Self-hating Turkish sloot gets depressed when mistaken as Syrian in Italy



Islamist jihadi and intersectional feminist
Nov 21, 2022

@StuntmanMike @yeeyeeslayer @i_love_roosters @AlainDelonFan
  • JFL
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Next time I see a Turk I will purposely call them Syrian for lulz :lul:
  • JFL
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She does look more Syrian than Turkish. But not sure about that tweet “While Turks weren’t even a thing Syrians were ruling the Roman Empire”. The Holy Roman Empire was based in Constantinople which is literally modern day Istanbul
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  • Hmm...
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She does look more Syrian than Turkish. But not sure about that tweet “While Turks weren’t even a thing Syrians were ruling the Roman Empire”. The Holy Roman Empire was based in Constantinople which is literally modern day Istanbul
Was Syria even a thing tbh? Turkic history does go back a long time as well.

Not sure the point of the tweet. Just came across on my timeline.
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Probably Kurdish
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  • Woah
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Was Syria even a thing tbh? Turkic history does go back a long time as well.

Not sure the point of the tweet. Just came across on my timeline.
Turkey existed in 1929

It's more of a "thing that happened in their country" back then

Similar to italy and the roman empire
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  • JFL
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The fall of the Ottomans is the worst event in the last 500 years. Not necessarily because of WW1 but ever since the Young Cucks and the crypto jews started ruling our caliphate

When i play Battlefield 1 i always do my best to kick out Britain from the Suez Channel and leave our oil fields intact from those filthy bastards
  • JFL
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View attachment 3043561

@StuntmanMike @yeeyeeslayer @i_love_roosters @AlainDelonFan

I dont get how the damascus empire has anythimg to do with anything.

Wouldnt that just mean turks were here for less and accomplished more?
Its the same when white people used to be black, guess what we used to be chimps too.
Also based syrians always.
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Some of them be making some CRAZY shawarmas (yes it's syrian, not turkish <- for the turkish nationalists)
yes their shawarma is the best lol

mogs lebanese shawarma to suicide
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and Autismcel
Some of them be making some CRAZY shawarmas (yes it's syrian, not turkish <- for the turkish nationalists)
edit what i said out lol
  • JFL
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We wuz roman and shiet saar

Based Turkish foid, wish I could make a twitter to reply to that retard but I don't have the energy
  • Hmm...
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it's understandable tbh,

ik syrians are moggers and many look european,

but they're some of the worst people from what i've seen lol not wanting them in your country is lowkey understandable
There's too much and they should go back tbh so I don't blame Turks for being angry. Every country would be. But this type of shit is hilarious .

Refugees will get blamed for everything tho. Doesn't matter what country or what their nationality. Its extended towards arabs in general here. Being an Arab or Arabic speaking here is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany.
There's too much and they should go back tbh so I don't blame Turks for being angry. Every country would be. But this type of shit is hilarious .

Refugees will get blamed for everything tho. Doesn't matter what country or what their nationality. Its extended towards arabs in general here. Being an Arab or Arabic speaking here is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany.
the problem is many of the down trotten syrians that immigrate and leave as refugees are isis elements or collaborators that have links to them that's the issue (esp ones from eastern areas areas like Deir ezz zour, Raqqa, idlib etc.

so they cause problems even in muslim countries

again not to generalizer (because yes ik many great syrians) but reality is many of these refugees are people you wouldn't want in your country even a muslim one.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: LevantinePsycho and SecularIslamist
The fall of the Ottomans is the worst event in the last 500 years. Not necessarily because of WW1 but ever since the Young Cucks and the crypto jews started ruling our caliphate

When i play Battlefield 1 i always do my best to kick out Britain from the Suez Channel and leave our oil fields intact from those filthy bastards
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: maarda, PrinceLuenLeoncur, 5'7 zoomer and 1 other person
Yeah and?
You're literally a subhuman piece of shit to them.

black people don't understand phenotypes
Nah most people aren't like .org autists to pick up the most minor differences between people and amplify their importance. If you look middle eastern you're Arab to most of the world JFL. Irrespective of whether that's true. Can't blame foreigners for it. Can you tell difference between paki, Bengali and Indian? Most can't.
  • JFL
Reactions: ascension and yeeyeeslayer
the problem is many of the down trotten syrians that immigrate and leave as refugees are isis elements or collaborators that have links to them that's the issue (esp ones from eastern areas areas like Deir ezz zour, Raqqa, idlib etc.

so they cause problems even in muslim countries

again not to generalizer (because yes ik many great syrians) but reality is many of these refugees are people you wouldn't want in your country even a muslim one.
I get your point. But they will save the country from becoming cock-sucking westerners at least.
  • JFL
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
They all hate being associated with arabs
yes lol

they're brothers united in western cocksucking, competing to see who can suck europe/the west the hardest/best 😂
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  • JFL
Reactions: ascension, PrinceLuenLeoncur, LevantinePsycho and 1 other person
yes lol

they're brothers united in western cocksucking, competing to see who can suck europe/the west the hardest/best 😂
some nafris are like this too but not to the extent of the 3 i listed above

hence why they're also more tolerated by turks than other arabs,

there's genuinely a strong positive correlation between how much a mena country rides the west and how much turks like and tolerate them 😂
  • +1
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She does look more Syrian than Turkish. But not sure about that tweet “While Turks weren’t even a thing Syrians were ruling the Roman Empire”. The Holy Roman Empire was based in Constantinople which is literally modern day Istanbul
How tf are you mixing up the Byzantine eastern romans with the Germanic HRE…. Blud stop
  • JFL
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Turkey is gigaracist to Arabs/Indians/Pakistanis/Afghans/Bangladeshi.

Migrant failo is worse in Turkey than in Europe itself which is pretty wild. It’s accepted to call these groups “subhuman animals” and it gets like 0 backlash in Turkey tbh. You couldn’t pull that off anywhere in Europe tbh.

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  • JFL
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, yeeyeeslayer and SecularIslamist
Was Syria even a thing tbh? Turkic history does go back a long time as well.

Not sure the point of the tweet. Just came across on my timeline.
Palmyra was what it was a part of back then and yes it was one of the msot powerful cities in the world. Let’s jsut say this the Islamic early caliphates made their capitals in Damascus for a reason.

There’s a reason why the first church was in Antioch (Syria)

There’s a reason why the eastern romans cried more for the loss of Syria than Egypt
The fall of the Ottomans is the worst event in the last 500 years. Not necessarily because of WW1 but ever since the Young Cucks and the crypto jews started ruling our caliphate

When i play Battlefield 1 i always do my best to kick out Britain from the Suez Channel and leave our oil fields intact from those filthy bastards
GOOD fuck your caliphate and fuck the Ottomans and any other caliphate that rises WE WILL DESTROY IT AGAIN IN THE NAME OF CHRIST AND TRAMPLE ON YOUR ISLAMIC ARMIES.
  • WTF
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She already looks arab af she is an idiot if she thinks she looks white
  • JFL
Reactions: SecularIslamist
She already looks arab af she is an idiot if she thinks she looks white
Syrians are lighter than turks, which makes this vid funnier
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and yeeyeeslayer
The fall of the Ottomans is the worst event in the last 500 years. Not necessarily because of WW1 but ever since the Young Cucks and the crypto jews started ruling our caliphate

When i play Battlefield 1 i always do my best to kick out Britain from the Suez Channel and leave our oil fields intact from those filthy bastards

The Ottoman Empire sucked ass. They did practically 0 to develop the land or people they had until it was too late and they were falling apart.

Legit in the Balkans it’s very obvious when you visit. You go to Sarajevo and the only thing the Ottomans built were a bunch of mosques and water fountains.

The Austrians built more schools, infrastructure and stuff in Bosnia in a 30 year period than the Ottomans did in like 400 years.

Literally look at this map. These guys did jack shit for the population they ruled.


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Syrians are lighter than turks, which makes this vid funnier
They’re about as white as each other I’d say + I thought you were scandi/Norwegian or some shit ?
Turkey is gigaracist to Arabs/Indians/Pakistanis/Afghans/Bangladeshi.

Migrant failo is worse in Turkey than in Europe itself which is pretty wild. It’s accepted to call these groups “subhuman animals” and it gets like 0 backlash in Turkey tbh. You couldn’t pull that off anywhere in Europe tbh.

It's funny coz if that guy's stepped in Birmingham they're gonna think he's Arab or if not Romania or lightskin paki JFL.
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It’s accepted to call these groups “subhuman animals” and it gets like 0 backlash in Turkey tbh. You couldn’t pull that off anywhere in Europe tbh.
maybe not 10 years ago, but with the political climate in Europe today you probably can tbh lol
maybe not 10 years ago, but with the political climate in Europe today you probably can tbh lol
Nah in Germany or France they still can’t put in racial terms like that.

They beat around the bush talking about assimilation, islamism, and cultural fit. But actually calling them subhuman would be a bridge too far. It’s a bit too close to Nazi rhetoric which is still unacceptable socially there.

Saying you want to kick out Arabs or whatever since they’re not a cultural fit is normalized now, but you can’t get away with Adolf-tier they’re “subhuman animals” type of rhetoric
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Reactions: yeeyeeslayer and SecularIslamist
Syrians are lighter than turks, which makes this vid funnier
No they’re not tbh.

There is massive overlap in pheno, but Syrians aren’t lighter.

A lot of Turkey’s modern day population isn’t even from Anatolia tbh but like Greek or Slavic Muslims who got expelled from Europe when the Ottoman Empire started collapsing and became turkified over successive generations.
Nah in Germany or France they still can’t put in racial terms like that.

They beat around the bush talking about assimilation, islamism, and cultural fit. But actually calling them subhuman would be a bridge too far. It’s a bit too close to Nazi rhetoric which is still unacceptable socially there.

Saying you want to kick out Arabs or whatever since they’re not a cultural fit is normalized now, but you can’t get away with Adolf-tier they’re “subhuman animals” type of rhetoric
Not even on sm?

I see lots of ethnics be racist to blacks and other ethnics and they literally have their personal details on their profile. No repercussions. But in the UK, USA no one would ever be racist and have personal info on their profile unlesa they're an edgy cu t whose job is to be racist.

This guy called Saka a nigger after euros and got his entire life cancelled. Even the company got massive backlash.

  • JFL
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Nah in Germany or France they still can’t put in racial terms like that.

They beat around the bush talking about assimilation, islamism, and cultural fit. But actually calling them subhuman would be a bridge too far. It’s a bit too close to Nazi rhetoric which is still unacceptable socially there.

Saying you want to kick out Arabs or whatever since they’re not a cultural fit is normalized now, but you can’t get away with Adolf-tier they’re “subhuman animals” type of rhetoric
nah i concede ur right actually, dehumanizing language like that wouldn’t go unchecked

But they still think it and say it with their close friends lol (+ I would add Britain to German and France)

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