The apex fallacy: feminism “I hate all men” explained from a blackpill perspective.

You were responding to someone specifically talking about tiktok blackpills. You should try to follow the conversation.

Hypergamy is unreasonable. A 5 thinking she deserves a 7 is not reasonable. And your notions of hypergamy make incels feel better about not being chosen. You get to feel like women have inflated standards and that in a fair world you would have a gf. It's a nice narrative.
its unreasonable in the eyes of a man, in the eyes of evolution it makes perfect sense. perfect example of francis bacons idol of the cave
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I'm hyperfocusing on how blackpillers engage with social media through tiktoks -- which is where this convo started. Your point about the internet in general is irrelevant. Blackpillers are not engaging with the internet at random and coming to their own conclusions. They're watching tiktoks selected by manosphere content creators that are then packaged with blackpill commentary. So we're not talking about the internet in general. We're talking about a curated form of the internet full of confirmation bias designed to lead viewers to a particular conclusion. You need to address this point or fuck off the thread.
You comments in this thread are of outrageously bad intellectually. Hope you are smarter than this. So far you have made zero points worth addressing. Do you have a specific disagreement with what OP said in his initial thread?
imagine calling me a retard when you actually think women, especially zoomer girls select for good genes lmao. they do the exact opposite. stupid vagina worshipping feminist cuck leave this site and go back to reddit
Another retarded comment with zero understanding of evolutionary biology. Must suck to go through life thinking at such superficial level while also believing you are smart (Dunning Kruger much?). If I was moderator I would literally start banning intellectually inferior forum members to make room for better discussions.
its unreasonable in the eyes of a man, in the eyes of evolution it makes perfect sense. perfect example of francis bacons idol of the cave
We know, but this beautiful thread has been derailed by the comments of a few mentally challenged posters as you see. What a shame. I am envious of your patience (and the patience of others) who have the patience to address the comments made by mentally challenged forum members.
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You comments in this thread are of outrageously bad intellectually. Hope you are smarter than this. So far you have made zero points worth addressing. Do you have a specific disagreement with what OP said in his initial thread?
Another retarded comment with zero understanding of evolutionary biology. Must suck to go through life thinking at such superficial level while also believing you are smart (Dunning Kruger much?). If I was moderator I would literally start banning intellectually inferior forum members to make room for better discussions.
We know, but this beautiful thread has been derailed by the comments of a few mentally challenged posters as you see. What a shame. I am envious of your patience (and the patience of others) who have the patience to address the comments made by mentally challenged forum members.
Hey, everyone! The yardstick of intellectual brilliance has entered the thread. Come in and let this random poster tell you whether you make the cut!

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People will post their true thoughts on the internet as it's more disconnected and anonymous than real life where they have to repress them.
Ye but at the same time people follow the mainstream dogma to avoid “cancellation”
Another retarded comment with zero understanding of evolutionary biology. Must suck to go through life thinking at such superficial level while also believing you are smart (Dunning Kruger much?). If I was moderator I would literally start banning intellectually inferior forum members to make room for better discussions.
Ah great another feminist cuck calling me retarded without giving an actual argument, evolution is bs, women don’t pick good genetics, now fuck off and kill yourself pathetic male feminist weasel
Ah great another feminist cuck calling me retarded without giving an actual argument, evolution is bs, women don’t pick good genetics, now fuck off and kill yourself pathetic male feminist weasel
Shut the fuck up incel. Know who you are talking to faggot. I am no feminist. I have 96 bodies in just 4 years, more than you will ever acquire in 10 lifetimes. Also, the fact you dont believe in evolution automatically TERMINATES the discussion on my end. We are just not at the same intellectual level due to differences in genetics. Women do pick good genetics, but there is an evolutionary mismatch of what you consider good in our modern times versus the traits that were adaptive under the pressures that were at play in our ancient evolutionary past that shaped the brain circuitries responsible for attraction to those traits
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Hey, everyone! The yardstick of intellectual brilliance has entered the thread. Come in and let this random poster tell you whether you make the cut!

Your posts are devoid of any meaning. Are you arguing against the existence of hypergamy? or maybe against the existence of a dualistic mating strategy in women that evolves over time? The first post of OP was brilliant with a lot of truths (although with some necessary generalizations) and you derailed it with bullshit like "tiktok is not real" and other irrelevant bullshit.
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Shut the fuck up incel. Know who you are talking to faggot. I am no feminist. I have 96 bodies in just 4 years, more than you will ever acquire in 10 lifetimes. Also, the fact you dont believe in evolution automatically TERMINATES the discussion on my end. We are just not at the same intellectual level due to differences in genetics.
Hahahahahahaha okay then, you’re a coping loser and no amount of lying to an incel forum about your body count like this will change the fact that you’re a pseudo intellectual pawn brainwashed by the government and freemasonic establishment

Let’s see if you even can answer this question without chimping out: why do I consistently see guys who are both shorter and uglier than me with girlfriends? Why do I see braindead violent thugs with girls? Why do these guys with trash genetics get good looking girls while you larp on an online forum about how women pick good genes
Hahahahahahaha okay then, you’re a coping loser and no amount of lying to an incel forum about your body count like this will change the fact that you’re a pseudo intellectual pawn brainwashed by the government and freemasonic establishment

Let’s see if you even can answer this question without chimping out: why do I consistently see guys who are both shorter and uglier than me with girlfriends? Why do I see braindead violent thugs with girls? Why do these guys with trash genetics get good looking girls while you larp on an online forum about how women pick good genes
1) You are not as attractive as you think you are. On top of this you are also probably high inhibition, shy cuck introvert. All these traits are terribly bad gene sets especially in the context of our ancient evolutionary past. Although they are neutral or even adaptive in our current times in certain contexts (professionally etc). But there is a mismatch evolutionarily as the brain circuitries for attraction to any gene sets/phenotypic traits were shaped by the selective pressures of our ancient past, and won't change in a matter of 100-500 years! (thats nothing in evolutionary timescales)

In this context, the low IQ violent thugs you make fun of have had better genes than you do in our evolutionary past (which is what matters and what has shaped the preferences of women). They would probably have killed you easily back then in various conflicts or just have preyed on you or you might have simply succumbed to some disease due to poor immune system (the status of your immune system is reflected in your face, pheromones and bodily symmetry/cues). They seem more robust, aggressive protectors, with better immune systems, more suited for survival and protection. Its not about the NOW, its about what was optimal for the time period in our evolutionary past when those preferences were shaped.

Similar to the mismatch of having a thrifty metabolism (good genes in a scarcity environment) but maladaptive in todays word (obesity)
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Hahahahahahaha okay then, you’re a coping loser and no amount of lying to an incel forum about your body count like this will change the fact that you’re a pseudo intellectual pawn brainwashed by the government and freemasonic establishment

Let’s see if you even can answer this question without chimping out: why do I consistently see guys who are both shorter and uglier than me with girlfriends? Why do I see braindead violent thugs with girls? Why do these guys with trash genetics get good looking girls while you larp on an online forum about how women pick good genes
oofy doofy theory LOL been proven millions and millions of times by users on this forum and the manosphere in general, ur a bluepilled braindead cucked faggot who takes everything at surface level.
“omg i see ugly guy with a hot girl girls dont care about looks :soy::soy::soy:

they care about genetics/looks the whole time. a man being ugly/feminine signals greater investment into offspring and long term relationship aka security. he is a good boyfriend not because hes attractive to women, but because he cant cheat and is therefore easy to cheat on and manipulate, hes more likely to put up with the womans shit, hes more likely to have little to no power in the relationship. dont take stuff at face value.
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oofy doofy theory LOL been proven millions and millions of times by users on this forum and the manosphere in general, ur a bluepilled braindead cucked faggot who takes everything at surface level.
“omg i see ugly guy with a hot girl girls dont care about looks :soy::soy::soy:

they care about genetics/looks the whole time. a man being ugly/feminine signals greater investment into offspring and long term relationship aka security. he is a good boyfriend not because hes attractive to women, but because he cant cheat and is therefore easy to cheat on and manipulate, hes more likely to put up with the womans shit, hes more likely to have little to no power in the relationship. dont take stuff at face value.
Exactly. Some people just don't get it, no hope for them. On top of this, they are bluepilled cucks (precisely because they haven't got enough pussy in their lives to form first-hand opinions on these things), desperately try to turn a blind eye to the harsh cynical truths of evo bio and nature.
Honestly fuck tiktok for normalizing such tendencies to foids
1) You are not as attractive as you think you are. On top of this you are also probably high inhibition, shy cuck introvert. All these traits are terribly bad gene sets especially in the context of our ancient evolutionary past. Although they are neutral or even adaptive in our current times in certain contexts (professionally etc). But there is a mismatch evolutionarily as the brain circuitries for attraction to any gene sets/phenotypic traits were shaped by the selective pressures of our ancient past, and won't change in a matter of 100-500 years! (thats nothing in evolutionary timescales)

In this context, the low IQ violent thugs you make fun of have had better genes than you do in our evolutionary past (which is what matters and what has shaped the preferences of women). They would probably have killed you easily back then in various conflicts or just have preyed on you or you might have simply succumbed to some disease due to poor immune system (the status of your immune system is reflected in your face, pheromones and bodily symmetry/cues). They seem more robust, aggressive protectors, with better immune systems, more suited for survival and protection. Its not about the NOW, its about what was optimal for the time period in our evolutionary past when those preferences were shaped.

Similar to the mismatch of having a thrifty metabolism (good genes in a scarcity environment) but maladaptive in todays word (obesity)
Didn’t see this but just saw it now. You’re a retarded feminist and should rope
oofy doofy theory LOL been proven millions and millions of times by users on this forum and the manosphere in general, ur a bluepilled braindead cucked faggot who takes everything at surface level.
“omg i see ugly guy with a hot girl girls dont care about looks :soy::soy::soy:

they care about genetics/looks the whole time. a man being ugly/feminine signals greater investment into offspring and long term relationship aka security. he is a good boyfriend not because hes attractive to women, but because he cant cheat and is therefore easy to cheat on and manipulate, hes more likely to put up with the womans shit, hes more likely to have little to no power in the relationship. dont take stuff at face value.
Girls at least in my country don’t care about looks, not gonna waste time arguing with pathetic feminist cucks like you, so I’d advice you to kill yourself
View attachment 2979424

Women are biologically predisposed when they are most fertile to seek out the best genes possible. however the better looking a man is, the higher chance he has of being violent/leaving her ect. this is a tradeoff that they make in order to have the best genes possible, they attempt to be in a relationship with this guy (chad) when they are young, then the inevitable happens and she finds out hes fucking other/multiple girls at the same time. she then has 2 options

she stays with him

or she breaks up and has a “hoe phase”

this is where she realises her place in the biological hierarchy, she subconsciously knew before this happened, that chad will never commit to her, however she still tried her chances until she had a wakeup call. she now knows that chads will only ever give her sexual pleasure and not commitment, because why would he when he has better options? View attachment 2979427
in #TeeHee terms, this is code for look as promiscuous as possible and fuck as many chads as possible. this behaviour is extremely common in young women, as they are most fertile and therefore have a strong need for the best genes possible.

they then grow older, less attractive, less fertile, and now after getting many chads dick rammed, shes ready to “settle down” this time, she wont repeat her previous mistake. she has alot of experience with manipulative men (chads) which she inevitably learnt, and she likely has a network of oofy doofy guy friends who are waiting for a chance. she will date one of them, but she will dump all of her past trauma from chad onto that guy.

There will likely be little to NO intimacy in their relationship, why would she be happy fucking an ugly guy in a relationship when shes already past her fertile prime? she already has had dick 10x better than his, and she will inevitably be bitter from the abuse chad gave her and him not committing.

Now in this video, and as we have all seen, women who claim to hate men and be man haters are predominantly younger women.

how is this relevant, you may ask?

well these women are the ones who get fucked and dumped by chad.

now heres where this ties in with the Apex fallacy (a biased evaluation of a group based on their “highest ranking” or best members aka chads.)

since women at this age are not biologically pre disposed to want to be with ugly guys, almost all of their experiences in dating and sex will be primarily with attractive chads. they have no responsibilities, they are young, and university is a breeding ground for this behaviour aswell.

and we all know what inevitably happens, they get fucked and dumped by chad. then they go “I HATE MEN” “ALL MEN ARE LIARS AND CHEATERS” because the collective consciousness of women sharing all of their experiences, they are ALL experiences of men cheating on them, but they dont realise its because they chose the men which are most likely to cheat because its in their biology.

And the funny part is, women hating men doesnt affect chads, it only affects incels and normies.
chads dont care, they continue fucking women. whilst incels, they get angry that women supposedly hate them, when they know they themselves havent even done anything wrong.

this now creates a negative feedback loop, with incels eventually becoming hateful and “misogynistic” and this now creates an outlet and justifies womens behaviour towards men and “man hating” because incels and normies are A LARGE population of men.

TLDR: Chad fucks, incel deals with the fallout and consequences.
That's a well dedicated wall of text ngl
And that utter subhuman foid in pic should be grateful she had the chance to taste chad dick ungrateful low quality whore

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