Respond with this image to instantly BTFO all pro palestine dogs.

Explain how. And dont say oct 7th, history didnt start on oct 7th
40 k is a super low number in the most urban areas in the world and most of tje war have only been in gaza.

The reason fot current war is oct 7 otherwise israel wouldnt have attecked
  • +1
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No I am sunni moroccan. But those ummayads conquered lands and didnt even want people to be muslim so they could pay jizya to them and they took many slaves. I dont see how any muslim can look up to them. Abbasids were much better than them. Ummayads were also responsible for fitna
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humilliating defeat
that's so sad 🥲

your coward ancestors got annihilated by the French and you are now suffering from cognitive dissonance and can't handle the hard facts about your weak nation

It's ok to be weak, man. Not everyone is supposed to be strong. Allah made you weak for a reason, trust allah.
  • Ugh..
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Explain how. And dont say oct 7th, history didnt start on oct 7th
If Palestinians accepted the situations for what it is (current borders, recognize Israel), surrendered all their weapons to Israel, and tried to find a solution without demanding more land, reparations, rights etc but just try to exist, do you think Israel would bully them? Or would they accept the terms and stop wasting ridiculous money to defend themselves from iranian proxies who want to remove Israel?

Why doesn't Palestine act reasonably like Egypt? They realized war is not the solution and came to terms with Israel, now they are both better off. Of course you have to leave your ego to the side and accept that you lost 10 consecutive wars and are not getting back anything, which is something Palestinians will never be able to accept.
  • Ugh..
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Let me translate "Domestic and international pressure", a.k.a humilliating defeat

Domestic pressure: The French were tired and humilliated from burying their soldiers after being crushed by the Algerian resistance over and over again. Therefore, the french coward society was boiling while the Algerian muslim society didn't care about suffering losses for the sake of a just, liberating cause.

International pressure: Everyone with a brain cell knew that the Algerians were the ones on the right side, and therefore the French popularity was through the floor and sooner or later if they didn't stop the war it would have ended in way worse conditions for them than the already humilliating defeat, like economic sanctions, more open fronts from Lybia, Tunisia and Egypt, among others, and perhaps even allow the arab world to unify which would have been devastating for them.


"Thank us for accepting losing the war instead of getting even more losses for the sake of our bloodthirsty goals"

I advise YOU to not touch topics from which you don't have nor possess any knowledge, for the lion will not think twice into crushing the monkey.

@JohnDoe @JohnBaza do you think he would physically fold me "irl"? Should i be shaking?
He's a cuck, I have him on ignore, btw @Veganist maghreb is a unit and hed heem you dead tbh
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40 k is a super low number in the most urban areas in the world and most of tje war have only been in gaza.

The reason fot current war is oct 7 otherwise israel wouldnt have attecked
But its literally been going on since the 1900's, the opression and murder of palestinians. Only recently has it escalated on both sides but israelis started it after ww2
But its literally been going on since the 1900's, the opression and murder of palestinians. Only recently has it escalated on both sides but israelis started it after ww2
Have been going on earlier then 47 but sure the reason israel attacks today is oct 7 and hamas know how they would react
If Palestinians accepted the situations for what it is (current borders, recognize Israel), surrendered all their weapons to Israel, and tried to find a solution without demanding more land, reparations, rights etc but just try to exist, do you think Israel would bully them? Or would they accept the terms and stop wasting ridiculous money to defend themselves from iranian proxies who want to remove Israel?

Just last year before the events of October happened, Israel had killed at gun point more than 200 palestinians in the west bank, and held 9.000 hostages in their torture camps (Estimated now that they have almost 20.000). They also for years didn't allow thousands of cancer patients (Mainly children) and of other illnesses to get their medicines in Gaza, or to get out of the strip via Egypt, except for a few. They kept stealing land via settlements and destroying entire palestinian neighborhoods for years.

Netanyahu is on tape literally saying that he would never allow a 2 state solution, and he goes on to comment how he will destroy the Oslo Accords in which the Palestinians gave 80% of the land in exchange for peace (An incredibly bad agreement but the Palestinians are generous people unlike you, dogs)

Even Trump said it several times: “My whole life is deals. I'm like one big deal. That's all I do, so I understand it. And after meeting with Bibi for three minutes … I stopped Bibi in the middle of a sentence. I said, 'Bibi, you don't want to make a deal. Do you?' And he said, 'Well, uh, uh uh' — and the fact is, I don't think Bibi ever wanted to make a deal."

In another interview: "I don't think Bibi ever wanted to make peace," Trump told me in April, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname in a 90-minute, face-to-face interview

In 2018, several thousands Palestinian civilians marched to the barrier of Gaza in the famous March of Peace. Hundreds were killed by israeli snipers, and thousands were injured. It left infamous videos of israeli soldiers celebrating shooting on children, disabled men, elderly, etc, among other henious acts

2-It's ridiculous to expect the Palestinians to give up arms with such an enemy. Well, what's even crazier is that in fact, they accepted this offer back some time ago in exchange for statehood, and to remain without an army for at least 5 years, yet the israelis didn't accept it.

Which is ridiculous anyways, as the UN says every state has the right to self defense, and a state without an army can be easily be held hostage as Israel already does.
Why doesn't Palestine act reasonably like Egypt?
No egyptian in his sane mind accepts the peace accords except the puppet rulers they have had. In fact, there are border clashes on the border between the egyptian army and the israelis almost weekly, but both the egyptian media and the israeli media cover it up as "Drug smuggling clashes" and so on to not allow the population of Egypt to get engaged. The moment Israel losses Egypt, they can start saying bye bye.
They realized war is not the solution and came to terms with Israel, now they are both better off.
They are not. Egypt's economy is completely destroyed and is way less autonomous than before the Camp David accords. If it was for the egyptian people, Israel would already not exist.
Of course you have to leave your ego to the side and accept that you lost 10 consecutive wars and are not getting back anything, which is something Palestinians will never be able to accept.
No. Palestinians don't accept being slaves of foreigners who barely have a tie to the land, an invader whose 90% of population has a double nationality showcasing clearly that they don't possess any natural belonging, an occuppier that had the biggest skin cancer rates in the world alongside the australians (Knock knock, another colonized land whose indigenous people suffered massacres) until in 2001 the goverment started pouring millions into campaigns to prevent it. A land that the parents of the palestinians cultivated, lived on, took care off for millenia.

Your entire arguments are ridiculous, foolish, and already belong into the dustbin of history for anyone who has been seeing what has happened on Palestine in the last 11 months. No one buys them anymore, and whah started those months back is what exposed you with your underwear in front of everyone after decades and decades of propaganda. Now, Israel is by far the most hated country in the world not only by arabs and muslims, but by the east asians, by a great chunk of the european population especially the youth, and by all the global south, and this will never be forgotten nor there is any way back to hide it under the blanket. It's only a matter of time before the so called "Israel" becomes Palestine again, from the Jordan river to the mediterranean sea.
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  • +1
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Have been going on earlier then 47 but sure the reason israel attacks today is oct 7 and hamas know how they would react
Oct 7 was a retaliation attack because of previous attacks that israel initiated, israel was attacking them before and they got revenge on oct 7 you brainwashed retarded nigger

Just last year before the events of October happened, Israel had killed at gun point more than 200 palestinians in the west bank, and held 9.000 hostages in their torture camps (Estimated now that they have almost 20.000). They also for years didn't allow thousands of cancer patients (Mainly children) and of other illnesses to get their medicines in Gaza, or to get out of the strip via Egypt, except for a few. They kept stealing land via settlements and destroying entire palestinian neighborhoods for years.

Netanyahu is on tape literally saying that he would never allow a 2 state solution, and he goes on to comment how he will destroy the Oslo Accords in which the Palestinians gave 80% of the land in exchange for peace (An incredibly bad agreement but the Palestinians are generous people unlike you, dogs)

Even Trump said it several times: “My whole life is deals. I'm like one big deal. That's all I do, so I understand it. And after meeting with Bibi for three minutes … I stopped Bibi in the middle of a sentence. I said, 'Bibi, you don't want to make a deal. Do you?' And he said, 'Well, uh, uh uh' — and the fact is, I don't think Bibi ever wanted to make a deal."

In another interview: "I don't think Bibi ever wanted to make peace," Trump told me in April, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname in a 90-minute, face-to-face interview

In 2018, several thousands Palestinian civilians marched to the barrier of Gaza in the famous March of Peace. Hundreds were killed by israeli snipers, and thousands were injured. It left infamous videos of israeli soldiers celebrating shooting on children, disabled men, elderly, etc, among other henious acts

2-It's ridiculous to expect the Palestinians to give up arms with such an enemy. Well, what's even crazier is that in fact, they accepted this offer back some time ago in exchange for statehood, and to remain without an army for at least 5 years, yet the israelis didn't accept it.

Which is ridiculous anyways, as the UN says every state has the right to self defense, and a state without an army can be easily be held hostage as Israel already does.

No egyptian in his sane mind accepts the peace accords except the puppet rulers they have had. In fact, there are border clashes on the border between the egyptian army and the israelis almost weekly, but both the egyptian media and the israeli media cover it up as "Drug smuggling clashes" and so on to not allow the population of Egypt to get engaged. The moment Israel losses Egypt, they can start saying bye bye.

They are not. Egypt's economy is completely destroyed and is way less autonomous than before the Camp David accords. If it was for the egyptian people, Israel would already not exist.

No. Palestinians don't accept being slaves of foreigners who barely have a tie to the land, an invader whose 90% of population has a double nationality showcasing clearly that they don't possess any natural belonging, an occuppier that had the biggest skin cancer rates in the world alongside the australians (Knock knock, another colonized land whose indigenous people suffered massacres) until in 2001 the goverment started pouring millions into campaigns to prevent it. A land that the parents of the palestinians cultivated, lived on, took care off for millenia.

Your entire arguments are ridiculous, foolish, and already belong into the dustbin of history for anyone who has been seeing what has happened on Palestine in the last 11 months. No one buys them anymore, and whah started those months back is what exposed you with your underwear in front of everyone after decades and decades of propaganda. Now, Israel is by far the most hated country in the world not only by arabs and muslims, but by the east asians, by a great chunk of the european population especially the youth, and by all the global south, and this will never be forgotten nor there is any way back to hide it under the blanket. It's only a matter of time before the so called "Israel" becomes Palestine again, from the Jordan river to the mediterranean sea.

no amount of text will convince him, why even bother even though i agree with you

These people dont listen to reason and facts. Plus he acknowledged that israel is genociding palestinians earlier, but he said he doesnt care
palestinians mog tf out of dumb jews
  • +1
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Oct 7 was a retaliation attack because of previous attacks that israel initiated, israel was attacking them before and they got revenge on oct 7 you brainwashed retarded nigger
This conflict have been back and fourth since the 1880s or even earlier so if oct 7 didnt happen this current war happen because oct 7.

This is what you said Without hamas palestinians wouldve been gone by now. This is factually false first this war started because oct 7 second the reason is because the world care about palestine and that israel don't wanna genocide them hamas help justfy the cause of genocide
This conflict have been back and fourth since the 1880s or even earlier so if oct 7 didnt happen this current war happen because oct 7.

This is what you said Without hamas palestinians wouldve been gone by now. This is factually false first this war started because oct 7 second the reason is because the world care about palestine and that israel don't wanna genocide them hamas help justfy the cause of genocide
Just shut the fuck up already. No point arguing with a retard hell drag u down to his level and beat you with experience. Go cry about khamas on twitter instead that's more productive than this discussion which you know will lead nowhere
He's a cuck, I have him on ignore, btw @Veganist maghreb is a unit and hed heem you dead tbh
yeah yeah, you have me on ignore, but you keep spamming my thread

go stroke your shitskin micropenis now
Just last year before the events of October happened, Israel had killed at gun point more than 200 palestinians in the west bank, and held 9.000 hostages in their torture camps
1. much of the west bank is under Israel control
2. violent palestinian attacks on west bank happen all the time
3. its because of palestinian violence that nationalists like netanyahu keep getting re-elected
as the UN says every state has the right to self defense
Palestine is not a fully recognized member of the UN, and their "army" can't but engage in guerilla warfare that uses civilians as buffer, which is a war crime by international law. It's not much of a palestinian army in the case of hamas, anyway.

No egyptian in his sane mind accepts the peace accords
it's not necessary for the majority to agree with political decisions if they are in the best interest of the country

there are border clashes on the border between the egyptian army and the israelis almost weekly
it's a hot border, there's active militias, smugglers, an ongoing war...

Palestinians don't accept being slaves of foreigners who barely have a tie to the land
this is false. Jews are indigenous to Israel. They were there before muzzdogs. I know this doesn't sit well with you but you'll have to accept it.

Israel is by far the most hated country in the world
incorrect, no-one hates Israel except for muzzdogs and western alt-right and socialists
the majority of people, especially people whose opinions matter (I know you don't like to hear this but little maghrebgator's opinion doesn't weigh the same with the american voter's opinion) don't hate Israel at all.

And nothing is gonna change fyi, Israel will win more, Palestine will lose more etc.
1. much of the west bank is under Israel control
Yes, in what is deemed by the UN and all international courts as an ILLEGAL OCCUPATION. Funny how you speak about international law below but not on this.
2. violent palestinian attacks on west bank happen all the time
Israel has to withdraw from the west bank and to dismantle all illegal settlements, according to international law. Otherwise, palestinians have the right to resist according to the UN.
3. its because of palestinian violence that nationalists like netanyahu keep getting re-elected
No, it's because the hardcore extremist jews have high birth rates while the leftists barely have children. And even the leftists are genocidal anyways, it's not like Ben Gurion was right win, yet he carried the Nakba.
Palestine is not a fully recognized member of the UN, and their "army" can't but engage in guerilla warfare that uses civilians as buffer, which is a war crime by international law. It's not much of a palestinian army in the case of hamas, anyway.
It's funny how it's completely irrelevant because you suddenly changed your goal and you are so stupid that you don't even realize it.

You said that "Palestinians would have been given a state in exchange of not having an army". However, if they are given a state they would have, LIKE ALL OTHER STATES, the right to have an army, or otherwise they wouldn't be a sovereign state.

It's crazy how either way they choose you are making it a trap for them somehow, and it's funny how you selectively run towards international law when it fits you, and act as if it didn't exist when it doesn't.
it's not necessary for the majority to agree with political decisions if they are in the best interest of the country
Of course, you mean for the sake of Israel, because that's the best way to initiate a civil war on Egypt and destroy it even more than what it is sinxe making fictional "peace" with israel, by completely disconnecting the population from the foreign controlled politicians, to the point that Israel shoots at Egyptian military in the border and they can't do anything about it

When a policy is rejected by 99.999% of the population, it's straight an insult.
it's a hot border, there's active militias, smugglers, an ongoing war...
Yes, so where is the "peace"? There is no peace with Israel, a country that is engaged in a war or clashes with literally EVERY country that borders it and that attacks those who don't have a border with it, punishing civilian population like no other army in the world and even using tactics like Moawing the Lawn, threathening to destroy cities on all countries around it.

The only country in the world which has a directive to literally throw nukes on all their neighbours (Including allied goverment ones) if they are destroyed, called the Samson Option.
this is false. Jews are indigenous to Israel. They were there before muzzdogs. I know this doesn't sit well with you but you'll have to accept it.
DNA tests are there, skin cancer rates are there, etc. Only jews that belong are some mizrahis here and there, that's about it.

The entire world could reclaim any corner of the earth if it turned back to 3000 years ago. If i go to any place on earth and kick out the indigenous people because "This was my land 3000 years ago", i would go into the asylum. Apparently, this doesn't apply to Israel.
incorrect, no-one hates Israel except for muzzdogs and western alt-right and socialists
the majority of people, especially people whose opinions matter (I know you don't like to hear this but little maghrebgator's opinion doesn't weigh the same with the american voter's opinion) don't hate Israel at all.
Polls in the UK (An israeli stronghold) have shown that more than 50% of the youth dont think Israel has a right to exist. In China, there were signs of support on lots of the biggest universities for the palestinian cause. In the muslim world ("Muh only muzzdogs", we are 20% of the world, dumbass) there is not even a debate.

Even in remote places unrelated to the conflict you see people kicking out israelis, disrespecting their anthem for sports events massively, etc. Some of the most massive demonstrations in the history of Europe were held supporting the palestinians, that by itself says a lot from a continent that was programmed to hate muslims for the last 25 years.

No one will ever forget what happened.
And nothing is gonna change fyi, Israel will win more, Palestine will lose more etc.
Israel is suffering a massive defeat. You are clearly not following what your generals, intelligence chiefs, etc, have to say about it
Just shut the fuck up already. No point arguing with a retard hell drag u down to his level and beat you with experience. Go cry about khamas on twitter instead that's more productive than this discussion which you know will lead nowhere
Not one argument
Yes, in what is deemed by the UN and all international courts as an ILLEGAL OCCUPATION. Funny how you speak about international law below but not on this.
The irony, lol. Having double standards for palenstinians breaching international law because you think its virtuous when muzzdogs do it.
Israel has to withdraw from the west bank and to dismantle all illegal settlements, according to international law. Otherwise, palestinians have the right to resist according to the UN.
It's the other way, actually. Keep on with the terrorism and you'll be seeing more settlements. You don't have to believe me.
No, it's because the hardcore extremist jews have high birth rates while the leftists barely have children. And even the leftists are genocidal anyways, it's not like Ben Gurion was right win, yet he carried the Nakba.
Orthodox jews are 12% of the population. Otherwise, Israel is one of the most progressive countries on earth. You should be thankful for that. If israel were even 1% like hamas there'd be 3 million dead by now, not 30k.
When a policy is rejected by 99.999% of the population, it's straight an insult.
It's more telling of the backwards muzzdog society than of the politicians. There were major kickbacks from society for gay rights, gay marriage and other social issues, but those ultimately led to progress and improvement of society. Of course, as a muzzdog, you dont understand the concept of progress.
Yes, so where is the "peace"?
There's border incident between many countries that are in peace and have good relations. Is that what it takes for you to discard peaceful relationship between the countries, which is clear from the open communications they have? lol
DNA tests are there
all jews can trace their ancestry back to Israel, why are you lying?
Polls in the UK (An israeli stronghold)
muzzdog stronghold*

All it takes is to see the statements made by 1st world countries from oct 7th and on. But you'd rather nitpick muzzdog and queer for palestine protests.
Israel is suffering a massive defeat
The irony, lol. Having double standards for palenstinians breaching international law because you think its virtuous when muzzdogs do it.
You are comparing one of the best armed armies in the world supported by the west (Same people who drafted international law) with a people who barely have shoes and were suddenly displaced one day by the millions, yet the ones who have don't shoes respect more international law than the army.

That by itself says a lot.
It's the other way, actually. Keep on with the terrorism and you'll be seeing more settlements. You don't have to believe me.
No. But again, you keep twisting facts as you like because you are another hasbara dog who gets either paid, or is straight a psychopath with no moral compass nor dignity (Which is the most probable option), who would sell his mother for a low price.

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Orthodox jews are 12% of the population. Otherwise, Israel is one of the most progressive countries on earth. You should be thankful for that. If israel were even 1% like hamas there'd be 3 million dead by now, not 30k.
Not at all. Israeli leftists were the ones who carried the Nakba (Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing of 750.000 palestinians in 1948).

"Progressive" in Israel means genocidal warmonger in any other place in the world.

And yes, Orthodox are 12%, while in 1948 they weren't even 1000 people. The sudden, gigantic growth has made the genocidal entity turn even more to extremism and the right wing of a "country" who was already genocidal
It's more telling of the backwards muzzdog society than of the politicians. There were major kickbacks from society for gay rights, gay marriage and other social issues, but those ultimately led to progress and improvement of society. Of course, as a muzzdog, you dont understand the concept of progress.
You don't have to convince me that all degeneracy comes somehow from Israel. We already know that.

Those are foreign concepts from the Middle East whether muslim or christian cultures, therefore it makes no sense for them to exist on the land, unless a colonizer with foreign values comes and steals our land.

I find it baffling when people like Netanyahu (A man of polish origins whose father changed his surname from Milenkoyvsky larp as a jew leading the "Muh jewish state", ironic) allude to "We are defending western values". What a dumbass, first all the west rejects you except the corrupt politicians, and second what the heck are western values doing in the Middle East?? It's ridiculous, but again, everything about that """state""" is
There's border incident between many countries that are in peace and have good relations. Is that what it takes for you to discard peaceful relationship between the countries, which is clear from the open communications they have? lol
"Border incident" Soldiers from one country killing the soldiers from the other every now and then

This is ridiculous, i don't even know why i'm arguing with you when you are clearly a hasbara dog. After this comment, you are going to ignored.
all jews can trace their ancestry back to Israel, why are you lying?
Funny how the entire article centers around desperately trying to debunk the fantastic work of no less than a jew, Arthur Koestler, who wrote The Thirteenth Tribe, linking unequivocally modern jews especially ashkenazis to the khazar empire, with barely any link to the levant. Something which is confirmed by many other great genecitists, among whom there are the famous Harry Ostret and several (Heck the majority of them are jews) many are jews like Eran Elhaik

Also, it's ridiculous that you link towards one of the most manipulated websites in the world by israeli propaganda, as admitted by the prime minister himself

*Links to wikipedia which is a heavily manipulated website, recognized by Naftali Bennett himself on video (Prior prime minister before Netanyahu just 3 years ago)

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muzzdog stronghold*

All it takes is to see the statements made by 1st world countries from oct 7th and on. But you'd rather nitpick muzzdog and queer for palestine protests.
"Statements made by 1st world countries"

Let me translate: "Statements made by a few politician lapdogs who are on our pockets thanks to our pressure lobbies and worldwide famous blackmail activities. In reality, everyone in the west opposses us as according to every poll and the massive, millionaire demonstrations, in some cases the biggest of the history of several countries, and we are losing even public opinion in the US after the university demonstrations which was unheard off. We, israelis, are BY FAR the most rejected group in the world without a shadow of a doubt. We have reached such point of isolation that even countries like Spain and Norway are cutting ties with us, and we made france literally dismiss their election results because we didn't like that the candidates who won were going to destroy our relationship (i.e slavery)."
These are some recent statements made by some of most top israeli officials in the history of the country

-Israeli former prime minister, Ehud Barak describes 'absolute victory' as empty slogan: 'We are closer to total failure'

-Israeli former deputy chief of intelligence agency Mossad criticized the ongoing war in Gaza, saying that it is "futile," as he said Israel was on the losing end and warned that it was facing economic collapse. "This war lacks a clear objective, and it's evident that we're unequivocally losing it," Ben-Barak told the Israeli public radio. "We are forced to engage in fighting in the same areas and end up losing more soldiers," he said.

-Former head of Israel’s Shin Bet security agency has said that, “If we shall not end the occupation, we shall not have security,”
before adding, “and if we shall not end this occupation, we shall not have democracy.” Ami Ayalon made his comment during an interview on CNN.

-Israel has lost its war in the Gaza Strip, a former Israeli military commander said on Sunday.

“You can't lie to many people for a long time,” Yitzhak Brick, a former major general
, said in an article in Maariv newspaper.

“What is happening in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon will blow up in our faces sooner or later,” he warned.

Brick said the Israeli home front “is not prepared for a regional war, which will be thousands of times more difficult and serious than the war in the Gaza Strip.”

The former military commander criticized Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, saying he is “detached” from reality. “He lost control of the ground a long time ago, but he started appointing colonels and lieutenant colonels in his likeness,” he said.

“This is the most serious scandal since the establishment of the army,” he said. “We have already lost the war in Gaza, and we are also losing our allies in the world at a dizzying rate.”

And now, say bye bye forever, to the ignored list and the dustbin of history, dog.

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