Shitty Pectoral Genetics

stop using cope in cases where it makes no sense. you're the ones saying "it's not my fault, there's nothing i can do about it, it's all genetics". if anyone is coping, it's you.
it is muscular insertions you absaloute retard. it is not posture. the skeletal muscle inserts differently onto bones (in some case other muscle/tissue) for everyone, this is why some people have different Abs from others, some people have higher or lower triceps, longer or more peaked biceps etc. it is not posture, it is not cope, it is genetics and it is unchangeable.
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it is muscular insertions you absaloute retard. it is not posture. the skeletal muscle inserts differently onto bones (in some case other muscle/tissue) for everyone, this is why some people have different Abs from others, some people have higher or lower triceps, longer or more peaked biceps etc. it is not posture, it is not cope, it is genetics and it is unchangeable.
for example i have 8 packs. i don't even workout abs properly. it's genetics. my friend got super weird abs structure.
you can alter it to at SOME LEVEL but you cannot change the whole structure of your muscle insertions ffs.
if you have super freaky chest with abnormal inserts it could even become a halo to some degree? not sure, but worth a shot
not sure. because a lot of people pointed out my chest like "why there is such a gap?" so i'm guessing it looks weird, ugly at some point.
Also to @randomvanish ,roids make your muscles bigger without necessarily making you gain weight. Stuff like tren, halo, mast harden and tighten your muscles while keeping you light. I don't really know what he is using though.
yeah his shoulders obvious, he's on roids hard. shoulder gains really hard, i gain only 4 inch in 3 years and it doesn't look that 3d look at all.
It's PE I told ya
  • Hmm...
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it is muscular insertions you absaloute retard. it is not posture. the skeletal muscle inserts differently onto bones (in some case other muscle/tissue) for everyone, this is why some people have different Abs from others, some people have higher or lower triceps, longer or more peaked biceps etc. it is not posture, it is not cope, it is genetics and it is unchangeable.
you don't know what you're talking about.
you don't know what you're talking about.
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  • JFL
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you don't know what you're talking about.
god your fucking retarded. you see where THE MUSCLE INSERTS? ON THE CHEST? SEE HOW ITS A DIFFERENT INSERTION (like its literally STUCK ON THE BONE) to most other people????? use your fucking brain absaloute dipshit.
god your fucking retarded. you see where THE MUSCLE INSERTS? ON THE CHEST? SEE HOW ITS A DIFFERENT INSERTION (like its literally STUCK ON THE BONE) to most other people????? use your fucking brain absaloute dipshit.
throwing insults around doesn't make your braindead point anymore convincing
throwing insults around doesn't make your braindead point anymore convincing
the muscle is inserted onto the bone, the way it is inserted is what makes it look how it does.
it's not about the muscle, it's about the shape of the bone below it.
>its not the way the muscle inserts onto the bone, its the way the bone is inserted onto the muscle
you are mentally deficient. jfl.
>its not the way the muscle inserts onto the bone, its the way the bone is inserted onto the muscle
you are mentally deficient. jfl.
i'm gonna give you another attempt to understand my response
i'm gonna give you another attempt to understand my response
dude there is a giant whole in my center of the chest, there is no bone attach there. my friend got pretty close attachment to the opposite sides, that's why it look super awesome on him while not on me.

HOWEVER, i have bad posture and keep working on that too. So i hope you're right and i can look a lot better than this.
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