Ritalin and GABAergic Drugs are underrated



Jul 31, 2019
This Guide is written by and with me being the labrat. It contains:

1. Common myths and misconceptions
2. A short introduction to both drugs' pharmacological mechanisms
3.what Ritaline can do for you
4.what GABAergic Drugs can do for you
5. Why both together are one of the most supreme combinations for Looksmaxing (and more)
6. My experience

So, sit down, sattle up and get ready for a ride:

1. Misconceptions and shit

-Ritaline causes an accelerated heartbeat making you die earlier.
This is bullshit and I hope you know it. While your heartbeat rises indeed, it only happens during you being on it. Longterm side effects are unknown but you might need something to lower your blood pressure if you are a heavy user.

-It fucks up your sleep.
Also false. Of course you ain't gonna sleep if you try to sleep while under the influence, duh.
Some people say they can sleep better or worse but this is correlated to them getting other medications, for example MOAIs for Depression.

-You'll stunt your growth, don`t take it boyo!
The only reason for children slowly growing can be linked to appetite loss, aka not getting their bodies enough to work with.

-Nah man, I don't wanna get addicted brother.
Absolute bullshit. The way Ritaline acts in your body can only lead to a mental addiction, aka your body won't crave it but your mind might. (More about in the next chapter)

-It will damage your dopamine receptors.
This is somewhat true. Even though Ritaline primarily causes nor- and ephedrine to be released it also releases Dopamin in small amounts. Currently no study can prove or disprove this, but it is sure to say effects are minimal at worst.

<>GABA Drugs<>
It is said Drugs like Benzodiazepines (Diazepam) and Z-Drugs (like Ambien) have a high potential to become addicted, both mentally and physically. This is true, but depending on many factors:
1. Your personal addiction affinity which may change depending on the drug class
2. How long the combound and its metabolites last and their plasma half-life. Longer half-life's enable addictions easier.
3. How long and how highly dosed you are taking it. It takes several weeks to get slightly addicted

Examples: Alprazolam can get you addicted after one week of dosing daily heavy, while Zopiclone needs, taking a heavy dosage daily, about 17 days.

2. An insight in both drugs' pharmacological mechanisms

Ritaline is an indirect sympathomimetic; this means it will activate the parts in your body which produce epinephrine and norepinephrine which then lead to the typical symptoms. This means that you can't physically addicted to it since no exogen docked at your receptors.
But, you will experience an acclimatization so you won't get a rush anymore after a period of time of taking the same dosage.
An example for a direct symphatomimetic is Caffeine. It mimics epinephrine and you can get both physically and mentally addicted to it since no more Caffeine means there is a lack of energy now and you start craving it.

<>GABAergic Drugs<>
Chemicals which mimic GABA, a neurotransmitter which causes relaxation, regulates mood and many things more.
They are able to pass the Blood-Brain barrier so they can dock at GABA receptors. They are GABA receptor Agonists. They can lead to addiction.

3. What Ritaline can do for you
It will make you more confident because Adrenaline and Noradrenaline have this kind of capability. Blood flow into your brain increases making you think faster.
You will burn fat faster combined with its relative safety it is an ideal weight loss supplement. Increased energy usage means increased heat which more often than not result in blushing and reddish cheeks are a sign of youth, soo...
And last but definetly not least: it constricts blood vessels. This means your face can appear slightly leaner;
Blood vessels below your eyes will constrict too reducing undereye blackness.
Basically, your whole eye area and face will benefit from constricted blood vessels.

I recommend taking low doses, because side effects will occur adversely the higher the dosage. 2.5-5 mg of instant release Methylphenidate should suffice.

4. GABAergic Drugs and what they do for you

You'll become more relaxed, social, confident. Really good for people with anxiety or low self esteem (and HighQ cells).

Take any dosage you want, but try to use it as sparsely as possible.

5. The combined effect is one of the best for social happenings and looksmaxing

Take a heavy dose of your GABAergic Drug and then about 5mg of Ritalin.
This will make you stay focused, relaxed, anxiousness, raise your self esteem and get you the advantages of constricted blood vessels, since GABA doesn't regulate them.
Furthermore, side effects of Ritaline will be lowered, like sweating, irritability and your dick shrinking due to holding less blood.

So: You will look better and act more freely.
If you go to far you might not care or just take a small mental note.

Important: If you take more and more of both in one session the GABAergic Drugs effect will surpass Ritalines.

6. My Experience
As someone with slight ADHD and around 14% body fat, being 6'1" tall, having only a few facial failos and an IQ of 141, I found social interactions to be hard at best. This lead to me acting dumb and leaving meetings with several boys and sweet gals earlier than you would, because I never thought I was a attractive enough to get the upper half of girls in our class. Keep in mind we had only 40% girls. I thought they were just nice to anyone. I also missed several clues, like a girl wondering why I was hugging her like a relative (it was because of my big dick, but knowing what I know today I would have gone for full frontal assault lmao).
After being "bullied" from two pretty boys in my last two years (bullied in annotations, because they were physically inferior height, widht and muscle mass) I am know on my path to improvement and my method helped me quite a bit.

P. S. The chemistry has been made more understandable by simplifying processes etc.
P. S. S. Yes, I am on Ritaline writing this.
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This deserves a reply ngl
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This Guide is written by and with me being the labrat. It contains:

1. Common myths and misconceptions
2. A short introduction to both drugs' pharmacological mechanisms
3.what Ritaline can do for you
4.what GABAergic Drugs can do for you
5. Why both together are one of the most supreme combinations for Looksmaxing (and more)
6. My experience

So, sit down, sattle up and get ready for a ride:

1. Misconceptions and shit

-Ritaline causes an accelerated heartbeat making you die earlier.
This is bullshit and I hope you know it. While your heartbeat rises indeed, it only happens during you being on it. Longterm side effects are unknown but you might need something to lower your blood pressure if you are a heavy user.

-It fucks up your sleep.
Also false. Of course you ain't gonna sleep if you try to sleep while under the influence, duh.
Some people say they can sleep better or worse but this is correlated to them getting other medications, for example MOAIs for Depression.

-You'll stunt your growth, don`t take it boyo!
The only reason for children slowly growing can be linked to appetite loss, aka not getting their bodies enough to work with.

-Nah man, I don't wanna get addicted brother.
Absolute bullshit. The way Ritaline acts in your body can only lead to a mental addiction, aka your body won't crave it but your mind might. (More about in the next chapter)

-It will damage your dopamine receptors.
This is somewhat true. Even though Ritaline primarily causes nor- and ephedrine to be released it also releases Dopamin in small amounts. Currently no study can prove or disprove this, but it is sure to say effects are minimal at worst.

<>GABA Drugs<>
It is said Drugs like Benzodiazepines (Diazepam) and Z-Drugs (like Ambien) have a high potential to become addicted, both mentally and physically. This is true, but depending on many factors:
1. Your personal addiction affinity which may change depending on the drug class
2. How long the combound and its metabolites last and their plasma half-life. Longer half-life's enable addictions easier.
3. How long and how highly dosed you are taking it. It takes several weeks to get slightly addicted

Examples: Alprazolam can get you addicted after one week of dosing daily heavy, while Zopiclone needs, taking a heavy dosage daily, about 17 days.

2. An insight in both drugs' pharmacological mechanisms

Ritaline is an indirect sympathomimetic; this means it will activate the parts in your body which produce epinephrine and norepinephrine which then lead to the typical symptoms. This means that you can't physically addicted to it since no exogen docked at your receptors.
But, you will experience an acclimatization so you won't get a rush anymore after a period of time of taking the same dosage.
An example for a direct symphatomimetic is Caffeine. It mimics epinephrine and you can get both physically and mentally addicted to it since no more Caffeine means there is a lack of energy now and you start craving it.

<>GABAergic Drugs<>
Chemicals which mimic GABA, a neurotransmitter which causes relaxation, regulates mood and many things more.
They are able to pass the Blood-Brain barrier so they can dock at GABA receptors. They are GABA receptor Agonists. They can lead to addiction.

3. What Ritaline can do for you
It will make you more confident because Adrenaline and Noradrenaline have this kind of capability. Blood flow into your brain increases making you think faster.
You will burn fat faster combined with its relative safety it is an ideal weight loss supplement. Increased energy usage means increased heat which more often than not result in blushing and reddish cheeks are a sign of youth, soo...
And last but definetly not least: it constricts blood vessels. This means your face can appear slightly leaner;
Blood vessels below your eyes will constrict too reducing undereye blackness.
Basically, your whole eye area and face will benefit from constricted blood vessels.

I recommend taking low doses, because side effects will occur adversely the higher the dosage. 2.5-5 mg of instant release Methylphenidate should suffice.

4. GABAergic Drugs and what they do for you

You'll become more relaxed, social, confident. Really good for people with anxiety or low self esteem (and HighQ cells).

Take any dosage you want, but try to use it as sparsely as possible.

5. The combined effect is one of the best for social happenings and looksmaxing

Take a heavy dose of your GABAergic Drug and then about 5mg of Ritalin.
This will make you stay focused, relaxed, anxiousness, raise your self esteem and get you the advantages of constricted blood vessels, since GABA doesn't regulate them.
Furthermore, side effects of Ritaline will be lowered, like sweating, irritability and your dick shrinking due to holding less blood.

So: You will look better and act more freely.
If you go to far you might not care or just take a small mental note.

Important: If you take more and more of both in one session the GABAergic Drugs effect will surpass Ritalines.

6. My Experience
As someone with slight ADHD and around 14% body fat, being 6'1" tall, having only a few facial failos and an IQ of 141, I found social interactions to be hard at best. This lead to me acting dumb and leaving meetings with several boys and sweet gals earlier than you would, because I never thought I was a attractive enough to get the upper half of girls in our class. Keep in mind we had only 40% girls. I thought they were just nice to anyone. I also missed several clues, like a girl wondering why I was hugging her like a relative (it was because of my big dick, but knowing what I know today I would have gone for full frontal assault lmao).
After being "bullied" from two pretty boys in my last two years (bullied in annotations, because they were physically inferior height, widht and muscle mass) I am know on my path to improvement and my method helped me quite a bit.

P. S. The chemistry has been made more understandable by simplifying processes etc.
P. S. S. Yes, I am on Ritaline writing this.
gaba drugs = shit
ritalin = anxiety

but if i combine them i get a crazy zombiefied euphoria
ritalin doesn't cause anxiety
Wow sherlock. another stupid motherfucker who thinks he is smart. im talkin based from experience so shut your ass up + go do some research on google scholar since your ass wanna be a professor. hope you kill yourself
Wow sherlock. another stupid motherfucker who thinks he is smart. im talkin based from experience so shut your ass up + go do some research on google scholar since your ass wanna be a professor. hope you kill yourself
seethe and dilate
how to get this shit cheap
lyrica currently works wonders for me. Has completly changed my personality
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shit thread tbh
All this essay and not a single sentence on how to actually get the shit.

But I understand, Modafinil is Schedule 4, while Ritalin is Schedule 2, I wouldn’t share my source (if using unprescribed) either.

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