
I gave you my proof. There are so many precedents of males that are merely above average in attractiveness being fawned over by females more than extremely attractive male models are

How would I prove to you status is influencing the ratings?
The fact that some lower PSL guys get more attention because of their fame does not prove that being rated higher than less famous guys is due to your fame rather than simply being more attractive.

I’m not obligated to explain to you how to prove your own claim. If you sincerely believe the claim you made, surely you would have a reason for it.
PSL is the only system we have

If you throw psl away, we have nothing, and then then it becomes a wild west situation where we have no idea to what degree people are more attractive, or merely reaping the benefits of status

I can only tell you that objectively, sean o pry is significantly higher in terms of psl
I never denied O’ Pry had higher PSL. Again, PSL is a guideline, and if a person in real life is rated higher than someone who is higher PSL, I am not going to deny that they are more attractive simply to preserve the value of PSL.

I have no problem with the fact that there are exceptions to the rule, and, in this case, DiCaprio mogging O’ Pry and Barrett is that.
As a thought experiment, imagine a woman rated a 4 psl celebrity higher than o pry

Or if multiple women did

How would you react in that scenario?
4 PSL is vague. It’d be a better thought experiment if you gave an example of someone they rated higher than O’ Pry.
You are being willfully obstinate

The fact that you assume that there are no other variables at play in the female ratings shows a really limited understanding of how status and even other variables can influence attractiveness to a women

So again, you can keep assuming there are no other factors in the ratings, but it's a pretty stupid assumption

Bhai you are tanking your R/P ratio debating with this fool and this discussion is going nowhere.

O’Pry undeniably mogs Leo facially.

Leo is a household name because of his star roles in hit movies. How many millions of women watch movies, and how many watch modeling sessions?

If O’Pry had roles in hit movies, don’t you think he’d be a household name as well, possibly even more so than Leo?

Status matters. Exposure matters. Telling yourself otherwise is autism
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Bhai you are tanking your R/P ratio debating with this fool and this discussion is going nowhere.

O’Pry undeniably mogs Leo facially.

Leo is a household name because of his star roles in hit movies

If O’Pry had roles in hit movies, don’t you think he’d be a household name as well, possibly even more so than Leo?

Status matters. Exposure matters. Telling yourself otherwise is autism
Again, if you think they are rating DiCaprio higher because of his status and not because they find him more attractive, prove it. Otherwise, I’m not going to assume it’s the case.
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Just say everything is cope theorem
My username indeed checks out
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Alright I'm not gonna further entertain this discussion

Last post

in the real world, it's established that other variables influence attractiveness. In this case, it's likely that dicaprios fame is influencing his perceived attractiveness

O pry is objectively higher psl

PSL is what we use to evaluate attractivness

You keep saying you use psl as a guideline, but thafs a meaningless cop out

If you use psl as merely a guideline, you can do what you do right now, where when someone with lower psl gets rated higher by women, you just say that psl was "just a guideline"

You don't really adhere to it at all

If you throw away psl then there's no way to standardize attractivness so there isn't even a point to discussing who is more attractive or not objectively

PSL is the only thing we have, and if you're going to throw it away in favor of believing girls that find a lower psl, statusmaxxed A-List actor more attractive then you have no credibility

Your default assumption should NOT be that status doesn't play a role when history shows that it does. That simple.
I’m not assuming it doesn’t play a role. I’m also not assuming it isn’t why DiCaprio is rated higher. However, I won’t assume it is the case until it is proven. For now, the only evidence I have is that girls rated Diapcrio higher. I’m not going to assume that other factors are the cause of the higher rating until it is proven.

You act like DiCaprio is the bottom of the barrel in terms of PSL. He’s not. He has many important ratios like compact midface, high FWHR, chin to philtrum, etc. he also has a very good eye area and great coloring. However, I agree O’ Pry still mogs in terms of PSL. But, if girls rate DiCaprio higher in real life, DiCaprio is more attractive in real life, and I’m not going to deny that simply to preserve the value of PSL standards.
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I’m not assuming it doesn’t play a role. I’m also not assuming it isn’t why DiCaprio is rated higher. However, I won’t assume it is the case until it is proven. For now, the only evidence I have is that girls rated Diapcrio higher. I’m not going to assume that other factors are the cause of the higher rating until it is proven.

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@copefulcurry keep laughing on the sidelines where you belong. Bitch about post-reputation ratios while adults talk.
  • JFL
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Your contribution to this conversation could hardly be considered like that of an adult. You are being obstinate and nonsensical.

there is no way to prove it to you then. Here are some axioms for you to consider.

1. PSL is a measure of male attractivness, which, when all other variables are controlled for, should determine how attractive a girl will perceive a male.

2. Sean O Pry has a higher PSL than Dicaprio.

3. Thus, it follows that the other variables haven't been controlled for.

4. The most obvious variable that is at play here is status. Status has been shown to dramatically elevate the perceived attractiveness of a male in the eyes of females. Leo Dicaprio is much more well known than O'Pry.

All of this assumes you believe in PSL. I never said Dicaprio was anywhere near the bottom of the barrel in psl. But if you think psl is merely a guideline, why even follow it?

Because it seems to me as soon as the ratings of a girl challenges psl, you're quick to abandon it

There's no point to adhering to psl or believing it has any merit when you're that willing to abandon it after a couple of ratings that would seem to challenge it.
Why would I assume a violation of PSL means other variables haven’t been controlled for?
Because psl is supposed to be a measure of attractiveness

If there's deviation from it there should be other reasons for it

This all assumes you believe in psl
“Believing in PSL” is vague. I don’t believe PSL is the final word on attractiveness, as I’ve said several times already. I think it has lots of important information in what constitutes an attractive face, but I don’t think a lower PSL person can’t have more sex appeal than a higher PSL person. If girls prefer a lower PSL guy over a higher PSL guy, I will accept that as the reality unless evidence can be presented that something else is causing the higher rating.
Fuck dude why are you still here? you literally provide nothing but to be made fun of by everyone
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For all you talk about how eye area is 100x important than jaw, you would be fucked if that's the case. Mirin non existent medial canthus, non existent eyelashes and high trust eyebrows.
  • JFL
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I understand what you're trying to say. But the reasoning isn't any less nonsensical. If you believe psl has merit, and that the accepted ideal features and ratios really are ideal, then it doesn't really make sense that someone with worse features and/or ratios would be perceived as more attractive.

Use your head. Take this to its logical conclusion. If theoretically someone you considered average looking was rated higher by girls consistently than O'Pry, would you accept the result? Because while it's true that Dicaprio isn't the bottom of the barrel in psl, he is definitely lower than O'Pry. Who's to say someone even lower, borderline average in psl can't also then be more attractive than o pry in women's eyes?

Use ryan gosling if you want. On the whole he's a pretty average looking dude, maybe slightly above average. Would you accept that result? Because if so there's no point in following psl in anyway, even as a guideline.
If I had asked enough women and they all rated Gosling higher, yes, I would accept he’s more attractive.

Thing is I would never abandon PSL as I know it contains a lot of truth. Every girl I asked said they found O’ Pry attractive, they just found DiCaprio more attractive.

PSL and real life sex appeal are related, but I am ok with the fact that in real life sex appeal sometimes violates PSL standards, yet PSL standards are still correct. Have you not heard the phrase “exception doesn’t disprove the rule”?
If you accepted gosling as being more attractive than o pry, despite being significantly lower than regards to psl, then psl is meaningless, because that would be such a gross violation of psl

Instead of being obstinate you could just admit status plays a role since it's been shown to

This reminds me why I said im not going to continue this conversation

You could keep doing these mental gymnastics or just accept that status plays a role, which seems likely given that Dicaprio is an A-list celebrity
Again, it’s not meaningless. PSL clearly contains truth as girls I asked found O’ Pry attractive. However, the only reason I accept the standards have truth is because what people in real life say they find attractive. So, when girls in real life say they find DiCaprio more attractive than O’ Pry, I will believe that even if it violates certain PSL standards, as exceptions to rules exist.

Again, I will not assume it is status that is the reason girls find DiCaprio more attractive until it is proven.
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  • JFL
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@MisterMercedes rn

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