Side effects on Finasteride in an 18 Year old



Mar 23, 2024
Am 18 Years old M, I have damaged my hair when I was 15 by using too many products and Now am trying to repair the dmg, Should I take Finasteride with Minoxidil to Fix my hairline and Make my hair thicker (Stage 1 rn).Am currently 17 percent body fat and Trying to increase Test and Muscle, So am wondering what kind of Side effects would I face while using Finasteride. I have No hairfall btw, No strands of hair r there on my pillow when I wake up but when I slide my hand through my hair, I get around 7-8 Strands. My hair are pretty long and Curly. no spots on my head tho only the hairline is the issue, Ill attach the photos of my hairline below.


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I heard you can get gyno from it due to lack of DHT and high esterogen or something
Yea Thats why I don't want to use that
Take finasteride, gyno can be removed later easily with a safe and guaranteed procedure, but its much harder to restore hair back to original density
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Am 18 Years old M, I have damaged my hair when I was 15 by using too many products and Now am trying to repair the dmg, Should I take Finasteride with Minoxidil to Fix my hairline and Make my hair thicker (Stage 1 rn).Am currently 17 percent body fat and Trying to increase Test and Muscle, So am wondering what kind of Side effects would I face while using Finasteride. I have No hairfall btw, No strands of hair r there on my pillow when I wake up but when I slide my hand through my hair, I get around 7-8 Strands. My hair are pretty long and Curly. no spots on my head tho only the hairline is the issue, Ill attach the photos of my hairline below.
you have the same temples as me, you might not restore the actual temple but can grow and hide it better
it decreases dht but increases test, honestly i dont know much about it, but i want to do some research on it for a while
Take finasteride, gyno can be removed later easily with a safe and guaranteed procedure, but its much harder to restore hair back to original density
My forehead condition rn btw, The left side had stitches so ofc hai won't grow there that good, But my right side my main problem, No hairloss on my head and My hair is thicker than before.


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Take finasteride, gyno can be removed later easily with a safe and guaranteed procedure, but its much harder to restore hair back to original density
yeah tbh both options suck but losing hair is worse than gyno
Am 18 Years old M, I have damaged my hair when I was 15 by using too many products and Now am trying to repair the dmg, Should I take Finasteride with Minoxidil to Fix my hairline and Make my hair thicker (Stage 1 rn).Am currently 17 percent body fat and Trying to increase Test and Muscle, So am wondering what kind of Side effects would I face while using Finasteride. I have No hairfall btw, No strands of hair r there on my pillow when I wake up but when I slide my hand through my hair, I get around 7-8 Strands. My hair are pretty long and Curly. no spots on my head tho only the hairline is the issue, Ill attach the photos of my hairline below.
As I turned 18 I hopped on Fin from last 6 months, going pretty well, no sides yet, higher libido, more energetic, and not even a single hair falls in shower
As I turned 18 I hopped on Fin from last 6 months, going pretty well, no sides yet, higher libido, more energetic, and not even a single hair falls in shower
Hmm, Oral Or topical? And whats ur body fat percentage rn?
As I turned 18 I hopped on Fin from last 6 months, going pretty well, no sides yet, higher libido, more energetic, and not even a single hair falls in shower
did u initially shed from fin?
did u initially shed from fin?
I don't know as I buzzed my hair when I started the treatment so won't get depressed during the shed phase
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I don't know as I buzzed my hair when I started the treatment so won't get depressed during the shed phase
i need to buzz tbh.
how did it look?
what your hairline cooked?
i need to buzz tbh.
how did it look?
what your hairline cooked?
U don't need to buzz, Ive been using only minoxidil frm a couple of months and the shed phase isn't that bad, Its just a proof that the medicine is working.
OP stop listening to clowns talking about "muhh gyno" same retarded freaks who would tell you that you'll commit sodoku if you hop on Accutane for fucked up acne/skin lmao.

Gyno is a SUPER SUPER rare adverse effect and wasn't originally even reported as a side effect in the large-scale finasteride studies many decades ago (ITS THAT RARE)

You're losing your hair, your temples are receding faster than sonic the hedgehog. Minoxidil by itself will not be enough as it's only a growth stimulant, and doesn't do anything about the root cause.
OP stop listening to clowns talking about "muhh gyno" same retarded freaks who would tell you that you'll commit sodoku if you hop on Accutane for fucked up acne/skin lmao.

Gyno is a SUPER SUPER rare adverse effect and wasn't originally even reported as a side effect in the large-scale finasteride studies many decades ago (ITS THAT RARE)

You're losing your hair, your temples are receding faster than sonic the hedgehog. Minoxidil by itself will not be enough as it's only a growth stimulant, and doesn't do anything about the root cause.
Alr man thanks, Ill use fin topical with Minoxidil 5 percent to promote the growth and I'll get hormone tests every month just incase to see if it spikes estrogen or no.
U don't need to buzz, Ive been using only minoxidil frm a couple of months and the shed phase isn't that bad, Its just a proof that the medicine is working.
ye ik i i experienced that it can grow hair back. i used oral for 8months and saw incredible results. i stopped for 2 months and it has been the most brutal shed ever. i’ve been back on it now for a month, hoping i can get my gains, especially temples back.
when did you notice regriwrh?
ye ik i i experienced that it can grow hair back. i used oral for 8months and saw incredible results. i stopped for 2 months and it has been the most brutal shed ever. i’ve been back on it now for a month, hoping i can get my gains, especially temples back.
when did you notice regriwrh?
Don't ever stop using Minoxidil bro, Ive reduced to dosage to 1ml, It was 2ml before, and am shedding cuz of that, I'll increase the dosage and start taking fin asw
Don't ever stop using Minoxidil bro, Ive reduced to dosage to 1ml, It was 2ml before, and am shedding cuz of that, I'll increase the dosage and start taking fin asw
5mg right?
i see regrowrh in the months of using 5mg?
na minox. u said u been using for a couple of months
Yes 5% topical, 60ml bottle, Twice a day, Great results, My hair had never been thicker.
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Yes 5% topical, 60ml bottle, Twice a day, Great results, My hair had never been thicker.
when did you notice the thickness increase? from when u started
OP stop listening to clowns talking about "muhh gyno" same retarded freaks who would tell you that you'll commit sodoku if you hop on Accutane for fucked up acne/skin lmao.

Gyno is a SUPER SUPER rare adverse effect and wasn't originally even reported as a side effect in the large-scale finasteride studies many decades ago (ITS THAT RARE)

You're losing your hair, your temples are receding faster than sonic the hedgehog. Minoxidil by itself will not be enough as it's only a growth stimulant, and doesn't do anything about the root cause.
Taking fin at 18 is retarded
when did you notice the thickness increase? from when u started
Around 2 months after i started, It was brutal before, My hair was damaged cuz of all the hair sprays ive used 2 years back and became extremely think, My hairfall stopped after using Minoxidil and My hair are WAAY thicker now
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Around 2 months after i started, It was brutal before, My hair was damaged cuz of all the hair sprays ive used 2 years back and became extremely think, My hairfall stopped after using Minoxidil and My hair are WAAY thicker now
did u shed the first month then and get thicker hair the second month?
Taking fin at 18 is retarded
Thats exactly why am not trying to take it yet, I've been thinking of only using Minoxidil for sm months and If I don't see results then I'll start using fin
did u shed the first month then and get thicker hair the second month?
Nothing for first month, Shed started at second month, Shit was brutal, I saw results after my shed phase was over, So around the end of the second month.
Thats exactly why am not trying to take it yet, I've been thinking of only using Minoxidil for sm months and If I don't see results then I'll start using fin
why you care about your temples? No one is looking at them anyway, just fraud with a longer haircut
And when you are 21 or some shit and finished developing take 1mg finasteride everyday and do a hair transplant to get your original density
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Nothing for first month, Shed started at second month, Shit was brutal, I saw results after my shed phase was over, So around the end of the second month.
after your shed finished, did the hair grow back right after.
Kinda, I saw the growth under a week after my shed was over.
mirin brother
hopefully my gains come back
my shed from stopping the minox stopped like 3 days ago
and i don’t think i shed from minox the first time i used.
if i did it was very very minor
did u initially shed from fin?
Kinda, I saw the growth under a week after my shed was over.
I did some research at it
The shed mostly come from minoxidil, not fin itself. Many people experienced no shed from fin

For myself, i never experienced a shed from minoxidil loolll , me lower eye lashes are now more then 2 cm. It grow now too long

I gonna take fin soon
For myself, i never experienced a shed from minoxidil loolll , me lower eye lashes are now more then 2 cm. It grow now too long
did u get from my thread or nah? just wondering jfl

The shed mostly come from minoxidil, not fin itself. Many people experienced no shed from fin
have u experienced scalp gains on minox?
if so when did you notice it once shed finished?
Which thread

I experienced no shed from minoxidil , yea i noticed some scalp gains
don’t ever stop minox man,
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My forehead condition rn btw, The left side had stitches so ofc hai won't grow there that good, But my right side my main problem, No hairloss on my head and My hair is thicker than before.
Even I had such dense hair, but I went from nw0 to nw2.5 in just a year, the quicker you hop on fin the more hair you save
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Don't listen to anyone saying otherwise, TAKE FINASTERIDE. You don't wanna wait until it's too late. The science says it's totally safe and if you were to encounter any small side effects (which are unlikely but can happen) then you can often wait them out or lower the dose. If they against all odds don't subside then you can quit it and be back where you started. But TAKE IT please don't go bald at such a young age.
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Don't listen to anyone saying otherwise, TAKE FINASTERIDE. You don't wanna wait until it's too late. The science says it's totally safe and if you were to encounter any small side effects (which are unlikely but can happen) then you can often wait them out or lower the dose. If they against all odds don't subside then you can quit it and be back where you started. But TAKE IT please don't go bald at such a young age.
I should had started fin at 17 btw, my puberty ended like when I was 16, I’ve gone from nw 0.5 to nw 2 in 1 year (17-18)
I should had started fin at 17 btw, my puberty ended like when I was 16, I’ve gone from nw 0.5 to nw 2 in 1 year (17-18)
Yep that's exactly what happened to me, only that it happened a year earlier for me. 0.5 to 2 from 16-17 then I started fin at 17. No sides
Take finasteride, gyno can be removed later easily with a safe and guaranteed procedure, but its much harder to restore hair back to original density
Hair transplants NEVER go back to original density, its not the purpose neither is it possible for those with more than a norwood 2 or max norwood 3.

however OP is too young for fin, he needs DHT at this age, he should wait till early adulthood and take it under a doctors watch
OP your hair is not damaged from products it is male pattern baldness, harsh products can make it go faster if you already have MPB
Yep that's exactly what happened to me, only that it happened a year earlier for me. 0.5 to 2 from 16-17 then I started fin at 17. No sides
How are you coping with it br
Hair transplants NEVER go back to original density, its not the purpose neither is it possible for those with more than a norwood 2 or max norwood 3.

however OP is too young for fin, he needs DHT at this age, he should wait till early adulthood and take it under a doctors watch
THAT is exactly why I am telling him to hop on fin earlier, you dont need DHT anymore and you will get at max a few cm of height which is not worth going over norwood 2

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