Reminder: This is what 10% BF looks like

Deleted member 3593

Deleted member 3593

Oct 20, 2019
2C9062DE BB7F 4464 BAF5 E470BB125B5B 651B6496 0BAD 4636 A7B7 EFE27F0ECB6D
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Im below 10%
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If you are muscular and have a low B.F, you will likely be good looking. Working out *** may increase*** muscle mass in your facial area; specifically muscles in your jaw.

If you grow pounds of muscles, you *MAY develop muscles in your facial area as well. That may be why bodybuilders have sharper/stronger looking faces even with skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat.

Google "bodybuilder" notice they seem to have stronger jaws than most men of similar B.F?

Hey dumb fuck low-IQ, income challenged, retard. I am doing a masters degree in Electrical Engineering and I am also NASM certified personal trainer. It seems to me that men who exercise more have stronger jaw muscles. Much of this may be due to increased testosterone and HGH that comes with exercise. Look at men who workout and skinny men. Men with muscles seem to have stronger jaw muscles. This may be due to muscle building.

Update 3:
Hey dumb fuck. Weight training significantly increases HGH ,cortisol and testosterone levels. skeletal muscles in your face (voluntary ones, such as your jaw) *may benefit from weight training due to increased levels of hormones; and by virtue of the fact that your body is in muscle building mode. Look at a skinny guy with a low B.F vs. a relational lifter who is not on steroids. The lifter will likely have more developed jaw muscles.

Even weight lifters without steroids or HGH seem to have stronger jaw muscles.

Update 4:
STOP fucking talking about injecting HGH you fucking retard. Most men who lift weights don't use that fucking shit. Men who lift weights on a weekly basis seem to have stronger muscles in their jaw area than skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat. This may be because weight training increases test., HGH and other harmonies naturally; and puts your body in a muscle building mode.

Update 5:
Why the fuck does the idea seem to crazy to you? Weight lifting increases test, cortisol , and HGH levels naturally and puts your body in muscle building mode; so it may help develop some of your voluntary facial muscles in your jaw. I have noticed that men who lift weights seem to have stronger looking jaws than men with similar levels of bodyfat.

It could or *could NOT be true. But why is the idea so crazy to you?
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  • Hmm...
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If you are muscular and have a low B.F, you will likely be good looking. Working out increases muscle mass in your facial area.

agree with ur first comment but idk about the last one. Not sure how working out can change ur face. But yea being extremely lean has a drastic effect on how ur muscles look.
agree with ur first comment but idk about the last one. Not sure how working out can change ur face. But yea being extremely lean has a drastic effect on how ur muscles look.
Look at the bodybuilder Kai greene at the start and end of his career his face got way bigger altho it could be due to hgh and what not
Me in a few months @LordNorwood bloat god no more
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Me in a few months @LordNorwood bloat god no more

amen bro. I’m starting my cut early before summer but I don’t wanna crash diet so slow and steady
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agree with ur first comment but idk about the last one. Not sure how working out can change ur face. But yea being extremely lean has a drastic effect on how ur muscles look.
If you grow pounds of muscles, you *MAY develop muscles in your facial area as well. That may be why bodybuilders have sharper/stronger looking faces even with skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat.
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If you grow pounds of muscles, you *MAY develop muscles in your facial area as well. That may be why bodybuilders have sharper/stronger looking faces even with skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat.
body builders develop more bone mass in their face because of steroids, primarily growing jaw, brow ridge, cheekbones, and nose.
they have sharp faces because of HIGH BONE MASS not muscles you retard
i would put you on my low iq list in my sig if i had room
fuck you are autistic

mentally blacklisting you forever and to never listen to anything you have to say again

Its over if you arent Chico in 2020 anyways
No Chico weight for my height
Post picture of your frame please. I cannot imagine how skinny you must be. Also how old are you?
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Post picture of your frame please. I cannot imagine how skinny you must be. Also how old are you?



He is dangerously skinny, not healthy at all.

If he tried to rope he wouldn’t have the strength to tie the noose.

D8CF4EF8 ECDF 4703 92D2 A068F9EF6AF2

surprised he isn’t hospitalised
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body builders develop more bone mass in their face because of steroids, primarily growing jaw, brow ridge, cheekbones, and nose.
they have sharp faces because of HIGH BONE MASS not muscles you retard
i would put you on my low iq list in my sig if i had room
fuck you are autistic

mentally blacklisting you forever and to never listen to anything you have to say again
Hey dumb fuck low-IQ, income challenged, retard. I am doing a masters degree in Electrical Engineering and I am also NASM certified personal trainer. It seems to me that men who exercise more have stronger jaw muscles. Much of this may be due to increased testosterone and HGH that comes with exercise. Look at men who workout and skinny men. Men with muscles seem to have stronger jaw muscles. This may be due to muscle building.
Hey dumb fuck low-IQ, income challenged, retard. I am doing a masters degree in Electrical Engineering and I am also NASM certified personal trainer. It seems to me that men who exercise more have stronger jaw muscles. Much of this may be due to increased testosterone and HGH that comes with exercise. Look at men who workout and skinny men. Men with muscles seem to have stronger jaw muscles. This may be due to muscle building.

ok I have to slightly agree here. There is amassive facial difference between ur average twig who, yea, has very low bf and people who are low bf but have muscle mass
Hey dumb fuck low-IQ, income challenged, retard. I am doing a masters degree in Electrical Engineering and I am also NASM certified personal trainer. It seems to me that men who exercise more have stronger jaw muscles. Much of this may be due to increased testosterone and HGH that comes with exercise. Look at men who workout and skinny men. Men with muscles seem to have stronger jaw muscles. This may be due to muscle building.
AE1376FF F827 4732 B8BD DDD9A74454B3
Hey dumb fuck low-IQ, income challenged, retard. I am doing a masters degree in Electrical Engineering and I am also NASM certified personal trainer. It seems to me that men who exercise more have stronger jaw muscles. Much of this may be due to increased testosterone and HGH that comes with exercise. Look at men who workout and skinny men. Men with muscles seem to have stronger jaw muscles. This may be due to muscle building.
shit bro that CRAZY AND INSANE
but... i dont remember asking :lul:

keep flexxing your electrical engineering where you will make 80k a year slaving away faggot, no one cares and yes chewing gives stronger jaw muscles, but DOESNT MAKE UR FACE SHARPER

steriods is the reason why their faces are larger/ primarily the jaw

"If you grow pounds of muscles, you *MAY develop muscles in your facial area as well. That may be why bodybuilders have sharper/stronger looking faces even with skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat. "

you are literally stating that these body builders developed muscles in their facial area by "GROWING POUNDS OF MUSCLE" thru working out other body parts hence why you made the body builder comparison, and not through chewing.

you are autistic as hell and low IQ bucko
it is not due to muscle building

muscle growth in face like jaw massesters - chewing

bigger facial bones/sharpness - bone mass growth from steroids

keep flexing stupid shit
me and my brother are 20-22 year olds and already make 300k a year roughly and going to start making millions next year soon due to our new international trading buisness

keep barking for me
low iq subhuman
Post picture of your frame please. I cannot imagine how skinny you must be. Also how old are you?
Picture of my wrists is posted on .co i guess
IMG 20190919 181446

Here, i wont post frame pics because i dont want to share my face or body. Wrist is enough, several people can confrim im that skinny.
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shit bro that CRAZY AND INSANE
but... i dont remember asking :lul:

keep flexxing your electrical engineering where you will make 80k a year slaving away faggot, no one cares and yes chewing gives stronger jaw muscles, but DOESNT MAKE UR FACE SHARPER

steriods is the reason why their faces are larger/ primarily the jaw

"If you grow pounds of muscles, you *MAY develop muscles in your facial area as well. That may be why bodybuilders have sharper/stronger looking faces even with skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat. "

you are literally stating that these body builders developed muscles in their facial area by "GROWING POUNDS OF MUSCLE" thru working out other body parts hence why you made the body builder comparison, and not through chewing.

you are autistic as hell and low IQ bucko
it is not due to muscle building

muscle growth in face like jaw massesters - chewing

bigger facial bones/sharpness - bone mass growth from steroids

keep flexing stupid shit
me and my brother are 20-22 year olds and already make 300k a year roughly and going to start making millions next year soon due to our new international trading buisness

keep barking for me
low iq subhuman

I thought roids don’t change ur jaw
I thought roids don’t change ur jaw
whoever told you that is retard,
body builders who put large amounts of human growth hormone into their body grows JAW more than anything
where do you get your information from
  • +1
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whoever told you that is retard,
body builders who put large amounts of human growth hormone into their body grows JAW more than anything
where do you get your information from
Well HGH isn’t a roid so that’s what confused me. People say HGH is what changes jaw but steroids (testosterone And it’s derivatives) do jack all
Well HGH isn’t a roid so that’s what confused me. People say HGH is what changes jaw but steroids (testosterone And it’s derivatives) do jack all
ah my bad, replace everywhere i said steroids with HGH
thats what i meant
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shit bro that CRAZY AND INSANE
but... i dont remember asking :lul:

keep flexxing your electrical engineering where you will make 80k a year slaving away faggot, no one cares and yes chewing gives stronger jaw muscles, but DOESNT MAKE UR FACE SHARPER

steriods is the reason why their faces are larger/ primarily the jaw

"If you grow pounds of muscles, you *MAY develop muscles in your facial area as well. That may be why bodybuilders have sharper/stronger looking faces even with skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat. "

you are literally stating that these body builders developed muscles in their facial area by "GROWING POUNDS OF MUSCLE" thru working out other body parts hence why you made the body builder comparison, and not through chewing.

you are autistic as hell and low IQ bucko
it is not due to muscle building

muscle growth in face like jaw massesters - chewing

bigger facial bones/sharpness - bone mass growth from steroids

keep flexing stupid shit
me and my brother are 20-22 year olds and already make 300k a year roughly and going to start making millions next year soon due to our new international trading buisness

keep barking for me
low iq subhuman
Hey dumb fuck. Weight training significantly increases HGH ,cortisol and testosterone levels. skeletal muscles in your face (voluntary ones, such as your jaw) *may benefit from weight training due to increased levels of hormones; and my virtue of the fact that your body is in muscle building mode. Look at a skinny guy with a low B.F vs. a relational lifter who is not on steroids. The lifter will likely have more developed jaw muscles.
Hey dumb fuck. Weight training significantly increases HGH ,cortisol and testosterone levels. skeletal muscles in your face (voluntary ones, such as your jaw) *may benefit from weight training due to increased levels of hormones; and by virtue of the fact that your body is in muscle building mode. Look at a skinny guy with a low B.F vs. a relational lifter who is not on steroids. The lifter will likely have more developed jaw muscles.

Even weight lifters without steroids or HGH seem to have stronger jaw muscles.
Hey dumb fuck. Weight training significantly increases HGH ,cortisol and testosterone levels. skeletal muscles in your face (voluntary ones, such as your jaw) *may benefit from weight training due to increased levels of hormones; and my virtue of the fact that your body is in muscle building mode. Look at a skinny guy with a low B.F vs. a relational lifter who is not on steroids. The lifter will likely have more developed jaw muscles.
majority of their HGH is synthetically implemented
There are plenty of gymcels i know who have seen no facial change from natural HGH production through weight training,
any top body builder use synthetic HGH

i just dont want dudes going out thinking they will actually see jaw growth in their face through just lifting and not supplementing with anything
just a big waste of time
i must be around 18 then
majority of their HGH is synthetically implemented
There are plenty of gymcels i know who have seen no facial change from natural HGH production through weight training,
any top body builder use synthetic HGH
STOP fucking talking about injecting HGH you fucking retard. Most men who lift weights don't use that fucking shit. Men who lift weights on a weekly basis seem to have stronger muscles in their jaw area than skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat. This may be because weight training increases test., HGH and other harmonies naturally; and puts your body in a muscle building mode.
STOP fucking talking about injecting HGH you fucking retard. Most men who lift weights don't use that fucking shit. Men who lift weights on a weekly basis seem to have stronger muscles in their jaw area than skinny men with similar levels of bodyfat. This may be because weight training increases test., HGH and other harmonies naturally; and puts your body in a muscle building mode.
youd be surprised how many people use it and dont tell people
youd be surprised how many people use it and dont tell people
My fucking friends who lift weight recreationally seem to have bigger jaw muscles than my skinny friends. I don't know if lifting weights actually helps your jaw muscles out, but it might be able to. Why are you so fucking closed to this idea?

Seems to me that weight lifting gives you more muscle mass in your facial region. Why are you so fucking closed to this idea? it could absolutely be true.
My fucking friends who lift weight recreationally seem to have bigger jaw muscles than my skinny friends. I don't know if lifting weights actually helps your jaw muscles out, but it might be able to. Why are you so fucking closed to this idea?

Seems to me that weight lifting gives you more muscle mass in your facial region. Why are you so fucking closed to this idea? it could absolutely be true.
simmer down there bucko
i stopped caring two replies ago
simmer down there bucko
i stopped caring two replies ago
Why the fuck does the idea seem to crazy to you? Weight lifting increases test, cortisol , and HGH levels naturally and puts your body in muscle building mode; so it may help develop some of your voluntary facial muscles in your jaw. I have noticed that men who lift weights seem to have stronger looking jaws than men with similar levels of bodyfat.

It could or *could NOT be true. But why is the idea so crazy to you?
Why the fuck does the idea seem to crazy to you? Weight lifting increases test, cortisol , and HGH levels naturally and puts your body in muscle building mode; so it may help develop some of your voluntary facial muscles in your jaw. I have noticed that men who lift weights seem to have stronger looking jaws than men with similar levels of bodyfat.

It could or *could NOT be true. But why is the idea so crazy to you?
the HGH production through weight lifting may grow your jaw slightly bigger, i agree with that. but we arent talking about your friends who are weight lifters lol,
we are talking about actual bodybuilders who do this this shit for a living, where when u see a picture of them yes they do have insane jaws and sharp faces, but that is primarily due to synthetic HGH/ other supplements, like arnold shwarz for example
I reckon thats a bit less than 10% tbh
Facts, all these niggas claiming shit like 4% and 5% when they are 10%-12%

and then theres niggas who are 15%-20% claiming 10%

this is an actual confirmed 4% body fat by a dexa scan, the lowest anyone can achieve without dying
But if he were to come off the plethora of roids he would whither away to nothing but bones,
  • Ugh..
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whoever told you that is retard,
body builders who put large amounts of human growth hormone into their body grows JAW more than anything
where do you get your information from
Steroids give the illusion that the jaw has grown as the masseters muscle grow like crazy. There is no actual bone growth in the jaw caused by steroids just muscle.
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