SARMs Quick Reference for retarded noob gymcels



Here to help.
Sep 1, 2023
As someone with extensive experience with SARMs, (used them, been around people who have used, still use and are planning on using them, in addition to a myriad of anabolic compounds) scrolling through these threads about SARMs gives me monkey AIDS.

I'm writing this quick reference so you know what each of the SARMs were designed to do, their selectivity and my personal recommended dose so that you cunts don't go giving yourself jaundice or a heart attack. Will include other similar compounds as well that are frequently stacked with SARMs because I know midgetcels love inhaling HGH secretagogues like water.

I won't tell you where to get SARMs as I'm not sure of the rule surrounding that, but if you look hard enough you will find them and I've seen good sources mentioned here before. Just don't go buying someones $10 bathtub batch to try and save money. It's not worth it.

If you're experienced with SARMs, this thread ain't for you. Keep scrolling lil bro.

Yeah I know I'm a greycel. Fuck you too.

SARM Quick Reference

MK-2866 Ostarine (Enobosarm)
First developed to assist muscle and bone wasting diseases, who gives a fuck though. Ostarine is the weakest SARM and is a good choice for first-time SARMers. Side effects are relatively tame and include the usual, being acne, hair loss, increased sweating, irritability et cetera, but in many cases will be so minimal to the point where you won't notice. Ostarine is much more selective than testosterone, but being the weakest SARM is outperformed in pretty much every aspect by any other SARM.
I've seen good results from Ostarine in here but in general the results will be humbler than those of say RAD140 or LGD4033. Suppression from Ostarine is also minor, so PCT will probably not be needed (saving money for poorcels)

Ideal for: Bulking and cutting
Half-life: 24 hours
Suggested daily dosage: 10mg - 20mg
Do not exceed: 25mg

Absolutely fucking brutal. If you're on looksmax trying to find SARM advice, don't use this shit. Sides include high test suppression, breast tissue swelling and increases in blood pressure and body temperature, so pretty serious shit. Additionally, very hard to actually find a legit source as the OG people making this stopped doing it. I'm not giving you suggestions because I don't wanna be involved in any heart attacks from retards taking double what I say is reasonable.

LGD-4033 Ligandrol
This one is pretty good. People debate whether this or RAD140 is better, but generally speaking, these are the 2 most used "strong" SARMs. LGD-4033 should put on more "mass" than RAD140 but whether that mass is lean is a different question, as LGD increases water retention. LGD has a selectivity of 500:1 which technically makes it many hundreds times stronger than testosterone mg for mg, and also makes it the strongest SARM ever synthesised. This is one that I have used and I did like the results, ended up putting on about 10kg in 8 weeks with the dosages I'll list below. Like I said before this is a "quick" reference, so do more research before jumping into anything. Side effects include the usual suppression, which can result in hair loss, excessive sweating, lack of libido et cetera, but actually very rarely reports any gynecomastia (man boobs) developing, which is definitely a positive. Very good and powerful when used responsibly.

Ideal for: Bulking
Half-life: 30 hours
Suggested daily dosage: 3mg - 7.5mg
Do not exceed: 10mg

RAD-140 Testolone
Probably the most commonly referenced SARM I've ever seen and for good reason. Super good lean gains, will get you putting on good amounts of lean mass. Selectivity of 90:1, so still good selectivity but not the best. RAD140 is the SARM you most hear about having side effects, shit like hair loss, loss of sex drive, a lot of suppression and potentially making your tits bigger. Additionally, RAD has the most commented on psychological side effects, including high levels of irritability and anger. Whether or not that is worth it is up to you, but in general RAD is what you'd go for if you're comfortable taking on a stronger SARM and you're focused on putting on quality, lean mass, rather than just any mass you can get. Keep in mind this has a long half-life so you can get away with taking it once every 2-3 days with no issue.

Ideal for: Bulking and cutting
Half-life: 60 hours
Suggested daily dosage: 5mg - 10mg if beginner, 10-20mg if experienced
Do not exceed: 30mg

Supplements, PCT and closing notes

All SARMs should be taken with a liver-supporting supplement, no two ways about it.
The best in the business is NAC or N-Acetyl Cysteine, which tastes like absolute dogshit (imagine citric acid and rotten eggs) but is bearable if you mix it in water with an electrolyte tablet and have it before you hit the gym. You can get a 250g pack of this stuff for super cheap, and it's not worth skipping it because the damage you can do to your liver is pretty severe, and can be extremely painful (take it from me).
I'd recommend mixing about 1 gram of NAC (don't worry too much about how much you put it, too much isn't bad) with some water and dropping an electrolyte tablet or preworkout in and mixing it together. DO NOT DRY SCOOP IT. If this shit gets stuck in your mouth somehow, you will be burping rotten eggs for 8 hours straight and it is not pleasant.
Other options for liver support include Milk Thistle and Dandelion Root but IMO that shit is ass, just stick with the tried and tested NAC. It's used in medical practice and is proven to work.
Furthermore on the note of liver damage, please try your best not to drink alcohol while on cycle. You don't need two things fucking up your liver at once. If you REALLY need to drink, don't dose on the day you're drinking and take EXTRA NAC. The side effects from NOT doing this can and will be extremely painful (think "I've just been shot in the stomach") take it from me.

Side effects and PCT
Some SARMs, especially LGD and RAD will need PCT on a dose-dependant basis. If you're young and fit your levels should bounce back without too much issue given enough time. If you'd rather be on the safe side, there are SERMs and AIs available that can act as post-cycle therapy should you need it. If you're taking high dosages of LGD (think 10mg for 8 weeks) or RAD140 (20mg for 8 weeks) you're gonna want to PCT. SARMs act on a diminishing returns basis, so dosages that high and rarely actually needed, but retards on here will do whatever they think will make them get laid, so I'm putting it out there so you know. Happy to do a full writeup on this as well if requested.
Other side effects I didn't list include them fucking with your cholesterol, more in-depth shit like balances between estrogen and testosterone levels and liver enzymes. If you seriously want to do SARMs, you need to research that shit for yourself.
Most side effects are dose-dependant, meaning they will get worse as your dosages increase. Do with that what you will.

Some people take other things like Cardarine and MK677 on top of SARMs in a stack. I can write more about this but that's all I could be fucked to write right now because I don't know if people are even going to read this. Happy to add more if it's requested.

Closing Notes

In general, please stay safe and use these compounds responsibly. They are research chemicals and have no studies done on their long-term effects. Yes, you don't have to inject your ass with liquids and you can just swallow shit out of a dropper, but as harmless as it seems these are serious compounds and should be taken seriously. Please do proper research before starting a cycle. This is a guide designed to tell you where to look to achieve your goals, not the bible of dosages and cycle length.
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saty natty kids
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  • JFL
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saty natty kids
seriously the amount of retards i see in here taking retard dosages to put on 5kg amazes me. some good results too, but these niggas need to do more research
please talk about mk 667

MK-677 Nutrobal Ibutamoren
MK-677 is often called a SARM by the uneducated but is actually not, it's a growth hormone secretagogue. This means that it increases the level of hGH (human growth hormone) in your body, which is completely irrelevant to what SARMs do, which is bind to androgen receptors. The most common uses of MK-677 recreationally are to increase your appetite, which it does incredibly effectively, and also decreasing recovery time at the gym. MK-677 has a long list of benefits not only for gym but also lifestyle, including benefiting the growth of just about everything in your body, including repairing muscle tissue faster, increasing nail and hair growth, increasing sleep quality, improving bone density and improving your immune system. Unfortunately there's always gonna be side effects to these sort of compounds. For MK-677 these include water retention, alleged faster growth of pre-existing cancer cells, lethargy, increased appetite, and intensified dreams (for some fucking reason). MK also has the MOST notable side effect of reducing insulin sensitivity and heightening blood sugar levels, which, when left unchecked can lead you to become hypoglycemic or in the worst case, leave you with type 2 diabetes. This should ideally be monitored with a blood sugar monitor, but if you're not going to do that, keep an eye on your carb and refined sugar intake and try to keep it relatively low or as low as realistically possible. If you're genetically predisposed to t2 diabetes (family members have it, etc) don't use MK. If you become anxious, lightheaded or shaky, these are signs of hypoglycemia and you should stop using MK immediately.

Ideal for: Bulking
Half-life: 5 hours, IGF1 levels remain elevated for up to 24 hours.
Suggested daily dosage: 10mg
Do not exceed: 25mg
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MK-677 Nutrobal Ibutamoren
MK-677 is often called a SARM by the uneducated but is actually not, it's a growth hormone secretagogue. This means that it increases the level of hGH (human growth hormone) in your body, which is completely irrelevant to what SARMs do, which is bind to androgen receptors. The most common uses of MK-677 recreationally are to increase your appetite, which it does incredibly effectively, and also decreasing recovery time at the gym. MK-677 has a long list of benefits not only for gym but also lifestyle, including benefiting the growth of just about everything in your body, including repairing muscle tissue faster, increasing nail and hair growth, increasing sleep quality, improving bone density and improving your immune system. Unfortunately there's always gonna be side effects to these sort of compounds. For MK-677 these include water retention, alleged faster growth of pre-existing cancer cells, lethargy, increased appetite, and intensified dreams (for some fucking reason). MK also has the MOST notable side effect of reducing insulin sensitivity and heightening blood sugar levels, which, when left unchecked can lead you to become hypoglycemic or in the worst case, leave you with type 2 diabetes. This should ideally be monitored with a blood sugar monitor, but if you're not going to do that, keep an eye on your carb and refined sugar intake and try to keep it relatively low or as low as realistically possible. If you're genetically predisposed to t2 diabetes (family members have it, etc) don't use MK. If you become anxious, lightheaded or shaky, these are signs of hypoglycemia and you should stop using MK immediately.

Ideal for: Bulking
Half-life: 5 hours, IGF1 levels remain elevated for up to 24 hours.
Suggested daily dosage: 10mg
Do not exceed: 25mg
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MK-677 Nutrobal Ibutamoren
MK-677 is often called a SARM by the uneducated but is actually not, it's a growth hormone secretagogue. This means that it increases the level of hGH (human growth hormone) in your body, which is completely irrelevant to what SARMs do, which is bind to androgen receptors. The most common uses of MK-677 recreationally are to increase your appetite, which it does incredibly effectively, and also decreasing recovery time at the gym. MK-677 has a long list of benefits not only for gym but also lifestyle, including benefiting the growth of just about everything in your body, including repairing muscle tissue faster, increasing nail and hair growth, increasing sleep quality, improving bone density and improving your immune system. Unfortunately there's always gonna be side effects to these sort of compounds. For MK-677 these include water retention, alleged faster growth of pre-existing cancer cells, lethargy, increased appetite, and intensified dreams (for some fucking reason). MK also has the MOST notable side effect of reducing insulin sensitivity and heightening blood sugar levels, which, when left unchecked can lead you to become hypoglycemic or in the worst case, leave you with type 2 diabetes. This should ideally be monitored with a blood sugar monitor, but if you're not going to do that, keep an eye on your carb and refined sugar intake and try to keep it relatively low or as low as realistically possible. If you're genetically predisposed to t2 diabetes (family members have it, etc) don't use MK. If you become anxious, lightheaded or shaky, these are signs of hypoglycemia and you should stop using MK immediately.

Ideal for: Bulking
Half-life: 5 hours, IGF1 levels remain elevated for up to 24 hours.
Suggested daily dosage: 10mg
Do not exceed: 25mg
thx gonna read
fuck man, heightmaxxing without taking the risk of cancers is impossible
  • So Sad
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fuck man, heightmaxxing without taking the risk of cancers is impossible
Anything that increases "growth" will increase the growth of everything, including cancer cells. Whether it actually increases risk of cancer itself is up for debate, but if you ALREADY HAVE cancer, it will make the cancer grow faster.
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dnr + greycel
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MK-677 Nutrobal Ibutamoren
MK-677 is often called a SARM by the uneducated but is actually not, it's a growth hormone secretagogue. This means that it increases the level of hGH (human growth hormone) in your body, which is completely irrelevant to what SARMs do, which is bind to androgen receptors. The most common uses of MK-677 recreationally are to increase your appetite, which it does incredibly effectively, and also decreasing recovery time at the gym. MK-677 has a long list of benefits not only for gym but also lifestyle, including benefiting the growth of just about everything in your body, including repairing muscle tissue faster, increasing nail and hair growth, increasing sleep quality, improving bone density and improving your immune system. Unfortunately there's always gonna be side effects to these sort of compounds. For MK-677 these include water retention, alleged faster growth of pre-existing cancer cells, lethargy, increased appetite, and intensified dreams (for some fucking reason). MK also has the MOST notable side effect of reducing insulin sensitivity and heightening blood sugar levels, which, when left unchecked can lead you to become hypoglycemic or in the worst case, leave you with type 2 diabetes. This should ideally be monitored with a blood sugar monitor, but if you're not going to do that, keep an eye on your carb and refined sugar intake and try to keep it relatively low or as low as realistically possible. If you're genetically predisposed to t2 diabetes (family members have it, etc) don't use MK. If you become anxious, lightheaded or shaky, these are signs of hypoglycemia and you should stop using MK immediately.

Ideal for: Bulking
Half-life: 5 hours, IGF1 levels remain elevated for up to 24 hours.
Suggested daily dosage: 10mg
Do not exceed: 25mg
Can i take 5mg everyday
Ostarine fucked me up permanently and I never felt the same after it, so now I'm on trt for life
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Ostarine fucked me up permanently and I never felt the same after it, so now I'm on trt for life
How much Ostarine did you take bro and for how long? That's practically unheard of unless you had pre-existing medical issues
How much Ostarine did you take bro and for how long? That's practically unheard of unless you had pre-existing medical issues
That's very weird studies tested 50mg on humans and didn't notice any weird side effect, that nigga may have took 500mg
Water is wet and mk is shit.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
really good thread, thanks for you work fellow brocel
You forgot YK-11 and S23(strongest sarm)
Most beginner sarmcels don't use that shit, basically why I didn't cover it. There's loads more SARMs as well.
Not but after trying Ostarine and then Rad, the next step up are those.
do sarms give you the same effects shoulder/trap wise as roids do or even similar? I noticed in my gym all roid heads have cannon delts
do sarms give you the same effects shoulder/trap wise as roids do or even similar? I noticed in my gym all roid heads have cannon delts
I’ve been going to the gym for consistently for 5 years now, I don’t want to be natural anymore, at the same time I don’t want to be on on trt for rest of my life so I won’t be doing steroids anytime soon.

Whay sarms would u suggest If I want to look unnatural? I’ll run 1~3 cycles to put on much pass as possible than go just maintain.
I’ve been going to the gym for consistently for 5 years now, I don’t want to be natural anymore, at the same time I don’t want to be on on trt for rest of my life so I won’t be doing steroids anytime soon.

Whay sarms would u suggest If I want to look unnatural? I’ll run 1~3 cycles to put on much pass as possible than go just maintain.
For the first 2 cycles, for mass, consider LGD4033 and MK677, and for your final cycle consider a leaner compound such as RAD140, and you could always mix in something more potent like YK11 or S23, but DYOR on those. If you did just RAD140 you could include Clenbuterol to get shredded but that is quite dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.
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