Replacement conspiracy is fucking retarded tbh

This squidward nigga really believes we went from 90% white to 50% white countries in half a century, that's ONE GENERATION, and there is no conspiracy, nothing going on behind the scenes to make this happen :lul::lul::lul:

icelandic NPC
Mass immigration is a problem but it's not caused by some supposed desire to 'replace ethnic whites with low IQ turd-worlders' as the stormfront fags argue. It's just a byproduct of shortsighted politicians and greedy corporations wanting votes and labor, and even this is fucking retarded since many of these subhumans don't even work and just go on welfare instead.

Furthermore, if it was true that ethnics are easier to rule over Vs whites (one of the main reasons jews want to flood white countries with blacks according to WNs and neo-nazis) then why isn't South-Africa a paradise for rich whites? That country has a small white minority in a country that is overwhelmingly black, yet for some strange reason this has merely resulted in horrible mismanagement in which whites are demonized and killed, and on top of that the most anti-white politicians there are also massively antisemitic jfl.

This whole meme that stupid demographics are easier to rule is fucking retarded. The much passive/least aggressive racial demographic are actually East-Asians, who have the highest IQ on average. If the idea is to replace whites with a subservient slave race, it would make much more sense to import Chinese than 65 IQ Africans. But instead they import literally the worst demographics with the highest rates of violence and the lowest intelligence. Because they're 'easier to rule than whites' :feelskek:

View attachment 3214234

Sorry but this is fucking horseshit. The elites are not as smart as you fucking alt-right retards think they are. This is all but a regrettable byproduct of feminism/low birthrates/corporate greed.

EDIT: Another thing: It's not just whites who are having this problem. East-Asian birthrates are even more horrible than in the West, and they'll soon probably start accepting 'diversity' to avoid social collapse. So are the Jews also conspiring against Asia, then?
your argument of importing africans is only true in certain european countries , other than that I get the impression that you are in some sort of filter bubble/echo chamber of x with sfcels feeding you biased information in a semi-academic format. A lot of migrants from other nations have a significantly higher IQ than the majority ethinc populations of these countries, e.g. east asians, south asians.

Regarding you statement about birthrates is redundant, east Asians have billions of fucking people and the chinese were subject to a one child policy for the last several decades which was made to curb immigration. Now that this law is lifted population may see an increase. On the other hand, white nations have no regulations regarding reproduction (except abortion, ironically) and not verile (30% of world population to ~8%). So this argument is simply the makings of a retard.

Also keep in mind that although white nationalists and neo nazis are based in a few ways they litterally just want fucking armagaeddon and WW3 so that they can feel a sense of importance and valour for contributing to history instead of rotting away in their moms basement.

I suggest that instead of using Twitter as your main source of information (as implied by the undertones/overall themes of your post) you make your own opinions, observe the real world through a balanced lens and stop letting Elon Musk (who supports Jews) and his platform control your train of thought or you will always be a prisoner to technology
Regarding you statement about birthrates is redundant, east Asians have billions of fucking people
Irrelevant; it's not the total number that matters but rather it's the age demographics within the population. If 70% of your population is over the age of 40, your social order will collapse and it doesn't matter if you have 1 million people or a hundred billion.
Irrelevant; it's not the total number that matters but rather it's the age demographics within the population. If 70% of your population is over the age of 40, your social order will collapse and it doesn't matter if you have 1 million people or a hundred billion.
China's population will drop by 210 million by 2100, given birth rates don't increase - which is a big given, even then they have a population of over 1.2 billion
There obviously not a grand conspiracy with the goal of replacing whites simply because they actually wanted the whites gone they could do it very fast. But they dont.
The issue is mass immigration and the third world basically becoming prevelant in big population centers, which mean countries lose their culture and identity, thats the real threat. Some nazis simply look at the concept and even a conspiracy like its some jewish deep state that want you gone. But its indirect, immigration is simply not something that works currently and the replacement is just a side effect of immigration.
But again its also exagerated.
They cant do it that fast. Jews are only 0.5% of the population, and they dont hold THAT much power
EDIT: Another thing: It's not just whites who are having this problem. East-Asian birthrates are even more horrible than in the West, and they'll soon probably start accepting 'diversity' to avoid social collapse. So are the Jews also conspiring against Asia, then?
The declining birth rates in asia are clearly attributable to other cultural factors, like the undesirability of east asian men, the very high emphasis placed on work culture, introverted personalities of east asians, etc. these elements are all not present in the white race, so somethings up.

Anyway im sure if jews had the same power over asia that they have over white countries, they probably would flood east asia with immigrants. I presume they in fact are not fans of east asians, they are more intelligent than whites and probably the second biggest threat to them, second to whites. They would happily replace all whites and east asians with muslims and africans, east asians would be too great of a risk to the jews, as east asians would probably be able to win the big war of the jews vs the gentiles, thats predicted in the Torah. They need these societies to internally crumble in order for them to be able to win and be able to enslave the gentiles.
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Mass immigration is a problem but it's not caused by some supposed desire to 'replace ethnic whites with low IQ turd-worlders' as the stormfront fags argue. It's just a byproduct of shortsighted politicians and greedy corporations wanting votes and labor, and even this is fucking retarded since many of these subhumans don't even work and just go on welfare instead.

Furthermore, if it was true that ethnics are easier to rule over Vs whites (one of the main reasons jews want to flood white countries with blacks according to WNs and neo-nazis) then why isn't South-Africa a paradise for rich whites? That country has a small white minority in a country that is overwhelmingly black, yet for some strange reason this has merely resulted in horrible mismanagement in which whites are demonized and killed, and on top of that the most anti-white politicians there are also massively antisemitic jfl.

This whole meme that stupid demographics are easier to rule is fucking retarded. The much passive/least aggressive racial demographic are actually East-Asians, who have the highest IQ on average. If the idea is to replace whites with a subservient slave race, it would make much more sense to import Chinese than 65 IQ Africans. But instead they import literally the worst demographics with the highest rates of violence and the lowest intelligence. Because they're 'easier to rule than whites' :feelskek:

View attachment 3214234

Sorry but this is fucking horseshit. The elites are not as smart as you fucking alt-right retards think they are. This is all but a regrettable byproduct of feminism/low birthrates/corporate greed.

EDIT: Another thing: It's not just whites who are having this problem. East-Asian birthrates are even more horrible than in the West, and they'll soon probably start accepting 'diversity' to avoid social collapse. So are the Jews also conspiring against Asia, then?
Alot of the storm front fags mentality is they have this mental construct of a monster and they are scared of the monster

But what is the monster , the elites, the Jews, the government,
When you ask them and when you break it all down there is no monster and it's just mental construct they have built to simplify their trajectory of anger on a single thing.

The reality is is that societies problems aren't from a monster but alot of small little issues that together systematise into a lots of big problems, like for example how you mentioned with immigration it's in reality just those little things happening with the government that's the real issue

Stormfrontcells always struggle at identifying what problems the should exert there anger towards cause they miss the point by creating imaginary monsters in the place of the actual issues in detail and reality
im sure if jews had the same power over asia that they have over white countries, they probably would flood east asia with immigrants.
Already happening.

This is no longer a western specific issue.
Who created feminism :feelswat:.
This statement completely contradicts your point. This isn’t a conspiracy btw, (((they))) were the ones advertising things like cigarettes for women and work/ independence for women and advocated for women to get into the work force. They funded many feminist movements as well. It all ties back to the eugenics of ugly people. I can write a theory about how this all goes back to eugenics but it’s really not worth the three reps.
@ElTruecel you are too smart to thumbs up this stupidity. Feminism is an American protestant creation.
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@ElTruecel you are too smart to thumbs up this stupidity. Feminism is an American protestant creation.
Wasp and Jew connection
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