[Repost from russiancel] - [BROWNS GTFIH] The final nail in the coffin for JBW copers. There's no room to cope anymore with JBW bullshit betabuxx cope


When he gets to the final stage,

4232912 image 3612

Let me know so I can pay for his name change to go from @russiancelreturns to @indiancelnewbeginnings.

Being white slavshit is 100% the reason he remains an incel, so his transformation to a Pajeet will get him all the women he could ever want.

Transracial pride bhai.

  • JFL
Reactions: watah, SidharthTheSlayer, Costcosuperstore and 2 others
its brutal these days when u got white boy asking white girls to do interracial porn

this was a few weeks ago


today she posted this preview

NYC is worse than slavia. Legit slums of mumbai. Either way, I'm trying to get in legally.
Yeah moving here legally is brutal tbh. It’s unironically better to be an illegal immigrant in the US than legal.
  • JFL
Reactions: ambi and St.TikTokcel
Saw this and another forum similar posted on /pol/ yesterday, didn't have time to go through it but will do so now. Polish women are... uhh something alright

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