russia is gonna win

who cares about that, its about human lives and history

not some boxing match

russia will become a completely new country if wins, that what matters

and all the westerners gonna be big mad and sad to see russian flag raising above kiyv

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russian win would be end of ukraine existence

win would be insane, after all russians had to endure this years

we will not even celebrate it like stalin didnt make 9 may holiday because of 27 million losses

win is a win

Bro even if war gets a stalemate like Korea, Ukraine is finished, a rump state with incredible migration and no investors because no one would be dumb enough to invest in a former warzone not in NATO.
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@Makhachev Mel Gibson making a movie about child trafficking.
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Idk i saw it in Telegram.

He's very very against mainstream media.
no matter what, if he exposes big names its over for him

chester got killed for that shit
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Махачев реальный шанс остановить войну на норм условиях для обоих сторон был в марте.

Да Путин пустил подливу, проебались, ну и чё, Пригожин в 200 км от Москвы был и холопы сидят тихо и не рыпаються.

Украина была бы целая, люди бы вернулись, а так пидор Джонсон прилетел и все спортил сука британский урод инцел ебаный.

Джонсона и Зеленского повесить надо или головы отрубать.
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no matter what, if he exposes big names its over for him

chester got killed for that shit

Hollywood may cancel him but FOX news / Tucker Carlson / Trump and right wing would be very supportive of him.

They'll just won't show Trump at Epstein parties 😂😂😂
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Махачев реальный шанс остановить войну на норм условиях для обоих сторон был в марте.

Да Путин пустил подливу, проебались, ну и чё, Пригожин в 200 км от Москвы был и холопы сидят тихо и не рыпаються.

Украина была бы целая, люди бы вернулись, а так пидор Джонсон прилетел и все спортил сука британский урод инцел ебаный.

Джонсона и Зеленского повесить надо или головы отрубать.
пригожин говорит что шойгу понял что обосрались в первый же вечер

наверное и элита россии эта понимала и была готова на многое, на любые условия практически

я хз честно можно ли было договориться
  • Ugh..
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пригожин говорит что шойгу понял что обосрались в первый же вечер

наверное и элита россии эта понимала и была готова на многое, на любые условия практически

я хз честно можно ли было договориться

Им надо было в Белгороде начинать, где Белгород и Москва и где Ростов.

Нахуй Ростов был?

Если они и так не мешали работе штаба??

Крч он тоже знатно проебался.

Они бы росгвардий нах передавали.

ИЛИ это все был спектакль.
  • Ugh..
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Им надо было в Белгороде начинать, где Белгород и Москва и где Ростов.

Нахуй Ростов был?

Если они и так не мешали работе штаба??

Крч он тоже знатно проебался.

Они бы росгвардий нах передавали.

ИЛИ это все был спектакль.
а ты про поход вагнера

я говорю что шойгу понял что обосралось сво в первый же вечер 24 февраля

я вообще не ебу что за хуета с этим походом тбх
  • Ugh..
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а ты про поход вагнера

я говорю что шойгу понял что обосралось сво в первый же вечер 24 февраля

я вообще не ебу что за хуета с этим походом тбх

Да Шойгу похуй.

Куколдик бурятский, очень хорош для укр.властей.

Не понимал чё они Пригожина поддержали.
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there is no winning or losing in modern wars. america militarily "won" in both vietnam and afghanistan, but lost support politicially and failed to achieve their goals. russia has the don bas as a buffer between ukraine and crimea, that was their goal, they achieved it and now they just have to hold onto what they want and let ukraine tire itself out trying to retake minefields
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like chinks making constant threads on this site about their vietnam/ korean race superiority ( which isnt true of course)

I saw you lurking in my evisceration thread of Vietnamese cucks just a few hours ago. Is this the reason for this comment? It is true though lmao. Bro, I literally made one single thread on Chinese superiority over Vietnam while the Kinh cuck I eviscerated has made over 100 threads shit talking Chinese and you say Chinese are the one making constant threads.

Anyways, it's true that Chinese are superior to Vietnamese and Koreans just like Russians are superior to other Eastern Europeans and Slavs. You're right that superior races don't concern themselves with inferior races though, I only made that thread because one Vietnamese faggot kept barking relentlessly. While Chinese live in Vietnamese heads' rent-free, Chinese don't think about Vietnamese at all most of the time until Vietcucks start barking. This is mostly because they don't view Vietnamese as a threat at all, more like inferior conquered vassalized barking dogs who's words can't be taken seriously, and they concern themselves more with westerners or other East Asians.

The reason Russia is struggling so hard in Ukraine right now is because they're not resorting to more drastic measures because they don't want to rule over a wasteland. I'm not talking about nukes, they could bomb and drone strike/airstrike the whole country in a week if they wanted to.

Tbh though Russia will become China's vassal soon, just like North Korea is

I saw you lurking in my evisceration thread of Vietnamese cucks just a few hours ago. Is this the reason for this comment? It is true though lmao. Bro, I literally made one single thread on Chinese superiority over Vietnam while the Kinh cuck I eviscerated has made over 100 threads shit talking Chinese and you say Chinese are the one making constant threads.

Anyways, it's true that Chinese are superior to Vietnamese and Koreans just like Russians are superior to other Eastern Europeans and Slavs. You're right that superior races don't concern themselves with inferior races though, I only made that thread because one Vietnamese faggot kept barking relentlessly. While Chinese live in Vietnamese heads' rent-free, Chinese don't think about Vietnamese at all most of the time until Vietcucks start barking. This is mostly because they don't view Vietnamese as a threat at all, more like inferior conquered vassalized barking dogs who's words can't be taken seriously, and they concern themselves more with westerners or other East Asians.

The reason Russia is struggling so hard in Ukraine right now is because they're not resorting to more drastic measures because they don't want to rule over a wasteland. I'm not talking about nukes, they could bomb and drone strike/airstrike the whole country in a week if they wanted to.

Tbh though Russia will become China's vassal soon, just like North Korea is

chinks are superior to vietnamese due to greater contact with whites. you are beneficiaries of white seed. glad to have you join the wmaf family.
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chinks are superior to vietnamese due to greater contact with whites. you are beneficiaries of white seed. glad to have you join the wmaf family.

Are you retarded nigga? 99.99% of Chinese have absolutey zero white YDNA. Meanwhile whites in Eastern Europe and Northern Europe have significant Chinese paternal DNA through Y-Haplogroup N, over 50% in Finland and the Baltics and around 20% in Russia and Sweden. Meanwhile they all have less than 1% maternal Asian mtDNA. It was all AMWF Changs doing the slaughter and genocide and replacing of cuck white men and the mass fucking of prime white women.


"Family Tree DNA's "Finland DNA Project" includes some people who aren't true Finns, but among participants who are ethnic Finns their Y-DNA haplogroups include A-M31, E-M35, E-V13, I-M170, I-M253, I-L258, I-BY2572, L813, N-M231, N-L1022, N-CTS10082, N-Z5893, N-Z1940, N-CTS8445, R-M198, and other haplogroups. Among all project members, haplogroups within N (of eastern origin) are the most common overall with around 59-60% of male members in that, followed by I1 representing about 30% of male members, R1a held by about 3%, R1b by 3%, and the rest including E, J, and Q. Only about 1% of Finnish men have E1b1b1, from Neolithic Farmers from further south in West Asia."

"On the mtDNA side, members of the "Finland DNA Project" belong most often to the mtDNA haplogroups H (about 40%) and U (about 30%). The remainder belong to a medley of D, I, J, HV, R, T, V, W, X, and Z. Finns' mtDNA haplogroups are overwhelmingly European rather than Asian."


If anything Vietnamese have more white DNA than the homogeneous Chinese due to Vietnam War rape. Only Mongols and Kazakhs have a bit of white YDNA but they have significantly more white mtDNA than YDNA, and Asian YDNA literally replaced white YDNA in Mongolia with a "male-mediated rise in East Asian ancestry" while Asians added white mtDNA to their gene pool.



Tldr you are having schizo delusions, we both know it was AMWF and not WMAF. East Asians ruled the world for 99% of history and are about to rule again. Nun but cold hard facts.


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Who cares bro, go and redeem points Chaco Guerrero type shit injit
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The West knows they are losing and that their plans for a New World Order are crumbling. The Wagner coup was an act of desperation.

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