

Feb 27, 2023
0f7gtpkff7h11 1

Any other debunk on the Quran can technically be chalked up to your ignorant misunderstanding against the all-knowing being's infinite wealth of knowledge. Math, on the other hand, is objective and universal so any nonsense cannot be from God. You can fact check it at any point.

God is commanding you to give:
two-thirds of your estate to the daughters
one-third of your estate to the parents
one-eighth of your estate to your wife

This adds up to more than 100% of the estate, so the system is incoherent.

Any attempt at a solution to the problem changes the ratio of how much family member x is getting compared to the estate, which was already set in stone, written and eternal, as the fractions above.

unironically, the best solution is just to get a nigga to donate 1/8 of whatever the estate was to the wife so they all get their shares demanded in the Quran, but at that point, it wouldn't be inheritance anymore. :unsure:

nuff sed
  • +1
  • JFL
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View attachment 3194323
Any other debunk on the Quran can technically be chalked up to your ignorant misunderstanding against the all-knowing being's infinite wealth of knowledge. Math, on the other hand, is objective and universal so any nonsense cannot be from God. You can fact check it at any point.

God is commanding you to give:
two-thirds of your estate to the daughters
one-third of your estate to the parents
one-eighth of your estate to your wife

This adds up to more than 100% of the estate, so the system is incoherent.

Any attempt at a solution to the problem changes the ratio of how much family member x is getting compared to the estate, which was already set in stone, written and eternal, as the fractions above.

unironically, the best solution is just to get a nigga to donate 1/8 of whatever the estate was to the wife so they all get their shares demanded in the Quran, but at that point, it wouldn't be inheritance anymore. :unsure:

nuff sed
Great point
  • +1
Reactions: hattrick
View attachment 3194323
Any other debunk on the Quran can technically be chalked up to your ignorant misunderstanding against the all-knowing being's infinite wealth of knowledge. Math, on the other hand, is objective and universal so any nonsense cannot be from God. You can fact check it at any point.

God is commanding you to give:
two-thirds of your estate to the daughters
one-third of your estate to the parents
one-eighth of your estate to your wife

This adds up to more than 100% of the estate, so the system is incoherent.

Any attempt at a solution to the problem changes the ratio of how much family member x is getting compared to the estate, which was already set in stone, written and eternal, as the fractions above.

unironically, the best solution is just to get a nigga to donate 1/8 of whatever the estate was to the wife so they all get their shares demanded in the Quran, but at that point, it wouldn't be inheritance anymore. :unsure:

nuff sed
Shall i refutre this or is thetr any point, will u change ur mind or bot. I could tell by your answer if you will
What's there to debunk about that obviously false religion jfl
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: NoReedemingFeature, sportsmogger and Muttcel foid killer
Shall i refutre this or is thetr any point, will u change ur mind or bot. I could tell by your answer if you will
i doubt i'd end up converting, but if ur refutation is convincing enough i will change my mind on this being a total debunk on islam
  • +1
Reactions: Timmy
Nigga gotta pay from the grave, bro working overtime in Jannah. Call it graveyard shift
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: noobs, Muttcel foid killer, sportsmogger and 2 others
Please do so
Well if you seem to be willing here you go:
i doubt i'd end up converting, but if ur refutation is convincing enough i will change my mind on this being a total debunk on islam
If youre willing here I go:

I had to do some research of my own on this topic as to checj the arabic root words and such

WALAD= Waw lam dal: give birth/beget

2:233 and 31:33 use thr word in ‘offspring/child’

Whereas 6:100-101 mentions banina and wabanatim as daughters

Interpreting walad as a son implies having daughters then

The reason why trbaslations are off because of oslamic sectarian copium where they based their religion off of 7th century scholars who all had an ideological agenda

4:11 talks about mixed children, i.e sons daughters, . likewise, any sole heir always gets the whole e.g. parent, spouse, offspring/child (son/s, daughter/s), sibling (brother/s, sister/s), etc. and in "all cases" the shares equal 1

4:12 talks abt single siblings gender siblings (brother sister) The 1/3 max to siblings also applies with parent/s in verse

4:176 talks ablut pertaining to kalala (no parents of children as heirs) leaving no case when they are mixed gender siblings.

4:11 The God instructed you regarding your offspring/children (awlad)

  • (If 2 females): The male shall have a portion equal to that of two females.
  • (If 3 or more females): If there are more than two females, they shall have two-thirds of what is left.
  • (If 1 female): And if there is only one daughter, she shall have half of what is left.

6877EE2E AEC0 4E68 9E1B 2D3FFF815253

1EB6C40A D2F4 4F03 828E 0A3888C2AD2B

And for you (husbands), if there is one wife, you shall receive half (1/2) of what is left.

Per Quran whats correct other is copium
6DFC1DBA 27C1 4802 BF72 308694DAED0D

CD9B3828 61DD 405D B824 29FC3A508893

If there are no offspring, for you (husbands) is one-fourth (1/4) of what you left.
And for them (wives), one-fourth of what is left.
3614375F 5341 488B 98A6 A232972CAEAE

Distributions according to Qur’an kalala cases – no spouse and/or offspring/child
- if parents alive, mother 1/3, father variable (4:11)
- if parents alive, 3+ siblings (at least 1 male) mother 1/6, father variable (4:11)
- if only single parent (mother/father) each is variable else the math contradicts
6CFE4B26 02E1 44FC A39C 549F8DA73572

Some charts to illustrate the points:

Female-to-Male Ratio Distribution Based on Number of Daughters and 1 Son​

  • 1 Daughter: Ratio 1.0x (1:1); Distribution: 1/2, 1/2
    As stated in 4:11, if there is one daughter, she receives half (1/2).
  • 2 Daughters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/4, 1/4, 1/2
    According to 4:11, the male’s share is equivalent to the combined apportionment of two females.
  • 3 Daughters: Ratio 1.5x (2:3); Distribution: 2/9, 2/9, 2/9, 1/3
    In 4:11, if there are more than two daughters, they share two-thirds (2/3).
  • 4 Daughters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/3
  • 5 Daughters: Ratio 2.5x (2:5); Distribution: 2/15 each, with the male receiving 1/3
  • 6 Daughters: Ratio 3.0x (1:3); Distribution: 1/9 each, with the male receiving 1/3

Female-to-Male Ratio Distribution Based on Number of Sisters and 1 Brother​

  • 1 Sister: Ratio 1.0x (1:1); Distribution: 1/2, 1/2
    As per 4:176, if there is one sister, she receives half (1/2).
  • 2 Sisters: Ratio 1.0x (1:1); Distribution: 1/3 each
    4:176 states that if there are two sisters, they share two-thirds (2/3).
  • 3 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/5 each, with the male receiving 2/5
  • 4 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/6 each, with the male receiving 1/3
  • 5 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/7 each, with the male receiving 2/7
  • 6 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/8 each, with the male receiving 1/4

4:11 kalala w no son, 4:12 kalala w son 4:12 no child/born

Here are all combinations and obviously a sole inheritor gets the whole no need for distribution laws.

1 = mother
1 = father
1 = spouse
1 = daughter/s
1 = son/s
1 = sister/s
1 = brother/s

mother/father, son/s: 1/6 5/6
mother/father, 1 daughter : 1/2 1/2 no son, mother/father variable
mother/father, 2 daughters: 1/3 2/3 (2 daughters variable) all share equally
mother/father, 3 daughters: 1/3 2/3

mother, father : 1/3 2/3
mother, brother/s: 1/6 5/6

mother/father, husband: 1/2 1/2
mother/father, wife : 3/4 1/4

father, sibling/s : 1 0 not kalala has father
husband/wife, sibling/s: 1 0 not kalala has spouse

husband/wife, 1 daughter : 1/2 1/2 not childless; no son; husband/wife variable
husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/3 2/3
husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/3 2/3

husband, son/s: 1/4 3/4

mother, father, husband: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, father, wife : 3/8 3/8 1/4

mother, father, 1 daughter : 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, father, 2 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, father, 3 daughters: 1/6 1/6 2/3

mother, father, son/s: 1/6 1/6 2/3

mother, husband/wife, 1 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/6 1/6 2/3

mother, husband, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12
mother, wife, son/s : 1/6 1/8 17/24

father, husband/wife, 1 daughter : 1/4 1/4 1/2
father, husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
father, husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/6 1/6 2/3

father, husband, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12
father, wife, son/s : 1/6 1/8 17/24

father, daughter/s, son/s : 1/6 5/6 children 2:1 ratio
husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/4 3/4 children 2:1 ratio

mother, father, husband/wife, 1 daughter : 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/2
mother, father, husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/5 1/5 1/5 2/5
mother, father, husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/9 1/9 1/9 2/3

mother, father, husband, son/s: 1/6 1/6 1/4 5/12
mother, father, wife, son/s : 1/6 1/6 1/8 13/24

mother, husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12 children 2:1 ratio
mother, wife, daughter/s, son/s : 1/6 1/8 17/24 children 2:1 ratio

father, husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12 children 2:1 ratio
father, wife, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/8 17/24 children 2:1 ratio

mother, father, husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/6 1/4 5/12 children 2:1 ratio
mother, father, wife, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/6 1/8 13/24 children 2:1 ratio

mother, father, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/6 2/3 children 2:1 ratio

4:11 kalala fatherless spouseless no son (sibling/s variable)
mother, 1 daughter, sister/s : 1/4 1/2 1/4
mother, 1 daughter, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 1/3
mother, 1 daughter, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 1/3 siblings share equally

mother, 2 daughters, sister/s: 1/4 1/2, 1/4 each 1/4 1/4
mother, 2 daughters, brother/s: 1/6 5/6 daughters siblings share equally
mother, 2 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 5/6 daughters siblings share equally

mother, 3 daughters, sister/s : 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, 3 daughters, brother/s: 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, 3 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 2/3 1/3 siblings share equally

1 daughter, sister/s : 1/2 1/2
1 daughter, brother/s: 1/2 1/2
1 daughter, sister/s, brother/s: 1/2 1/2 siblings share equally

2 daughters, sister/s : daughters siblings share equally
2 daughters, brother/s: daughters siblings share equally
2 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: daughters siblings share equally

3 daughters, sister/s : 2/3, 2/9 each 1/3
3 daughters, brother/s: 2/3, 2/9 each 1/3
3 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: 2/3 1/3 siblings share equally

4:12 kalala fatherless spouseless has son (sibling/s fixed 1/6 or 1/3)
son/s, sister : 5/6 1/6
son/s, brother: 5/6 1/6
son/s, sisters: 5/6 1/3
son/s, brothers:5/6 1/3
son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 2/3 1/3 siblings share equally

daughter/s, son/s, sister : 5/6 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
daughter/s, son/s, brother: 5/6 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
daughter/s, son/s, sisters: 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
daughter/s, son/s, brothers:2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
daughter/s, son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/3 siblings share equally

mother, son/s, sister : 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, son/s, brother: 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, son/s, sisters: 1/6 1/2 1/3
mother, son/s, brothers:1/6 1/2 1/3
mother, son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 1/3 siblings share equally

mother, daughter/s, son/s, sister : 1/6 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
mother, daughter/s, son/s, brother: 1/6 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
mother, daughter/s, son/s, sisters: 1/6 1/2 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
mother, daughter/s, son/s, brothers:1/6 1/2 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
mother, daughter/s, son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 children 2:1 ratio 1/3 siblings share equally

4:176 kalala fatherless spouseless no child/born
sister/s, brother/s: 2:1 ratio male to female

mother, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 5/6 siblings 2:1 ratio

mother, 1 sister : 1/2 1/2
mother, 2 sisters: 1/3 2/3
mother, 3 sisters: 1/4 3/4 unstated/variable distribute equally


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View attachment 3194323
Any other debunk on the Quran can technically be chalked up to your ignorant misunderstanding against the all-knowing being's infinite wealth of knowledge. Math, on the other hand, is objective and universal so any nonsense cannot be from God. You can fact check it at any point.

God is commanding you to give:
two-thirds of your estate to the daughters
one-third of your estate to the parents
one-eighth of your estate to your wife

This adds up to more than 100% of the estate, so the system is incoherent.

Any attempt at a solution to the problem changes the ratio of how much family member x is getting compared to the estate, which was already set in stone, written and eternal, as the fractions above.

unironically, the best solution is just to get a nigga to donate 1/8 of whatever the estate was to the wife so they all get their shares demanded in the Quran, but at that point, it wouldn't be inheritance anymore. :unsure:

nuff sed
All religion is cope you didnt DEBOOOONK shit please rope at your nearest convintience
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Swarthy Knight, Autismcel and sportsmogger
Well if you seem to be willing here you go:

If youre willing here I go:

I had to do some research of my own on this topic as to checj the arabic root words and such

WALAD= Waw lam dal: give birth/beget

2:233 and 31:33 use thr word in ‘offspring/child’

Whereas 6:100-101 mentions banina and wabanatim as daughters

Interpreting walad as a son implies having daughters then

The reason why trbaslations are off because of oslamic sectarian copium where they based their religion off of 7th century scholars who all had an ideological agenda

4:11 talks about mixed children, i.e sons daughters, . likewise, any sole heir always gets the whole e.g. parent, spouse, offspring/child (son/s, daughter/s), sibling (brother/s, sister/s), etc. and in "all cases" the shares equal 1

4:12 talks abt single siblings gender siblings (brother sister) The 1/3 max to siblings also applies with parent/s in verse

4:176 talks ablut pertaining to kalala (no parents of children as heirs) leaving no case when they are mixed gender siblings.

4:11 The God instructed you regarding your offspring/children (awlad)

  • (If 2 females): The male shall have a portion equal to that of two females.
  • (If 3 or more females): If there are more than two females, they shall have two-thirds of what is left.
  • (If 1 female): And if there is only one daughter, she shall have half of what is left.

View attachment 3194386
View attachment 3194387
And for you (husbands), if there is one wife, you shall receive half (1/2) of what is left.

Per Quran whats correct other is copium
View attachment 3194388
View attachment 3194389
If there are no offspring, for you (husbands) is one-fourth (1/4) of what you left.
And for them (wives), one-fourth of what is left.
View attachment 3194392

Distributions according to Qur’an kalala cases – no spouse and/or offspring/child
- if parents alive, mother 1/3, father variable (4:11)
- if parents alive, 3+ siblings (at least 1 male) mother 1/6, father variable (4:11)
- if only single parent (mother/father) each is variable else the math contradicts
View attachment 3194396

Some charts to illustrate the points:
View attachment 3194397

Female-to-Male Ratio Distribution Based on Number of Daughters and 1 Son​

  • 1 Daughter: Ratio 1.0x (1:1); Distribution: 1/2, 1/2
    As stated in 4:11, if there is one daughter, she receives half (1/2).
  • 2 Daughters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/4, 1/4, 1/2
    According to 4:11, the male’s share is equivalent to the combined apportionment of two females.
  • 3 Daughters: Ratio 1.5x (2:3); Distribution: 2/9, 2/9, 2/9, 1/3
    In 4:11, if there are more than two daughters, they share two-thirds (2/3).
  • 4 Daughters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/6, 1/3
  • 5 Daughters: Ratio 2.5x (2:5); Distribution: 2/15 each, with the male receiving 1/3
  • 6 Daughters: Ratio 3.0x (1:3); Distribution: 1/9 each, with the male receiving 1/3

Female-to-Male Ratio Distribution Based on Number of Sisters and 1 Brother​

  • 1 Sister: Ratio 1.0x (1:1); Distribution: 1/2, 1/2
    As per 4:176, if there is one sister, she receives half (1/2).
  • 2 Sisters: Ratio 1.0x (1:1); Distribution: 1/3 each
    4:176 states that if there are two sisters, they share two-thirds (2/3).
  • 3 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/5 each, with the male receiving 2/5
  • 4 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/6 each, with the male receiving 1/3
  • 5 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/7 each, with the male receiving 2/7
  • 6 Sisters: Ratio 2.0x (1:2); Distribution: 1/8 each, with the male receiving 1/4

4:11 kalala w no son, 4:12 kalala w son 4:12 no child/born

Here are all combinations and obviously a sole inheritor gets the whole no need for distribution laws.

1 = mother
1 = father
1 = spouse
1 = daughter/s
1 = son/s
1 = sister/s
1 = brother/s

mother/father, son/s: 1/6 5/6
mother/father, 1 daughter : 1/2 1/2 no son, mother/father variable
mother/father, 2 daughters: 1/3 2/3 (2 daughters variable) all share equally
mother/father, 3 daughters: 1/3 2/3

mother, father : 1/3 2/3
mother, brother/s: 1/6 5/6

mother/father, husband: 1/2 1/2
mother/father, wife : 3/4 1/4

father, sibling/s : 1 0 not kalala has father
husband/wife, sibling/s: 1 0 not kalala has spouse

husband/wife, 1 daughter : 1/2 1/2 not childless; no son; husband/wife variable
husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/3 2/3
husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/3 2/3

husband, son/s: 1/4 3/4

mother, father, husband: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, father, wife : 3/8 3/8 1/4

mother, father, 1 daughter : 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, father, 2 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, father, 3 daughters: 1/6 1/6 2/3

mother, father, son/s: 1/6 1/6 2/3

mother, husband/wife, 1 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
mother, husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/6 1/6 2/3

mother, husband, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12
mother, wife, son/s : 1/6 1/8 17/24

father, husband/wife, 1 daughter : 1/4 1/4 1/2
father, husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/4 1/4 1/2
father, husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/6 1/6 2/3

father, husband, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12
father, wife, son/s : 1/6 1/8 17/24

father, daughter/s, son/s : 1/6 5/6 children 2:1 ratio
husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/4 3/4 children 2:1 ratio

mother, father, husband/wife, 1 daughter : 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/2
mother, father, husband/wife, 2 daughters: 1/5 1/5 1/5 2/5
mother, father, husband/wife, 3 daughters: 1/9 1/9 1/9 2/3

mother, father, husband, son/s: 1/6 1/6 1/4 5/12
mother, father, wife, son/s : 1/6 1/6 1/8 13/24

mother, husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12 children 2:1 ratio
mother, wife, daughter/s, son/s : 1/6 1/8 17/24 children 2:1 ratio

father, husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/4 7/12 children 2:1 ratio
father, wife, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/8 17/24 children 2:1 ratio

mother, father, husband, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/6 1/4 5/12 children 2:1 ratio
mother, father, wife, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/6 1/8 13/24 children 2:1 ratio

mother, father, daughter/s, son/s: 1/6 1/6 2/3 children 2:1 ratio

4:11 kalala fatherless spouseless no son (sibling/s variable)
mother, 1 daughter, sister/s : 1/4 1/2 1/4
mother, 1 daughter, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 1/3
mother, 1 daughter, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 1/3 siblings share equally

mother, 2 daughters, sister/s: 1/4 1/2, 1/4 each 1/4 1/4
mother, 2 daughters, brother/s: 1/6 5/6 daughters siblings share equally
mother, 2 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 5/6 daughters siblings share equally

mother, 3 daughters, sister/s : 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, 3 daughters, brother/s: 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, 3 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 2/3 1/3 siblings share equally

1 daughter, sister/s : 1/2 1/2
1 daughter, brother/s: 1/2 1/2
1 daughter, sister/s, brother/s: 1/2 1/2 siblings share equally

2 daughters, sister/s : daughters siblings share equally
2 daughters, brother/s: daughters siblings share equally
2 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: daughters siblings share equally

3 daughters, sister/s : 2/3, 2/9 each 1/3
3 daughters, brother/s: 2/3, 2/9 each 1/3
3 daughters, sister/s, brother/s: 2/3 1/3 siblings share equally

4:12 kalala fatherless spouseless has son (sibling/s fixed 1/6 or 1/3)
son/s, sister : 5/6 1/6
son/s, brother: 5/6 1/6
son/s, sisters: 5/6 1/3
son/s, brothers:5/6 1/3
son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 2/3 1/3 siblings share equally

daughter/s, son/s, sister : 5/6 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
daughter/s, son/s, brother: 5/6 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
daughter/s, son/s, sisters: 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
daughter/s, son/s, brothers:2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
daughter/s, son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/3 siblings share equally

mother, son/s, sister : 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, son/s, brother: 1/6 2/3 1/6
mother, son/s, sisters: 1/6 1/2 1/3
mother, son/s, brothers:1/6 1/2 1/3
mother, son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 1/3 siblings share equally

mother, daughter/s, son/s, sister : 1/6 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
mother, daughter/s, son/s, brother: 1/6 2/3 children 2:1 ratio 1/6
mother, daughter/s, son/s, sisters: 1/6 1/2 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
mother, daughter/s, son/s, brothers:1/6 1/2 children 2:1 ratio 1/3
mother, daughter/s, son/s, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 1/2 children 2:1 ratio 1/3 siblings share equally

4:176 kalala fatherless spouseless no child/born
sister/s, brother/s: 2:1 ratio male to female

mother, sister/s, brother/s: 1/6 5/6 siblings 2:1 ratio

mother, 1 sister : 1/2 1/2
mother, 2 sisters: 1/3 2/3
mother, 3 sisters: 1/4 3/4 unstated/variable distribute equally
Ok nevermind I am not reading this
  • JFL
Reactions: Timmy
But islam is the most based
ive been southern baptist most of my life but also considered coverting to islam after reading the Qur'an its hella based but im not a moral fag or coper so cant bring myself to belive in it i do consider myself a cultural Christian and still wear my cross though
  • JFL
Reactions: sportsmogger
View attachment 3194323
Any other debunk on the Quran can technically be chalked up to your ignorant misunderstanding against the all-knowing being's infinite wealth of knowledge. Math, on the other hand, is objective and universal so any nonsense cannot be from God. You can fact check it at any point.

God is commanding you to give:
two-thirds of your estate to the daughters
one-third of your estate to the parents
one-eighth of your estate to your wife

This adds up to more than 100% of the estate, so the system is incoherent.

Any attempt at a solution to the problem changes the ratio of how much family member x is getting compared to the estate, which was already set in stone, written and eternal, as the fractions above.

unironically, the best solution is just to get a nigga to donate 1/8 of whatever the estate was to the wife so they all get their shares demanded in the Quran, but at that point, it wouldn't be inheritance anymore. :unsure:

nuff sed
Im aorry if my response was late, Im not the best in knowing economics aspects on the Quran until now jfl, whete I had to do my own research. So yes here u go
  • +1
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