Should I go clubbing alone?



Goodbye and Good luck.
Oct 16, 2018
I look much better in real life, well I don't have the money for a photoshoot. But I have no friends
If you want pussy its worth a shot. And what is your life situations since you have no friends?

I tell acquaintances at college class I go club alone in Japan.

Chinese friend told me he go clubbing with friends, say girl he with passed out drunk, ruined whole night.

I tell him not have to deal with such problems.

I say I go alone for girls, not go with girls and others.

Chinese friend tell me he go to get drunk, I say I don't drink. I order soda.

Then western acquaintance tell me, girls think I creep standing there with soda while everyone drunk. But I tell him I act drunk and say it vodka.

I recommend westerner go to club in China, I go club in Japan but even as foreign Japanese have to go to gaijin club as some not accept foreigner.
View attachment 5154

I tell acquaintances at college class I go club alone in Japan.

Chinese friend told me he go clubbing with friends, say girl he with passed out drunk, ruined whole night.

I tell him not have to deal with such problems.

I say I go alone for girls, not go with girls and others.

Chinese friend tell me he go to get drunk, I say I don't drink. I order soda.

Then western acquaintance tell me, girls think I creep standing there with soda while everyone drunk. But I tell him I act drunk and say it vodka.

I recommend westerner go to club in China, I go club in Japan but even as foreign Japanese have to go to gaijin club as some not accept foreigner.
Wtf is this a riddle?
So if I'm going for girls it's better to go alone. I don't drink as well I order cola
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Wtf is this a riddle?
So if I'm going for girls it's better to go alone. I don't drink as well I order cola


Yes but truth is as westerner to go to club in west not so good.

Most go with friends, even in Asia.

But in Asia as J-Pop boy I go club alone and since mog average rice it different for me.

So recommend only go alone if Chad, in short.
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Reactions: Time Travel and YoungJohnnyDepp
Near london
Ah, bit far.
I live in northern england. Tough luck, anyway you might as well try going on your own so you can tell me if it's worth it, lol.
Ah, bit far.
I live in northern england. Tough luck, anyway you might as well try going on your own so you can tell me if it's worth it, lol.
I'm more scared about being attacked or some shit tbh
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I'm more scared about being attacked or some shit tbh
People don't jump others for no reason tbh. Unless you steal some shit off a drug dealer I doubt anything will happen.
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Ah, bit far.
I live in northern england. Tough luck, anyway you might as well try going on your own so you can tell me if it's worth it, lol.
damn where in the north. PM me we might be close
damn where in the north. PM me we might be close
You first, I've got too much heat from incels to do that lol.
Nah, you first, I've got too much heat from incels to do that lol.
man we need some way (in pms) to range it down without giving too much away.
Lol just LDAR menn. I know whats it like
Going to a club as an incel is like a jew going to a nazi rally.
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Depends exactly what you mean by 'club', since from my experience, a club is very different from country to country. In the UK, a club is where people go to dance and listen to music. There's literally nothing else to do there. There's small bars to buy drinks (no seats or anything, very few), toilets, and a smoking area, and that's it. There's booths for VIPs of course, but that's not the focus at all.

However, from my understanding, in the US a club is also a pub/bar. There's music and a dance floor, but also numerous tables with seats. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I can't imagine going to a club alone, in the UK at least. It's a very social place, and someone who's alone sticks out like a sore thumb, and I highly doubt that would lead to any success with girls. Besides, in the UK, the club is a TERRIBLE place to get girls. Shit commercial clubs where all the sluts and normies go are bad because all the girls are attention whores, and at good clubs, everyone, including the girls is there for the music. And you should be too.

To be honest, if you go to a club with friends with the purpose of getting girls, that\s a pretty bad idea in and of itself. But to go to a club alone to get girls... I can't imagine that ever going well.
"But I have no friends"

Sounds pretty incel. How many women have you fucked?
I choose to have no friends. I had cool chadlite white friends who smoke weed which made me paranoid which is why I don't want to go club alone.
I choose to have no friends. I had cool chadlite white friends who smoke weed which made me paranoid which is why I don't want to go club alone.

You're not answering the question so it's probably a low amount (I'd guess zero, tbh).

You are an incel buddyboyo, whether you choose to identify as one or not.
You're not answering the question so it's probably a low amount (I'd guess zero, tbh).

You are an incel buddyboyo, whether you choose to identify as one or not.
So you've never seen my face. You have no idea how women have reacted to me in my life and you're calling me an incel. You need to focus on yourself mate going to fucking Asia to get ugly gook women. I'd sort it out
So you've never seen my face. You have no idea how women have reacted to me in my life and you're calling me an incel. You need to focus on yourself mate going to fucking Asia to get ugly gook women. I'd sort it out

There's tons of incels who have good faces. Incel = involuntarily celibate. You want to have sex, and you're not able to. Hence, you're an incel.

Inb4 muh IOI's, it doesn't mean shit (and you could well be misreading the situation), the only IOI is PIV.
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i always wanted to go alone but i have no balls, idk scared of looking dumb or having no one to talk to
There's tons of incels who have good faces. Incel = involuntarily celibate. You want to have sex, and you're not able to. Hence, you're an incel.

Inb4 muh IOI's, it doesn't mean shit (and you could well be misreading the situation), the only IOI is PIV.
Something more than 'good' btw im 18
Something more than 'good'

I couldn't give a shit if you mogged prime chico, you're still a friendless virgin talking about going to clubs alone to try and get laid, so you're an incel.
I couldn't give a shit if you mogged prime chico, you're still a friendless virgin talking about going to clubs alone to try and get laid, so you're an incel.
Fair enough, I think I misread you sorry
"But I have no friends"

Sounds pretty incel. How many women have you fucked?


I remember before you dismissed you said you had no friends inrl.

I have 1 friend, Chinese girl.

Therefore I am not incel as have 1 friend I went and did stuff with outside class with.

the only IOI is PIV


You need to focus on yourself mate going to fucking Asia to get ugly gook women.


Western women are pigs inside and out.
View attachment 5154

I tell acquaintances at college class I go club alone in Japan.

Chinese friend told me he go clubbing with friends, say girl he with passed out drunk, ruined whole night.

I tell him not have to deal with such problems.

I say I go alone for girls, not go with girls and others.

Chinese friend tell me he go to get drunk, I say I don't drink. I order soda.

Then western acquaintance tell me, girls think I creep standing there with soda while everyone drunk. But I tell him I act drunk and say it vodka.

I recommend westerner go to club in China, I go club in Japan but even as foreign Japanese have to go to gaijin club as some not accept foreigner.
  • +1
Reactions: Time Travel, 11gaijin and Zesto


You finally realized?

I am posting as Japanese ELL.

Took you long enough.
Here's the Intel I got from going alone and if you're trying to hook up that night

Have a good vibe, don't be all serious or try to play mysterious, girls won't even look at you. I have a strong resting douche face and my social anxiety stopped me from having a good vibe the first times I went by myself.

When you finally get to dance with a girl and she asks "who are you here with?" lie! My go to lie is my friends left me here/got mad and left/ got tired and left or you can pretend you're looking for them when they ask you by looking around the dance floor and then say " meh probably left again"

Be careful how much you drink. I don't know about others but when I'm alone I tend to drink more than with friends and tend to blackout if I don't keep track of my booze. Also, if you get too drunk girls won't wanna dance with you.

There won't be any friends to tell you the girl you're hitting on is not a perfect 10 as you see her so be prepared for the "beer goggles" and the bad life choices you took when you wake up the next day.
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you finally get to dance with a girl and she asks "who are you here with?" lie! My go to lie is my friends left me here/got mad and left/ got tired and left or you can pretend you're looking for them when they ask you by looking around the dance floor and then say " meh probably left again"


Cucked, only cucks need to explain themselves.
Don't go clubbing alone if you're not a Chad tbh. Otherwise you'll just get ignored and you'll look weird and out of place.

@Time Travel do you have any opinion of going to Japanese club/bar alone?

Would be out of place? Did gaijins by themselves seem odd/judged?

Very interested to hear your opinion, aniki.
I actually recommend it. You can act a lot more wild than when friends are there. When friends are there, they might spread your mistakes and make you seem retarded.
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yea go, also take some phenibut/low inhib drugs and let loose. hit on every women there srs.

better than ldaring
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@Time Travel do you have any opinion of going to Japanese club/bar alone?

Would be out of place? Did gaijins by themselves seem odd/judged?

Very interested to hear your opinion, aniki.
I've been to bars alone but never to clubs.
it's kinda weird to do that unless you have no problems socializing with strangers at all.
You stand out if you go alone and stand in a club on your own. If you end up going to a club alone just try to find some people to tag along with asap.
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Slayer. How do u get paid? Autism bucks? I'm trying to get those now actually

Autismbux in Cucknited States only $9000 (not even over 9000) a year if never worked before and apply for SSI.

I would do for myself as I'm sure I qualify as autistic enough, but I do only if I live Cuck S A and move to Japan and work there.

That way Americucks can send me neetbux to my account all the while I'm not even in the country, and of course I not report overseas income to Americucks.

I may set this up before I move permanently, and then set my address to my parents house.

Then I have extra $9000 to spend on anime, manga, and anime dolls.
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Autismbux in Cucknited States only $9000 (not even over 9000) a year if never worked before and apply for SSI.

I would do for myself as I'm sure I qualify as autistic enough, but I do only if I live Cuck S A and move to Japan and work there.

That way Americucks can send me neetbux to my account all the while I'm not even in the country, and of course I not report overseas income to Americucks.

I may set this up before I move permanently, and then set my address to my parents house.

Then I have extra $9000 to spend on anime, manga, and anime dolls.
I make decent money in my actual job and camwhoring
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