Shame/guilt/sadness after fucking a roastie



Aug 11, 2018
I just fucked a roastie. Bitch paíd for everything I only paid for a couple of beerz
Cheap sex.

But the thing is, I feel so sad now. I wish I had a gf. Not even a "true love" bc that's bluepilled AF... I just want someone I like and I feel comfortable... But seems like my looks arent enough

I fell prey of my libido again. I need sex but all i have available are low quality slutz. I keep coping with marijuana but my tolerance Is so high that it doesn't work anymore and today I realizad that it took q Lot of my stamina for sex. Jfl :feelsbadman:

I dont know how to keep my Sanity until I finally looksmax... I just feel so depressed
I just fucked a roastie. Bitch paíd for everything I only paid for a couple of beerz
Cheap sex.

But the thing is, I feel so sad now. I wish I had a gf. Not even a "true love" bc that's bluepilled AF... I just want someone I like and I feel comfortable... But seems like my looks arent enough

I fell prey of my libido again. I need sex but all i have available are low quality slutz. I keep coping with marijuana but my tolerance Is so high that it doesn't work anymore and today I realizad that it took q Lot of my stamina for sex. Jfl :feelsbadman:

I dont know how to keep my Sanity until I finally looksmax... I just feel so depressed

Avoid loose gals

Put your mind and heart into other important matters such as studycelling, fashionmaxxing or statusmaxxing
I just fucked a roastie. Bitch paíd for everything I only paid for a couple of beerz
Cheap sex.

But the thing is, I feel so sad now. I wish I had a gf. Not even a "true love" bc that's bluepilled AF... I just want someone I like and I feel comfortable... But seems like my looks arent enough

I fell prey of my libido again. I need sex but all i have available are low quality slutz. I keep coping with marijuana but my tolerance Is so high that it doesn't work anymore and today I realizad that it took q Lot of my stamina for sex. Jfl :feelsbadman:

I dont know how to keep my Sanity until I finally looksmax... I just feel so depressed
Was it a landwhale?
How ugly and old was she?
I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way when I fucked a tinder roastie a week ago.

It's very natural you feel this way, since you waste your semen on a random bitch that just happens to get you in the mood. And once you are not horny you realize that she was not worth it.
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