Retard bullied by Chads in highschool (brutal video)



Jan 3, 2025
Genetics are so brutal holy fuck.

  • JFL
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Should we encourage bullying the genetically weak (like humans would do naturally in nature) or should we be like normies and call him a heckin bigot?
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  • JFL
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Noooo not my hecking retarderino :soy::soy::soy:

@Jason Voorhees
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If you keep people that are severely disabled alive you shouldnt make fun of them either
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  • Hmm...
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Genetics are so brutal holy fuck.

Why do parents not put them in a home jfl

Can’t imagine having to take care of a disabled for the rest of your life
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going back to the days of dashing these people against rocks and putting them out of their misery is probably more compassionate and ethical than modern society literally subsidizing dysgenics
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  • JFL
Reactions: Giorgio, 5'7 zoomer, inceltriad78 and 8 others
He shouldn't even be in school, legit a giant waste of money
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, cvltx, Sicilian Cyclops and 5 others
what the fuck did his parents/the administration think of putting him in regular normie school what the fuck? feel bad for him but bro how can people be so low iq to put him in this situation?

honestly brutal lifepill in general this is why im in favor of eugenics and only letting the top 20% breed. this is what u get when 2 subhumans breed, its unethical
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, J99, castizo_ascender and 5 others
what the fuck did his parents/the administration think of putting him in regular normie school what the fuck? feel bad for him but bro how can people be so low iq to put him in this situation?

honestly brutal lifepill in general this is why im in favor of eugenics and only letting the top 20% breed. this is what u get when 2 subhumans breed, its unethical
didnt even mean to write this in bold jfl too lazy to go fix it tho
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Put the poor soul out of his misery.
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, PickleTheSlayer, ruslannn2228 and 1 other person
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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, gymceltard, Sicilian Cyclops and 2 others
Should we encourage bullying the genetically weak (like humans would do naturally in nature) or should we be like normies and call him a heckin bigot?
Obviously, the latter. Humans possess a conscious mind, which sets us apart from other animal species.
Reading some of these comments, it doesn’t surprise me, that a lot of guys seriously celebrate Hitler on this forum.
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Dont want anyone with genetic deformities this bad to ever even know about the blackpill, hopefully they all live a blissfully ignorant and peaceful life, we all have to be a little bit more grateful sometimes
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bottom of the hierarchy
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Why do shit-leftists want to link *every* negative thing to Trump? They are so exhausting.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Giorgio, 5'7 zoomer, pfl and 7 others
  • JFL
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If you keep people that are severely disabled alive you shouldnt make fun of them either

Why? In nature weak animals are abused by stronger animals.

The runt of the litter of dogs will be abused by the larger dogs, the weak monkey will be abused by the strong monkeys, etc.
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This is mild bullying at best. Real bullying would be more difficult to watch than gore.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: PickleTheSlayer, gymceltard and LKSMAXPerson
So some average zoomer is now considered a chad on .org
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wait till they meet a brown BULL like myself
This is mild bullying at best. Real bullying would be more difficult to watch than gore.

Have you ever been bullied? What did it look like?

I was tall (6'1) in highschool so I was never bullied once and have only seen it in movies.
i enjoy bullying disabled people as well,

one person with down syndrome pissed me off because he was happy and smiling, i wanted to punch him in the face and make him suffer, i like inflicting pain on people who cant do anything back

i cant write the rest of my fantasies down, because u guys might think im weird,
  • JFL
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Have you ever been bullied? What did it look like?

I was tall (6'1) in highschool so I was never bullied once and have only seen it in movies.
If I wasn't that strong back then, I wouldn't have survive getting ganged up to fight with +10 of my classmates in school. Also I won that particular fight. And that is not the worst bullying I have encountered.
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i enjoy bullying disabled people as well,

one person with down syndrome pissed me off because he was happy and smiling, i wanted to punch him in the face and make him suffer, i like inflicting pain on people who cant do anything back

i cant write the rest of my fantasies down, because u guys might think im weird,

Same bro :feelshehe: I used to hate retards in my school

They were always screaming and interrupting class. I wanted to beat them to death :lasereyes:

They shouldn’t allow retards in normal people classes.
  • JFL
Reactions: Trisomy 21
If I wasn't that strong back then, I wouldn't have survive getting ganged up to fight with +10 of my classmates in school. Also I won that particular fight. And that is not the worst bullying I have encountered.

I didn’t even read your name. You’re in Russia, absolutely brootal. Slavics seem almost demonic in their methods of torture and abuse. I bet bullying was insane in your school.
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W Chad I would've beat the shit out of that little retard as well
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Reactions: gymceltard and Trisomy 21
what syndrome even is that. extreme plagiocephaly + crouzons?
retards need to be gassed
  • JFL
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what the fuck did his parents/the administration think of putting him in regular normie school what the fuck? feel bad for him but bro how can people be so low iq to put him in this situation?

honestly brutal lifepill in general this is why im in favor of eugenics and only letting the top 20% breed. this is what u get when 2 subhumans breed, its unethical
Thats just a unlucky 0.0001% genetic mutation

It dont even matter if 2 subhumans breed, it can happen at chads too

Eugenics cannot defeat someone being retarded
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Reactions: fuxkdakikez, 5'7 zoomer, gymceltard and 4 others
Genetics are so brutal holy fuck.

“Chads” what on earth are you smoking, it’s high school it’s most likely babyfaced subhumans, opposite of chads
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Reactions: Сигма Бой
i enjoy bullying disabled people as well,

one person with down syndrome pissed me off because he was happy and smiling, i wanted to punch him in the face and make him suffer, i like inflicting pain on people who cant do anything back

i cant write the rest of my fantasies down, because u guys might think im weird,
School schooter profile picture + weird fantasys about beating up retarded people? Yeah

  • JFL
Reactions: gymceltard
The Nazis were right about retards. Nazis would put them down like dogs. Yet another W Hitler. He was right about so much.

IMG 2129
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chad in assambolongonian grocery store
  • JFL
Reactions: gymceltard
i enjoy bullying disabled people as well,

one person with down syndrome pissed me off because he was happy and smiling, i wanted to punch him in the face and make him suffer, i like inflicting pain on people who cant do anything back

i cant write the rest of my fantasies down, because u guys might think im weird,
You try so hard to be cool you edgy faggot
Fucking cringe faggot

you did a thread few days ago how you prayed to satan

how can someone be this cringe
  • JFL
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Reactions: Сигма Бой and gymceltard
You try so hard to be cool you edgy faggot
Fucking cringe faggot

you did a thread few days ago how you prayed to satan

how can someone be this cringe
u think praying to satan is something cringe?

its real shit rich in history , faggot learn to research.

its not just some fairytale from some faggot netflix movie or show, like some bitch with her crystals .

hop off my cock little bitch
u think praying to satan is something cringe?

its real shit rich in history , faggot learn to research.

its not just some fairytale from some faggot netflix movie or show, like some bitch with her crystals .

hop off my cock little bitch

Praying to Satan is autistic as fuck bro. Your either atheist or believe in god.

To worship Satan is Giga low IQ because it means you’d burn in hell for eternity according to your own belief system.
  • +1
Reactions: Сигма Бой and GatoradeTRZ8
u think praying to satan is something cringe?

its real shit rich in history , faggot learn to research.

its not just some fairytale from some faggot netflix movie or show, like some bitch with her crystals .

hop off my cock little bitch
The only reason you do all this is because of richard ramirez (your first post)

Oh god your so fucking cringe
„Its not some fairytale from a netflix movie“ nigga stfu
I already can imagine how your face looks like

And for your information richard ramirez himself wasnt a real satanist, he was just trying to be cool (confirmed by his family members + pen pals). He didnt know anything about satanism just did all that because he knew it would make him seem mysterious and cool.

I mean how the fuck can someone type „its not just some fairytale from some faggot netflix movie or show, like some bitch with her crystals“ while being on a meme incel forum where 99% of the users are shitposters
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Reactions: Сигма Бой and gymceltard
He could be useful for science. That's it. I don't know why there are people supporting the existence of thesw poor miserable lives.
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