Should I study Life Sciences?



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Oct 15, 2019
Its a term that includes drug development, biotechnology / genetic engineering

Similar is the study medical technology / bioinformatics

The problem is if you want to create a company you need extremely high capital and long research and development duration, the global competition is also huge
The market is very oligopolistic
Only 15-20 new drugs are accepted each year globally!

@Moneymaxxed @eduardkoopman
My girlfriend does it and likes it
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drug development, biotechnology / genetic engineering
This is a mfo, hot field.
And, these pharma companies, their stocks also go like a roallercaster often. I can't invest or play that market, because I don't understand it. But if you have knwoledge, you can maybe seehich pharma companies are doing a clinical test and whatever that process is called to get it approved. And you can maybe predict above the average person, what is going to do well.
I recall the youtube finance lessons from Skrelli was alot about pharma, maybe interesting for you to watch.

In the end.
You can make big bucks. By owning pharma company. Try to buy patents for certain medicine, or something that only 1 company produces because it's low margin (so others don't). And try to buy it. And then ramp up the price.

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The chem will drive you insane.
Bio terminology recall is off the charts.
If you can't get top grades in chem in HS and don't have good recall don't bother.
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too high Iq thread for me. I'm out
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The chem will drive you insane.
Bio terminology recall is off the charts.
If you can't get top grades in chem in HS and don't have good recall don't bother.
You assume, someone to go become a wage-slave-cuck; whom actually does chem work. No one gets rich from that stuff.
While maybe it can also help, to start a business in Pharma. Although maybe a chem diploma is not necesairy for that. But do need knowledge about pharma and chemestry a bit.

Why is everyone always aiming to become some wage-slave.
I have only been a wage slave for 2 years orso max. For the last 15 years. Hated it, most of the times.
Being on your own, isn't 100% easy also. But wage-slaving ain't cool either.
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This is a mfo, hot field.
And, these pharma companies, their stocks also go like a roallercaster often

To become a Multimillionaire ( 30 million+) your chances are the highest if you're

- developed country ( us, japan, china, uk, germany, france)
- upper middle class family or higher
- study booming fields like IT at top universities to get connnections and expertise ( harvard, stanford, cambridge)
- become an entrepreneur in that booming field
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imo, You forgot to add to the list:
- age (younger = better)
- healthy
- iq above 110 orso may also help
- become an entrepreneur in that booming field
This last step, is also very important. In my personal opinion.

And. becoming an entrepreneur, is also a skill that needs to be developed/trained. That's why I think it's necesairy to be starting doing entrepreneur, husstles, whatever it's called. Aka, trying to make money, in the free open market. Most will fail plenty, and lose some money. But that's the only way to learn that skill. It's best to start that young/early, because you have more free time to do that, failures are less of a problem (no/little responsibilities, no/little monthly living expenses, less status lss with failure also).

I don't beleive most people that become an entrepreneur/business owner. Start first a life of wage-slaving for like 10 years, and then leave wage-slaving job and succesfully start the first business on their own and be an immediate success. It needs to be learned the hard way.
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I got my IQ tested and it said 133 (not sure how accurate)
I am dying rn in biomed by the second wheras I was crusing in HS.

IQ matters a lot less its brute force memorisation for bio and some of chem
Not sure why i am the only low IQ member in my family with 120+ IQ

May have sth to do with being deaf for the first years of my life
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IQ matters a lot less its brute force memorisation for bio and some of chem
This is legit. Biology is something that low or average IQ people can easily master, as it is mainly memorization.
I did Chem in HS and was hard sometimes. Organic chem and other stuff requires a lot of intelligence, by experience. But i was too lazy.
Fuck this shit, my IQ is not over 95 :feelsuhh:
That's actually sad, you'll have a hard time doing life sciences, ded srs. but if you are passionate, go for it.

However, you should plan ahead on how much it will benefit you in the future. If it has a high job demand and pays well you should do it.
If not, i'd say screw it and come over to the IT field. Back in HS there was this bio teacher who had a doctorate which took him 8 years to get. But he was a school teacher with only being baid 50-60k annually.
There's IT nerds who don't even do a degree, learn coding on their own and get a job that pays them well above 90k, from home.
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