Religion is not 100% Cope.



May 12, 2022
This was originally going to be a reply to this comment:

When something good happens to them they will say its god but when someone get raped or killed they will tell you It's our free will😂,
Such a retarded cope.

My thoughts is that Its supposed to be cope. For example, Abrahamic religions is not god, its a social order based on "it". The source (or source data) of said religion is a different story, (like the bible, or some other text) but the religious group that comes from it is undoubtly a societal order.

Think of all the women and people out there. Children. Socially-popular dominated and/or carnal people and women who prefer/are prone to follow social orders socially etc, and are more prone to being easily influenced/learn through social or hierarchy means (not as standalone in thought and not as adept/self motivated/not interested to be analytical).. The reason people say children are like sponges is because the combination of those wide range of varying outliers described above (and similar ones not mentioned), makes them in simple terms... easily influenced, naïve etc.

Human beings, especially the majority that fall under that category need to have a sort of societal culture or religious order that highlights and promotes mental and morally precise behavior, unless the bad apple of humanity become the bunch. This sometimes for some people, the only way they learn. Plus, there's no such thing as freedom or freewill. Without proactive rules promoting/popularizing/advertising moral and mental precision (noncarnal behaviors and forms of thought), and/or without certain religious/popular culture/popular social group rules and cultures that promote and popularize mental and moral precision, things spiral get out of control to carnality and animal, and reprobate becomes humanity, and humanity becomes something less of consciousness and more of animal. It does not remain advanced. The reason/science behind why is your homework to do, though.

Just like the concept of freewill or freedom. It does not exist as you will always be sandwiched between options, even if that option is to not make any option. The concept of religion has always been societal order. So religious or not, you are and will still be affected by some other form of societal order unless this whole matter is made aware (whether its the religion/societal order of science, of carnality, or some other social order). Unless you analytically choose to non associate yourself with certain societal orders.

Yea, some people like me and hopefully you are more independent in thought, application/analytical etc. So i dont need to consciously/mentally label to some weird group of social order like Christian, Islamic, athiest, or scientist etc. So yea, for me religion is a cope, and i tend to see the baseline behind religious text and understanding in a more analytical manner. For example, the bible to me is similar to data. And there's no need to identify with the data and claim Christian, or Israel whatever, but to analyze it instead. Anyways, whats good for me will be good, and whats bad will quite literally be bad, even if it presents itself good or bad. And like all things that learn, the legitimacy of the information will prove itself overtime as long as i remain analytical and such to the data.

But for others who are prone to being socially dominated, and the majority of humanity in general who are just not quite proficient at the analytical state of mind yet, (or for those that even lack great proficiency in it), religion, or social order/group association can be used/is used as a law to control/influence certain behaviors, willingness, desires , goals etc. And we can observe just how strong social influences, influence people and the mind today, for example, whereso people will behave/do/learn certain things all to /mentally/socially peg or consider themselves Christian, Islamic, vaccinated, rich, elite, intelligent etc.

I think the perfect combination is mentally and morally precise popular religion/popular social culture yet people still having the analytical and application based mindset. No need to be low IQ and deny/not improve healthy science and QOL advancements simply to claim god this and god that instead of practically analyzing things, and moving intellectually independent. There is some misconception that science denies a concept such as "god", but if anything it actually proves it.

Likewise, there's also this weird idea that you have to shallowly switch things that happen in intellectual capability with "god" as a deity. Especially in this case, where not only is the understanding of such an all encompassing thing such as "god", and the mind, limited. But id say most of those people only see the end product, or dont see it at all, because they lack the capability or understanding to conceive the thing in awe. And once again, perhaps those people have the same traits written throughout these paragraphs that lead them suspect of being more influenced socially/through popular order and such etc. At the end of the day, its imperative and in good accuracy, to keep people in their respective orders. (A carbon footprint advocate should not have full grounds to influence someone who specializes and has great understanding in agriculture, like a good farmer, unless they themselves present a certain level, if not higher range of accurate data and mastery of agriculture against the farmer).

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Imagine reading this :lul:
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DNDR yes it is, but it can be a constructive cope which will make your life better. but the moment religion cucks you like telling you to marry a girl who fucked 1000 guys because she regret her past :soy:, it becomes limitating
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  • JFL
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DNDR yes it is, but it can be a constructive cope which will make your life better. but the moment religion cucks you like telling you to marry a girl who fucked 1000 guys because she regret her past :soy:, it becomes limitating
Basically i agree with you. But i moreso was attempting to explain how a religions purpose is to be a cope in itself. Especially for certain people who are generally prone to being influenced primarily through (in simple terms) social means. I also highlighted how there will always be a sort of religion, as (in simple terms) religion is just another word for social group or popular culture. For example, In todays time there is also a religion (or social group/culture) that the west potrays. Although it isnt labeled or categorized as religion, it essentially is the same thing.
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  • +1
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Basically i agree with you. But i moreso was attempting to explain how religions purpose is to be a cope in itself. Especially for certain people who are generally prone to being influenced through (in simple terms) social means
Next time when you write a long text, use a better formatation, change the color of a text you find important, use italic and bold. Also, insert some memes if you can, people will read it.
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Basically i agree with you. But i moreso was attempting to explain how religions purpose is to be a cope in itself. Especially for certain people who are generally prone to being influenced through (in simple terms) social means
I truly wonder when you will completely get free from religion. Keep questioning your faith boyo.
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Next time when you write a long text, use a better formatation, change the color of a text you find important, use italic and bold. Also, insert some memes if you can, people will read it.
I write my texts long and sometimes overly explained to my best knowledge at the time to specifically deter. I do this with every single one of my replies and threads. (Though, they are sometimes i may specifically use those tactics you mentioned to harvest attention on my threads.)

Its counterproductive, but i do this to attract specific types of people to read my comments. At least to promote higher attention span and contribute less to promoting dopaminergic learning. I also dont really hold the idea that i need to spread this info to everybody and everyone. Thats also why i post on looksmax instead of focus somewhere else like tiktok.

More to me about quality vs quantity. Not saying im typing some Socrates level shit. But holding the concept that if it is a gem, gems should be buried for people to find or stumble upon. To people who will recognize its worth or get lucky to pick up. Its just more significant and motivating to me that way. And if what im saying is truly, logically, mentally, shit. Then i guess it will remain buried and not read instead of thrown and shown out in the streets influencing people and bad behavior.
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I write my texts long and sometimes overly explained to my best knowledge at the time to specifically deter. I do this with every single one of my replies and threads.

Its counterproductive, but i do this to attract specific types of people to read my comments. At least to promote higher attention span and contribute less to promoting dopaminergic learning. I also dont really hold the idea that i need to spread this info to everybody and everyone. Thats also why i post on looksmax instead of focus somewhere else like tiktok.

More to me about quality vs quantity. Not saying im typing some Socrates level shit. But holding the concept that if it is a gem, gems should be buried for people to find or stumbled upon. To people who will recognize its worth or get lucky to pick up. Its just more significant to me that way. And if what im saying is truly, logically, mentally, shit. Then i guess it will remain buried instead of thrown and shown out in the streets.
I see, your choice then, I like to make my threads easy to read to help a lot of users in here
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We do have free will but the result of our actions is already decided by our karma
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Next time when you write a long text, use a better formatation, change the color of a text you find important, use italic and bold. Also, insert some memes if you can, people will read it.
  • JFL
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DNDR yes it is, but it can be a constructive cope which will make your life better. but the moment religion cucks you like telling you to marry a girl who fucked 1000 guys because she regret her past :soy:, it becomes limitating
From a secular, irreligious point of view, what is the issue with a woman whoring herself out? morals are cope to one who doesnt affirm religion, because its subjective; ie. subject to societal whims. Everything is cope from a different point of view really.
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dnr religion is and always has been for faggots
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didn't read shit
We do have free will but the result of our actions is already decided by our karma
Im not sure if i believe in free will. It sort of contradictory to me, and in my opinion cannot exist with a body dictated by time (like ours). Because, if there's time, that means there is a future dictated by past actions. Even if that past is called "present", its still a matter of how many fractions of a second the past just occurred. Because as a body, lag does exist, though, atomically its extremely miniscule time wise. Still, the nature of the body and flesh/nature in general, is in small words, a extremely extreme complex formula of tuned systems.

Since biology in general runs of this system dictated by this time, and we are in this system, I guess what im saying is that present does not exist in our physically perceivable subatomic body/state of motion. And ofc i think this may have something to do with our dimensional and physical capability's (think about the complications of dimensions, and also how 4d is commonly referenced to be significantly correlated to time). Though, I cant really articulate this too well.

But to put it simply, In my opinion, everything can be somewhat calculated and predicted. Like, i can predict that if your a human being, your likely going to have to drink water within this month. A 99.9% chance. And with that, i can somewhat predict how and where you will drink water, and depending on the information and capability, more accurate predictions can be made. With a impossible scale of information and capability, like where a person was born, what he looked at today, how he was raised, and other variables and information of physical existence, to miniscule detail etc. i would think its theoretically possible to predict the entirety of a persons future with extreme accuracy. Maybe not 100%, but close. Obviously humans are not capable of this individually, but its not wild to think, considering they are instances where humanity's future has been accurately predicted. The concept and theoretical capabilities of ai also can somewhat prove this theory very imaginable.

My thoughts on karma. i havent really made much mental progress of the system of karma in relation to free will. But if id make a guess, id say they are strongly pegged to eachother. Because is order for the concept of karma to trigger, an action has to be done. And with that comes the system of time.

Karma to me is consequence. Meaning, it happens for every action, in both a "good" and "bad" manner. Or should i say, both poles of "energy" from your own action are received back to you. I think there is definitely a universal rule of karma though. I imagine it like a toaster timer. If a good person does a act of charity. he loses immediately (bad/opposite pole of karma), while the clock ticks to the positive pole of their action, whether it be self improvement of charity, or just overall making the world a better place through him (with the good consequence of his actions eventually going full round back to him indirectly with his impact or directly). Likewise, a thief who steals immediately wins (good karma) though, his timer is set to reap his actions, weather it be indirectly through the negative wave of impact he had on the world, to himself, etc. or directly.
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  • +1
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Im not sure if i believe in free will. It sort of contradictory to me, and in my opinion cannot exist with a body dictated by time (like ours). Because, if there's time, that means there is a future dictated by past actions. Even if that past is called "present", its still a matter of how many fractions of a second the past just occurred. Because as a body, lag does exist, though, atomically its extremely miniscule time wise. Still, the nature of the body and flesh/nature in general, is in small words, a extremely extreme complex formula of tuned systems.

Since biology in general runs of this system dictated by this time, and we are in this system, I guess what im saying is that present does not exist in our physically perceivable subatomic body/state of motion. And ofc i think this may have something to do with our dimensional and physical capability's (think about the complications of dimensions, and also how 4d is commonly referenced to be significantly correlated to time). Though, I cant really articulate this too well.

But to put it simply, In my opinion, everything can be somewhat calculated and predicted. Like, i can predict that if your a human being, your likely going to have to drink water within this month. A 99.9% chance. And with that, i can somewhat predict how and where you will drink water, and depending on the information and capability, more accurate predictions can be made. With a impossible scale of information and capability, like where a person was born, what he looked at today, how he was raised, and other variables and information of physical existence, to miniscule detail etc. i would think its theoretically possible to predict the entirety of a persons future with extreme accuracy. Maybe not 100%, but close. Obviously humans are not capable of this individually, but its not wild to think, considering they are instances where humanity's future has been accurately predicted. The concept and theoretical capabilities of ai also can somewhat prove this theory very imaginable.

My thoughts on karma. i havent really made much mental progress of the system of karma in relation to free will. But if id make a guess, id say they are strongly pegged to eachother. Because is order for the concept of karma to trigger, an action has to be done. And with that comes the system of time.

Karma to me is consequence. Meaning, it happens for every action, in both a "good" and "bad" manner. Or should i say, both poles of "energy" from your own action are received back to you. I think there is definitely a universal rule of karma though. I imagine it like a toaster timer. If a good person does a act of charity. he loses immediately (bad/opposite pole of karma), while the clock ticks to the positive pole of their action, whether it be self improvement of charity, or just overall making the world a better place through him (with the good consequence of his actions eventually going full round back to him indirectly with his impact or directly). Likewise, a thief who steals immediately wins (good karma) though, his timer is set to reap his actions, weather it be indirectly through the negative wave of impact he had on the world, to himself, etc. or directly.
I'll only talk about Hinduism here, in our scriptures it's written that work is worship but you're not entitled to the fruits of action.

Imo there are some people blessed with good karma but in order to activate their blessings from God they have to put in the hard work. For example, there are two bodybuilders, one is blessed with good genetics and the other one is not, but the guy with good genetics will never realise he's blessed unless he puts the work in, he'll get better results than the other guy in less time but if the other guy is consistent then he'll beat that guy. So basically free will is about working hard in whatever you do

Imo you should look into Bhagvad Gita, it'll give you a new perspective of thinking, check out this blog

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From a secular, irreligious point of view, what is the issue with a woman whoring herself out?

TLDR she tops being a good LTR companion because she'll have a lot of other men to compare you, she'll create in her mind a chimera of the best characteristc of every man she has ever dated. There are objective problems for her and for the future simp who marries her.

For society, there is the problem STDs and low birth rates.
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The main problem is that we, men, are since kids doctrinated do see the feminine as something that it isn't, we are dealt a bad hand and we are told that it's good... Like sheeps into the slaughter house they call marriage in 2023.
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It's green, it's outside, he needs to go and touch it, blud was yapping too much
He's the most linguistically intelligent user here yet he overcomplicates things so much, and not in a useful way might I add.

When I look at his posts I see wasted talent.
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  • So Sad
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He's the most linguistically intelligent user here yet he overcomplicates things so much, and not in a useful way might I add.

When I look at his posts I see wasted talent.
Right, I hate it when I see people that can express their thoughts in words but choose to say dumb shit with it
  • +1
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He's the most linguistically intelligent user here yet he overcomplicates things so much, and not in a useful way might I add.

When I look at his posts I see wasted talent.
Are they any niches you recommend me read up on, or things i should work on to perfect my knowledge pattern? I definitely have a strong need to continue learning. Glad to hear some criticism.
Are they any niches you recommend me read up on, or things i should work on to perfect my knowledge pattern? I definitely have a strong need to continue learning. Glad to hear some criticism.
.Honestly, I think you need more "field experience" in things. With more exposure you will see that not everything you've read is necessarily true, or long winded explanations are that valuable, practical or even smart. Needless to say, reading from others is just following other people's thoughts; which does have it's drawbacks. Deriving theories from other people's theories/conclusions can make you feel as if your theories/conclusions are right even if they are not, EVEN if perfect kogic was exercised. Because incorrect knowledge expanded with perfect logic will still lead to incorrect conclusions. This is basically what fucks up Academia as well. They keep basing their arguments on top of each other and create an unintended circlejerk. Philosophy (lol) and Theology (extra lol) are paramount examples of this, although any other field is not that much necessarily different; if not in their conclusions, in their narrow-minded approach. In medicine or any other STEM field, it's not that their conclusions would be flawed since these fields require proof through tests but the very questions they asked would be pointless, lacking vision and understanding. In short, they are operating on narrow scale enough while they would be blinded of their scope. And no, this is not speculation on my part. I have actually seen this firsthand based on the "moronic" studies I have seen.

But since reading is your hobby, it would still do you good to start with that as your first step. For example, you can with something like a STEM related subject and then try replicating what you learned yourself. In the midst of  practicality you will see firsthand what theories were correct and what weren't. Or if that doesn't fit your interest, you can try strategy games, puzzles, hell even video-games will do. Some of those games even have strategy guides you can read before starting playing them.

The reason for this is, it will  force you to come up with your own decisions and conclusions. If you want to think better you need to exercise your iq. And instead of mingling with abstract ideas, you will mingle with more solid objects and dilemmas. Yes I consider even some pixels on an Age of Empire games to be more solid than ideas like "order", "culture" etc. Because if you fail to establish a proper order in your kingdom, the other player will literally crush your culture into the ground. Linguistic capability will not cut it, you will need mathematical calculation to achieve what you want.

I guess I could sum up my entire argument with that last sentence. You need math iq not just verbal iq.
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Reactions: Elvisandreaa, dreamcake1mo and Pikabro
.Honestly, I think you need more "field experience" in things. With more exposure you will see that not everything you've read is necessarily true, or long winded explanations are that valuable, practical or even smart. Needless to say, reading from others is just following other people's thoughts; which does have it's drawbacks. Deriving theories from other people's theories/conclusions can make you feel as if your theories/conclusions are right even if they are not, EVEN if perfect kogic was exercised. Because incorrect knowledge expanded with perfect logic will still lead to incorrect conclusions. This is basically what fucks up Academia as well. They keep basing their arguments on top of each other and create an unintended circlejerk. Philosophy (lol) and Theology (extra lol) are paramount examples of this, although any other field is not that much necessarily different; if not in their conclusions, in their narrow-minded approach. In medicine or any other STEM field, it's not that their conclusions would be flawed since these fields require proof through tests but the very questions they asked would be pointless, lacking vision and understanding. In short, they are operating on narrow scale enough while they would be blinded of their scope. And no, this is not speculation on my part. I have actually seen this firsthand based on the "moronic" studies I have seen.

But since reading is your hobby, it would still do you good to start with that as your first step. For example, you can with something like a STEM related subject and then try replicating what you learned yourself. In the midst of  practicality you will see firsthand what theories were correct and what weren't. Or if that doesn't fit your interest, you can try strategy games, puzzles, hell even video-games will do. Some of those games even have strategy guides you can read before starting playing them.

The reason for this is, it will  force you to come up with your own decisions and conclusions. If you want to think better you need to exercise your iq. And instead of mingling with abstract ideas, you will mingle with more solid objects and dilemmas. Yes I consider even some pixels on an Age of Empire games to be more solid than ideas like "order", "culture" etc. Because if you fail to establish a proper order in your kingdom, the other player will literally crush your culture into the ground. Linguistic capability will not cut it, you will need mathematical calculation to achieve what you want.

I guess I could sum up my entire argument with that last sentence. You need math iq not just verbal iq.
Looking at other people’s experiences instead of going outside. Tbh the wannabe gangster normie is smarter than me in a lot of ways. Real life intelligence is what matters
  • +1
Reactions: Skywalker and Primalsplit
DNDR yes it is, but it can be a constructive cope which will make your life better. but the moment religion cucks you like telling you to marry a girl who fucked 1000 guys because she regret her past :soy:, it becomes limitating
most churchs are filled with single mothers and reformed hoes.
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Lots of things i dnr itt
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.Honestly, I think you need more "field experience" in things. With more exposure you will see that not everything you've read is necessarily true, or long winded explanations are that valuable, practical or even smart. Needless to say, reading from others is just following other people's thoughts; which does have it's drawbacks. Deriving theories from other people's theories/conclusions can make you feel as if your theories/conclusions are right even if they are not, EVEN if perfect kogic was exercised. Because incorrect knowledge expanded with perfect logic will still lead to incorrect conclusions. This is basically what fucks up Academia as well. They keep basing their arguments on top of each other and create an unintended circlejerk. Philosophy (lol) and Theology (extra lol) are paramount examples of this, although any other field is not that much necessarily different; if not in their conclusions, in their narrow-minded approach. In medicine or any other STEM field, it's not that their conclusions would be flawed since these fields require proof through tests but the very questions they asked would be pointless, lacking vision and understanding. In short, they are operating on narrow scale enough while they would be blinded of their scope. And no, this is not speculation on my part. I have actually seen this firsthand based on the "moronic" studies I have seen.

But since reading is your hobby, it would still do you good to start with that as your first step. For example, you can with something like a STEM related subject and then try replicating what you learned yourself. In the midst of  practicality you will see firsthand what theories were correct and what weren't. Or if that doesn't fit your interest, you can try strategy games, puzzles, hell even video-games will do. Some of those games even have strategy guides you can read before starting playing them.

The reason for this is, it will  force you to come up with your own decisions and conclusions. If you want to think better you need to exercise your iq. And instead of mingling with abstract ideas, you will mingle with more solid objects and dilemmas. Yes I consider even some pixels on an Age of Empire games to be more solid than ideas like "order", "culture" etc. Because if you fail to establish a proper order in your kingdom, the other player will literally crush your culture into the ground. Linguistic capability will not cut it, you will need mathematical calculation to achieve what you want.

I guess I could sum up my entire argument with that last sentence. You need math iq not just verbal iq.
Ah. This is actually solid advice to be honest. Thanks.
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Bruh this site is way more atheistic than jfl at fedora tippers
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  • JFL
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It fits the definition pretty well actually
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Reactions: try2beme
Religion is kind of an anti-cope if you think about it.

Coping is any narrative you employ to keep on doing what you do and just not give up - on doing it or even in living altogether.
its like Camus' "the myth of sisyphus" guy goes just like 'why not just ropemaxx' using the example of the myth of the guy who tricked zeus and was condemned to a task of pushing a boulder over a hill only for it to fall off just before it reaches the top. according to him life is like that a lot of work and no reward at the end because at the end we all gonna die so he goes like 'why keep on doing it then' and his answer is because we can find enjoyement in doing it. enjoyement is not just something that happens to us but also something we create - enjoyement as meaning.

But most religions believe in life after death so life is not meaningless, its not an end in itself but rather a means to an end - securing an enjoyable eternity vs suffering in the pits of hell (using christianity as an example)
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Reactions: ManletBlackcel, Elvisandreaa and dreamcake1mo
Religion is not cope, makes men strong and women sacred.

Is my avi pic good enough for instagram?
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Skywalker and Pikabro
DNDR yes it is, but it can be a constructive cope which will make your life better. but the moment religion cucks you like telling you to marry a girl who fucked 1000 guys because she regret her past :soy:, it becomes limitating

Deuteronomy 22:20-21
English Standard Version​

20 But if the thing is true, that evidence of virginity was not found in the young woman, 21 then they shall bring out the young woman to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones, because she has done an outrageous thing in Israel by whoring in her father's house. So you shall purge the evil from your midst.


What fucking religion says that?

Some heretic local pedo pastor?

Jesus is more blackpilled than this whole forum.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Skywalker and Elvisandreaa
Religion is kind of an anti-cope if you think about it.

Coping is any narrative you employ to keep on doing what you do and just not give up - on doing it or even in living altogether.
its like Camus' "the myth of sisyphus" guy goes just like 'why not just ropemaxx' using the example of the myth of the guy who tricked zeus and was condemned to a task of pushing a boulder over a hill only for it to fall off just before it reaches the top. according to him life is like that a lot of work and no reward at the end because at the end we all gonna die so he goes like 'why keep on doing it then' and his answer is because we can find enjoyement in doing it. enjoyement is not just something that happens to us but also something we create - enjoyement as meaning.

But most religions believe in life after death so life is not meaningless, its not an end in itself but rather a means to an end - securing an enjoyable eternity vs suffering in the pits of hell (using christianity as an example)
High IQ but the ethnics wont understand

It's cope but goes against every one of your desires?

Whole point of the Bible is the material world is owned by Satan, and that "dont fight back" shit is always out-of-context...

You can tell if someone read the Old Testament by if they view Jesus as some 70s hippie.
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I think the perfect combination is mentally and morally precise popular religion/popular social culture yet people still having the analytical and application based mindset. No need to be low IQ and deny/not improve healthy science and QOL advancements simply to claim god this and god that instead of practically analyzing things, and moving intellectually independent. There is some misconception that science denies a concept such as "god", but if anything it actually proves it.
The Rock Eye Roll GIF by WWE
  • JFL
Reactions: Primalsplit
From a secular, irreligious point of view, what is the issue with a woman whoring herself out? morals are cope to one who doesnt affirm religion, because its subjective; ie. subject to societal whims. Everything is cope from a different point of view really.
lack of pair bonding, inability to sustain replacement level of reproduction, constant oursourcing of labor, leading to unstable ecology, chaotic social environment. religion has simply worked whereas secularism remains mostly experimental, and frankly, is beginning to show signs of being a failed inferior model
  • +1
Reactions: dreamcake1mo
DNDR yes it is, but it can be a constructive cope which will make your life better. but the moment religion cucks you like telling you to marry a girl who fucked 1000 guys because she regret her past :soy:, it becomes limitating
that's a symptom of secularism. what religion actually says is stone the bitch(for the purpose of deterring such behavior from achieving normality
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  • JFL
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jebus was :bluepill:
The nigga was the most pure mfer on earth and only did good n they still tortured him to death because he was a MTN manlet, stop being a little goy

While evil tallfag prettyboys ruled kingdoms and had worldly riches n shiett

Meanwhile in his own words:

Deuteronomy 22:13-21 New International Version​

20 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.
lack of pair bonding, inability to sustain replacement level of reproduction, constant oursourcing of labor, leading to unstable ecology, chaotic social environment. religion has simply worked whereas secularism remains mostly experimental, and frankly, is beginning to show signs of being a failed inferior model
Agreed 100%

Its a shame that people use these posts i make about religion to think that i am against it or something. My point im making is that religion is required for certain types of people. But even as a cope, is 100% necessary as one. Women especially need religion due to their socially dominated nature. And in one way or another, men and society needs that to remain a healthy factor. Secularism is a failed model for society. Theres no question about that. In reality secularity is a delusion.

I also find it interesting how people fail to realize the bible is extremely blackpilled.

For example, most people think the bible is on the same level as the religions created based on it. But its important they understand that religion is a derivative.

The reason secularism fails is very simple like you said. The world isnt delusional. Theres cause and effect. People try hard to discredit the crucial idea of religion, or mental and moral precision. Only to make even less sense than a kid (like the guy you were replying to).
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