repent for your sins and accept islam

@Yahya @97baHater :feelshmm:
mirin the amazigh brah

now yes can we just stop bringing islam here it's so full of retards who love to spit nonsense ab it
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mirin the amazigh brah

now yes can we just stop bringing islam here it's so full of retards who love to spit nonsense ab it


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@LevantinePsycho I usually don't answer retards but like this is just such a low level of retardation that I feel pity and need to spread a splash of knowledge in that empty shell you call a brain.

QURAN 98:6

I didn't even have to read the full surah to get the context LOL


here I called you a retard go post some "Religion Of Peace" somewhere
@LevantinePsycho I usually don't answer retards but like this is just such a low level of retardation that I feel pity and need to spread a splash of knowledge in that empty shell you call a brain.

QURAN 98:6

I didn't even have to read the full surah to get the context LOL


here I called you a retard go post some "Religion Of Peace" somewhere
View attachment 2999368
Yeah thanks for explaining the meme retard
Yeah thanks for explaining the meme retard
Your meme doesn't make sense are you really that braindead.

98:6 is only talking about hindu cunts and other polytheists frauds. Nobody gives a shit about hindus they can all burn in hell just like the christian and jew believe.
  • +1
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Your meme doesn't make sense are you really that braindead.

98:6 is only talking about hindu cunts and other polytheists frauds. Nobody gives a shit about hindus they can all burn in hell just like the christian and jew believe.
(98:6) Those who disbelieved – be they from among the People of the Book or among those who associated others with Allah in His Divinity– shall be in the Fire, and will abide in it. They are the worst of creatures. 8. Disbelieved: Refused to acknowledge the ProphetMuhammad (peace be upon him) as Allah's Messenger.

I guess you like projecting how braindead you are jfl
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soo as in, polytheism. True people of the book such as christians who follow jesus as a messenger are not targeted by this verse
soo as in, polytheism. True people of the book such as christians who follow jesus as a messenger are not targeted by this verse
Christians believe in the trinity you low iq sand negro
  • +1
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Christians believe in the trinity you low iq sand negro
oh yeah the ogs totally believe that a mortal was the son of God
God was totally born from a human woman of course
an omnipotent entity just HAD to limit itselfs to a 3d form OF COURSE
  • +1
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oh yeah the ogs totally believe that a mortal was the son of God
God was totally born from a human woman of course
an omnipotent entity just HAD to limit itselfs to a 3d form OF COURSE
Oh God you're retarded
Oh God you're retarded
totally nice argument
like this is just baffling how stupid you are and stubborn too humble yourself

you posted a shitty ass redditor meme that cherrypicked a verse when the whole thing has been debunked before along other so collad controversial verse.

That meme implies that we do wrong to the other believers when it's not the case and you know it you brainless retard.

SOURCE: Ibrahim Al-Hanbali 2021

Quran 8:55, 98:6 In Context
These verses are typically cited by anti-Muslim/Islam apologists to attack Islam from a variety of angles, including the notion that they permit terrorism, rape, or forced conversions, which is patently nonsensical. They make this argument because of the way disbelievers are described in the verses. The verses are as follows (Abdel Haleem is used throughout):
The worst creatures in the sight of God are those who reject Him and will not believe;

Surah Al-Anfal - 55 -
Indeed, the worst of all beings in the sight of Allah are those who persist in disbelief, never to have faithβ€”

Those who disbelieve among the People of the Book and the idolaters will have the Fire of Hell, there to remain. They are the worst of creation.

Surah Al-Bayyinah - 6 -
Indeed, those who disbelieve from the People of the Book and the polytheists will be in the Fire of Hell, to stay there forever. They are the worst of...

Note this latter part of Q 98:6 can also be rendered as, "Those are the worst of all human beings" (Mufti Taqi Usmani) or "They are the worst of ΛΉallΛΊ beings" (Shaykh Mustafa Khattab).
At a fundamental level, God can refer to His creation however He wishes as whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to God (Q 2:284, 4:131, etc). In fact, there are narrations in which the Prophet ο·Ί (who was, of course, inspired by God) referred to some heretical Muslims (which in modern times would include groups like ISIS) as the "worst among the creation" (which is practically the same). Here is one such hadith:
Abu Dharr reported Allah's Messenger (ο·Ί) as saying: Verily there would arise from my Ummah after me or soon after me a group (of people) who would recite the Qur'an, but it would not go beyond their throats, and they would pass clean through their religion just as the arrow passes through the prey, and they would never come back to it. They would be the worst among the creation and the creatures. Ibn Samit (one of the narrators) said: I met Rafi' b. 'Amr Ghifari, the brother of Al-Hakam Ghifari and I said: What is this hadith that I heard from Abu Dharr, i. e. so and so? and then I narrated that hadith to him and said: I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (ο·Ί). Sahih Muslim 1067 (cf.

Debunking Anti-Islamists Β· January 20, 2021
The β€œYoung foolish people will appear…. wherever you find them, kill them” Hadith- In Context
. Introduction The hadith is as follows: Narrated 'Ali: Whenever I tell you a narration from Allah's Messenger (ο·Ί), by Allah, I would rather fall down from the sky than ascribe a false statement to him, but if I tell you something between me and you (not a Hadith) then it was indeed a trick (i.e., I may say things just to cheat my enemy). No doubt I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, where-ever you find them, kill them, for who-ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection." Sahih Bukhari 6930 It is asserted that this hadith permits terrorism, this assertion is refuted below. Discussion It's important to know who this hadith is about. The explanation is as follows: This hadith has been related by both Bukhari and Muslim in their compilations of rigorously authenticated hadiths. Imam Nawawi explains in his commentary on Sahih Muslim that the people [ i.e. the young foolish people] being referred to in the hadith are seemingly pious Muslims who rebel against the rightful ruler of the Muslims by taking up arms against him. The most prominent historical example was the Khawarij, an early Muslim sect that declared major companions and their rightful supporters to have left Islam, and used this as a justification to take up armed struggle against them. The hadith is a true prophecy with respect to the Khawarij, and, as explained by Imam Nawawi, applies to other similar groups of Muslims who oppose the mainstream Muslims and take up arms against them. The instruction in the hadith to kill such people is an instruction to Muslim rulers to gather an army to forcibly quell such rebellions. This is how classical scholars have understood the above hadith. This hadith does not in any way justify individual Muslims’ causing civil discord by taking the law into their own hands and go about spilling blood, nor does it justify the terrible acts of violence and terror that are committed in the name of Islam by the ignorant. And Allah knows best. Explanation of Hadith on the Foolish, in Bukhari - IslamQA Conclusion This hadith does not permit terrorism and actually teaches Muslims to fight terrorists and terrorism.

What this hadith could show is that it is not necessarily the disbelief of non-Muslims that makes them the 'worst of creation' because even though the Khawarij and their likes are heretics, they are still Muslims. Moreover, as will be shown, this label is not necessarily applied to all non-Muslims for just disbelieving.
That being said, it must be mentioned that it is incredibly fallacious to argue that these verses would, for example, allow Muslims to commit terrorism, rape, or forced conversions. Just because God refers to non-Muslims in such terms doesn't necessarily mean that they can be attacked, killed, or raped. Anti-Muslim/Islam apologists are simply committing a non-sequitur fallacy if they argue as much (see also the discussion on Q 60:8 below). Now, if these verses are understood to be generally, then Q 8:55 and 98:6 could be understood in light of Q 8:22 which is as follows:
the worst creatures in God’s eyes are those who are [wilfully] deaf and dumb, who do not reason.
Quran 8:22 (Emphasis mine.)
When we look at Q 8:22 we see that the label of "worst creatures" is linked to those "who do not reason". This is important to remember when we look at the context of the Prophet ο·Ί and the theology of Islam regarding salvation.
Before I get into that, I should mention some general points on how us human beings are viewed and how Muslims should behave according to the Quran and hadith. Human beings can be the best of creation and the worst of creation (Q 95:4-5), generally, however, all children of Adam are honored (Q 17:70, cf. Sunan al-TirmidhΔ« 3270, 3955). God created us into nations and tribes so that we may know one another and the most honored of us are those who are most mindful of God (Q 49:13; Al-Adab al-Mufrad 898; etc) which requires belief and good deeds (Q 95:6). The very next verse, Q 98:7, shows this as well:
Those who believe and do good deeds are the best of creation.

Surah Al-Bayyinah - 7 -
Indeed, those who believe and do goodβ€”they are the best of ΛΉallΛΊ beings.

One of the things that separates us human beings from cattle and other beings is our use of reason (Q 7:179, 25:44). However, this lack of use of reason does not mean that those referred to in these verses are inherently lesser (because, again, all children of Adam are honored).
That some non-Muslims are referred to in this way does not mean that Muslims are not allowed to be kind and just to non-Muslims, because Muslims should be, see Q 60:8:
and He does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought you for your faith or driven you out of your homes: God loves the just

Surah Al-Mumtahanah - 8 -
Allah does not forbid you from dealing kindly and fairly with those who have neither fought nor driven you out of your homes. Surely Allah loves those...

Here is some commentary on Q 60:8:
The word β€˜treat them kindly’ used in this verse is derived from β€˜birr’, which scholars define as β€˜expansiveness in good’ or β€˜every sort of good’. [Khadimi, Bariqa Mahmudiyya Sharh Tariqa Muhammadiyya] It is interesting that the same word is used for treatment of one’s parents, β€˜birr al-walidayn’.
Some commentators of the verse explain β€˜birr’ as showing β€˜ihsan’. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]
Imam Nasafi comments on β€˜birr’ in this verse, saying, β€œThat you honor them and show them β€˜ihsan’, in both word and deed.” [Madarik al-Tanzil wa Haqa’iq al-Ta’wil]
The word β€˜ihsan’ is derived from the trilateral root β€˜h-s-n’ which has to do with beauty and excellence, and the pattern β€˜ihsan’ is causative, i.e., literally β€˜to cause/create beauty and excellence.’ Hence β€˜ihsan’ is to deal with others in the most beautiful and excellent of manners.
Imam Biqa’i notes a very subtle indication in the verse, stating that the phrase β€œdeal justly with them” uses the Arabic preposition β€˜ila’ which literally means β€˜to’. He explains that this shows that the justice shown to them incorporates an element of β€˜connection’ (ittisal), and he also cites the authentic hadiths that β€œAllah loves gentleness (rifq) in all matters, and He gives when there is gentleness that which He does not give when there is roughness.” [Nazm al-Durar]
The eminent 20th-century Tunisian exegete Ibn `Ashur defines β€˜birr’ as β€œgracious dealings and honoring.” He also highlights the importance of the last phrase of the verse, β€œAllah indeed loves those who are just,” as it serves to further emphasize the merit of treating non-Muslims with goodness and fairness β€” it is not only allowed, but actually incurs the love of Allah Most High. [Tahrir wal-Tanwir]
Can One Love A Disbeliever (cf. Quran 60:7, 60:8, 60:9 - In Context)
Imam at-Tabari's Tafsir on Q 60:8 is as follows:
The most accurate opinion concerning this [issue] is that of one who says, β€œWhat is intended by this verse (60:8) are members of all ways of life and all religions; that you are kind to them, join relations with them and treat them justly.” This is because Allah, Mighty and Majestic is He, makes a general statement [in the verse] that includes anyone who fits the description. He does not designate some people to the exclusion of others. The claim that the verse is abrogated is meaningless.
/* */

The following reference is also relevant:
Praying for mercy for a non-Muslim
Nawawi (Allah have mercy on him) stated in his al-Adhkar that it is permitted to pray for guidance for non-Muslims, good health well-being, and the like, because of the hadith of Anas (Allah be pleased with him) that, β€œThe Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) asked for water and a Jew gave him some, so the Prophet (Allah bless him & give him peace) said to him, β€˜May Allah make you beautiful,’ so the man did not see grey hair till he died.”
Can We Pray for Non-Muslims Who Passed Away? [cf. Kitab al-Adhkar (The Book of Remembrances) Turath Publishing Edition p. 454, Al-Adab al-Mufrad 1112-1114]
Another applicable narration says:
It is narrated on the authority of Anas b. Malik that the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) observed: "None amongst you believes (truly) until he loves for his brother" - or he said "for his neighbour" - "that which he loves for himself."

Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Ψ΅Ω„Ω‰ Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ ΨΉΩ„ΩŠΩ‡ و Ψ³Ω„Ω…)
It is narrated on the authority of Anas b. Malik that the Prophet (may peace and blessings be upon him) observed: "None amongst you believes (truly) until he loves for his brother" - or he said "for his neighbour" - "that which he loves for himself."

Shaykh Afifi al-Akiti writes regarding this hadith:
Imāms al-NawawΔ« and Ibn al-ΚΏImād (may Allāh be pleased with them both!), for instance, were among our scholars who understood β€œbrotherhood” in this αΈ₯adΔ«th (from the phrase: li-akhΔ«hi [his brother] in the matn) to include all of humanity, i.e., the brotherhood of mankind (in the other ta’wΔ«l, β€œbrotherhood” simply refers to Muslims). In fact, Imām Najm al-DΔ«n al-αΉ¬Ε«fΔ«, the αΈ€anbalΔ« mufassir, more plainly than any other medieval inter- preter of this αΈ₯adΔ«th, used the expression β€œmaαΈ₯abbat al-insān” [the love for mankind].3 This, it turns out, is not astonishing, for his own Mujtahid Imām related a αΈ₯adΔ«th (reproduced below) that bears out the full relevance of our topic. The implication of maαΈ₯abba [love] with respect to brotherhood, whether taken in its universal sense (of mankind) or in its limited sense (of Muslims only), is that we wish for him what we wish for ourselves as well. So in the case of Muslims, for example, our wish is for him to remain in Islam while for the non-Muslim, on the other hand, our wish is for him to be in Islam; the motivation for this love, of course, should be none other than the sincere con- cern, ultimately, for well-being in the Hereafter
3 αΉ¬Ε«fΔ«, TaΚΏyΔ«n, 125.
The "None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he would want for himself" Hadith - In Context.
Lastly, we must keep in mind that Q 98:6 mentions "will have the Fire of Hell", which could show, in conjunction with Q 8:22, that the entire verse is referring to disbelievers who go to hell as a result of stubbornly disbelieving after having been given the message in a specific way as they were not using reason, not necessarily all non-Muslims for just disbelieving. Q 8:55 and its historical context is consistent with this explanation as it was revealed in the context of the Battle of Badr and we know that the Prophet ο·Ί properly delivered the message of Islam to the pagans of Mecca. This makes sense in light of verses which mention that God does not punish until He sends a messenger (e.g. Q 17:15).
What connects this together is Islamic theology on the topic salvation, for which there are some different explanations. Below is a general discussion:
Question: Are non-Muslims condemned to Hell even if they did good and seem to have been genuinely pious?
Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad, his folk, companions, and followers
Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah,
I pray that this finds you well, and in the best of health and spirits. May Allah grant you all good and success in this life and the next. Please keep me in your duas.
Allah Most High tells us in the Qur’an, β€œWhoever seeks a religion other than Islam will never have it accepted from him, and shall be of those who have truly failed in the next life.” (Qur’an 3:85)
This is conditioned by His words, β€œWe do not punish until We send a Messenger.” (Qur’an 17:15)
Shaykh Adib Kallas, a leading Damascene scholar and theologian, put it very well: β€œWe know that those who reject faith (man aba) are in Hell. It is not decisively established what exactly entails rejection of faith β€” this is why the scholars of Sunni Islam differed. As for the details, we should concern ourselves with our own fate: Allah will ask us about ourselves, not about what He should do with others.”
Ultimately, if (a) the message of Islam reached someone; and (b) they rejected it, then the verses and hadiths about being eternally in Hell would apply. At the level of individuals, it is a major question as to what reaching and rejecting entail. This is why we cannot judge whether individual non-Muslims are in Hell β€” or, for that matter, in Heaven. Rather, we consign their affair to Allah the Merciful and Just, while affirming the above.

Are Non-Muslims Who Lived Good Lives Condemned to Hell?
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Question: Are non-Muslims condemned to Hell even if they did good and seem to have been genuinely pious? Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon His Messenger Muhammad, his folk, companions, and followers Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, I pray that […]

Here are some relevant commentaries which succinctly explain what I was attempting to breakdown above:
Shaykh Abdullah Draz was a Professor at the Faculty of Usul al-Din at al-Azhar University, he explains these verses by writing:
Those who have stubbornly decided to be unfaithful are viewed as the worst of all, the lowest of creatures on earth. 320
320 Qur'an 8:22, 55; 95:6; 98:6 (= 1A, 3B).

The Moral World Of The Quran - Shaykh Abdullah Draz : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
This book analyzes for the first time in English the ethical theory that underpins Qur’anic legislation by providing a classification of specific verses in...

Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi writes regarding Q 98:6:
This verse mentions the fate of people whether from the People of the Book or from the Idolaters who were adamant in rejecting the Qur’an. Simultaneously, they are condemned for their conceit and pride which was the reason for this rejection. Surah Bayyinah.pdf
Shaykh as-Sa'di writes regarding Q 98:6:
"They are the worst of creatures," because they knew the truth and abandoned it and thereby lost both this world and the Hereafter.

Tafsir As Sa'di ( Fatiha & Juz 30) : : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Tafisr As-Sa'di is the famous tafsir (exegesis) of the Qur'an by Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn Nasir as-Sa'di. The text contains English translation of the original...

Q 98:6 being in Surah al-Bayyinah (Clear Proof) substantiates their analyses.
To conclude, these verses are fallaciously cherry picked out of the Quran without reference to other important verses which contextualize its meaning. Neither allows Muslims to, for example, commit terrorism and to say they do is simply fallacious.
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@Yahya I guess this part flew over your peanut sized brain eh?
He is an mudslime why are you suprised. Their type are not known for their intelligence infact allah hates non believers and is a disgusting sadistic faggot bitch who gets off torturing people.
IMG 9130

Not only this but the Allah is soo pompous that the concept of god coming to help us humans in human form is foreign to them because Allah is a distant demonic entity
  • +1
Reactions: LevantinePsycho
He is an mudslime why are you suprised. Their type are not known for their intelligence infact allah hates non believers and is a disgusting sadistic faggot bitch who gets off torturing people. View attachment 2999989

Not only this but the Allah is soo pompous that the concept of god coming to help us humans in human form is foreign to them because Allah is a distant demonic entity
Islam ruined my country just like it ruined a lot of countries. Of course it's not only Islam, it's corrupt politicians and people here being evil scum, but pisslam had a pretty big hand. I wasted my youth because of pisslam and some schizophrenic from the desert of Saudi Arabia which should have been nuked thousands of years ago
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: rg1235 and PrinceLuenLeoncur
Islam ruined my country just like it ruined a lot of countries. Of course it's not only Islam, it's corrupt politicians and people here being evil scum, but pisslam had a pretty big hand. I wasted my youth because of pisslam and some schizophrenic from the desert of Saudi Arabia which should have been nuked thousands of years ago
I don’t think Mohammed had schizophrenia I believe he genuinely saw something (a demon). An illiterate schitzo couldn’t do what Mohammed did. But I’m sure he was an cult figure possed by an demon

What Muslims ignore is that Mohammed originally was strangled by this β€œangel” beaten and forced to recite and write down verses LOL :ROFLMAO: not only this but he was suicidal and said β€œHelp I have been possessed by a djinn” 🧞

The funny sad thing is an idiot said β€œALLHAMDULLAHI you have met Grabriel”

He even almost killed him. I don’t have anything against Muslims I love Muslims most are good people ngl they just follow an evil religion that’s what hurts me the most
@Yahya I guess this part flew over your peanut sized brain eh?
please tell me who are the so called "people of the book" and tell me more about their status during the era of prophet muhammad pbuh
please tell me who are the so called "people of the book" and tell me more about their status during the era of prophet muhammad pbuh
Jews and Christians

I feel like I'm talking to a retard
I believe he genuinely saw something (a demon). An illiterate schitzo couldn’t do what Mohammed did. But I’m sure he was an cult figure possed by an demon
I don't believe in demons
  • JFL
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Jews and Christians

I feel like I'm talking to a retard
you didn't answer the second part of the question.
The retard asked you a question and you can't properly answer it.
Islam ruined my country just like it ruined a lot of countries. Of course it's not only Islam, it's corrupt politicians and people here being evil scum, but pisslam had a pretty big hand. I wasted my youth because of pisslam and some schizophrenic from the desert of Saudi Arabia which should have been nuked thousands of years ago
Western Imperialism, Israel, secularism, and feminism ruined your country. Nothing to do with Islam. The Levant under Islamic rule was thriving for over 1000 years.
Western Imperialism, Israel, secularism, and feminism ruined your country. Nothing to do with Islam. The Levant under Islamic rule was thriving for over 1000 years.
Secularism advances countries, secularism is the reason you have this phone that you type on you ape, religion causes wars, case in point hezbollah, kataeb, hamas, etc
Secularism advances countries, secularism is the reason you have this phone that you type on you ape, religion causes wars, case in point hezbollah, kataeb, hamas, etc
Islamic empires were objectively far more scientifically and technologically advanced than the West right until the industrial revolution. It was only until Muslim lands adopted Secular disbelief and Jewish ideological garbage that we became 3rd world.

And again, the Levant was peaceful and prosperous under islamic rule. It wasn't until the Mongols, Western Imperialism, and Israel ruined everything.
  • JFL
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Islamic empires were objectively far more scientifically and technologically advanced than the West right until the industrial revolution. It was only until Muslim lands adopted Secular disbelief and Jewish ideological garbage that we became 3rd world.

And again, the Levant was peaceful and prosperous under islamic rule. It wasn't until the Mongols, Western Imperialism, and Israel ruined everything.
Keep believing that you pedo dick sucker, just rope already tbh
Keep believing that you pedo dick sucker, just rope already tbh
So you can't challenge my post nor acknowledge basic reality.

BTW No matter how hard you worship Jews and their Western dogs, they will never accept you. They want you and your people dead, no matter how much you grovel at their feet wishing to be them and accepted by them. God took the greatest gift (your former Islam) away from you.
So you can't challenge my post nor acknowledge basic reality.

BTW No matter how hard you worship Jews and their Western dogs, they will never accept you. They want you and your people dead, no matter how much you grovel at their feet wishing to be them and accepted by them. God took the greatest gift (your former Islam) away from you.
There is nothing worth even replying to you ugly, braindead subhuman of a shitskin. Your garbage religion caused the most damage to the world and is the one we are going to fight the hardest to make disappear. And no you retard, you were never better than the west, only time you were better was during medieval times but that's because of the church controlling the west
There is nothing worth even replying to you ugly, braindead subhuman of a shitskin. Your garbage religion caused the most damage to the world and is the one we are going to fight the hardest to make disappear. And no you retard, you were never better than the west, only time you were better was during medieval times but that's because of the church controlling the west

Your mind has been completely raped by Jews and their western dogs. Your ancestors would be completely ashamed of you

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