religion cels, please explain to me why i get the burden of life because some whore ate an apple gazillions of years ago. go ahead ill wait

listen dude, next time before birthing me show me the joys and the pains i'll get in this life so i can decide for myself if its worth it. if that was done i would've refused to ever be born. so yea im not a sinner because im forced to be here, FORCED
Sorry, again. I had to argue with this chump. I'll try to answer you now as best as I can within a short space of words.

First of all, if God did that, you'd be conscious. So that wouldn't solve anything. Ofcourse that would make you avoid Hell, but I don't think it works like that. I think the Hell that we experience is more what happens when we distance ourself from God, so that if you know of God's existence (being conscious) you would already have no choice but to go to either Hell or Heaven. So in that case you'd be better of never having been born.

Second of all, many people who are anti Christianity seem to have this notion that God is forcing you to be a sinner. God knew what path you are going to take, and who knows, you might as well end up going to Heaven nothing is decided.

But God does not force you to be a sinner, because that is your choice in the end. So that conversation would go less like "you have a 50% chance of going to Heaven and a 50% chance of suffering for eternity in Hell", and more like "you could absolutely go to Heaven but you have to abstain yourself from things that will kill you".
God wants heaven for me, i dont want heaven. i want non existence so fuck your rules nigga. i repeat i dont want heaven i want to not play so fuck your rules nigga
If that really is what you want, you might just get what you wish for. But I think you and I both know that it's not true.
okay if you'll give me the choice of bitting from that apple, why not give me a choice to not play gods silly little game? cuz i wouldnt.
It wasn't a 'Game.'

God simply said "Enjoy everything the Planet has to offer, it's yours! All you have to do is not betray me, separate from spirit, or indulge in Ego, and All life will live peacefully!" Just one rule and the consequence.

I can explain this without using Religion if you'd like lmao -- It's basic philosophy, psy, and human nature
  • JFL
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If that really is what you want, you might just get what you wish for. But I think you and I both know that it's not true.
well in the christian ethos you cant even kill yourself cuz you'll go to hell, so it would undoudably be a tyranical prison.
It wasn't a 'Game.'

God simply said "Enjoy everything the Planet has to offer, it's yours! All you have to do is not betray me, separate from spirit, or indulge in Ego, and All life will live peacefully!" Just one rule and the consequence.

I can explain this without using Religion if you'd like lmao -- It's basic philosophy, psy, and human nature
what if i dont want everything, i dont want it keep it just let me not exist. but nooooo god must put me forcefully in this position.
because youre a midwit. we're arguing about gods rule and that hes immoral. if gods real and me killing myself would only send me to hell so i'd be a prisoner in every way
I was referring to others not your point specifically, people who say “oh I didn’t give consent to be born so my mother can’t make me do stuff etc” (ik it’s retarded) I just replied to your comment cuz you said that.
I don't want to argue with people like you, I really rather wouldn't argue with someone who keeps reminding me that I'm stupid in ways that seem awfully pretentious, but for the sake of defending my statement I will. After this reply I'm going to ignore you, don't take it personal.

OP asked religious users to explain to him why God punishes him for the apple that Eve ate. I explained this to him from a religious standing point. Nowhere was it mentioned that it was my intention to convince him that God exists, in fact despite OP's many replies he at the very least understood the assignment, knowing that I'm defending the reasoning behind punishing you for your sins, and OP defending his statement. You are being the prick here, by turning this into a God does/doesn't exist argument, when this conversation has nothing to do with providing evidence for God's existence.

Speaking of evidence, I find it ironic that you ask me to give you some kind of speculative arguments based on science (which is already, like I said, speculative, I can't prove God's existence with certainty, nor will I try) and I gave you those. Then you deter my arguments by saying that "the experts" don't agree with me. Sounds quite vague, doesn't it? What experts are we speaking of, exactly? Do YOU have any idea what you're actually defending here?

And no, the fact that every law of the universe falls in place at all time when observed MIGHT (keyword: might) be a sign of a deity existing, is not a "kindergarten tier conclusion", the fact that you got that out of my paragraph says much more about your comprehension of logical thinking than about my statements. And although I must say that the existence of sentient life being scarce doesn't necessarily prove or disprove God by itself, it is rather the odds of a civilisation approaching our level of sophistication in science and arts that might raise some eyebrows.

And that last argument is exactly what I mean, learn to read properly. Not only was I not stating that the parameters of the universe working in perfection can only be proof of God's existence, I intended to show you that there is no reason why the universe's laws can't be in a state of entrophy at any time, and that the fact that our universe operates based on laws that always follow these same principles is, again, POSSIBLY proof of God's existence.

So here is what happens when you graduate high school with a negative GPA and pretend to be a highly praised scientist at any chance you can grab, just because your mommy and daddy told you you're smart one too many times. There was no need to start all of this, neither was there need for me to write this unnecessary paragraph, I feel icky just doing it.
You're the one still caught up in the whole science thing pretending that I even for a second demanded that you present science based evidence, you colossal idiot, when I said that you're saying internal platitudes and that doesn't work for determining objective truths that doesn't have anything whatsoever to do with science necessarily, arguments based in logic and external facts don't need to always be based on scientific methods, so I suggest you stop with your weird false dichotomy obsession with science that is so typical of religious retards, the second someone objects to your tale you almost always mention science as if determining truth can only be done with scientific tests and experiments. I never fucking asked you to present arguments backed by established science so don't try to point out contradictions.

When op asked what he did he was obviously coming from a place of skepticism regarding the truth of this, he put it in a way that made it seem illogical and asked for arguments as to why and how this would be true and then you went off on a typical Christian tangent that is completely and utterly internal to the narrative.

Also I would love to hear why pointing out that most cosmologists are not theists is a vague or empty statement when you're trying to make an argument based in cosmology. You think you can just look at the universe and how unlikely or incredible it seems that we have a specific set of parameters for a specific phenomenon, think there could be an intelligent wizard behind it and leave it at that, while dismissing the fact that the very people that devote their whole lives to studying this shit aren't saying the same thing? The point I made in the last paragraph also went completely over your head, it's hilarious the hear you trying to accuse others of poor reading comprehension when you failed so miserably at understanding my point about the cake. You're a moron.
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christians when the only thing you want from god is to not exist

what if i dont want everything, i dont want it keep it just let me not exist. but nooooo god must put me forcefully in this position.
It doesn't matter if don't -- you still want more of something. Your inevitable desire to want more fuels your will/willpower, leading to possibly fulfilling said desire(s), good or bad.

And technically you willingly brought yourself to exist lol
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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If you truly didn't want to exist you would've been gone a long time ago.

Anyways, is your question answered? I'm losing + post/rep ratio rn and that's not cool
no its not because in the christian ethos you dont have a fair choice to kill yourself because youre going straight to hell
no its not because in the christian ethos you dont have a fair choice to kill yourself because youre going straight to hell
Suicide doesn't automatically send you to hell. That doesn't mean kill yourself though lol -- Especially when you don't believe in Yahweh.
oh yea lets hear you explain that one buddy
You won the race towards the female egg. You wanted to live more than billions of other semenpods.

You just didn't have a conscious or spirit. :ogre:
Suicide doesn't automatically send you to hell. That doesn't mean kill yourself though lol -- Especially when you don't believe in Yahweh.
oh really? so is that a myth people keep saying that they dont want to kill themselves for that reason?
You won the race towards the female egg. You wanted to live more than billions of other semenpods.

You just didn't have a conscious or spirit. :ogre:

wow very logical my good sir, take the reddit gold!
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Religion is subhuman cope so he don't rope
oh really? so is that a myth people keep saying that they dont want to kill themselves for that reason?
You shouldn't kill yourself as you don't truly know if you truly connected with the spirit as much as possible while being in flesh to reach heaven.

I guess you could call it a "myth." It's definitely not Suicide = Instant Damnation though.
You shouldn't kill yourself as you don't truly know if you truly connected with the spirit as much as possible while being in flesh to reach heaven.

I guess you could call it a "myth." It's definitely not Suicide = Instant Damnation though.
so the dumbass rules apply anyway like it or not, okay my based sir thats all i needed to know
so the dumbass rules apply anyway like it or not, okay my based sir thats all i needed to know
Haha so you want to live now right haha and you'll now go on a journey to suppress ego as much as possible to discover spirit now right haaha lol

No more not wanting to exist right haha
Life isn't a test. A deformed baby isn't being tested, they are being tortured. God created this world to sadistically torture living things.

He doesn't need to be all knowing to be "God" and he doesn't need to have a sex/gender.
Missed the point but ok
If that really is what you want, you might just get what you wish for. But I think you and I both know that it's not true.
I think I might get the idea of this whole test in choosing the right decision(s) of our own free will and all that.

Aside from that though, if we were to ignore said test and/or assume either nothing had gone wrong in the Garden before the Fall, and/or mankind is already saved/redeemed after His return and all...

Why exactly were we [and really all sentient life for that matter] even created in first place?

To love Him? To worship Him?

That almost just makes it seem as if He were lonely, and wanted something to love and love [Him] back.

Also, why is the soul eternal? Why can't we ever experience true death?
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I think I might get the idea of this whole test in choosing the right decision(s) of our own free will and all that.

Aside from that though, if we were to ignore said test and/or assume either nothing had gone wrong in the Garden before the Fall, and/or mankind is already saved/redeemed after His return and all...

Why exactly were we [and really all sentient life for that matter] even created in first place?

To love Him? To worship Him?

That almost just makes it seem as if He were lonely, and wanted something to love and love [Him] back.

Also, why is the soul eternal? Why can't we ever experience true death?
The idea that I follow is that God created us because He saw that we could potentially be very happy. It's a giving thing, God calculated all possible outcomes, and came to the conclusion that this is what had to happen in order for all living beings to be happy. He doesn't gain anything out of it, but wants to make as many being as possible experience the joy of life.

The soul being eternal is, in my opinion, mostly a theme in Christianity due to the preservation of energy. We see this in a lot of religions, and it follows science: energy can't be created nor be destroyed. In this case energy can't be created by us, and although permanent death might not exist it is likely that God will have mercy on some, since it is stated several times that God can destroy both body and soul.
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