Seeing women with square jaws



dead inside
Aug 11, 2019
Would be suifuel if I wasn't emotionally numbed. I see women with square jaws from time to time, today at the supermarket check-out. Why do women jawmog men? I know it's genetics but it still feels wrong to see women with more robust jaws than most men. What has gone wrong in evolution?
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it's mostly white whores with that aryan jaw
most ethnic ones have round jaws
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some women height mog men so..
it's mostly white whores with that aryan jaw
True, except some latinas also have wide mandibles. It's quite rare to see people with actual square jaws/face shape and seems to occur more often in women for whatever reason. It always catches my attention, square jaws are so aesthetic.
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True, except some latinas also have wide mandibles. It's quite rare to see people with actual square jaws/face shape and seems to occur more often in women for whatever reason. It always catches my attention, square jaws are so aesthetic.
Do you see strong jaws on asian women?
  • JFL
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Because of the Jews feminizing men and masculinizing women.
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  • JFL
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Women naturally have more brachy head shapes, so they'll tend to have better jaws in general, but not as broad as men's jaws
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Do you see strong jaws on asian women?
I don't see too many Asian women so not that often. But yes, Asian women (and men) often have square jaws. I once saw a Gigachang (he looked Korean to me) to buy something and he had the most insane jaw I've ever seen, he could have cut diamonds with it. Huge square jaw, huge cheekbones and hollow cheeks. Mogged Brad Pitt to oblivion.
Because of the Jews feminizing men and masculinizing women.
How to remasculinize men then?
lol I've never in my life even online seen a girl with a square jaw
I still jawmog margot robbie or whatever her name is and she has the best female jaw in existence with no doubt around it.
I think OP is just subhuman
its like those claims about seeing tall women or women with big wrists
lol I've never in my life even online seen a girl with a square jaw
I still jawmog margot robbie or whatever her name is and she has the best female jaw in existence with no doubt around it.
I think OP is just subhuman
its like those claims about seeing tall women or women with big wrists
11080390 396037400590105 622436276641540950 o
529013 501465886588239 417771068 n

Went to my middle school.
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: angelo, Deleted member 2426 and AbandonShip
LMFAO thats hella subhuman
dat dere androgen receptor
any side profile pics? she looks comical
Her eyes give it away, if she was white the bruxism or maxillary deformity would be funny, but this is just disgusting cos she definitely has asian ancestry, check out dat dere MONOLID.
ig what ur saying i guess.she is literally subhuman though so why would this be bad.
women with good bone structure are hot but not like that. thats subhuman, she just had bruxism or east asian ancestry
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  • JFL
Reactions: Chadelite, Deleted member 685 and Bewusst
LMFAO thats hella subhuman
dat dere androgen receptor
any side profile pics? she looks comical
Her eyes give it away, if she was white the bruxism or maxillary deformity would be funny, but this is just disgusting cos she definitely has asian ancestry, check out dat dere MONOLID.
ig what ur saying i guess.she is literally subhuman though so why would this be bad.
women with good bone structure are hot but not like that. thats subhuman, she just had bruxism or east asian ancestry
Keep coping. She's polish. Her side profile is also good.
LMFAO thats hella subhuman
dat dere androgen receptor
any side profile pics? she looks comical
Her eyes give it away, if she was white the bruxism or maxillary deformity would be funny, but this is just disgusting cos she definitely has asian ancestry, check out dat dere MONOLID.
ig what ur saying i guess.she is literally subhuman though so why would this be bad.
women with good bone structure are hot but not like that. thats subhuman, she just had bruxism or east asian ancestry
Are you autistic?
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At least half of the users here are autistic
Yeah but he seems a bit too much. I think he is delibitate or something from lookism. Similar posting style too
Keep coping. She's polish. Her side profile is also good.
Have u ever read history of the khaganate?
mongols passed thru poland plenty times
they are bydlos today as well
told u to post a pic
also sami people were in poland sometimes
plus shes american if ur american. All americans have admixture you dumb fuck
Are you autistic?
what about that post is autistic, you unironically just called her cute
Have u ever read history of the khaganate?
mongols passed thru poland plenty times
they are bydlos today as well
told u to post a pic
also sami people were in poland sometimes
plus shes american if ur american. All americans have admixture you dumb fuck

what about that post is autistic, you unironically just called her cute
Well i find her cute
Have u ever read history of the khaganate?
mongols passed thru poland plenty times
they are bydlos today as well
told u to post a pic
also sami people were in poland sometimes
plus shes american if ur american. All americans have admixture you dumb fuck

what about that post is autistic, you unironically just called her cute
Not even the majority of Russians have asian DNA, let alone the Poles.
Not even the majority of Russians have asian DNA, let alone the Poles.
Lmao fuck tons of russians have it. I speak russian and see so many russians with plenty of admixture.
The european-russians and polish people have up to 1% but its still noticeable
the girl is deformed regardless, i dont think OP is mentally sane if hes intimidated by girls like that
  • JFL
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Lmao fuck tons of russians have it. I speak russian and see so many russians with plenty of admixture.
The european-russians and polish people have up to 1% but its still noticeable
the girl is deformed regardless, i dont think OP is mentally sane if hes intimidated by girls like that
Yeah tons of Russians have a few % points but it's still a minority. I have seen a dozen Polish DNA tests and all of them had 0% Asian DNA. Also 1% is not noticeable at all.
LMFAO thats hella subhuman
dat dere androgen receptor
any side profile pics? she looks comical
Her eyes give it away, if she was white the bruxism or maxillary deformity would be funny, but this is just disgusting cos she definitely has asian ancestry, check out dat dere MONOLID.
ig what ur saying i guess.she is literally subhuman though so why would this be bad.
women with good bone structure are hot but not like that. thats subhuman, she just had bruxism or east asian ancestry

masculine face

her jaw mogs most male models
Didn't you say you were leaving the forum? Did you miss us?
Nah bro came back for the facepuller

this site is a gold mine

facepuller and puberty will make me psl 8
  • So Sad
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Indeed. I see it all the time.
The guy on the right is psl 8 ma nig
potentially . he is failod by albino coloring. if he melanotans and carotenes his way to western european avearge skin tone + dyes his hair he could legit Be top top tier
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1538599845 bruxism 1
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masculine face

her jaw mogs most male models
no it does not. She has no zygos, a short jaw with no long ramus, awful facial development, actually called bruxism, then again she could have asian ancetry and thus be hyperbrachycephalic.
you know nothing.
look how ugly and square her face is with no hollow cheeks or normal maxilla, or a properly developed eye area.
heres an example to let u see.

omg what a jaw, he mogs most male models, omgggg wow so wide
his side. 0 ramus, no strong gonion or masseter, no midmandible angularity, short tiny undimorphic chin, trash overall, no jaw height whatsoever.
This girl he posted has the same facial structure. Bruxism.


omgg so widee amirite
meanwhile, she has a trash side profile which is clearly influenced by her asian heritage, doesnt even have bruxism, no ramus or angularity, hideous, flat zygos, no anteface.

i can post 1 more example if ud like.

my god shes hideous.
definitely east asian ancestry, monolid and huge gonion. huge zygo too.
only psl subhumans obsess over this type of stuff
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3526, Bewusst and Chadelite
no it does not. She has no zygos, a short jaw with no long ramus, awful facial development, actually called bruxism, then again she could have asian ancetry and thus be hyperbrachycephalic.
you know nothing.
look how ugly and square her face is with no hollow cheeks or normal maxilla, or a properly developed eye area.
heres an example to let u see.
View attachment 176806
omg what a jaw, he mogs most male models, omgggg wow so wide
View attachment 176809 his side. 0 ramus, no strong gonion or masseter, no midmandible angularity, short tiny undimorphic chin, trash overall, no jaw height whatsoever.
This girl he posted has the same facial structure. Bruxism.

View attachment 176812
omgg so widee amirite
meanwhile, she has a trash side profile which is clearly influenced by her asian heritage, doesnt even have bruxism, no ramus or angularity, hideous, flat zygos, no anteface.
View attachment 176814
i can post 1 more example if ud like.

my god shes hideous.
definitely east asian ancestry, monolid and huge gonion. huge zygo too.
only psl subhumans obsess over this type of stuff
Caged at that autism
Caged at that autism
Lmao you just got fucking destroyed and ur saying its autistic
keep crying and looking at how hard I refuted u, i just listed bones u didnt even know existed or were connected
ur retarded if u think bruxism is attractive
go suck Tim slades blocky dick since you think short mandibles are cute
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3526, Deleted member 685 and Bewusst
Lmao you just got fucking destroyed and ur saying its autistic
keep crying and looking at how hard I refuted u, i just listed bones u didnt even know existed or were connected
ur retarded if u think bruxism is attractive
go suck Tim slades blocky dick since you think short mandibles are cute
Yes, you absolutely destroyed me
Teeth together causes a long ramus and low gonial which results in square jaw not genetics or gender
I jaw mog the majority of the toilets that i see tbh
Teeth together causes a long ramus and low gonial which results in square jaw not genetics or gender
No. Square jaw needs both sufficient bigonial width and gonial angle. Mostly genetics.
I jaw mog the majority of the toilets that i see tbh
Good for you
No. Square jaw needs both sufficient bigonial width and gonial angle. Mostly genetics.

Good for you
tongue widens the maxilla causing a wide bigonial
teeth together cause low gonial
not genetics, oral posture
is that why women have better forward growth ?


Smaller bodies + less muscle mass > Less energy required > less oxygen required > less nasal cavity volume required > shorter face > better mandibles
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