Roidmaxxing results



Aug 24, 2024
17, late bloomer (14-15), plan to do 1 cycle test e mast proviron anavar (for collagen), thinking abt adding deca but may be too much (it is ik), hgh, hcg, bpc-157, tadalafil, telmisartan
pct: clomid hcg hgm (can someone tell me when to start taking hgm to keep my balls and hcg for penis growth)
i have tudca, accutane, ru (just in case but i am not prone to balding and already on minox and dht blocker shampoo)
want to know if someone actually roidmaxxed and had results from it because all i saw is people being called retarded for doing this
my goal is 188 cm (i am 183), bone mass (not bad bone bass but my gonial angles are average), penis gains (13,5 cm, aiming for 16-17), clavicle lenght gains (grew up drinking pasterised milk everyday since a kid, lead me to have wide pelvis+fat stored around so getting lean+clavicle and shoulders gains should even out my manlet body)
i feel retarded writing this but anything to ascend, will post pics if i do it
will gladly take advice on timings of injections etc since i am still clueless about it or even any advice to not die for dumb reasons
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Reactions: heyheyheybro22 and fezzz
Injecting exogenous test and gh will ruin your puberty my guy what the fuck are you talking about muh second puberty bro no genetics have a limit you are not getting over that no matter how much ratpiss you stick up your ass
i have strong androgen receptors and all physical signs of high t, whats cucking me is fat fkin kid me drinking soy milk everyday
the only way for us to know when you should start is through a visual representation of the situation. Make sure to post pics everyday after cycle and we will tell you when you are ready.
someone should torture you
Can't be assed to find it.

Well, there's something called


And if it's not in your genetics, no matter how much test and dht you have, your frame/dick is not gonna grow.

Like some people grow up with low t and dht and end up with good frames and above average manhoods.

It has to be in your genetics. So if you don't have an already good frame right now, you never will even with roids, if you do, it was puberty not the roids you used. I can assure you that.

Plus any steroid other than testosterone is a stranger to your body so your body might not react well.
Heres a thought. Take two people, same stats, genetics everything. And they’re both in puberty, and we’ll say they are late bloomers to the point where they are still growing, and their growth plates are open. And then one of them begins a cycle, in which he pumps his body with angrogenic compounds far superior to regular testosterone and injecting an additional substance that spikes dht, whilst inhibiting estradial with AI, plus hgh (maybe not medical, but still increases igf-1 levels). Do you genuinely believe they will end up being the same height and clavicle bone width when they are both, say, 23 years old? I have a hard time believing that at the moment.
Heres a thought. Take two people, same stats, genetics everything. And they’re both in puberty, and we’ll say they are late bloomers to the point where they are still growing, and their growth plates are open. And then one of them begins a cycle, in which he pumps his body with angrogenic compounds far superior to regular testosterone and injecting an additional substance that spikes dht, whilst inhibiting estradial with AI, plus hgh (maybe not medical, but still increases igf-1 levels). Do you genuinely believe they will end up being the same height and clavicle bone width when they are both, say, 23 years old? I have a hard time believing that at the moment.
yeah thats what i am saying there is no way i am not getting more out of my subhuman self with roids, i would 100% end up better than if i didnt use roids
i have strong androgen receptors and all physical signs of high t, whats cucking me is fat fkin kid me drinking soy milk everyday
If you had strong androgen receptors and genetically high t / prenatal t drinking soy milk wouldn't have affected anything
Heres a thought. Take two people, same stats, genetics everything. And they’re both in puberty, and we’ll say they are late bloomers to the point where they are still growing, and their growth plates are open. And then one of them begins a cycle, in which he pumps his body with angrogenic compounds far superior to regular testosterone and injecting an additional substance that spikes dht, whilst inhibiting estradial with AI, plus hgh (maybe not medical, but still increases igf-1 levels). Do you genuinely believe they will end up being the same height and clavicle bone width when they are both, say, 23 years old? I have a hard time believing that at the moment.
There is a genetic predetermined height/clavicle/penis size. You are not getting over that no matter how much ratpiss you stick up your ass. You can not cheat your genetics. If you end up getting "gains" with roids, it was in your genetics anyway. You are better off using roids and not hurting your body because you would have ended up with the same bone mass and features anyway. Use roids only for muscle building, low inhibiton and feeling good at all times. They won't give you bonemass.
Suit yourself. Just letting you know your balls will be the size of raisins and you will never reproduce if you don’t 😉
i would rather blast hmg and hcg during whole cycle and after than sending you my balls
If you had strong androgen receptors and genetically high t / prenatal t drinking soy milk wouldn't have affected anything

There is a genetic predetermined height/clavicle/penis size. You are not getting over that no matter how much ratpiss you stick up your ass. You can not cheat your genetics. If you end up getting "gains" with roids, it was in your genetics anyway. You are better off using roids and not hurting your body because you would have ended up with the same bone mass and features anyway. Use roids only for muscle building, low inhibiton and feeling good at all times. They won't give you bonemass.
I disagree completely. Of course it isn’t in your genetics, it’s an alien substance you’re saturating your body with over time. Do you think it was “in your genetics anyway” if you’re a professional female bodybuilder who takes gear for years, and permanently deepens her voice, and grows her clit? of course not. If your growth plates are still open, and you are a male who is still growing, obviously there is an inevitable amplifying impact that will occur if you let your body get fully saturated with the cycle. Which means that if you take two people with the exact same genetics, one go through the puberty natty, normal, and the other person diligently induces these substances, they both maintain same diet, same sleep, same everything, obviously the person on the substances will suffer the side effects, which in this case, would be linear height, and clavicle width.
I disagree completely. Of course it isn’t in your genetics, it’s an alien substance you’re saturating your body with over time. Do you think it was “in your genetics anyway” if you’re a professional female bodybuilder who takes gear for years, and permanently deepens her voice, and grows her clit? of course not. If your growth plates are still open, and you are a male who is still growing, obviously there is an inevitable amplifying impact that will occur if you let your body get fully saturated with the cycle. Which means that if you take two people with the exact same genetics, one go through the puberty natty, normal, and the other person diligently induces these substances, they both maintain same diet, same sleep, same everything, obviously the person on the substances will suffer the side effects, which in this case, would be linear height, and clavicle width.
not reading allat kys

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