Seborrheic dermatitis dandruff: How it ruins your hair, collagen and promotes fungal acne on your forehead. And how to fix it.



I am the dude on my profile picture (really)
Sep 18, 2020
First what the fuck is seborrheic dermatitis? Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp of your head. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. It affecting the oily areas such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows can totally ruin your collagen, promote acne and is a bitch to have



This is what will happen to your face if you don't treat it

@thickdickdaddy27 is a user that got this, and I also had it. But It's starting to fix up lately.

How does seborrheic dermatitis starts?: An inflammatory reaction to excess Malassezia yeast, an organism that normally lives on the skin's surface, is the likely cause of seborrheic dermatitis. The Malessezia overgrows and the immune system seems to overreact to it, leading to an inflammatory response that results in skin changes. Most of the time it's environnemental or because of hair products you tried on before.

Even if you shower everyday it will form form and form again again and again

How to fix it?

1. First of all before anything, shower and make sure to wash your hair AND YOUR SCALP (get rid of all dandruffs there) many times and the spots on your face that got seborrheic dermatitis.
2. Buy a shampoo called

after you finish showering, wait and put this shampoo on your head and let it go (don't wash your hair, just put the shampoo on your hair, make sure it goes on your scalp but don't let it go on ur face as it will make it super red, this is only a hair / scalp treatement)

Buy a product called

This is a corticosteroid cream, put it all over your scalp in your head and in the spots on your face where the dandruff forms, then sleep tight

BOOM. You just fixed it.
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Does this also work for dandruff in general. I don't think I have a severe form of this as you described, but more like a slightly annoying mild version of dandruff on my head.

Or would it be overkill? Usually, these anti-dandruff shampoos don't work for me though, so I might give it a shot.
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Does this also work for dandruff in general. I don't think I have a severe form of this as you described, but more like a slightly annoying mild version of dandruff on my head.

Or would it be overkill? Usually, these anti-dandruff shampoos don't work for me though, so I might give it a shot.
If the dandruff you got look like the one in the pictuers I put then yes

The ones I posted literally gives you such irritation and red shit that you keep scraching it

If it's normal dandruff, shower everyday/ every 2 days and make sure to clean your hair good and you good
Bump in case
First what the fuck is seborrheic dermatitis? Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp of your head. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. It affecting the oily areas such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows can totally ruin your collagen, promote acne and is a bitch to have

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View attachment 1574078
This is what will happen to your face if you don't treat it

@thickdickdaddy27 is a user that got this, and I also had it. But It's starting to fix up lately.

How does seborrheic dermatitis starts?: An inflammatory reaction to excess Malassezia yeast, an organism that normally lives on the skin's surface, is the likely cause of seborrheic dermatitis. The Malessezia overgrows and the immune system seems to overreact to it, leading to an inflammatory response that results in skin changes. Most of the time it's environnemental or because of hair products you tried on before.

Even if you shower everyday it will form form and form again again and again

How to fix it?

1. First of all before anything, shower and make sure to wash your hair AND YOUR SCALP (get rid of all dandruffs there) many times and the spots on your face that got seborrheic dermatitis.
2. Buy a shampoo called View attachment 1574082
after you finish showering, wait and put this shampoo on your head and let it go (don't wash your hair, just put the shampoo on your hair, make sure it goes on your scalp but don't let it go on ur face as it will make it super red, this is only a hair / scalp treatement)

Buy a product called View attachment 1574085
This is a corticosteroid cream, put it all over your scalp in your head and in the spots on your face where the dandruff forms, then sleep tight

BOOM. You just fixed it.
Wow I literally have had this for the last few months but I thought it was just from the dry winter. But the pic of the guys face and scalp is exactly what I have.

I have nizoral is that also a good shampoo?

I’m gonna buy the cream now
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is this the same for psoriasis ?
Wow I literally have had this for the last few months but I thought it was just from the dry winter. But the pic of the guys face and scalp is exactly what I have.

I have nizoral is that also a good shampoo?

I’m gonna buy the cream now
Buy that cream or something similar to it. It will fix your scalp overnight.

Nizoral is good for the inside of hair but scalp will still get dandruff
Buy that cream or something similar to it. It will fix your scalp overnight.

Nizoral is good for the inside of hair but scalp will still get dandruff
If the cream fixes the scalp why do I need the shampoo too?

Also will the cream get rid of the inflammation on the nose and that area
  • +1
Reactions: alriodai
First what the fuck is seborrheic dermatitis? Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp of your head. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. It affecting the oily areas such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows can totally ruin your collagen, promote acne and is a bitch to have

View attachment 1574077
View attachment 1574078
This is what will happen to your face if you don't treat it

@thickdickdaddy27 is a user that got this, and I also had it. But It's starting to fix up lately.

How does seborrheic dermatitis starts?: An inflammatory reaction to excess Malassezia yeast, an organism that normally lives on the skin's surface, is the likely cause of seborrheic dermatitis. The Malessezia overgrows and the immune system seems to overreact to it, leading to an inflammatory response that results in skin changes. Most of the time it's environnemental or because of hair products you tried on before.

Even if you shower everyday it will form form and form again again and again

How to fix it?

1. First of all before anything, shower and make sure to wash your hair AND YOUR SCALP (get rid of all dandruffs there) many times and the spots on your face that got seborrheic dermatitis.
2. Buy a shampoo called View attachment 1574082
after you finish showering, wait and put this shampoo on your head and let it go (don't wash your hair, just put the shampoo on your hair, make sure it goes on your scalp but don't let it go on ur face as it will make it super red, this is only a hair / scalp treatement)

Buy a product called View attachment 1574085
This is a corticosteroid cream, put it all over your scalp in your head and in the spots on your face where the dandruff forms, then sleep tight

BOOM. You just fixed it.

When I was on testosterone (steroids), I had this problem. It was extreme.

Soon as I got off it began to improve.

Hormones play a massive role in this, if your hormones are out of whack this is your bodies way of telling you.

Rubbing shampoos and shit is just masking the problem. You need to identify the root cause, our ancestors didn't have this shit.
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If the cream fixes the scalp why do I need the shampoo too?

Also will the cream get rid of the inflammation on the nose and that area
Because the dandruff will still form inside ur hair. U cant put the cream inside ur hair. Only scalp u get it.

Yes the cream will get rid and will make ur skin smoother too
When I was on testosterone (steroids), I had this problem. It was extreme.

Soon as I got off it began to improve.

Hormones play a massive role in this, if your hormones are out of whack this is your bodies way of telling you.

Rubbing shampoos and shit is just masking the problem. You need to identify the root cause, our ancestors didn't have this shit.
It worked for me tbh. What worked for u?
It worked for me tbh. What worked for u?

Coming off testosterone (steroids) and just washing my hair normally (anti dandruff shampoo) and it cleared up. its no joke it literally is like scales growing on you.
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Coming off testosterone (steroids) and just washing my hair normally (anti dandruff shampoo) and it cleared up. its no joke it literally is like scales growing on you.
I tried showering everyday and it didnt work for me

Anti dandruff shampoos were cope too. Only theses worked for me tbh

I guess its how everybody reacts to the products
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I also had severe seborrheic dermatitis, which is genetical because my mother also has it

I found out that reducing carbohydrates in my diet (specifically i removed bread just, not sugar), and that made large improvements in my condition, it's just that my skin sheds significantly less.. Gut microbiome may also contribute to skin issues according to my experience

@Bewusst also has seborrheic dermatitis, may he discuss some tips
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Reactions: Elvisandreaa and Bewusst
I also had severe seborrheic dermatitis, which is genetical because my mother also has it

I found out that reducing carbohydrates in my diet (specifically i removed bread just, not sugar), and that made large improvements in my condition, it's just that my skin sheds significantly less.. Gut microbiome may also contribute to skin issues according to my experience

@Bewusst also has seborrheic dermatitis, may he discuss some tips
Second that. Wheat/bread definitely exacerbates seb derm ime. Fasting helps. Unlike most people with seb derm, mine is usually worse in the summer than in the winter due to increased skin moisture/sebum production and sweating
will try this when i use nizoral + charcoal shampoo it goes away temporary but if i forget to one day then my scalp starts to get sore and flaky again i hope it works i just want a normal scalp so i can get a hair transplant :cry:

Primero, ¿qué diablos es la dermatitis seborreica? La dermatitis seborreica es una afección común de la piel que afecta principalmente al cuero cabelludo . Causa parches escamosos, piel roja y caspa persistente. La dermatitis seborreica también puede afectar las áreas grasas del cuerpo, como la cara, los lados de la nariz, las cejas, las orejas, los párpados y el pecho. Si afecta las áreas grasas como la cara, los lados de la nariz y las cejas, puede arruinar por completo el colágeno, promover el acné y es una perra tenerlo.

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Esto es lo que le pasará a tu cara si no la tratas

@thickdickdaddy27 es un usuario que entendió esto, y yo también lo tuve. Pero está empezando a arreglarse últimamente.

¿Cómo comienza la dermatitis seborreica?: Una reacción inflamatoria al exceso de levadura Malassezia , un organismo que normalmente vive en la superficie de la piel, es la causa probable de la dermatitis seborreica. Malessezia crece demasiado y el sistema inmunitario parece reaccionar de forma exagerada, lo que lleva a una respuesta inflamatoria que provoca cambios en la piel. La mayoría de las veces es ambiental o debido a los productos para el cabello que te probaste antes.

Incluso si te duchas todos los días, se formará una y otra vez.

¿Como arreglarlo?

1. Antes que nada, dúchate y asegúrate de lavarte el pelo Y EL CUERO CABELLUDO (deshacerte de toda la caspa que hay ahí) muchas veces y las manchas de la cara que te hayan salido dermatitis seborreica.
2. Compra un champú llamadoView attachment 1574082
después de que termines de ducharte, espera y ponte este champú en la cabeza y déjalo ir (no te laves el cabello, solo ponte el champú en el cabello, asegúrate de que vaya en el cuero cabelludo pero no lo dejes en la cara ya que lo hará súper rojo, esto es solo un tratamiento para el cabello / cuero cabelludo)

Compra un producto llamadoView attachment 1574085
Esta es una crema con corticosteroides, póngala en todo el cuero cabelludo en la cabeza y en los puntos de la cara donde se forma la caspa, luego duerma bien.

AUGE. Lo acabas de arreglar.
Do you know any other cream apart from the one you recommend?
First what the fuck is seborrheic dermatitis? Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition that mainly affects the scalp of your head. It causes scaly patches, red skin and stubborn dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect oily areas of the body, such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids and chest. It affecting the oily areas such as the face, sides of the nose, eyebrows can totally ruin your collagen, promote acne and is a bitch to have

View attachment 1574077
View attachment 1574078
This is what will happen to your face if you don't treat it

@thickdickdaddy27 is a user that got this, and I also had it. But It's starting to fix up lately.

How does seborrheic dermatitis starts?: An inflammatory reaction to excess Malassezia yeast, an organism that normally lives on the skin's surface, is the likely cause of seborrheic dermatitis. The Malessezia overgrows and the immune system seems to overreact to it, leading to an inflammatory response that results in skin changes. Most of the time it's environnemental or because of hair products you tried on before.

Even if you shower everyday it will form form and form again again and again

How to fix it?

1. First of all before anything, shower and make sure to wash your hair AND YOUR SCALP (get rid of all dandruffs there) many times and the spots on your face that got seborrheic dermatitis.
2. Buy a shampoo called View attachment 1574082
after you finish showering, wait and put this shampoo on your head and let it go (don't wash your hair, just put the shampoo on your hair, make sure it goes on your scalp but don't let it go on ur face as it will make it super red, this is only a hair / scalp treatement)

Buy a product called View attachment 1574085
This is a corticosteroid cream, put it all over your scalp in your head and in the spots on your face where the dandruff forms, then sleep tight

BOOM. You just fixed it.
I have this condition! My dermatologist gave me a shampoo for my face and hair. Fuark no wonder my collagen is shit
I have this condition! My dermatologist gave me a shampoo for my face and hair. Fuark no wonder my collagen is shit
You know it's not scientific evidence at all but I noticed something:
When I have it, my collagen is totally shit
When I shower several times and get rid of it for a week or two, my collagen is top tier
You know it's not scientific evidence at all but I noticed something:
When I have it, my collagen is totally shit
When I shower several times and get rid of it for a week or two, my collagen is top tier
have u tried this cream „chinese herbal cream“ from amazon its a yellow tube and litteraly the best cream ive used. It only costs a few bucks.
have u tried this cream „chinese herbal cream“ from amazon its a yellow tube and litteraly the best cream ive used. It only costs a few bucks.
for collagen?
for collagen?
No for that redness type of outbreak what that guy has on his face from the pics u posted. For collagen im doing peeling soon
My biggest nightmare :feelswhy:

I managed to get rid of dandruff on the hair with nizoral but skin is still garbage
Shampoo fucking destroys my hair
I just scrub my scalp with conditioner and it fixes it
When I was on testosterone (steroids), I had this problem. It was extreme.

Soon as I got off it began to improve.

Hormones play a massive role in this, if your hormones are out of whack this is your bodies way of telling you.

Rubbing shampoos and shit is just masking the problem. You need to identify the root cause, our ancestors didn't have this shit.
How then bro?
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Steroid cream just blunts the immune response temporarily. They don’t cure anything.
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I have seborrheic dermatitis. I'm symptom-free now, because I apply anti-dandruff shampoo to all affected areas like scalp, eyebrows and facial hair religiously every time I take a shower, but showering takes ages compared to "normal people", especially because I have long hair. My seb derm used to be terrible, when I had poor hygiene and didn't shower thoroughly and frequently enough. I haven't found a permanent cure yet. It may be associated with fatty acid imbalances, but I haven't looked into it enough to confirm
I have seborrheic dermatitis. I'm symptom-free now, because I apply anti-dandruff shampoo to all affected areas like scalp, eyebrows and facial hair religiously every time I take a shower, but showering takes ages compared to "normal people", especially because I have long hair. My seb derm used to be terrible, when I had poor hygiene and didn't shower thoroughly and frequently enough. I haven't found a permanent cure yet. It may be associated with fatty acid imbalances, but I haven't looked into it enough to confirm
What is the active ingredient?

I’ve tried it all. The soaps with sulfur. Keto zinc Ect Ect
What is the active ingredient?

I’ve tried it all. The soaps with sulfur. Keto zinc Ect Ect
Climbazole. If that doesn't work for you, you may wanna try selenium sulfide-based shampoo. Just throwing it on your hair won't work tho, you have to massage it deeply into every inch of your scalp and leave it for a while before rinsing it out. Showering takes up to an hour for me, but that's the price I have to pay for a clear scalp and face

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