Should I take accutane at 20?

Yes or no

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 46.2%

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Deleted member 11126

Dec 4, 2020
I assumed by 19 this shit would be gone but I still have it. Tret barely is working whenever I manage to get it under control with routine one bad week of stress can make it all come back.

My acne today is as bad as 16.

Pros: Acne is gone forever long term not just temporary.

Cons: possible growth stunting (already 20 so probably does not matter) chronic issues like dry eyes lips and possibly serious hormone disruptions
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isotret is poison tbh
isotret is poison tbh
It seems to work forever though I've had routines that help for sure but one bad week and acne comes back I want this to go away forever.

Some people can eat like total shit with no routine and still have perfect skin
accutane doesnt work forever, if you stop it it can come back after a year or two, or so ive heard
accutane doesnt work forever, if you stop it it can come back after a year or two, or so ive heard
That’s something that rarely happens, if your acne is caused by your oil glands overproducing sebum then accutane will completely get rid of that because it literally destroys the cells that produce sebum. That’s why most people after accutane will have skin on the drier side.
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Give yourself a little more time with tret if it’s still not working 6 months from now then get on accutane (make sure it’s low dose 20 mg a day at most)
I assumed by 19 this shit would be gone but I still have it. Tret barely is working whenever I manage to get it under control with routine one bad week of stress can make it all come back.

My acne today is as bad as 16.

Pros: Acne is gone forever long term not just temporary.

Cons: possible growth stunting (already 20 so probably does not matter) chronic issues like dry eyes lips and possibly serious hormone disruptions
Accutane I was fine for me but you should pickup a proper skincare routine and increase your Tret percentage. Also accutane doesn’t take away all your acne forever + it’s half a year sometimes more of being on it
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Accutane I was fine for me but you should pickup a proper skincare routine and increase your Tret percentage. Also accutane doesn’t take away all your acne forever + it’s half a year sometimes more of being on it
I have shit that semi works but then if I eat bad or mess up in one week its back. Also acne takes so fucking long to heal one week of acne will take 1-2 months to completely heal.
I have shit that semi works but then if I eat bad or mess up in one week its back. Also acne takes so fucking long to heal one week of acne will take 1-2 months to completely heal.
What % is your tret rn? I think starting is 0.025
I assumed by 19 this shit would be gone but I still have it. Tret barely is working whenever I manage to get it under control with routine one bad week of stress can make it all come back.

My acne today is as bad as 16.

Pros: Acne is gone forever long term not just temporary.

Cons: possible growth stunting (already 20 so probably does not matter) chronic issues like dry eyes lips and possibly serious hormone disruptions
Accutane is poison yea but acne makes me go avtually insane and w the proper prescription and blood work I feel like any serious bad side effect is risk is like 2% so for me i think it’s worth the risk, and I don’t think u grow much after 18
It seems to work forever though I've had routines that help for sure but one bad week and acne comes back I want this to go away forever.

Some people can eat like total shit with no routine and still have perfect skin
What are you most concerned about? Maybe I’m being reckless when considering to take accutane next month (at 18). Are you leaning towards taking it or no cuz I know you’re not gonna decide off a poll lol.
if tret doesn't work then yes obviously
Nah, don’t take that Jew shit. You will turn into a stunted infertile cuck.
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I took it at 20. Cleared my skin on 20mg for 6 months. However I still have dry eyes 2 months of the drug so be cautious ⚠️
Nah, don’t take that Jew shit. You will turn into a stunted infertile cuck.
I know its jewish but my acne is holding me back so much I look significantly worse with it.

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