Saw this hot girl in the gym



Sep 27, 2018
was my type srs, white, brownish hair color, nice ass etc. omfg, im love.

im going to focus on school etc, and get my surgeries asap, also get lean. no more fcking around, no more fcking rotting.

also going to the gym the same time as today, so i can hopefully see her there everyday
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You got this man :feelsokman:
There is seriously something motivating about seeing a hot chick. A few months ago I saw this chick that was PRIME jb. She was like 15, 5'4 perfect ass and face, nice sized tits, long dark hair and everything. She was also in one of those short cheerleading skirts with fishnets. Literally just looking at her improved my mood. Motivated me to looksmaxx more than anything else
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was my type srs, white, brownish hair color, nice ass etc. omfg, im love.

im going to focus on school etc, and get my surgeries asap, also get lean. no more fcking around, no more fcking rotting.

also going to the gym the same time as today, so i can hopefully see her there everyday
2 years ago I saw a perfect girl in the gym... 8/10 wearing a sexy top clothing...
There is seriously something motivating about seeing a hot chick. A few months ago I saw this chick that was PRIME jb. She was like 15, 5'4 perfect ass and face, nice sized tits, long dark hair and everything. She was also in one of those short cheerleading skirts with fishnets. Literally just looking at her improved my mood. Motivated me to looksmaxx more than anything else
Thats the cuck compensation mechanism that is wired into our brain. @Dude420 We seek the options to compensate for the sexual pleasure a foid gives us, since we cannot give that pleasure back to her. So we try to compensate with money, care etc. Since you are a looksmaxer, you try to compensate by a more efficient way. But thats how it works in any male.
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Didn’t know you had gyms in India.
Thats the cuck compensation mechanism that is wired into our brain. @Dude420 We seek the options to compensate for the sexual pleasure a foid gives us, since we cannot give that pleasure back to her. So we try to compensate with money, care etc. Since you are a looksmaxer, you try to compensate by a more efficient way. But thats how it works in any male.

But the bottom line is we are all cucks in a way, everyone wants to attract foids to fuck them(ideally the hottest ones) which affects the underlying motivation behind everything we do.
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But the bottom line is we are all cucks in a way, everyone wants to attract foids to fuck them(ideally the hottest ones) which after the underlying motivation behind everything we do.
Yes, and betacucks instantly become pleasing providers as soon as they see a girl, they try to flatter and please her, help her, care, support etc. And that all happens for no reason except that they want to compensate for their inability, that happens instinctively. Can we excel that limitation and be free from such motivations flowing through our brain when we see hot foid which is appealing to us? We will get much resources for ourselves and wont spend them on foids. We need to stricten ourselves in terms of providing ANY FUCKIN RESOURCE to foids. Thats how I see a way to excel beyond a cuck along with the monk type limit of one sided sexual pleasure we receive from foids without giving it back.
Yes, and betacucks instantly become pleasing providers as soon as they see a girl, they try to flatter and please her, help her, care, support etc. And that all happens for no reason except that they want to compensate for their inability, that happens instinctively. Can we excel that limitation and be free from such motivations flowing through our brain when we see hot foid which is appealing to us? We will get much resources for ourselves and wont spend them on foids. We need to stricten ourselves in terms of providing ANY FUCKIN RESOURCE to foids. Thats how I see a way to excel beyond a cuck along with the monk type limit of one sided sexual pleasure we receive from foids without giving it back.

You can, but it is all cope because if you were GigaChad from rich inheritance you wouldn't feel compelled to make such a choice since you wouldn't need to be such a cuck to obtain foids attention. Because of your PSL, you feel obliged to reach a certain cuckness level, particularly in this modern world where women have more leverage than they used to since they mainly don't rely on males as much for subsistence and protection, which consequently increased the cuckness level requirement. This isn't how you idealistically would have liked things to be, add to the fact that society provide you with new diverse sources of pleasure, and you now ask yourself if the level of self-sacrifice cuckness is worth the reward (female partnership) compared to the rewards of just doing things purely for yourself, a lot of evolutionary mismatches interaction with one another brought us to this weird place that manifests itself as a maladapted behavioral output because our evolved nature is fine tune towards maximizing fitness, our nature can now fundamentally work against his ultimate goal due to environmental radical changes interacting with particular individual dispositions.
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You can, but it is all cope because if you were GigaChad from rich inheritance you wouldn't feel compelled to make such a choice since you wouldn't need to be such a cuck to obtain foids attention. Because of your PSL, you feel obliged to reach a certain cuckness level, particularly in this modern world where women have more leverage than they used to since they mainly don't rely on males as much for subsistence and protection, which consequently increased the cuckness level requirement. This isn't how you idealistically would have liked things to be, add to the fact that society provide you with new diverse sources of pleasure, and you now ask yourself if the level of self-sacrifice cuckness is worth the reward (female partnership) compared to the rewards of just doing things purely for yourself, a lot of evolutionary mismatches interaction with one another brought us to this weird place that manifests itself as a maladapted behavioral output because our evolved nature is fine tune towards maximizing fitness, our nature can now fundamentally work against his ultimate goal due to environmental radical changes interacting with particular individual dispositions.
Yes, I am far from being an attractive male, so I am a cuck by definition with all actions being from the perspective of the cuck. I am not even questioning that all of the sacrifices are worth it or not. In my personal opinion, looksmaxing is the best option out there to cope. Moreover, being able to refrain myself from being emerged in a cuckness other than looksmaxing is a better stragery of coping. Thats a strategy of course, not the way to alter things around by persuading myself that my actions and thoughts are not bound by my looks level and consequently my SMV. But being able to refrain myself from the totally cuck beta male strategy of how our brain works is a good idea I think. Overcoming the inner compensation mechanism is a must to live it a healthy way. I dont want to be a robotic mechanism which seeks the way to please woman cause of my inability to be a natural GL male. Accepting the reality of being a cuck and nurturing the cuckoldry mechanism ingrained in our brain are completely different things in my opinion.
Yes, I am far from being an attractive male, so I am a cuck by definition with all actions being from the perspective of the cuck. I am not even questioning that all of the sacrifices are worth it or not. In my personal opinion, looksmaxing is the best option out there to cope. Moreover, being able to refrain myself from being emerged in a cuckness other than looksmaxing is a better stragery of coping. Thats a strategy of course, not the way to alter things around by persuading myself that my actions and thoughts are not bound by my looks level and consequently my SMV. But being able to refrain myself from the totally cuck beta male strategy of how our brain works is a good idea I think. Overcoming the inner compensation mechanism is a must to live it a healthy way. I dont want to be a robotic mechanism which seeks the way to please woman cause of my inability to be a natural GL male. Accepting the reality of being a cuck and nurturing the cuckoldry mechanism ingrained in our brain are completely different things in my opinion.

It is all nice and fun until you really want to attract a foid and start entering in a relationship with her, she will force you to get the cuck out of you and you will have to comply otherwise she won't have sex with you/cheat on you/leave you. Why should she stay with a subhuman, you need to incentivize her to stay, incentivize her to stay is being a cuck because the old fashion of forced marriage and the threatening strategy of beating her(using your superior strength as leverage in the relationship power dynamic) if she doesn't do as your liking isn't a possibility anymore, foids possess the power. If you are not a cuck that can compensate enough for your deficient PSL she will find someone else that can give her a better deal. Again there is no escape from this other than restraining from relationships/game but that's all cope through sex drive repression, which isn't much of a win.
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It is all nice and fun until you really want to attract a foid and start entering in a relationship with her, she will force you to get the cuck out of you and you will have to comply otherwise she won't have sex with you/cheat on you/leave you. Why should she stay with a subhuman, you need to incentivize her to stay, incentivize her to stay is being a cuck because the old fashion of forced marriage and the threatening strategy of beating her(using your superior strength as leverage in the power relationship dynamic) if she doesn't do as your liking isn't a possibility anymore, foids possess the power. If you are not a cuck that can compensate enough for your deficient PSL she will find someone else that can give her a better deal. Again there is no escape from this other than restraining from relationships/game but that's all cope through sex drive repression, which isn't much of a win.
I never said I will engage into such kind of cuck relationship, even if I could. If my PSL is enough for getting the type of stand I want, I will go for it. But if I cannot attain it, I wont settle for anything lower, at least from the mindset I have now. Refraining is the only option, refraining furthermore from supressing the compensation mechanism in our daily live interactions with foids is even better. So its cope till you rope strategy for me.
Hot female = judgement of nature. You want to prove yourself worthy of her, or else she rejects you and puts you in your place. She can be the greatest motivator, or the greatest cause of nihilism. If you aren't JBPmaxxing, you aren't even maxxing at all.
Hot female = judgement of nature. You want to prove yourself worthy of her, or else she rejects you and puts you in your place. She can be the greatest motivator, or the greatest cause of nihilism. If you aren't JBPmaxxing, you aren't even maxxing at all.
But the thing is if you have not already proven yourself with your looks level, every other attempt to prove yourself is a cuck way of doing things tbh. Eventually you can attract a foid with a redpill cuck toolbox like money, personality etc. and she could even consider you being a good piece of cuck for some sort of relationship not in your favor. Why do you need that anyway if you will fail in delivering the only objective value as a male, and will need to force yourself into eternal cycle of compensation. The healthy way of doing things is to supress such urges from the beginning and dont waste any of your resource for a foid.
But the thing is if you have not already proven yourself with your looks level, every other attempt to prove yourself is a cuck way of doing things tbh. Eventually you can attract a foid with a redpill cuck toolbox like money, personality etc. and she could even consider you being a good piece of cuck for some sort of relationship not in your favor. Why do you need that anyway if you will fail in delivering the main objective value as a male, and will need to force yourself into eternal cycle of compensation. The healthy way of doing things is to supress such urges from the beginning and dont waste any of your resource for a foid.
Not denying what you're saying. But a lot of times the "cuck" way if doing it is the only way if you aren't very attractive. What would you rather: having a woman who is content with your looks, and likes your for your money/status, vs. going in circles trying to be a Chad when you're just not. Pick.
Not denying what you're saying. But a lot of times the "cuck" way if doing it is the only way if you aren't very attractive. What would you rather: having a woman who is content with your looks, and likes your for your money/status, vs. going in circles trying to be a Chad when you're just not. Pick.
I am going for the second option. I have already mentioned it, cope till you rope strategy. Better to refrain than nurture the cuck brain wiring.
And it is not only for chad who gets occasional ONS tbh, chad is just an extreme.
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I am going for the second option. I have already mentioned it, cope till you rope strategy. Better to refrain than nurture the cuck brain wiring.
And it is not only for chad that gets occasional ONS tbh, chad is just an extreme.
It's not clear which choice is the best. My protocol is to try to looksmax a lot over the next few years, and then try to see if I succeed in (or even like) the slayer lifestyle. If there's a girl I like, and she clearly likes me too, I might consider a relationship, maybe.
I never said I will engage into such kind of cuck relationship, even if I could. If my PSL is enough for getting the type of stand I want, I will go for it. But if I cannot attain it, I wont settle for anything lower, at least from the mindset I have now. Refraining is the only option, refraining furthermore from supressing the compensation mechanism in our daily live interactions with foids is even better. So its cope till you rope strategy for me.

The type of stand you want is already a form of cuck acceptance. If you are honest with yourself you would want a GigaStacy that is all over you, that respond to all your desires, UltimateChad get this, but you won't ever get that, you are making cuck comprises even in your wishful expectations because of your unconscious cuck coping mechanisms. But let say you get a reasonable deal according to your expectations, your with the foid for a year, and she starts being less sexually consenting, you make a small compromise, because you won't blow everything up because she asked you for a small compromise on your part. Then you have kids, and she increases her requirements, plus you feel threatened she might cheat on you based on evidence outside your relationships, what do you do? you love your kids, you invested a lot in this relationship, you don't want to blow everything up, she says she just want you to do this one thing to make her happy, you are forced to comply to save things and stop her rage/crazy behavior, slowly, but surely, you are cucking yourself more and more until before you know it you are a full fledge cuck submitting to an average entitled foid giving limited starfish sex. That is the reality of the current world we are living in where men lost most of their power, as much as you would like things to be different, there is no escape, unless you are a red pill relationship game copper (honestly could help a little but extremely limited). SMV(mostly PSL) is the only thing that gives you some leverage, as long as she can't find a better deal elsewhere you have leverage to that degree. But if she can, she will ask you to be a better servant cuck, or she won't mind throwing crazy tantrums at you until you comply since she has options if you don't.
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@Dude420 I have already adressed that in the previous question. I will select the second option, not engage into a cuck behavious where I compensate with something else that my SMV. That rises from the mindset more than anything else. Either you supress that mechanism or not. I am willing to supress, but of course we are wired that way and this is not an easy thing to do, but incels are already disadvantaged at the rope level, so that is reasonable to live in a disadvantaged and painful way.
@Dude420 I have already adressed that in the previous question. I will select the second option, not engage into a cuck behavious where I compensate with something else that my SMV. That rises from the mindset more than anything else. Either you supress that mechanism or not. I am willing to supress, but of course we are wired that way and this is not an easy thing to do, but incels are already disadvantaged at the rope level, so that is reasonable to live in a disadvantaged and painful way.

What if she met your requirement at the beginning and engage in a relationship with her, and now you have children with her, and it is 50% of your wealth with continual child support alimony if you separate her and you don't truly have other options in terms of foids and you see yourself being forced into being a cuck, what happens?
What if she met your requirement at the beginning and engage in a relationship with her, and now you have children with her, and it is 50% of your wealth with continual child support alimony if you separate her and you don't truly have other options in terms of foids and you see yourself being forced into being a cuck, what happens?
Well, there is no more apparent cuckoldry than long term relationships. No male if had an option will select that if given a chance the girl will be into him but no obligations and the ability to freely design your own life. In case of LTR you are limiting yourself af.
Well, there is no more apparent cuckoldry than long term relationships. No male if had an option will select that if given a chance the girl will be into him but no obligations and the ability to freely design your own life. In case of LTR you are limiting yourself af.

So no LTR and kids for you in your life plan if I understand correctly?
So no LTR and kids for you in your life plan if I understand correctly?
LTR and LTR with children are often about how it usual is, a cuck scheme of relationship. There can be speculation on whether the ideal LTR is possible or not, but overall no LTR with children for me if we mean the usual cuck LTR. Overall, there is no way to secure LTR without compensating af, but I dont see even point in securing it. So, there automatically cannot be an efficient LTR overall. Who the fuck needs it then. I have not decided about the kids yet tbh.
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Potentially I also had same mentality and thats how I lost 30kgs.
You should have bought her supplements worth $500.
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Grab her by the pussy.

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