shitposting/random memes megathread (NSFW)

It's personality.

Re: i tried to learn monkey x

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148697051Monday, October 27, 2014 2:19 PM CDT
Well, while it's certainly true that "Programming" can be somewhat complex for a beginner to understand, try to think of it like this: Programming is essentially the creation of instructions to be translated internally and externally for computational manipulation. Just as a person wouldn't learn how to properly utilize English in a short duration of time, "Programming" is a linguistic network of skills that have to be consistently reformed and implemented based on your logical ideas to develop a satisfactory solution. The many complex branches of "Programming" allow you to revise your problem-solving and force yourself to develop a logical yet effective solution to many of the commonly complex problems you may encounter. Thus, the majority of the difficulty in "General Programming" will certainly help you increase your cognitive ability to interpret and understand problems while enabling to understand components outside of "Computer-Programming".
Re: man im tired of all these 10 year olds

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148119077Friday, October 17, 2014 4:06 PM CDT
It's possible that they simply aren't as psychologically developed as you are. As the mind develops, It's over-all cognitive abilities change.

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148006403Wednesday, October 15, 2014 3:33 PM CDT
A question with many possible answers. Numerous hormonal and chemical reactions can affect your cognitive functionality.

You're talking about the one in DC right? The worst part was how one of them, after getting out of the car, just went "where's my phone? I can't find my phone."

Didn't even care that she killed a man. Just wants her fucking phone. And they got what, a few years in juvenile? It's sad how little that Indian man's life mattered to the people there.
You're talking about the one in DC right? The worst part was how one of them, after getting out of the car, just went "where's my phone? I can't find my phone."

Didn't even care that she killed a man. Just wants her fucking phone. And they got what, a few years in juvenile? It's sad how little that Indian man's life mattered to the people there.

Your making yourself look bad, to stop this you need to be kind and show you can handle things
OP family probably thinks he is insane or depressed about to hurt himself
I remember when Napoleon de geso got ghosted by some huge fat tranny he was chatting up and then it left him after it seen his face in person

:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: JFL, chatting up a tranny is crazy in itself but a fat one too? Guy is truly in the mud :feelskek:

He's an ugly guy these days tbh he's like 40 but the tranny was young that's the only reason he wanted it

The tranny was formly dating @
Napoleon de Geso
@Napoleon de Geso

He fucks trannys though
@Robtical, @
Fat Link
@Fat Link Why is @
@shii410 banned
Click to expand...


Oh god, my favorite retarded hapa is gone. :fuk:

Free @
@shii410 :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

@shii410 THIS INSTANT!!!!!!!!!


He’s back. :feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber::feelsLightsaber:

is the 410 in your name a reference to .410 shotgun caliber?

High IQ, you are a good user.

Best to stay quiet and use the ignore function.
A change of pace before the musical show begins:

Elizabeth...Alexandria Elizabeth H

1 Sapphire


Prior to Ruby & Sapphire chapter

As a young child, Sapphire had a childhood friend named Ruby that she played with. One day, Ruby fought a Salamence that attacked them and won, but was injured in the process. Terrified from the experience, Sapphire broke down crying. Believing that Ruby got injured because of her own weakness, Sapphire vowed to become stronger.

Ruby & Sapphire chapter

Sapphire, five years before the Ruby & Sapphire chapter

Sapphire's original outfit

Sapphire debuted in Making Mirth with Mightyena. She rescued Ruby from a pair of wild Mightyena at Route 101 and took him to her Secret Base to recover. When Sapphire tried talking to Ruby later, he mistook Sapphire for talking Pokémon due to her leaf cloak. Ruby's Poochyena, Nana, bit Sapphire, angering her into removing the cloak and attacking him with her Torchic, Chic. Overhearing the incident on his Pokégear, Professor Birch revealed to Ruby that Sapphire is actually his daughter. Though the misunderstanding was cleared, Sapphire and Ruby were attacked by a wild Seviper. Ruby refused to fight as to not risk dirtying his Pokémon, forcing Sapphire to defeat the Tail Snake Pokémon by herself. Afterward, the two began arguing over their interests, which ended with Sapphire deciding to make a bet to see who could conquer their respective goal within an 80-day time limit. After Ruby agreed, Sapphire fainted from the injuries she received from protecting Ruby from the Mightyena earlier. Ruby healed Sapphire's wounds and modified a spare set of his clothes for Sapphire to wear.

In Distracting Dustox, Sapphire went back to Littleroot Town and returned the items and Treecko Ruby had accidentally taken from Professor Birch earlier with the exception of his Pokédex. Later that day, Sapphire changed into the clothes Ruby made for her and set out with Chic and Rono to begin her journey to conquer all of Hoenn's Gyms.
Yes, I used to have more "closeness" with my maternal female cousins; they were the only "youth" who did not laugh at my autistic fidgeting behaviors(While I was present, at least). I would sit in a corner and fidget with pencils for hours.

Sadly, they changed during adolescence and eventually started laughing at my severe social anxiety. One tried to trip me down a set of stairs(twice) and threw cake batter at me because I tried to help them with a recipe(As my mother told me to). She also hit my head out of anger.

When I last saw them, over four years ago, they seemed to dislike me.

"We didn't want to see you. Granny told us to help you." - They also kept whining and complaining.

That was the day I wore Mother's poncho. I decided to keep it permanently, and it aided me well in Minneapolis.
(I wore it daily)


The creature lied about me "spilling cake batter"(Her older sister threw it at me) after I tried to help them, as Mother instructed me to do.

I overheard them from upstairs. I was supposed to leave.

My half-cousin was in Rogers Memorial Hospital as a young child. I visited her. When I was in group therapy, they never asked me about my health or anything.

My half-cousin was in Rogers Memorial Hospital as a young child. I visited her. When I was in group therapy, they never asked me about my health or anything.

My "worship" consisted of visiting the person while she was hospitalized for eating disorders, visiting her sibling when he had surgeries, reading a book to her younger sibling, sharing snacks with her.
Word, when I graduated undergrad it was a good feeling for a bit. I got bored after a few months though. Only so much media you can consume that is interesting to you.
No matter how many times I see this it's so fucking brutal to think about it holy shit
My movements are awkward and stiff. If I try to correct them it looks weird as well.

I have social anxiety, as gay as it sounds. Which makes total sense considering my bad experiences in the past, my shit voice and looks. I can't look people in the eyes when I'm talking. I know how bad my recessed jaws looks like when I talk because I video-recorded it many times.

Seeing the condescending looks in people's eyes raises my cortisol levels, so I generally avoid it.

You really become what you look like. If there is any incongruence between the self-image in your head compared to how other people view you, then usually the self-image adapts to become closer and closer to the person you present to the outside world. I.e. in my case a timid little submissive slave. But I don't want that to happen. In my mind I am someone else, I don't have delusions that I'm the greatest man ever, I just like to not define myself based on my facial bone structure or the way I talk. But if I look people in the eyes over and over again, then I will lose my previous self-image and I will become more and more the submissive slave that they see.
I'd live much better if I only saw males without holes.

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