Should I get just a Lefort 1 or do I need mid-face/ jaw implants as well?



Oct 18, 2022
I (25y.o) have to deal with an edge to edge bite, sleep apnea and midline discrepancy due to my dentist being fucking stupid and unable to identify this class 3 occlusion, despite it becoming present at 11-12.

At 10 y.o I had a crash and my whole jaw was traumatised and both front tooth lost. After that the malocclusion started to gradually form and I was too stupid to notice.
Now I have to deal with my whole family mogging me to death, both parents and my sister have perfectly wide and forward grown jaws and symmetrical faces, while mine developed like shit.

I already dealt with the narrow palate with MSE, though it made my face look even wider and my already narrow IPD even worse. Although it was far to wide before as well.

Is it even worth trying to correct this at 25, being broke currently? Insurance doesn’t cover anything here in Germany, which does make it even more annoying.
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euthanize your family
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I (25y.o) have to deal with an edge to edge bite, sleep apnea and midline discrepancy due to my dentist being fucking stupid and unable to identify this class 3 occlusion, despite it becoming present at 11-12.

At 10 y.o I had a crash and my whole jaw was traumatised and both front tooth lost. After that the malocclusion started to gradually form and I was too stupid to notice.
Now I have to deal with my whole family mogging me to death, both parents and my sister have perfectly wide and forward grown jaws and symmetrical faces, while mine developed like shit.

I already dealt with the narrow palate with MSE, though it made my face look even wider and my already narrow IPD even worse. Although it was far to wide before as well.

Is it even worth trying to correct this at 25, being broke currently? Insurance doesn’t cover anything here in Germany, which does make it even more annoying.View attachment 2431762View attachment 2431765View attachment 2431776View attachment 2431772
Bist du deutsch LOL? Finde deinen Case von Außen betrachtet nicht mal so schlimm. Habe kein sleep apnea, kein Traumata, kein großartig klinisch relevanten Fehlbiss und sehe trotzdem objektiv gesehen schlimmer aus. Guck dir meinen thread an den ich in meinem Profil verlinkt habe wo ich frage zu welchem surgeon ich für Bimax gehen soll. Ich glaube wenn du zu nem guten blackpilled surgeon gehst das du da noch was rausholen kannst. Ob du dadurch aber jeden moggest ist die andere Frage. Du musst entscheiden ob du das Risiko und die Qualen auf dich nehmen willst
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Ja, bin ich. Das meinen viele, weshalb es meistens weniger Ernst genommen wird. Mir fiel es selbst erst auf, nachdem ich wegen den Schmerzen im Kiefergelenk zu einem Kieferorthopäden bin. Dadurch bin ich überhaupt erst auf dieses Forum bzw. Blackpill aufmerksam geworden. Mir geht es auch nicht darum irgendjemanden zu moggen, ich will einfach das Bestmögliche, das eben noch in dem Alter möglich ist, rausholen und gleichzeitig, die gesundheitlichen Beschwerden, die mit der Klasse 3 einhergehen, lindern.
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Bist du deutsch LOL? Finde deinen Case von Außen betrachtet nicht mal so schlimm. Habe kein sleep apnea, kein Traumata, kein großartig klinisch relevanten Fehlbiss und sehe trotzdem objektiv gesehen schlimmer aus. Guck dir meinen thread an den ich in meinem Profil verlinkt habe wo ich frage zu welchem surgeon ich für Bimax gehen soll. Ich glaube wenn du zu nem guten blackpilled surgeon gehst das du da noch was rausholen kannst. Ob du dadurch aber jeden moggest ist die andere Frage. Du musst entscheiden ob du das Risiko und die Qualen auf dich nehmen willst
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A Lefort 1 would ascend you immensely. The whole point of your life should be to get that surgery asap
A Lefort 1 would ascend you immensely. The whole point of your life should be to get that surgery asap
Unfortunately I am a broke student as of yet. Insurance doesn’t cover anything in Germany, unless you look literally like a dinosaur.
I talked to a reputable surgeon here in Munich and he estimated costs of at least 25-30k€, which is just ridiculous.
Travel to India. If u wanna save money. Dr Sunil Richardson is legit.
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Unfortunately I am a broke student as of yet. Insurance doesn’t cover anything in Germany, unless you look literally like a dinosaur.
I talked to a reputable surgeon here in Munich and he estimated costs of at least 25-30k€, which is just ridiculous.
The good/ well known surgeons charge that or higher.
The good/ well known surgeons charge that or higher.
Yes, it would be fine in a different location, since with this kind of occlusion insurance would probably cover the costs. The surgeon said it is medically necessary but that insurance does not care about that. They rather have me wear a lifelong splint or sth. like that.
Travel to India. If u wanna save money. Dr Sunil Richardson is legit.
With this kind of surgery I´d honestly stay inlands, since communication would be a nuisance, should complications occur. But I will take a look at him thanks
With this kind of surgery I´d honestly stay inlands, since communication would be a nuisance, should complications occur. But I will take a look at him thanks
By the time u can afford the surgery u need in Europe u will be too old by then, thats why i suggested India
With this kind of surgery I´d honestly stay inlands, since communication would be a nuisance, should complications occur. But I will take a look at him thanks
I think that was a joke. Der typ ist ein schlimmer surgeon schreib mir privat kenne eigentlich alle surgeon aus europe
your jaw is developed too and your front profile and side profile are good, even I u fix this a by 30 you're not hurting urself IMO but ik mentally smalest problems fuck with u
Wie war deine Mse Erfahrung ? Ich habe auch ein Unterbiss würdest du sagen Mse wäre da eine Lösung ? Ich war diesbezüglich auch beim Kieferorthopäden der hat mir sogar eine OP vorgeschlagen was mich sehr überrascht hat, da ich gedacht habe dass sich das noch in Grenzen hält. Nun versucht er es mit invasilign in den Griff zu bekommen ich denke aber dass eine Oberkiefererweiterung durchaus mehr Sinn machen würde…
Wie war deine Mse Erfahrung ? Ich habe auch ein Unterbiss würdest du sagen Mse wäre da eine Lösung ? Ich war diesbezüglich auch beim Kieferorthopäden der hat mir sogar eine OP vorgeschlagen was mich sehr überrascht hat, da ich gedacht habe dass sich das noch in Grenzen hält. Nun versucht er es mit invasilign in den Griff zu bekommen ich denke aber dass eine Oberkiefererweiterung durchaus mehr Sinn machen würde…
MSE macht nur dann Sinn, falls dein Oberkiefer zu schmal für deinen Unterkiefer ist und sich dadurch Zahnengstand entwickelt. Ich habe zuvor kaum durch die Nase atmen können, das ist deutlich besser geworden. Von deinem Profil hätte ich jetzt nicht auf einen Unterbiss geschlossen.
Zu Beginn der Behandlung war es sehr schmerzhaft, nachdem Split wurde es dann sehr angenehm. Du musst allerdings damit rechnen, dass die MSE in einigen Fällen (wie bei mir) asymmetrisch dehnt. Meine größere Gesichtshälfte hat deutlich mehr expandiert. Optisch hat es mir persönlich eher Nachteile gebracht.

Auch wichtig ist, dass eine MSE keine Klasse 3 behandelt, dafür brauchst du, falls jung genug, eine zusätzliche Gesichtsmaske oder eben eine Kiefer OP. Es ist aber häufig so, dass der Oberkiefer in allen Dimensionen verhältnismäßig schlecht ausgeprägt ist.
I (25y.o) have to deal with an edge to edge bite, sleep apnea and midline discrepancy due to my dentist being fucking stupid and unable to identify this class 3 occlusion, despite it becoming present at 11-12.

At 10 y.o I had a crash and my whole jaw was traumatised and both front tooth lost. After that the malocclusion started to gradually form and I was too stupid to notice.
Now I have to deal with my whole family mogging me to death, both parents and my sister have perfectly wide and forward grown jaws and symmetrical faces, while mine developed like shit.

I already dealt with the narrow palate with MSE, though it made my face look even wider and my already narrow IPD even worse. Although it was far to wide before as well.

Is it even worth trying to correct this at 25, being broke currently? Insurance doesn’t cover anything here in Germany, which does make it even more annoying.View attachment 2431762View attachment 2431765View attachment 2431776View attachment 2431772
If you really have that many functional problems insurance in Germany will most likely pay a sum for it. Go to your local Uniklinik and get an appointment with a Professor you literally only need a Lefort I and maybe Alarplasty + Rhino and you're good. (Just saw that you had MSE done that's probably why your nose is so wide.)
Unfortunately I am a broke student as of yet. Insurance doesn’t cover anything in Germany, unless you look literally like a dinosaur.
I talked to a reputable surgeon here in Munich and he estimated costs of at least 25-30k€, which is just ridiculous.
If you are willing to pay 25-30K just go to Switzerland or Italy at least there you wouldn't run into the risk of worsening your case. As I said earlier contact your local Uniklinikum or go to the big ones like Heidelberg, Aachen, DDorf and ask to get an appointment with a Professor. I would go to Düsseldorf or if you are from southern Germany HEIDELBERG if you are really that broke go to Heidelberg there is a Professor there helping people max out their insurance claims, be upfront about what you want to do and what the functional problems are that you're having and LEAVE this site ASAP before somebody indoctrinates you into the Trimax with Implants meme resulting in you being the next James Sapphire.
Also there is a thread on the German board on this forum talking about the best surgeons in Germany and adjacent countries so I would check that out!
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If you really have that many functional problems insurance in Germany will most likely pay a sum for it. Go to your local Uniklinik and get an appointment with a Professor you literally only need a Lefort I and maybe Alarplasty + Rhino and you're good. (Just saw that you had MSE done that's probably why your nose is so wide.)

If you are willing to pay 25-30K just go to Switzerland or Italy at least there you wouldn't run into the risk of worsening your case. As I said earlier contact your local Uniklinikum or go to the big ones like Heidelberg, Aachen, DDorf and ask to get an appointment with a Professor. I would go to Düsseldorf or if you are from southern Germany HEIDELBERG if you are really that broke go to Heidelberg there is a Professor there helping people max out their insurance claims, be upfront about what you want to do and what the functional problems are that you're having and LEAVE this site ASAP before somebody indoctrinates you into the Trimax with Implants meme resulting in you being the next James Sapphire.
Also there is a thread on the German board on this forum talking about the best surgeons in Germany and adjacent countries so I would check that out!
Orthos did tell me, that I shouldn´t even bother to try, since they will never cover a moderately severe case like mine.
Many thanks. I will look into that. I already have made an appointment in Uniklinikum München. Although I have to wait 3 more months for that.

Rhino since my nose will be altered after surgery or because it is already bulbous at the tip?
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your jaw is developed too and your front profile and side profile are good, even I u fix this a by 30 you're not hurting urself IMO but ik mentally smalest problems fuck with u
My lower one is well developed according to ortho. Everything on top is pretty underdeveloped in relation. He mentioned the Maxilla needs to be advanced by about 7mm.
Orthos did tell me, that I shouldn´t even bother to try, since they will never cover a moderately severe case like mine.
Many thanks. I will look into that. I already have made an appointment in Uniklinikum München. Although I have to wait 3 more months for that.

Rhino since my nose will be altered after surgery or because it is already bulbous at the tip?
As far as I can guess MSE did widen your nose which is slightly and only slightly hurting your attractiveness. Lefort 1 can and will most likely keep on widening your alar base so yes I would definitely get a Rhino to keep the Nose harmonious.

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