Research studies indicate 6'1 and 6'2 are the most attractive male heights

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I'm fucking tired of these height threads and researches, of fucking course 6'0+ is master-race and everything else is rubbish, so fucking what??? So fucking many men are just not meant to reach that height and even some prestigious Hollywood celebrities aren't 6'0, anyone under 6'0 is not meant to a life of eternal doom, they're not going to just rope, as long as you're under 5'6 it is NOT OVER, you can just maxx your sex appeal and status, and it WORKS, i'm not a foolish coper, i KNOW tall guys have it better, but shorter ones, key word: shorter, not straight up short, are definitely not doomed
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Ideal height is 6 ft 3-5
All else is coping
the problem with these threads is there's nothing you can do short of lifts which seem ridiculous to me or LL and if that's off the table then there's no point even thinking about this, all it does is serve a more negative mental state which will negatively affect the interactions you have with women who are already interested
6'4+ is the best height
Insane cope if you disagree
Cope. Just absolute cope

If 6'1-6'2 were the case more men could cope that their height is closer to the ideal height.

6'5- 6'6 is the gigamogging height. You are not even the same species as gigamoggers.

It's over for all sub 6'4 manlets
That's a good point, why make a thread about a feature we may not be able to change? However, perceived height is something we can change. Lifts can add up to 3 inches of height and we can also lie about height within 2 inches (most people can't tell a difference of 2 inches). For example, if a man is 5'8, he can wear 3 inch lifts to boost him to 5'11 and lie about his height by 2 inches to get to 6'1. Another example, if a man is 6'4, he can lie and say his height is actually 6'2.

If they question how the height was measured, say you measured it with shoes and you also included hair height. Just act like you didn't know any better.
A 5’8 guy telling people he’s 6’1 is retarded, regardless of him wearing 3 inch lifts.
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Very very dangerous territory.

I'm fucking tired of these height threads and researches, of fucking course 6'0+ is master-race and everything else is rubbish, so fucking what???

A 5’8 guy telling people he’s 6’1 is retarded, regardless of him wearing 3 inch lifts.
I hear what you're saying, it is difficult to see how to get away with lying about height, but here is my proposed strategy (for online dating):

Suppose the male subject is 5'8.

1) She will swipe right on you because of your face
2) If she asks your height, say 6'1
3) Show up to the date with 3 inch lifts
4) For the next 3 months you see her, take off 1 inch every month, she won't notice
5) During these 3 months, avoid situations where you need to take off your shoes. If you want to have sex with her do it in the car, public/private washrooms or at home (just remove them right as you hop on the bed)
6) After these 3 months, it's safe to walk bare feet near her because she will have become used to it. Have you ever noticed weight loss or gain in your body? Probably not, because you look at it so much in the mirror that you become used to it, but these changes occur very slowly, so you don't notice it at all, but when you compare before and after pictures, you see the change.

I'm 5'10 bare feet and I've dated several girls and not one of them have ever tried to verify my height during the date. But, in case they do, I will tell them I measured my height with my shoes on and I included my hair, which should compensate for up to 5 inches of difference. Also, if they find out you wear shoe lifts, just say you need to navigate through crowds of people on a daily basis, so having a higher view from shoe lifts helps accomplish that. Women aren't logical like men, they aren't going to think you're lying if you act dumb properly ("I didn't know that height was supposed to be measured without shoes. Next time, I'll measure my height when I'm on my knees *Smile*").

If the topic of height does come up, use your conversation skills to switch out of it quickly. For example:
Her: I'm not sure if you're actually 6'1
Me: I'm not sure if you're actually 10'1 *smile*
Her: I never said I was 10'1
Me: If you were 10'1, do you think you'd be tall enough to ride all rides at a carnival?
Her: Of course!
Me: Would you have the balls to ride the merry go round?
Her: Maybe...Blah blah blah *Topic unrelated to height*

The above conversation (not about height, just in general) does happen to me in real life and through text messages. Notice how the female is willing to engage in such a conversation, they don't think like men and say "Wait a minute, you're going off a tangent here. Why would you think I'm 10'1? Why are you avoiding the topic about you claiming 6'1? Why are we talking about carnivals?". I believe this happens because the topic steers towards her personal life, and since females are selfish and emotional, they enjoy talking about their life more than hearing about yours, that's why she is so willing to switch the conversation from your life to her. If you choose not to believe that the above conversation can happen, then I challenge you to engage in such a conversation with any future females you encounter. Obviously, this isn't easy, I had to practice for 6 months to improve my conversation skills, so it's not like you'll be able to do this overnight.

Cheers :)
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I hear what you're saying, it is difficult to see how to get away with lying about height, but here is my proposed strategy (for online dating):

Suppose the male subject is 5'8.

1) She will swipe right on you because of your face
2) If she asks your height, say 6'1
3) Show up to the date with 3 inch lifts
4) For the next 3 months you see her, take off 1 inch every month, she won't notice
5) During these 3 months, avoid situations where you need to take off your shoes. If you want to have sex with her do it in the car, public/private washrooms or at home (just remove them right as you hop on the bed)
6) After these 3 months, it's safe to walk bare feet near her because she will have become used to it. Have you ever noticed weight loss or gain in your body? Probably not, because you look at it so much in the mirror that you become used to it, but these changes occur very slowly, so you don't notice it at all, but when you compare before and after pictures, you see the change.

I'm 5'10 bare feet and I've dated several girls and not one of them have ever tried to verify my height during the date. But, in case they do, I will tell them I measured my height with my shoes on and I included my hair, which should compensate for up to 5 inches of difference. Also, if they find out you wear shoe lifts, just say you need to navigate through crowds of people on a daily basis, so having a higher view from shoe lifts helps accomplish that. Women aren't logical like men, they aren't going to think you're lying if you act dumb properly ("I didn't know that height was supposed to be measured without shoes. Next time, I'll measure my height when I'm on my knees *Smile*").

If the topic of height does come up, use your conversation skills to switch out of it quickly. For example:
Her: I'm not sure if you're actually 6'1
Me: I'm not sure if you're actually 10'1 *smile*
Her: I never said I was 10'1
Me: If you were 10'1, do you think you'd be tall enough to ride all rides at a carnival?
Her: Of course!
Me: Would you have the balls to ride the merry go round?
Her: Maybe...Blah blah blah *Topic unrelated to height*

The above conversation (not about height, just in general) does happen to me in real life and through text messages. Notice how the female is willing to engage in such a conversation, they don't think like men and say "Wait a minute, you're going off a tangent here. Why would you think I'm 10'1? Why are you avoiding the topic about you claiming 6'1? Why are we talking about carnivals?". I believe this happens because the topic steers towards her personal life, and since females are selfish and emotional, they enjoy talking about their life more than hearing about yours, that's why she is so willing to switch the conversation from your life to her. If you choose not to believe that the above conversation can happen, then I challenge you to engage in such a conversation with any future females you encounter. Obviously, this isn't easy, I had to practice for 6 months to improve my conversation skills, so it's not like you'll be able to do this overnight.

Cheers :)
At least you're not stomping anyone for being under 6'0, it won't help anyone to keep their mind with stuff like that, the blackpill is already stressful enough.
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