Rhinoplasty Made Me Uglier

And you don't think I did all of this? People on this forum think that if they go to the perfect famous reputable superstar surgeon that there are no risks or that the surgeon won't give them an undesirable result. Even if they have perfect technique (which doesn't exist), there can still be a lack of aesthetic improvement because the wrong things were done. Sometimes your own healing is unpredictable, sometimes they only understand how to do the same thing over and over, maybe they were just having a bad day, etc. Stop thinking there is some foolproof way to get plastic surgeries with favorable outcomes 100% of the time. Every surgeon fucks up at some point, and even the most reputable ones do their best to try to intimidate patients who are displeased with their results from posting about their experiences or even posting negative reviews on sites like realself. They do this to curate an image of perfection so people will go to them and be lulled into a false sense of absolute security.
There’s always risks- but hoenetly without pics we can judge if you really got botched or not

Yes there’s always risks to getting surgery

But if you go to a good surgeon, do your resewrch, do morphs and get a surgery that you actually do need, the chances are you’ll get a desirable result
And you don't think I did all of this? People on this forum think that if they go to the perfect famous reputable superstar surgeon that there are no risks or that the surgeon won't give them an undesirable result. Even if they have perfect technique (which doesn't exist), there can still be a lack of aesthetic improvement because the wrong things were done. Sometimes your own healing is unpredictable, sometimes they only understand how to do the same thing over and over, maybe they were just having a bad day, etc. Stop thinking there is some foolproof way to get plastic surgeries with favorable outcomes 100% of the time. Every surgeon fucks up at some point, and even the most reputable ones do their best to try to intimidate patients who are displeased with their results from posting about their experiences or even posting negative reviews on sites like realself. They do this to curate an image of perfection so people will go to them and be lulled into a false sense of absolute security.
So which surgeon did you go with? And how did you find them?
Thanks for your contribution, OP. We here don't have the wisdom to know better. So, thank you for sharing your experience and hopefully teaching us something.
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Yet another fake user managed by forum staff/mods
Really, all it takes is googling these Indian surgeons for 5 seconds on realself.com and realizing they are complete 80iq dimwits who likely bought their way into whatever "education" they have.
There goes my plan of getting Ramus Distraction Osteogenesis
Hello, I have been a long time reader of looksmaxing sites, and just registered for the forum.

I fell for the plastic surgery meme because I had a large nasal tip that was ruining my face. So I went to one of the most famous doctors in the country, consulted with him, explained my problem, and paid a lot of money. But he never made the tip less large and bloated looking, all he did was feminize my nose by vertically shortening it, rotating it, and filing down my dorsum. The tip was never fixed and now since he made it vertically shorter, more rotated, and lost projection, it looks even worse and flatter. I look seriously uglier. There is also asymmetry I did not have before. Now I will probably have to go through the multiple revision Michael Jackson clusterfuck, just to have a nose that looks as ugly (but gayer, more feminine, and less functional) as my original nose.

My advice to anyone is to never go to a surgeon that seems egotistical and unreceptive to your input. They will do whatever the fuck they want, and you will have no recourse.
This is why I don’t like surgery for small things
This is so infuriating, makes me want to kill myself quite frankly
This is so infuriating, makes me want to kill myself quite frankly
Hahahahaha get bogged. Go kill urself now

Keep seething at Asian chads
My nose was botched in similar fashion, except probably worse because it's crooked, unnatural, looks like Doonesbury. It's a monstrosity. But this was 21 years ago. Years later I tried to get my money back from my surgeon, like "Dude, just look at this shit. If you have any integrity, you will just give me my money back." But his secretary insisted that he does "beautiful work" and said that the doctor said that my nose had obviously been damaged. So he said his own work looks like a nose that had been damaged.
Hello, I have been a long time reader of looksmaxing sites, and just registered for the forum.

I fell for the plastic surgery meme because I had a large nasal tip that was ruining my face. So I went to one of the most famous doctors in the country, consulted with him, explained my problem, and paid a lot of money. But he never made the tip less large and bloated looking, all he did was feminize my nose by vertically shortening it, rotating it, and filing down my dorsum. The tip was never fixed and now since he made it vertically shorter, more rotated, and lost projection, it looks even worse and flatter. I look seriously uglier. There is also asymmetry I did not have before. Now I will probably have to go through the multiple revision Michael Jackson clusterfuck, just to have a nose that looks as ugly (but gayer, more feminine, and less functional) as my original nose.

My advice to anyone is to never go to a surgeon that seems egotistical and unreceptive to your input. They will do whatever the fuck they want, and you will have no recourse.
Bro there's nothing more I hate than threads like this with no pics ur just wasting everyone's time since people who read the title are here to see not to fucking read
Bro there's nothing more I hate than threads like this with no pics ur just wasting everyone's time since people who read the title are here to see not to fucking read
What country was that?

You should never do budget surgeries in low income countries (the only exception is Turkey - they have a proven track record of surgeons making successful hair transplants - if they can do it for 5x cheaper than a Beverly Hills surgeon you should do it).

Getting botched in the face is 100x worse than somewhere like your stomach, legs or arms. Everyone sees the result instantly. Buckle up and pay 2-5x more for a surgeon who is in the US, Europe or Singapore/South Korea. If you can't, just don't have that surgery at all.

I would rather live as a quasimodo than slave off for years and get botched by an Indian "surgeon".

Really, all it takes is googling these Indian surgeons for 5 seconds on realself.com and realizing they are complete 80iq dimwits who likely bought their way into whatever "education" they have.

Yeah you gotta be patient to get good surgery results make sure you trust the surgeon you don't wanna get botched that's for sure.
Good luck getting a surgeon to do what you want. They do what they want and if you argue they will become abrasive with you. Yes, even though it's your money. The medical profession is filled with narcissism and sociopathy.
it's going to be so hard to fix this problem, I'll need grafts and it's doubtful I could get much derotation or augmentation

actually want to kill myself rn
My nose was botched in similar fashion, except probably worse because it's crooked, unnatural, looks like Doonesbury. It's a monstrosity. But this was 21 years ago. Years later I tried to get my money back from my surgeon, like "Dude, just look at this shit. If you have any integrity, you will just give me my money back." But his secretary insisted that he does "beautiful work" and said that the doctor said that my nose had obviously been damaged. So he said his own work looks like a nose that had been damaged.

Mine is also crooked and asymmetrical. Did you get a revision? Please respond.
Mine is also crooked and asymmetrical. Did you get a revision? Please respond.
No, I didn't, but I'm going to. I want to go to Tito Marianetti, but he has a long ass waiting list.
Mine is also crooked and asymmetrical. Did you get a revision? Please respond.
Do you know any affordable surgeons with lots of B&A of revisions, preferably one who only does rhinoplasty?
Best surgeons in America and he botched? Hmm
What doctor from my country? Maybe you could save someone else from getting botched
I feel bad for my remark in the beginning now
My philtrum looks so long now since my nose was shortened. This is an absolute disaster. It looks disgusting and despicable.
My philtrum looks so long now since my nose was shortened. This is an absolute disaster. It looks disgusting and despicable.
dude stop crying. no pics, no care.
dude stop crying. no pics, no care.

My nose was ruined. I'm not going to "stop crying" until it's either fixed and I look human again or I rope.
My nose was ruined. I'm not going to "stop crying" until it's either fixed and I look human again or I rope.
then fucking rope but dont spam this forum with your faggotry
then fucking rope but dont spam this forum with your faggotry
I'm not spamming. If you don't like my threads, then don't post in them - it's that simple.
  • JFL
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no pic no care
it actually looks pretty good now jfl
no pics wtf

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