolism here, is that Abraham was asked to offer his only son. I'm fully convinced that God asked Abraham this, because the fact that Jesus was going to be offered to humanity was already set, and God had to see whether Abraham's bloodline was fit to be the one that would eventually be saved.

We see this theme of bloodlines emerging as prosperous a lot in the Bible. It is said that God punishes a son for the sin of his father. Christianity is heavily entangled in the fact that, like rotten trees can not grow blessed fruit, a rotten family can hardly grow any children that strive to be like God. But that does not mean that it's impossible, for all things are possible through God.

Hope this helped.
my sin should be irrelevant because i never gave consent to be born
Because there's two sides to it, and depending on where you sit God may as well be considered a liberator.

Think about this rationally, put yourself in His position for a second. You are given the opportunity to create life and death, knowing that some of your creation will perish. But you know that you can save this generation, by giving them the opportunity to grow, to rethink and prosper by finding Him.

God has given you this life not for you to suffer, but to get to Heaven. If you decide to take the other path, that is ultimately your decision. But it was never God's intention to oppress you, rather to liberate you from the evil that dwells on you.
  • JFL
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okay im in gods position, what if i decide not to create life. will i die of fucking boredom or something?
Because there's two sides to it, and depending on where you sit God may as well be considered a liberator.

Think about this rationally, put yourself in His position for a second. You are given the opportunity to create life and death, knowing that some of your creation will perish. But you know that you can save this generation, by giving them the opportunity to grow, to rethink and prosper by finding Him.

God has given you this life not for you to suffer, but to get to Heaven. If you decide to take the other path, that is ultimately your decision. But it was never God's intention to oppress you, rather to liberate you from the evil that dwells on you.

okay im in gods position, what if i decide not to create life. will i die of fucking boredom or something?
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Because there's two sides to it, and depending on where you sit God may as well be considered a liberator.

Think about this rationally, put yourself in His position for a second. You are given the opportunity to create life and death, knowing that some of your creation will perish. But you know that you can save this generation, by giving them the opportunity to grow, to rethink and prosper by finding Him.

God has given you this life not for you to suffer, but to get to Heaven. If you decide to take the other path, that is ultimately your decision. But it was never God's intention to oppress you, rather to liberate you from the evil that dwells on you.
in fact im a god of my own genetic lineage, and i decide to not create life aka children cuz im not a dumbass
okay im in gods position, what if i decide not to create life. will i die of fucking boredom or something?
Sorry, didn't see your reply.

God did not create life just out of pure boredom. He isn't considered all-loving for no reason. God created life, because He calculated that between the rotten apples, there would be people who were going to take His offer and be saved. And these people He is going to take care of for the rest of eternity.

And the best part, is that this could be you too. Not by praying 8 times a day, not by practicing every word of the Law (although staying close to it is advised), but by simple asking. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. You are one prayer away from a little help from God. But you have to be willing to ask for it.
  • JFL
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Sorry, didn't see your reply.

God did not create life just out of pure boredom. He isn't considered all-loving for no reason. God created life, because He calculated that between the rotten apples, there would be people who were going to take His offer and be saved. And these people He is going to take care of for the rest of eternity.

And the best part, is that this could be you too. Not by praying 8 times a day, not by practicing every word of the Law (although staying close to it is advised), but by simple asking. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. You are one prayer away from a little help from God. But you have to be willing to ask for it.
i dont suffer when im asleep and unconcious, if no one existed that would be infinently less suffering than half of them going to hell
in fact im a god of my own genetic lineage, and i decide to not create life aka children cuz im not a dumbass
And you want those kids to be happy? To live a life that is not filled with misery, due to their own mistakes? God does not punish you for your sins because you've offended his Law, that would be futile, He might as well throw you into the fire if He were really that power-hungry. Instead, God punishes you because He knows that it is the only way that you will grow.

Think of it this way. You are teaching your kid how to ride a bike, but you know the dangers that come with falling. God takes the approach of letting you fall with minimal interference, so that you may learn the dangers of riding a bike properly and you may learn to protect yourself.
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  • JFL
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i dont suffer when im asleep and unconcious, if no one existed that would be infinently less suffering than half of them going to hell
Except you don't experience any of the joys of life either. And again, God does not intend for you to suffer, He gives you too the choice to prosper. But it is by their own choice that the wicked will fall - God gave each one of them a chance.
  • JFL
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Why would God need to test us humans if he is omnipotent and already knew the outcome ?
Life isn't a test. A deformed baby isn't being tested, they are being tortured. God created this world to sadistically torture living things.
Unless he isn’t all knowing and thus he isn’t God
He doesn't need to be all knowing to be "God" and he doesn't need to have a sex/gender.
Except you don't experience any of the joys of life either. And again, God does not intend for you to suffer, He gives you too the choice to prosper. But it is by their own choice that the wicked will fall - God gave each one of them a chance.
i knew exactly that you'd type that out, yall are very pretictable. and my answer to that is ok and? you wont miss out on stuff if you dont even know it exists.
Sorry, didn't see your reply.

God did not create life just out of pure boredom. He isn't considered all-loving for no reason. God created life, because He calculated that between the rotten apples, there would be people who were going to take His offer and be saved. And these people He is going to take care of for the rest of eternity.

And the best part, is that this could be you too. Not by praying 8 times a day, not by practicing every word of the Law (although staying close to it is advised), but by simple asking. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. You are one prayer away from a little help from God. But you have to be willing to ask for it.
My goodness how do you need get tired of trying to explain this nonsense with internal mantras and platitudes derived from feelings, this is not how reality fucking works, you don't determine and assess whether something is true by saying "God created this world because he's all loving and wanted to save people and you are one prayer away from help from God". It's the same as looking at any fictional story and trying to prove it's true with its internal aspects. You prove something is true with LOGIC and objective external facts, not by saying empty shit like God is all good and wants to have a relationship with you so he gave you a free choice, this is fucking internal and circular within its own pre-supposed narrative, not how assessment of objective truths works.
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i knew exactly that you'd type that out, yall are very pretictable. and my answer to that is ok and? you wont miss out on stuff if you dont even know it exists.
If you ask someone to point a gun at your head and to pull the trigger, chances are he's going to shoot you. Just because my answer was predictable doesn't make it wrong.

Death is a tricky question, I'll admit that. The Bible does say that for some, it would've been better if they were never born. But you're talking as if it's already a given that you're going to Hell.

You obviously seem to be religious to some extent, or at least agnostic, so I'm telling you this. God did not put you on this earth to suffer. The reward of Heaven is yours to take, too, and again, you are one prayer away from paving the way towards a better life.

So while it may be true that death is preferable to people who only suffer, that is a rather strange argument to make since God has said that this suffering can be undone by being faithful.
If you ask someone to point a gun at your head and to pull the trigger, chances are he's going to shoot you. Just because my answer was predictable doesn't make it wrong.

Death is a tricky question, I'll admit that. The Bible does say that for some, it would've been better if they were never born. But you're talking as if it's already a given that you're going to Hell.

You obviously seem to be religious to some extent, or at least agnostic, so I'm telling you this. God did not put you on this earth to suffer. The reward of Heaven is yours to take, too, and again, you are one prayer away from paving the way towards a better life.

So while it may be true that death is preferable to people who only suffer, that is a rather strange argument to make since God has said that this suffering can be undone by being faithful.
i dont need a second hell brotha this life is plenty hellish
My goodness how do you need get tired of trying to explain this nonsense with internal mantras and platitudes derived from feelings, this is not how reality fucking works, you don't determine and assess whether something is true by saying "God created this world because he's all loving and wanted to save people and you are one prayer away from help from God". It's the same as looking at any fictional story and trying to prove it's true with its internal aspects. You prove something is true with LOGIC and objective external facts, not by saying empty shit like God is all good and wants to have a relationship with you so he gave you a free choice, this is fucking internal and circular within its own pre-supposed narrative, not how assessment of objective truths works.
I'm not a scientist, how am I supposed to do that. I told him I was going to give an argument from a religious point of view and that is exactly what I've done, nothing that I've said so far falls out of line from that narrative.

Asides, if you want truth go look at creation itself. Just from basic observation we can deduce that the odds of life existing within a given area are asinine, so that might give us a bit of confidence to conclude that God's probability of existing is above 50%. Ofcourse, that's not enough, but since you asked for proof I'll do you one more. The certainty of the principles of the universe, being that none of the laws of our universe ever fall out of place. Gravity never seems to deviate from its intended path, the laws of motion, everything always goes exactly as suspected. There's a certain perfection to that, that is maybe suspicious enough to speculate on God's existence.

But like I said, I'm not a scientist. I'm just offering my perspective. No need to get mad at me for that, or even worse insult me.
i dont need a second hell brotha this life is plenty hellish
You said it, you don't need a second hell, so why create one of your own. God doesn't want that, you don't want that, and it's avoidable. God loves you too, regardless of what you've done.
You said it, you don't need a second hell, so why create one of your own. God doesn't want that, you don't want that, and it's avoidable. God loves you too, regardless of what you've done.

listen dude, next time before birthing me show me the joys and the pains i'll get in this life so i can decide for myself if its worth it. if that was done i would've refused to ever be born. so yea im not a sinner because im forced to be here, FORCED
Do not bother, you'll get one of the following:

"God's ways are higher than our ways."
"We cannot fathom the mind of God."
"Who are we to question God's plan?"
"The wisdom of God surpasses human understanding."
  • JFL
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I'm not a scientist, how am I supposed to do that. I told him I was going to give an argument from a religious point of view and that is exactly what I've done, nothing that I've said so far falls out of line from that narrative.

Asides, if you want truth go look at creation itself. Just from basic observation we can deduce that the odds of life existing within a given area are asinine, so that might give us a bit of confidence to conclude that God's probability of existing is above 50%. Ofcourse, that's not enough, but since you asked for proof I'll do you one more. The certainty of the principles of the universe, being that none of the laws of our universe ever fall out of place. Gravity never seems to deviate from its intended path, the laws of motion, everything always goes exactly as suspected. There's a certain perfection to that, that is maybe suspicious enough to speculate on God's existence.

But like I said, I'm not a scientist. I'm just offering my perspective. No need to get mad at me for that, or even worse insult me.
This has nothing to do with demanding you to be a scientist and offer arguments and proof through that lens, the point is, you are arguing from a position that already assumes there is a god and going from there, it's pre-supposed. This is not going to convince people that aren't already religious, you're just saying a bunch of sentimental internal mantras regarding God's nature from a point of view that operates from the assumption there is a god in the first place. To determine whether something is true you need logic and external objectively verifiable evidence.

The whole argument about the parameters for life in the universe is extremely outdated and isn't the knock-down you think, look up data on what percentage of cosmologists are theists. The people that are experts on this aren't convinced by it and can explain these observations with much more precise and logical facts that are grounded in their study, so tell me if it makes any sense for this argument to hold any water if the people that know about this more than anyone aren't coming to the same conclusions. It's not so simple as looking at the odds of life and how adjusted the parameters are and determining there must be a conscious agent behind it, this is a kindergarten tier conclusion. It's lazy and doesn't explain anything. Any given universe will have its own parameters regardless of intentionality, you're just saying these are the ingredients for cake and nothing else yields cake.
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It’s because

God's plan, God's plan
I hold back, sometimes I won't, yeah
I feel good, sometimes I don't, ayy, don't
I finessed down Weston Road, ayy, 'nessed
Might go down a G-O-D, yeah, wait
I go hard on Southside G, yeah, Way
I make sure that north side eat
And still
Bad things
It's a lot of bad things
That they wishin' and wishin' and wishin' and wishin'
They wishin' on me
Bad things
It's a lot of bad things
That they wishin' and wishin' and wishin' and wishin'
They wishin' on me
Yeah, ayy, ayy
  • JFL
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Asides, if you want truth go look at creation itself. Just from basic observation we can deduce that the odds of life existing within a given area are asinine
The existence of God doesn't mean Christianity is true
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I never got niggas who yap that they didn’t give consent just Kys then bro
because youre a midwit. we're arguing about gods rule and that hes immoral. if gods real and me killing myself would only send me to hell so i'd be a prisoner in every way
I actually made a whole post on this using the Bible.

If you don't read it (You're likely not), the answer is essentially we are Adam and Eve. Humans have an ego that holds desire -- a humans will to always want more pleasure. This is why despite Adam and Eve having the WHOLE WORLD and its properties, A deceiving snake claiming you'll have MORE than everything and being better than God was all it took to separate from spirit and betray The Energy/The Source (God).

TLDR; Our Infinite desire in all species since existence, deriving from ego. Ego = Sin & Evil.

Ignore my grammar mistakes.
  • JFL
Reactions: future slavic chad
I actually made a whole post on this using the Bible.

If you don't read it (You're likely not), the answer is essentially we are Adam and Eve. Humans have an ego that holds the desire to always want more. This is why despite Adam and Eve having the WHOLE WORLD and its properties, A deceiving snake claiming you'll have MORE than everything and being better than God was all it took to separate from spirit and betray The Energy/The Source (God).

TLDR; Our Infinite desire in all of us, deriving from ego. Ego = Sin & Evil.

Ignore my grammar mistakes.
you saying that im adam and eve dont make me adam and eve. i did not munch on that apple nigguh
you saying that im adam and eve dont make me adam and eve. i did not munch on that apple nigguh
Looks like you didn't understand (or read) what I said.

In other words, if you were in the place of Adam or Eve, you would've 100% done the same -- No rebuttals. This is why I said "Essentially."

We all hold ego, which is the root cause of the Betrayal of The Source (God) + All evil.
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  • JFL
Reactions: future slavic chad
This has nothing to do with demanding you to be a scientist and offer arguments and proof through that lens, the point is, you are arguing from a position that already assumes there is a god and going from there, it's pre-supposed. This is not going to convince people that aren't already religious, you're just saying a bunch of sentimental internal mantras regarding God's nature from a point of view that operates from the assumption there is a god in the first place. To determine whether something is true you need logic and external objectively verifiable evidence.

The whole argument about the parameters for life in the universe is extremely outdated and isn't the knock-down you think, look up data on what percentage of cosmologists are theists. The people that are experts on these aren't convinced by it and can explain these observations with much more precise and logical facts that are grounded in their study, so tell me if it makes any sense for this argument to hold any water if the people that know about this more than anyone aren't coming to the same conclusions. It's not so simple as looking at the odds of life and how adjusted the parameters are and determining there must be a conscious agent behind it, this is a kindergarten tier conclusion. It's lazy and doesn't explain anything. Any given universe will have its own parameters regardless of intentionality, you're just saying these are the ingredients for cake and nothing else yields cake.
I don't want to argue with people like you, I really rather wouldn't argue with someone who keeps reminding me that I'm stupid in ways that seem awfully pretentious, but for the sake of defending my statement I will. After this reply I'm going to ignore you, don't take it personal.

OP asked religious users to explain to him why God punishes him for the apple that Eve ate. I explained this to him from a religious standing point. Nowhere was it mentioned that it was my intention to convince him that God exists, in fact despite OP's many replies he at the very least understood the assignment, knowing that I'm defending the reasoning behind punishing you for your sins, and OP defending his statement. You are being the prick here, by turning this into a God does/doesn't exist argument, when this conversation has nothing to do with providing evidence for God's existence.

Speaking of evidence, I find it ironic that you ask me to give you some kind of speculative arguments based on science (which is already, like I said, speculative, I can't prove God's existence with certainty, nor will I try) and I gave you those. Then you deter my arguments by saying that "the experts" don't agree with me. Sounds quite vague, doesn't it? What experts are we speaking of, exactly? Do YOU have any idea what you're actually defending here?

And no, the fact that every law of the universe falls in place at all time when observed MIGHT (keyword: might) be a sign of a deity existing, is not a "kindergarten tier conclusion", the fact that you got that out of my paragraph says much more about your comprehension of logical thinking than about my statements. And although I must say that the existence of sentient life being scarce doesn't necessarily prove or disprove God by itself, it is rather the odds of a civilisation approaching our level of sophistication in science and arts that might raise some eyebrows.

And that last argument is exactly what I mean, learn to read properly. Not only was I not stating that the parameters of the universe working in perfection can only be proof of God's existence, I intended to show you that there is no reason why the universe's laws can't be in a state of entrophy at any time, and that the fact that our universe operates based on laws that always follow these same principles is, again, POSSIBLY proof of God's existence.

So here is what happens when you graduate high school with a negative GPA and pretend to be a highly praised scientist at any chance you can grab, just because your mommy and daddy told you you're smart one too many times. There was no need to start all of this, neither was there need for me to write this unnecessary paragraph, I feel icky just doing it.
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Looks like you didn't understand (or read) what I said.

In other words, if you were in the place of Adam or Eve, you would've 100% done the same -- No rebuttals. This is why I said "Essentially."

okay if you'll give me the choice of bitting from that apple, why not give me a choice to not play gods silly little game? cuz i wouldnt.
The existence of God doesn't mean Christianity is true
True. I also think not all Christians are necessarily followers of Christ.

The way I see it is that God doesn't follow any one religion. Some muslims may be saved, not because they went to the Meccah, but because they followed God's will with all their heart and had nothing but love for their neighbors.
You said it, you don't need a second hell, so why create one of your own. God doesn't want that, you don't want that, and it's avoidable. God loves you too, regardless of what you've done.

God wants heaven for me, i dont want heaven. i want non existence so fuck your rules nigga. i repeat i dont want heaven i want to not play so fuck your rules nigga

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